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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About DW-WORLD.DE

Take a look behind the scenes of our Web site and radio programs to find out more about what we do, how we do it, and to get to know some of the people behind Deutsche Welle's English-language service.

Deutsche Welle's online service is one of three media that make up Germany's international broadcaster: DW-RADIO and DW-TV complete the picture. Miodrag Soric is the editor-in-chief for Radio and Online content. Kristin Zeier leads the English team of multimedia journalists. To find out more about individual team members, please click on the names below.


Our focus


In addition to English and German, DW-WORLD.DE offers comprehensive daily coverage in 30 languages from Arabic, Bosnian and Croatian to Persian, Russian and Spanish. In addition, the site also offers a mixture of news and information from the radio and television broadcasts.


The DW-WORLD.DE/English team focuses its coverage on news and information in the areas of current affairs, business, culture and science from Germany and Europe as well as providing German and European perspectives on major international news events. In-depth features and dossiers on current issues offer readers a closer look at what's going on in Germany and Europe.


Our sources


Our journalists bring you a wide selection of independently reported stories. While we also rely on material from Deutsche Welle's central news desk as well as a broad network of correspondents in DW-TV and DW-RADIO, stories on DW-WORLD.DE/English are neither a translation of the site's German-language pages nor an exact replica of information broadcast by DW-TV or DW-RADIO.


To ensure up-to-date information, the online team also works with material from several news agencies, including Agence France Press (AFP), Deutsche Presseagentur (dpa), Associated Press (AP) and Reuters.


Our service


DW-WORLD.DE/English is also Germany's premier English-language site covering Germany's Bundesliga soccer league and offers coverage and service information for major soccer events, including the German national soccer teams and Europe's international competitions.


Visitors to Germany can find tips on places to visit and general information about the country on our Germany Info pages.


A special site for students and researchers, www.study-in-germany.de, offers valuable information about German universities.


In addition to providing up-to-date news from Germany and the rest of Europe, Deutsche Welle also offers online and interactive German courses. Choose from basic, advanced or business German, download each lesson's audio and text files and you're on your way to speaking German. There is also a section with lesson plans for German teachers.


Going mobile


You can also choose to view our site on your mobile phone or pocket PC. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be well-informed at any time or any place. For more information and to sign up, please click on the link below.


Deutsche Welle comes to you


Deutsche Welle's Web pages also help DW-RADIO listeners and DW-TV viewers keep up with broadcasts. In addition to offering individual features and shows on an on-demand basis, DW-WORLD.DE also streams live radio and television broadcasts in English. Complete program previews for DW-TV and DW-RADIO are available on the site as well.


DW-WORLD.DE, DW-RADIO and DW-TV can also be delivered directly to your mp3 player or e-mail inbox. Our news, analysis and commentary are published in regular newsletters, and podcasts for our shows and broadcasts can be downloaded directly from the Web site or via the iTunes to keep you informed wherever you are.



The DW-WORLD.DE/English team

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