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January 28, 2006

A Correction And An Announcement

When the JTF-2 set was released 3 years ago, the information available on these guys was sketchy to say the least. As a result, I had to settle for the generic Canadian Forces insignia in the presentation picture, and I also made a mistake in the motto I used. The original "Dare To Be Challenged" turned out to be a recruitment slogan which just happened to show up in a number of the few documents I'd manage to dig up on the JTF-2, while the proper motto was nowhere to be seen on these.

Those errors had been pointed to me in the past, but at the time I was unable to confirm it. Well, thanks to a helpful fan I now have undeniable confirmation (see the Reference Links section) and this situation has been corrected:

Canadian JTF-2


With that taken care of, I believe the time has come to officially announce my retirement from modeling for CS. Those of you who've been keeping an eye on this site will know that I haven't released a single new set in over 8 months, and only one in the last year, so this should come as no surprise. I guess I've been delaying an announcement like this one thinking I might still get back into it, but the fact is I've moved on to other interests.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those people that have helped and supported me during those years. First on the list would have to be my gracious hosts, rizzuh and the guys from CS Nation who've given CS Forces a home (and hopefully will continue to do so for a while...). I must also thank all those who have provided me with suggestions, feedback and criticism, without whom several of the model sets on this site would never have materialized. And finally, a big thanks to all of you out there we've been downloading and using these models!

It's been great fun!


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