Succession Planning

Roadmap to retirement

It takes a strong, confident and optimistic personality to build and run a business -- but these qualities are not necessarily the most conducive to retirement planning and wealth management. For these, business owners need to let go some of...

More Succession Planning

  • After the sale

    Business owners are more than just business owners; they are also individual men and women. And succession planning is not about an end...

  • Taming your tax liability

    To ensure the best possible conditions when a business owner is ready to pass the helm to the next generation, succession planning can...

  • Learning to let go

    It seems Queen Elizabeth II is not the only octogenarian holding on to the crown while the next generation, long passed retirement age, ...

  • Financing the sale

    “In all the succession plans I’ve done, I’ve only had one situation where the founders had enough wealth outside the business to basically...

  • Knowing your work's worth

    Most business owners have an idea what their business is worth, and many informally plan their retirement and estate based on that value...

Small Business

Training takes SMEs to next level

Most entrepreneurs reach a point when they wonder if they need to upgrade their leadership and business skills to take their business to that hard-to-...

How do I keep up morale in a down market?

"That question is being asked a lot right now," says Claude Balthazard, director of HR excellence with the Human Resources Professionals Association. ...

Don't try to boil the ocean...

Today's advanced information technology systems let ambitious small businesses take on the world. But that doesn't always mean they should.

Big players need to be kept in check

With so much of the spotlight focused on the billions of dollars earmarked by the Harper government for stimulus spending, less prominent are the significant...