
Covering the future of Counter-Strike
Views from you, the reader. Nothing is more fun than seeing what Joe Blow thinks about important CS issues.

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past features
  • half-life 2: electric boogaloo
    Half-Life 2. It's out, it's available: What did you think of it? Did it exceed your expectations or crash and burn? Let's find out!

  • cs: source
    CS:Source. Here's what you think of it.

  • kids cs
    The best of the community tell rizzuh what a children's version of CS should be comprised of!

  • cz thoughts
    What do you think of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero?

  • cxg fiasco
    You've heard of the fiasco that was the CXG Tournament. Who's to blame? Valve? CXG? Some comedy third option? Answers inside!!

  • cs xbox
    phrzn takes a look at Counter-Strike for the Xbox. The next big thing, or the next big failure?

  • half-life 2 leak
    You've read the stories, you've argued in the forums. Now's your chance to get your thoughts out about VALVe's HL2 leak and its implications. How does this affect Counter-Strike? VALVe's future? Gaming in general?

  • counter-strike 1.6
    MikeJ takes a look at people's thoughts on the dodgy release known as CS 1.6

  • life without cs
    Lonely teenagers tell rizzuh what their life would be like without the advent of Counter-Strike.

  • cs2 physics
    Counter-Strike 2 will use the Source engine and, accordingly, the community tells rizzuh what kind of features would they want to see from CS2's physics.

  • newbie mistakes
    The CS-Nation community looks back on their newbie days (two weeks ago) and tells rizzuh what some of their common mistakes were.

  • e3, hl2, and tf2
    The honorable puffycloud returns to stardom in this week's E3-anticipation mailbag where he zings the pants off people discussing HL2 and TF2!

  • cs friends
    Members of the crazy CS community tell rizzuh about their real life friends who play CS.

  • arcade cs
    The zany asspennies has some mailbagging fun when he asks what CS fans would do if they were put in change of making the new arcade version of Counter-Strike.

  • chokepoints
    rizzuh, in a fit of stupidity, selects the worst mailbag topic ever: what's the best chokepoint in CS?

  • newbie advice
    The worst of the community dishes out newbie advice so rizzuh can improve his CS skills.

  • adminmod
    Favorite and least favorite AdminMod commands? Our local gossipist, rizzuh, has the gossip.

  • death excuses
    Guest mailbagger asspennies looks at some "clever" death excuses, such as lag or even lag.

  • cs variables
    rizzuh talks with the future kings of Counter-Strike and finds out some interesting variable ideas.