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Language Learners

Learning German

Whether you're a beginner, can already speak German, or just need some business vocabulary, Deutsche Welle's individualized German language courses can help you to improve your skills. Our multimedia offer including audios, videos and texts cover all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension to speaking and pronunciation. Give it a try!


German for everyone


A young women sits at a desk

Follow the journalism student Andreas and his mysterious companion.



Young people smiling

Visiting the supermarket or finding a place to stay: Lessons from everyday life.



A row of men in dress shirts and ties

Interested in economics and business topics? Then try some German for work.



Soccer Speak

Uwe the alien

Learn German soccer vocabulary with Uwe from the planet Elfmetra.


German for Tourists

Chinese tourists at Neuschwanstein

Find all the words and phrases you need to know when traveling in Germany.



An elderly man with a beard, sitting near a blue and white Bavarian flag

Get an insider's look at Germany's dialects, from Bavaria to the North Sea.


Useful tips and services in German

Newsletters & Feeds

Learn German at home or on the go



Tips, pen-pal opportunities and FAQs


About us

Free German course in 30 languages


German courses

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Journal (english) - With The Week

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