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McAfee awards grants to train cybercrime fighters

WZ Online

The renown security company McAfee, announced it has awarded two grants to help train cybercrime fighters The grants of US$ 55,000 werde given to the Council of Europe and to the National District Attorneys Association and will be utilized in programs to train law enforcement, prosecutors and judges on cybercrime to make a practical and measurable impact on decreasing criminal activity.

"Cybercrime is a growing problem that negatively impacts everybody, especially in the current economic climate," said Dave DeWalt, McAfee president and chief executive officer. "A lot has been done to combat cybercrime over the past decade, but criminals still have the upper hand. McAfee is proud to support these two organizations to advance their efforts to make the world a safer place."

The Council of Europe has been a pioneer in the fight on cybercrime with its Convention on Cybercrime, the most important international treaty enabling prosecution of cybercriminals. Today the Council of Europe works tirelessly on adoption of its Convention and the training of law enforcement, prosecutors and judges around the globe.

"Much of our private life takes place on and is stored on our computers," said Alexander Seger, head of the Economic Crime division for the Council of Europe and responsible for the Council’s global project on cybercrime. "This means that if our computers are attacked, our fundamental rights are attacked. Therefore, we need to take action against cybercrime. It is clear that McAfee shares our dedication and we thank them for this grant."

The National District Attorneys Association represents state and local prosecutors across the United States. The NDAA is a key group in the prosecution of cybercriminals, it provides education of local constituencies and offers assistance to cybercrime victims. Through its grant, McAfee will help multiply the important cybercrime training the association has developed to reach prosecutors who heretofore have not had the opportunity for such training. The NDAA will use McAfee’s grant to offer an electronic training course for prosecutors and law enforcement across the U.S.


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