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[cs:s] steel/pete ak47 - 'elite' edition
skin of the day for Monday December 8th, 2008

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CS-Nation review
Looking to update that old SG552 with something a little more terrorizing? This scoped AK47 is sighted in and gunning for that spot in your inventory.

Some of the highlights on this model remind me of earlier days of CS, when weapon scratches ran deep and the "used" look was in. Certainly the black matte finish on this gun is scuffed from plenty of wear, and I appreciated how certain edges that you would expect to get scraped up more look damaged and worn, while the more protected parts tend to look fairly clean. It's a minor detail, but I found it pleasing.

Probably the main downside is that you really don't get to see the details of this gun in anything other than direct lighting... the darkness of it leads to a lot of the detail vanishing in lower light levels. The custom sounds seem to fit it well, and I found the whole experience pretty seemless--always a feat for a custom model. My only disappointment was the lack of anything interesting going on with the lens.

If you want a solid, worn model that feels like it belongs in the hands of a terrorist, you can't go wrong here. What are you waiting for?

-Nighthawk (nighthawk at csnation.net)
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