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November 2005

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Fashionably Uninvited," Mellowdrone

Reviewed: Pomp-rock returns. Plus: Shakira en inglés and INXS in Canadian

Unearthly unions By Rob Walker
Matchups between long-dead singers and groovy DJs can feel contrived, but King Britt's remix with the great Sister Gertrude is a revelation. (11/30/2005)

The Fix
Cruise and Holmes outlaws? Lachey and Simpson divorce to get nasty? Michael Jackson not a father after all? (11/30/2005)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
God bless Pops -- still trying in vain to satisfy my jones for all things "Star Wars." (11/30/2005)


The Big Idea By David Pescovitz
Robugs, biologically based software, the GeoWeb, transgenic art and other hot frontiers in technological innovation. (11/30/2005)

Desktop manufacturing By David Pescovitz
Advances in 3-D printing and embedded electronics will revolutionize how everything from coffee makers to cellphones gets made. (11/30/2005)

My awful sister-in-law just got pregnant and I didn't By Cary Tennis
I know life isn't fair, but save me from being consumed by resentment. (11/30/2005)

Abortion rights get another day in court Lynn Harris
Questions of parental involvement and clinic harassment could further gut Roe. (11/30/2005)

Saudi women get out -- and get -- the vote Lynn Harris
In a conservative kingdom, the first females elected to, well, anything. (11/30/2005)

Samsung E530: A girl's best friend? Lynn Harris
A new mobile phone does everything but get its period at the same time you do. (11/30/2005)

Working dads unite! Andrew Leonard
A Fortune magazine cover story profiles executives who "get a life." But is the rat race really about to get easier for anyone? (11/30/2005)

Good news: Missouri court finds late-term-abortion ban unconstitutional Lynn Harris
Bad news: The law may be one step closer to consideration by SCOTUS. (11/30/2005)

Breaking news: White House unveils Christmas tree Lynn Harris
"Fa la la la la la la la la," says first lady. (11/30/2005)


License to spill By Andreas Lorenz
China's lack of environmental protections means disasters like last week's Songhua River spill will keep happening -- and keep being covered up. (11/30/2005)

Idiot boxers By Michael Scherer
Determined to stamp out TV "indecency," Sen. Ted Stevens convened a whole roomful of poohbahs. The result: A bitter dispute over the Venus de Milo. (11/30/2005)


The more noble prize By Garrison Keillor
Book awards are about commerce and artistic corruption. Reading is about the intimate privilege of living more than one life. (11/30/2005)

Did Bush plan to bomb Al-Jazeera? By Juan Cole
The American press is predictably ignoring the story. Yet it is only too plausible that Bush wanted to wipe out what he saw as a nest of terrorists. (11/30/2005)


Donald Rumsfeld's semantic solution Tim Grieve
The secretary of defense says it's time to stop calling insurgents insurgents. (11/30/2005)

A new old strategy for Iraq, but where are those WMD? Tim Grieve
The National Strategy for Victory says we're safer now because Saddam Hussein had a history. (11/30/2005)

Another day, another military installation, another Iraq speech Tim Grieve
A "strategy for victory"? Maybe saying it enough times will somehow make it so. (11/30/2005)

Alito: A man with a plan to roll back Roe? Tim Grieve
In 1985, the president's Supreme Court nominee outlined his own strategy for victory. (11/30/2005)

Bush can't catch a break at home, but he can buy one in Iraq Tim Grieve
How the U.S. military pays for play in the Iraqi press. (11/30/2005)

Can the Democrats find their way on Iraq? Tim Grieve
Earlier this month, Nancy Pelosi said Jack Murtha spoke for himself. Now she says that he speaks for her, too. (11/30/2005)

Bill O'Reilly has a very tiny ... blacklist Tim Grieve
But he promises that there's more to come. (11/30/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Johnnie Cochran was right: Steve Mariucci's hiring and firing prove the NFL's old-boy network survives -- and fails. (11/30/2005)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Marlene on the Wall," Suzanne Vega

The Fix
Nick Lachey, newlywed again? Paris and Nicole, back together ... but miles apart? Plus: 50 Cent works the bat mitzvah crowd! (11/29/2005)

Cliffhanging for beginners H.H.
TV dramas whip up empty suspense (11/29/2005)

Heavy petting HH
"Weeds" toys with the absurd in fine stoner style (11/29/2005)

Jason's tips for wooing the ladies! HH
This "Laguna Beach" star has all the right moves (11/29/2005)

Lesbian cheerleader brawl! HH
Lesbian cheerleaders stir up violence, get kicked off squad! (11/29/2005)

Losers never win! H.H.
Reality TV's sore losers take their parting shots (11/29/2005)

Terrible teasers H.H.
Teasers that pander to the lowest common denominator (11/29/2005)

A tale of two titties HH
HBO's "Extras" brings us inside the real actor's studio (11/29/2005)


Whatsizface By David Rakoff
Two Beverly Hills plastic surgeons showed me the promise of a perfect face. So why am I keeping this shabby old one? (11/29/2005)


WayLay By Carol Lay
The five stages of no Internet access. (11/29/2005)


He asked me to marry him in the gardens at Versailles By Cary Tennis
My Spanish boyfriend is nearly perfect in every way, so why am I balking? (11/29/2005)

A teenager, a T-shirt and ... terrorism? Andrew Leonard
How one girl's attire prompted an unwarranted case of air rage. (11/29/2005)

The body part that dare not speak its name Lori Leibovich
A conservative columnist says coeds shouldn't shout about their privates. (11/29/2005)

More fodder for "breast is best" Lori Leibovich
A study finds that breast-feeding may lower the risk of diabetes in mothers. (11/29/2005)

Kid skips school, mom goes to jail Lori Leibovich
A British mother is spending eight weeks in the slammer for her son's truancy. (11/29/2005)

No birth control for Hindus Hillary Frey
For one ideologue, more Hindu children means more power over Muslims. (11/29/2005)

Prickwear presumably for pricks Rebecca Traister
Feministing leads us to the mother lode of offensive T-shirts. (11/29/2005)

Meet the drama kings Lori Leibovich
Dalma Heyn's new book explains why "drama kings" are afraid of smart women. (11/29/2005)

Profile of an abortion clinic Lori Leibovich
The L.A. Times visits an Arkansas clinic and talks to doctors, nurses and patients about the reality -- not the ideology -- of abortion. (11/29/2005)

Today in "Scary screeds about Maureen Dowd, written by threatened men" Rebecca Traister
Dowd gets blamed for fatherless homes and crime. Plus: Crones and covens and twaddle, oh my! (11/29/2005)


Jews and the Christian right: Is the honeymoon over? By Michelle Goldberg
Worried by increasingly strident evangelical rhetoric, Jewish leaders have finally dared to criticize conservative Christians. Will an alliance held together only by a shared support for Israel survive? (11/29/2005)


Could Time reporter's testimony help Rove? Tim Grieve
That's what sources want the Washington Post to say. (11/29/2005)

How about "Fitzmas Tree"? Tim Grieve
House Speaker Dennis Hastert strikes a blow for Christmas. (11/29/2005)

It takes one to know one Tim Grieve
What Tom DeLay used to say about Randy "Duke" Cunningham. (11/29/2005)

We don't report so you won't decide Tim Grieve
How Fox News covered -- or didn't -- the downfall of a Republican member of Congress. (11/29/2005)

Lieberman: In Iraq, the U.S. has Joe-mentum Tim Grieve

A "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq" Tim Grieve
Two years and nine months later, the White House has a plan to share with the American public. (11/29/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Battered Steelers learn the Colts can beat you any way you want to play. (11/29/2005)

Monday, November 28, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Nowhere Man," Low

Heartbreak, Laguna Beach-style! H.H.
A Foggy Hand salute to MTV's emotive teens. (11/28/2005)

"The Warriors" fights on By Allen Barra
Twenty-six years after being shunned by the mainstream, the cult classic rises again (and again, and again). (11/28/2005)

The Fix
Nick and Jessica officially split. Borat responds to charges. And Russell Crowe threatens film industry with phone. (11/28/2005)

Longer listens: Following Jeff Tweedy

Dogged reporting H.H.
L.A. local news means all dogs, all the time (11/28/2005)

Chachi, reimagined HH
"Arrested Development" reinvents Scott Baio as a no-nonsense lawyer (11/29/2005)


A history of violence By James Norton
Robert Dreyfuss explains how America's meddling in the Middle East unleashed the current deadly wave of Islamic fundamentalism. (11/28/2005)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
America: A brief parable. (11/28/2005)


Prayin' hard for better dayz By Camille Peri
While I battled cancer, I also had to deal with my teenage son's embrace of hip-hop culture. (11/28/2005)

Take my virginity -- please! By Cary Tennis
I'm caught in a sexual Catch-22: Because I've never done it, no one will do it with me. (11/28/2005)

Adolescent marriages in Africa Rebecca Traister
A New York Times story about pubescent daughters forced to marry by their fathers. (11/28/2005)

White pride denied Rebecca Traister
Teen People nixes a feature on the nation's favorite preteen Aryan warblers. (11/28/2005)

Self-mutilation on the rise in Britain Rebecca Traister
The Guardian publishes a report on the alarmingly high rate of teenagers who harm themselves. (11/28/2005)

Stay-at-home daughters Rebecca Traister
The New York Times reports on a new form of spinsterhood, the career woman turned caregiver. (11/28/2005)

She's got the heart of a ballerina Rebecca Traister
Reports on a young woman's murder tell us how two newspapers feel about topless dancers. (11/28/2005)

Sell it, girls! Rebecca Traister
Everyone loves to buy drugs from cheerleaders! (11/28/2005)

God votes "no" on Alito Rebecca Traister
She smites the Supreme Court building to make her wishes known. (11/28/2005)

No bling, no booty in Iowa Rebecca Traister
An Iowa billboard encourages women to hold out on putting out. (11/28/2005)

Scary screeds about Maureen Dowd, written by threatened men Rebecca Traister
In our first installment: "Women have expiration dates. Men don't." (11/28/2005)


From the prosecutor, more questions about Rove in the Plame case Tim Grieve
A second Time reporter will testify. (11/28/2005)

A "trophy video" from Iraq Tim Grieve
Shooting at drivers and putting it to music. (11/28/2005)

The president, in denial and on a crusade Tim Grieve
Stay the course or keep the faith? (11/28/2005)

What ever happened to Scott McClellan? Tim Grieve
The White House press secretary seems to have gone missing. (11/28/2005)

A Republican pleads guilty; how many more? Tim Grieve
Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham admits to taking at least $2.4 million in bribes. (11/28/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Grown quarterbacks crawling around? Football players watching soccer players decide games? Field goals must go. (11/28/2005)


Nanomedicine's brave new world By Alan H. Goldstein
In just a few years, doctors will know everyone's genetic identity. This knowledge will be a blessing -- and a curse. (11/28/2005)

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

I Like to Watch By Heather Havrilesky
Give thanks for these purloined lands, and for the fact that you're not a soulless plastic surgeon, an undercover agent posing as a terrorist, or the mother of a 2-year-old. (11/27/2005)

Top water gun K.L.
Tom Cruise's water war at the "World" premiere. (11/27/2005)

Don't drink and dial! H.H.
Adrianne Curry of "My Fair Brady" demonstrates the perils of drunk dialing (11/27/2005)

Stewart vs. "Crossfire" K.L.
The "Daily Show" host goes on "Crossfire" and raises hell. (11/27/2005)

"Just a one-fingered victory salute" K.L.
Bush flips the bird as Texas governor (11/27/2005)

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Our Jennifer fixation By Rebecca Traister
We've seen her laugh, we've seen her cry. We've seen her almost-exposed breast. Will we ever get enough of Jennifer Aniston? (11/26/2005)

Friday, November 25, 2005


Life: The disorder By David Amsden
More and more adults and teens are popping pills for ADD, "generalized anxiety disorder" and other quasi-societal conditions. Is it time to retire our moralistic distinction between "recreational" and "medical" drugs? (11/25/2005)


Saving the world by mutual back-scratching By Jeff Greenwald
Activists have hit on a new way to save Indonesia's endangered tropics: Pay for local projects in exchange for conservation. (11/25/2005)


Renewed energy By Amanda Griscom Little
Congress saw a flurry of eco-friendly initiatives this month. Will any of them lead to a clean and sane energy future? (11/25/2005)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Beyond the Multiplex By Andrew O'Hehir
A dazzling Israeli film renaissance, led by both Jewish and Arab directors, is crowned by the marvelous social comedy "The Syrian Bride." (11/24/2005)

The devil's music By Daniel Radosh
Does it matter that David Ludwig -- the 18-year-old alleged killer of his 14-year-old girlfriend's parents -- was a huge fan of hardcore Christian rock? (11/24/2005)

Tom Cruise kills Oprah
The finest Cruise theatrical performance of 2005. (11/24/2005)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
Now playing: "Ours by the Gross"! Can 144 kids live in the same family and not drive their parents crazy? (11/24/2005)


The long march of Dick Cheney By Sidney Blumenthal
For his entire career, he sought untrammeled power. The Bush presidency and 9/11 finally gave it to him -- and he's not about to give it up. (11/24/2005)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "E.M.P.T.Y.," the Clientele

Reviewed: Sonic and political broadsides from System of a Down, plus the latest from Juelz Santana and Enya

"Rent" By Stephanie Zacharek
Who knew a movie musical could be worse than last year's over-the-top travesty "Phantom of the Opera"? (11/23/2005)

"Syriana" By Stephanie Zacharek
A beefy George Clooney is marvelous as a CIA agent caught up in a Middle Eastern oil intrigue, but this political thriller is too complicated for its own good. (11/23/2005)

The Fix
Franken faces off with Scalia. Did horse milk throw Bush off the wagon? More TomKat shenanigans. Plus: Heath Ledger's controversial straight sex scene. (11/23/2005)


The banality of evil By Laura Miller
The latest from Ruth Rendell -- perhaps the best mystery writer alive today -- offers up an irresistible, unglamorous view of crime. (11/23/2005)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
Life's little victories. (11/23/2005)


Back-to-work blues for moms Cecelie Berry
What happens when women who "opt out" of their careers later want to opt back in? (11/23/2005)

Balls to cure the gays! Rebecca Traister
Focus on the Family has big holiday plans. (11/23/2005)

I'm in love with my co-worker By Cary Tennis
We're both married with kids -- should I even mention how I feel? (11/23/2005)

E.C. in the E.R.? Lynn Harris
The ACLU Web site adds real voices to the emergency contraception debate. (11/23/2005)

607 days 'til we can legally play "tonsil Quidditch" Lynn Harris
"Harry Potter" hottie Daniel Radcliffe turns 18 on July 23, 2007. (11/23/2005)

Infertility, and fertility, put Tanzanian women at risk Lynn Harris
Study finds women with one to four kids are safest from abuse. (11/23/2005)

Killing of women continues in Ciudad Juarez Hillary Frey
More than 300 women have been murdered in the Mexican border town since 1993 (11/23/2005)

A new debate over the abortion pill Hillary Frey
After four deaths in California, the FDA will reconsider the drug next year. (11/23/2005)

Gender-coded holiday shopping Sarah Karnasiewicz
In the world of children's toys, it's still boys against girls. (11/23/2005)

The New Yorker's woman problem Lynn Harris
The dearth of female bylines should be the talk of the town. (11/23/2005)

Debate intensifies over HPV vaccine Lynn Harris
Conservative groups are divided over whether fighting cancer is such a good idea. (11/23/2005)

Targeting Target Lynn Harris
Let 'em know their E.C. policy has you seeing red this holiday season. (11/23/2005)


Rerouting the bridges to nowhere By Rebecca Clarren
House Republicans were shamed into "compromise" on $454 million of bacon earmarked for Alaskan bridges -- but the pork just got recanned. (11/23/2005)

Unbearable By Katharine Mieszkowski
Officials say grizzly bears in Yellowstone are thriving enough to be taken off the Endangered Species Act list. But if Congress passes a new bill, the act that helped preserve the bears may be headed for extinction. (11/23/2005)


American gratitude By Garrison Keillor
We bellyache, we kvetch, we get our undies in a bunch. But we still have so much to give thanks for. (11/23/2005)

The Ted Koppel I knew By Fred Branfman
He was a fine journalist and a decent man  but to stay atop journalism's establishment, even he had to make a deal with the devil. (11/23/2005)


Jean Schmidt, victim Tim Grieve
The Ohio Republican who smeared Jack Murtha says that she has been made a scapegoat. (11/23/2005)

A map turns blue Tim Grieve
The president's approval ratings now top 50 percent in only three states. (11/23/2005)

When will the troops come home? Tim Grieve
Senior military officials predict a significant troop withdrawal next year. We've heard that one before. (11/23/2005)

An Iraq-9/11 link? A report says Bush was told no -- in 2001 Tim Grieve
The White House won't provide a copy of a Sept. 21, 2001, PDB to the Senate Intelligence Committee. (11/23/2005)

Limbaugh on Murtha: A "useful idiot" Tim Grieve
Somebody forgot to give Rush the talking points. (11/23/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Shocking NFL news: One of the Thanksgiving Day games isn't a turkey. Plus: Week 12 picks. (11/23/2005)

Table Talk:

Bad holiday, good holiday
The pitfalls and pleasures of the season, this week in Table Talk. (11/23/2005)


Ask the pilot By Patrick Smith
Mobbing the friendly skies: More of you are traveling this weekend, at low cost, than ever before. (11/23/2005)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Love Will Tear Us Apart," Albert Kuvezin and Yat-Kha

Bad santas By Heather Havrilesky
John Cusack and Harold Ramis talk about making movies without selling your soul -- or dressing up -- and their very dark holiday comedy. (11/22/2005)

The Fix
Moss' boyfriend goes to rehab. Oprah to appear on "Letterman." And Britney and Kevin ditch baby, go clubbing. (11/22/2005)

"CSI: Miami" vs. "Grand Theft Auto" By Andrew Leonard
A violent crime TV show tries to skewer a violent crime video game, but only manages to assault its audience. (11/22/2005)

Chris Whitley, 1960-2005


Crime Inc. By Andrew Leonard
Multinational corporations benefit from globalization. So do counterfeiters, drug dealers, human traffickers and gun runners. (11/22/2005)


WayLay By Carol Lay
Doubledee and Doubledum survive the bird flu calamity. (11/22/2005)


Divorce on the D-list By Curtis Sittenfeld
She's loud, she's crass, she has no class. So why am I so broken up about Kathy Griffin's breakup? (11/22/2005)

Men, masturbation and women's shoes Hillary Frey
A new study shows that men find all kinds of things attractive when they are aroused. (11/22/2005)

Farewell my concubine Hillary Frey
In China, corrupt officials are being forced to quit their illicit affairs (11/22/2005)

Unwed, pregnant -- and fired Hillary Frey
The NYCLU takes up the case of an unmarried preschool teacher who was fired for being pregnant. (11/22/2005)

Brutality toward women in war-torn Darfur Sarah Karnasiewicz
The world watches silently as sexual brutality is used as a weapon of war in Sudan. (11/22/2005)

The glass ceiling at home Rebecca Traister
A piece in the American Prospect turns a serious lens on stay-at-home feminists. (11/22/2005)

Their cups runneth over Rebecca Traister
According to today's crazy-ass press release, it's now possible to buy a bra that mimics the look of a boob job. (11/22/2005)

Pakistani women sentenced with rape Rebecca Traister
Women are punished with abduction, rape and murder for resisting childhood marriages. (11/22/2005)


Israel's political earthquake By Aluf Benn
Ariel Sharon's split with the Likud, and the rise of Labor leader Amir Peretz, have turned Israeli politics upside down. Will the new order help bring peace with the Palestinians? (11/22/2005)

40 million and climbing By Sarah Boseley and Randeep Ramesh
The rate of HIV infection worldwide is still on the rise, with Asia particularly at risk, the U.N. reports. (11/22/2005)

Is the end near for Ney? By Michael Scherer
Mounting evidence of the Republican congressman's unseemly dealings in the Abramoff corruption scandal bodes ill for the "mayor of Capitol Hill." (11/22/2005)


America's tipping point By Tom Engelhardt
Overnight, Bush's ability to scare us has vanished. And his Iraq disaster has destroyed the GOP's dreams of permanent domination. (11/22/2005)


He forgot Poland! Tim Grieve
The president feels the love in Mongolia. (11/22/2005)

Bob Woodward visits the reality-based world Tim Grieve
Was the nation's most famous newspaper reporter really so clueless about the year's biggest political story? (11/22/2005)

With friends like these ... Tim Grieve
Tom DeLay's former aide -- and Jack Abramoff's former partner -- is cooperating with prosecutors now, and he seems to be enjoying it. (11/22/2005)

Feeling lonely, Mr. President? Tim Grieve
Iraqi leaders call for a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops -- and say that insurgents have a legitimate right of resistance. (11/22/2005)

On Jose Padilla, a blink and a bait-and-switch Tim Grieve
The White House avoids a Supreme Court showdown by charging Jose Padilla with a crime -- but not the one for which he has been held. (11/22/2005)

Who's the "coward" now? Tim Grieve
Ohio Rep. Jean Schmidt dodges the press and the public as the fallout over her smear continues. (11/22/2005)

Did Bush advocate bombing Al-Jazeera? Tim Grieve
The White House says the charge is so "outlandish" that it won't respond. (11/22/2005)

Scalia: Al Gore made me do it Tim Grieve
The associate justice says he and his colleagues had no choice but to intervene in the 2000 election. (11/22/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
No moat after all: A year after the NBA brawl, civilization hasn't collapsed. (11/22/2005)

Monday, November 21, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Exclusive Daily Download: "Grass," Animal Collective

The Fix
Porn star to spill beans on lusty Lachey love-in? Aguilera gets hitched, names sushi roll after self. Plus: Crowe's $160 justice! (11/21/2005)

Longer listens: Sarah Silvermania!


Finding our religion By Laura Miller
"Mission to America," Walter Kirn's delightful portrait of a nation at loose spiritual ends, outdoes the work of Tom Wolfe. (11/21/2005)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
Is there any truth to the rumor that Dick Cheney is secretly controlling the president's every word and action by remote control? (11/21/2005)


Aguilera's prenup for wedding guests Rebecca Traister
Something old, something new, something legally prohibited and something blue ... (11/21/2005)

Japan wants to keep women in the workforce Rebecca Traister
As the nation's population shrinks, new measures are being designed to keep women working. (11/21/2005)

Women on the front lines in Iraq Rebecca Traister
The New York Times Sunday Styles section sheds light on women fighting in Iraq. (11/21/2005)

Paging feminists, Aisle 3 Rebecca Traister
A blogger riffs on what feminists are blamed for. (11/21/2005)

Women who are raped: Still asking for it? Rebecca Traister
A new U.K. study shows that a third of people hold women responsible for rapes. (11/21/2005)

Special delivery:'s focus on reproductive rights Hillary Frey
Salon's online neighbor offers a package of articles about choice, sex and the religious right. (11/21/2005)

Should parents spank? Sarah Karnasiewicz
A new study shows that spanking kids makes them more aggressive. (11/21/2005)


Republicans' wild Western land grab By Amanda Griscom Little
A historic makeover of mining laws could sell out tens of millions of public acres for drilling, casinos and condos. (11/21/2005)

How the secular humanist grinch didn't steal Christmas By Michelle Goldberg
The right-wing crusade against the liberal "war on Christmas" is great for rallying the troops. Too bad the war doesn't exist. (11/21/2005)


From the president, nice words but nothing new Tim Grieve
Bush distances himself from the smearing of Jack Murtha but vows to stay the course in Iraq. (11/21/2005)

If what's good for GM is good for the country ... Tim Grieve
George W. Bush returns from Asia to news that General Motors is shutting nine plants and cutting 30,000 jobs. (11/21/2005)

Slipping and sliding on white phosphorus in Fallujah Tim Grieve
After an initial denial, the Pentagon now acknowledges that troops used the chemical on insurgents -- and can't rule out contact with civilians. (11/21/2005)

Cheney, in denial and on the offensive Tim Grieve
The vice president says debate is good -- so long as it doesn't mean anything. (11/21/2005)

The rules of debate Tim Grieve
The Bush administration has laid down the law on Iraq. We're doing our best to comply. (11/21/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown! The Colts and -- touchdown! -- USC both win astounding shootouts. (11/21/2005)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

I Like to Watch By Heather Havrilesky
As middle-class Americans, we have no actual lives and are forced to nourish our zombie souls on TV shows about whiny do-gooders, slam poetry and incoherent melodramatic teenagers. (11/20/2005)


Sense and Sensuality? Rebecca Traister
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Lizzy and Mr. Darcy did not get it on. (11/20/2005)

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Lewis Libby's "some other dude did it" defense By Elizabeth de la Vega
Bob Woodward's revelation won't help Libby -- and it only plunges the Bush administration deeper into the ethical mud. (11/19/2005)


Woodward's disgrace By Joe Conason
He was once a great journalist, but his obsession with "access" turned him into a palace courtier and shill for the GOP. (11/19/2005)

Friday, November 18, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Exclusive Daily Download: "Disco Connection," Lord Rhaburn

"Walk the Line" By Stephanie Zacharek
Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon let it burn, burn, burn -- and do their own singing! -- in this inspiring Johnny Cash biopic. (11/18/2005)

Curb your greenhouse gases By Amanda Griscom Little
Larry David talks about his eco-activist wife secretly giving away his car, the painful switch to non-virgin toilet paper -- and why he joined the fight against global warming. (11/18/2005)

The Fix
Osbourne lashes out at Hilton beau. Brittany Murphy dropped left and right. Plus: Crowe heads to court! (11/18/2005)

World to end, more at 11... H.H.
Local news says signs point to impending apocalypse (11/18/2005)

Around the Web: The Right rocks out while the Arctic Monkeys sing for the camera. Plus: The Corey Feldman album cover you'll wish you never saw


Pink: It's not just for girls anymore Katharine Mieszkowski
In Ohio, the license plates of sex offenders may soon blush pink. (11/18/2005)

Are designer duds necessary? Page Rockwell
Maureen Dowd doesn't know what to wear to Dick Cheney's house. (11/18/2005)

What it feels like for a girl -- in China Page Rockwell
The controversial one-child policy still results in baby girls' being abandoned -- virtually all the country's orphans are female. (11/18/2005)

Outsourcing childcare to China Katharine Mieszkowski
New immigrants pay $1,000 to send their babies back home to the grandparents. (11/18/2005)

The case of the very bad hair day Katharine Mieszkowski
A court orders a Japanese hairdresser to pay $2,000 for a botched hairdo. (11/18/2005)

New Yorkers holla back Page Rockwell
A new photoblog turns the tables on street harassers. (11/18/2005)


The greening of Italia Federici By Michael Scherer
To buy influence at the White House, GOP operative Jack Abramoff gave $500,000 in tribal loot to a Gale Norton pal who heads an "environmental" nonprofit. (11/18/2005)

Invasion of the body pleasers By Luke Harding
Along with soccer fans, officials planning next summer's World Cup in Berlin expect to host tens of thousands of foreign prostitutes. (11/18/2005)


Playing the Michael Moore card Andrew Leonard
The press secretary calls conservative Democrat John Murtha an extremist. It would be funny if it wasn't also true. (11/18/2005)

And the grand jury hits just keep on coming Andrew Leonard
Woodward's bombshell gets Patrick Fitzgerald moving again. (11/18/2005)

Was Stephen Hadley Woodward's source? Andrew Leonard
The national security advisor's reply: "It is what it is." (11/18/2005)

Are conservatives evolving? Andrew Leonard
Dover's intelligent design fiasco is sending shock waves through the right. (11/18/2005)

The ax begins to fall on the Abramoff gang Andrew Leonard
The Justice Department files charges and Abramoff's partner, Michael Scanlon, cops a plea. (11/18/2005)

House gets set to vote on bogus Iraq resolution Andrew Leonard
Republicans want to embarrass Democrats by forcing a vote demanding an immediate pullout of troops in Iraq. (11/18/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
NFL Week 11: Can the Colts go undefeated? Sure! But they'll lose to the Bengals Sunday. (11/18/2005)

Table Talk:

Annoying globally and locally
Clowns to the left of them, jokers to the right -- the people who ticked off our TTers this week. (11/18/2005)


Ask the pilot By Patrick Smith
From Hong Kong to London, the long way around. The world gets smaller, again. (11/18/2005)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "You Are My Sister," Antony

Beyond the Multiplex By Andrew O'Hehir
Neil Jordan explains why his psychedelic new film, "Breakfast on Pluto," about an Irish transvestite, is nothing like his hit "The Crying Game." (11/17/2005)

The Fix
Cruise and Holmes halt P.R. train wreck. Martha's daughter admits to sleeping around, dabbling in lesbianism. Plus: Dead British people's favorite songs! (11/17/2005)

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" By Stephanie Zacharek
Harry and his friends are growing up, but this latest Potter film may leave you struggling with your own childhood demons. (11/17/2005)

Concert review: The Arctic Monkeys are coming


Neo-bohemian rhapsody By Andrew O'Hehir
Neighborhoods like Chicago's Wicker Park and San Francisco's Mission District -- where I lived in the '80s -- once teemed with hipsters living cheaply and making art. But should we be nostalgic for a life we ourselves transformed? (11/17/2005)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
President Goofus and President Gallant: Honesty and integrity in the White House. (11/17/2005)


Too old for the altar? Sarah Karnasiewicz
Oh, great. A new study says people who tie the knot before age 27 have happier marriages. (11/17/2005)

Finally, women can pay for sex too! Hillary Frey
Heidi Fleiss is opening a new brothel near Las Vegas -- for women. (11/17/2005)

Why is the share of cesarean deliveries rising? Sarah Karnasiewicz
The number of American women having C-sections is still skyrocketing. (11/17/2005)

Hormonal holiday shopping Rebecca Traister
Broadsheet's first "Press Release of the Week" award may cause you to spontaneously combust. (11/17/2005)

Fight for transgender rights Sarah Karnasiewicz
A new report by Amnesty International focuses on police mistreatment of the LGBT community. (11/17/2005)


Top-secret cronies By Robert Bryce
Bush has stacked his foreign advisory board with his Texas business pals, who stand to profit from access to CIA and military intelligence. (11/17/2005)


Bush's betrayal of history By Sidney Blumenthal
Defiant of rising political blowback on Iraq, Bush blasts his truth-telling critics as traitors to the cause. (11/17/2005)


Throwing words at Dick Cheney Tim Grieve
Is there anyone in America less suited to raise the question of truthfulness when it comes to Iraq? (11/17/2005)

Woodward's source? Could it be? Tim Grieve
Lots of people are saying they weren't Bob Woodward's source. Why is Dick Cheney's office so quiet? (11/17/2005)

On the losing side of the divide Tim Grieve
Bush and Cheney are engaging in "us against them" politics on Iraq. Is it lonely in there? (11/17/2005)

An Iraq hawk says bring the troops home now Tim Grieve
Jack Murtha, a 37-year veteran of the Marine Corps, says the military has done all that it can do in Iraq. (11/17/2005)

Unveiling Woodward Tim Grieve
The revelation of a Woodward leak shouldn't hurt Fitzgerald's case against Libby, but it raises questions about Woodward himself. (11/17/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Baseball's tougher steroid tests: A red-letter day for whoever has succeeded BALCO. (11/17/2005)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Fell Into the Well," Logh

The Fix
Diddy in hot water with the FEC? Jennifer Aniston, GQ Man of the Year? Plus: The Tupac Amaru Shakur Records Collection Act of 2005! (11/16/2005)


Why myths still matter By Laura Miller
The religious rituals that surrounded them are gone, but we're still drawn to stories that transform the world -- and ourselves. (11/16/2005)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
Archenemies are good for you! (11/16/2005)


Looking for Mr. Mediocre Lori Leibovich
A trend story asks: Are women who "settle" the new dating pioneers? (11/16/2005)

Kid-free cafes: The debate rages on! Sarah Karnasiewicz
Broadsheet's in box has been clogged with impassioned letters from parents and restaurant patrons. (11/16/2005)

What "loose behavior" gets women in Iran Hillary Frey
A father attacked his two daughters -- killing one -- after they were spotted partying. (11/16/2005)

No need to breed? Katharine Mieszkowski
The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement says if you must parent, please adopt. (11/16/2005)

Katie: Better off with Tom? Hillary Frey
In an interview with Elle, Katie Holmes' ex reveals his inner Neanderthal. (11/16/2005)

The worst place on earth to be a woman Katharine Mieszkowski
In Congo, a 35-year-old is an old woman. (11/16/2005)


Tariq Ramadan on the crisis in France By Erich Follath and Romain Leick
Europe's leading Muslim intellectual on the futility of violence, the need for Islamic feminism, and the social apartheid behind the uprising. (11/16/2005)


Men, turn off your Cuisinarts! By Garrison Keillor
Turkey loaf, instant mashed potatoes and a can of Reddi-wip are all you really need for a bona fide Thanksgiving. (11/16/2005)


Abu Ghraib redux? J.J. Helland
More prison abuses uncovered in Iraq (11/16/2005)

What did Bob Woodward know and when did he know it? J.J. Helland
Famed Watergate reporter Bob Woodward testifies in the CIA leak case. (11/16/2005)

Big Oil, Big Lies J.J. Helland
A new document shows that oil executives met with Cheney's secret task force in 2001 (11/16/2005)

Tomlinson fails his report card J.J. Helland
The former head of the CPB is found in violation of federal laws. (11/16/2005)

Bill Clinton: Antiwar? J.J. Helland
The former president calls the war in Iraq a "big mistake." (11/16/2005)

Cheney's politics of fear and smear Mark Follman
The administration deploys the F-bomber to obliterate critics of its war policies. (11/16/2005)


The Best Salon Interviews
Over a decade, our memorable encounters with an enraged Ralph Nader, a defiant Susan Sontag, literary greats, chatty actors and two very different head cases. (11/16/2005)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Doris," Dirty Three

"Sarah Silverman: Jesus Is Magic" By Stephanie Zacharek
Silverman is as funny as ever, but do we really need to see her strolling around, decked out like "That Girl" and singing about racism? (11/15/2005)

The Fix
Jackson sneaks into girls' room. Kazakhstan gets riled about Borat. Plus: Willis' big offer. (11/15/2005)

Reviewed: Madonna's "Confessions" and behind the scenes with "Born to Run." Plus Big & Rich, country jesters?


Breaths, not bombs By Matt Steinglass
Can a Zen Buddhist sage teach us something about the art of counterterrorism? (11/15/2005)


WayLay By Carol Lay
Doubledee and Doubledum survive a global pandemic. (11/15/2005)


Welcome to the next 10 years of Salon By Joan Walsh
Some things old, some things new, and a promise to keep inventing journalism that's fearless as well as fun. (11/15/2005)


Love under lock and key By Sarah Karnasiewicz
A new book says the 2.4 million children who have parents behind bars are the real victims of America's prison boom. (11/15/2005)

Girls, girls, girls -- in college! Hillary Frey and Le Tigre are searching for "America's Hottest College Girl" -- so they can leave her in the cold. (11/15/2005)

For crying out loud Lori Leibovich
Infant sleep gurus Ferber and Sears soften their stances. (11/15/2005)

Not as many couples opting for in vitro fertilization Lori Leibovich
Better technology, aging boomers and high costs are changing the infertility industry. (11/15/2005)

Come again, Cindy? Lori Leibovich
We love New York Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams. But sometimes we need help understanding her. (11/15/2005)


Gulf Coast slaves By Roberto Lovato
Halliburton and its subcontractors hired hundreds of undocumented Latino workers to clean up after Katrina -- only to mistreat them and throw them out without pay. (11/15/2005)

The Parisian provocateur By Ullrich Fichtner
Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy fueled the riots by insulting France's impoverished youth. Is he also their best hope for change? (11/15/2005)


Salon's worst calls By King Kaufman
From "Run, Warren, Run!" to why Kerry will beat Bush to celebrating Martha Stewart not going to jail, a few of our most notable clunkers. (11/15/2005)

Libby's secret defense fund By Joe Conason
How much of the money given to Cheney's former aide will come from Halliburton et al.? The public now has no way to know. (11/15/2005)


Mr. President? They trusted Bill Clinton more Tim Grieve
A new poll and a new low for Bush. Can he dig himself out? (11/15/2005)

When 7,000 miles just isn't far enough Tim Grieve
On Iraq and the war on terror, Republicans try to put some more distance between themselves and the president. (11/15/2005)

Blacklisted by Bill O'Reilly? Not yet, but we've got our fingers crossed Tim Grieve
The Fox newsman promises to name the names of the "guttersnipes" who dare to criticize him. (11/15/2005)

Alito spins on abortion, and a senator seems to buy it Tim Grieve
He was just "seeking a job" then. But what is he doing now? (11/15/2005)

What "taking responsibility" really means Tim Grieve
In Washington, they talk the talk. In Jordan, they walk the walk. (11/15/2005)

Bush is away, but Iraq attacks continue Tim Grieve
Rumsfeld, Mehlman keep the spin alive. (11/15/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
ESPN's Len Elmore on race in sports: "We had this same conversation back in the '50s." (11/15/2005)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Quedate Luna," Devendra Banhart

The Fix
NBC drops Martha Stewart. Burberry backs Kate Moss. Plus: Is Lindsay Lohan marrying Jared Leto? (11/14/2005)

Longer listens: Peter Guralnick, Art Spiegelman and some lost Van Morrison tracks on the "Sound of Young America"


Don't get "Fooled Again" By Farhad Manjoo
In his new book, Mark Crispin Miller tries to prove that Republicans rigged the 2004 election, but his evidence is thinner than a butterfly ballot. (11/14/2005)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
The eternal question: Are they stupid or lying? (11/14/2005)


Their misspent youth By Ayelet Waldman
Why is it so hard for politicians to understand that kids in juvenile detention need treatment not punishment? (11/14/2005)

My father is sick, but I don't want to see him By Cary Tennis
I feel so awful for him ... but he's been so awful to me! (11/14/2005)

Don't bank on it Rebecca Traister
A new study shows that women are poorly represented on the boards of the world's 50 largest banks. (11/14/2005)

Dating service has date in court Rebecca Traister
Two Manhattan women win refunds from a national dating service. (11/14/2005)

Is a vaginal face-lift empowering? Rebecca Traister
The vaginal "rejuvenation" business tries a new sales tactic. (11/14/2005)

Give Bruce Springsteen a kiss Rebecca Traister
The Boss pays lyrical tribute to women's liberation. (11/14/2005)

Plan B decision called "unusual" Rebecca Traister
A GAO report says the FDA's decision to deny the initial application for over-the-counter emergency contraception was all kinds of screwed up. (11/14/2005)

Sex with thin Caucasians Rebecca Traister
The editors at New York magazine show us what sex is all about. (11/14/2005)


John Edwards: "I was wrong" about Iraq Tim Grieve
A mea culpa that's something less than all that. (11/14/2005)

The president's days of malaise Tim Grieve
A new poll has Bush's approval rating at a record low 36 percent. (11/14/2005)

Alito in '85: No constitutional right to abortion Tim Grieve
Bush's Supreme Court nominee said he "personally" believed "very strongly" that the Constitution doesn't guarantee abortion rights. (11/14/2005)

On Iraq, critics touch a White House nerve Tim Grieve
The Bush administration pushes back against a critique of the president's attacks. (11/14/2005)

The White House counterattack shoots -- and misses -- again Tim Grieve
The target this time: Michigan Sen. Carl Levin. (11/14/2005)

Report: Fitzgerald may keep Rove waiting until Libby talks Tim Grieve
But is it a tactical victory for the president's chief political advisor? (11/14/2005)


Ten years of Salon By Gary Kamiya
From the dot-com madness to our Blackbeard-like refusal to die to making online journalism history, it's been one hell of a ride. A look back at Salon's first decade. (11/14/2005)

Best of Salon: 2005
A photo gallery of Iraq's unseen war, a journey through the "ex-gay" Christian ministries, and Scientology's war on psychiatry. (11/14/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
NFL coaches in orgy of supposed risk taking! Plus: Drink to the "SNF" crew. (11/14/2005)


The New Work meets the Old Economy By Cory Doctorow
Kodacell's in trouble, but Andrea's on a new story: Russian biotech weight-loss clinics. Chapter 10 of "Themepunks." (11/14/2005)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

I Like to Watch By Heather Havrilesky
There's no accounting for taste, people, so cast your vote for those violent perverts of "Rome," "Survivor" host Jeff Probst or the manic mutants of "Drawn Together." (11/13/2005)


Giving "chick flicks" flack Rebecca Traister
An L.A. Times story tackles the problematic labeling of "chick flicks." (11/13/2005)

Coming soon: Same-sex genetic parenting Rebecca Traister
Scientists reveal plans to make baby making so easy, two men (or women) can do it on their own. (11/13/2005)


Best of Salon: 2004
Gay couples tie the knot in San Francisco, we're still at war in Iraq, and George W. Bush is reelected. (11/13/2005)

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Earle's last stand By Rob Patterson
He postponed retirement to prosecute Tom DeLay -- only to be hounded by the right as a crazy zealot. Does the Gary Cooper of D.A.'s have the goods to bring down the Hammer? (11/12/2005)


Best of Salon: 2003
The Iraq war begins: Phillip Robertson crosses the Tigris by raft, Jen Banbury reports on Abu Ghraib, and Michelle Goldberg covers the new antiwar movement. (11/12/2005)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Exclusive Daily Download: "Dondante," My Morning Jacket

"Pride & Prejudice" By Stephanie Zacharek
This deliciously intelligent adaptation of Jane Austen's beloved classic shakes off the dust and sparkles with life. (11/11/2005)

The Fix
Judith Miller scolds Maureen Dowd. Johnny Cash's daughter rebukes film. Plus: The next Mrs. Tom Cruise, a "desperate Chinese girl"? (11/11/2005)

The "Star Wars" kid
The 15-year-old light-saber aficionado, in all his glory (11/11/2005)


Years of magical thinking By Priya Jain
Bestselling author Augusten Burroughs has built a fabulous career on his troubled childhood. Would it matter if he made it up? (11/11/2005)


How can I compete with my girlfriend's last boyfriend? By Cary Tennis
Her former beau was a wild and crazy rocker -- I'm not sure I can live up to that. (11/11/2005)

The case of the cellphone-using bank robber Katharine Mieszkowski
This crook can really multitask. (11/11/2005)

Ortho uh-oh Rebecca Traister
The FDA issues a warning that Ortho Evra birth control patches increase the risk of stroke. (11/11/2005)

Target won't budge on emergency contraception Katharine Mieszkowski
The retail giant won't guarantee that women can fill those prescriptions at its pharmacies. (11/11/2005)

Kate Moss' snappy comeback Rebecca Traister
Can the model return? Vanity Fair answers its own question. (11/11/2005)

Guys & Prejudice Rebecca Traister
The New York Post treats Jane Austen like Chuck Palahniuk. (11/11/2005)

Joe Torre loves the ladies Rebecca Traister
The Yankee manager speaks up about the mixed signals that contribute to domestic abuse. (11/11/2005)

A dance contest for the obesity era Katharine Mieszkowski
Teens compete to log the most steps on a pedometer. (11/11/2005)

Liberia's iron lady Page Rockwell
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is poised to become Africa's first elected female head of state. (11/11/2005)

Honk if you're uncut! Rebecca Traister
A reader is perplexed by a bumper sticker about foreskin. (11/11/2005)


A good day for veterans By Mark Benjamin
The V.A. canceled its controversial plan Thursday to review vets who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. (11/11/2005)

Debbie does Washington By Michael Scherer
Masturbation lights up your brain like a parade. It makes you stop talking to your wife. Yes, just another day at the Senate hearing on pornography. (11/11/2005)

ANWR ban is in the House By Katharine Mieszkowski
Republicans dumped a plan to drill the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But the musk oxen shouldn't start partying yet. (11/11/2005)


Hillary's green streak By Amanda Griscom Little
She's defending the Arctic refuge and calling for Big Oil's help on a "strategic energy fund." But how serious is Clinton about transforming energy policy? (11/11/2005)


Veterans Day Tim Grieve
As the vice president campaigns for the right to mistreat detainees, 49 U.S. senators say it's time to close our courts to their claims. (11/11/2005)

Alito: Promise made, promise broken Tim Grieve
The nominee spins away his decision to hear cases he promised he wouldn't hear. (11/11/2005)

"Official A" gets a standing "O" Tim Grieve
When it comes to Karl Rove, what you don't know can't hurt you. (11/11/2005)

What DeLay admitted -- and how the House misses him Tim Grieve
Sources say lawyers for the former House speaker floated the idea of a guilty plea after he confessed too much. (11/11/2005)

O'Reilly and Robertson: Agree with us or die Tim Grieve
Two voices from the right explain what should happen when the vote doesn't go their way. (11/11/2005)

What Scott McClellan said, Part 2 Tim Grieve
Why is the White House making it hard to see what the press secretary said about the Plame case? (11/11/2005)

The president attacks his critics Tim Grieve
Fifty-seven percent of the public thinks Bush deliberately misled the country about the reasons for war. His response: Lots of other people were wrong, too. (11/11/2005)


Best of Salon: 2002
We introduced the metrosexual and warned of the dangers of touch-screen voting. Plus: 40 must-see movies, and the kitschification of 9/11. (11/11/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
NFL to L.A.: We're coming! L.A. to NFL: Huh? Plus: Week 10 picks. (11/11/2005)


Ask the pilot By Patrick Smith
The Mountain Goats invade the pilot's airspace. Also: Will the new all-luxury airlines survive? (11/11/2005)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Invisible Cities," the Drift

Beyond the Multiplex By Andrew O'Hehir
What's Naomi Watts doing in a micro-indie like "Ellie Parker"? Plus: A dreamy, captivating Italian thriller and a terrifying look at Colombia's gang wars. (11/10/2005)

The Fix
Has Paris been crank-calling Nicole? America won't have Michael Jackson to kick around anymore. Plus: Well-hung wild boar shocks Jane Austen fans! (11/10/2005)


Rummy's scapegoat By Jen Banbury
Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski -- former commander at Abu Ghraib -- says she was hung out to dry by the Pentagon. (11/10/2005)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
A little ditty for the Supremes. (11/10/2005)


My boyfriend stinks By Cary Tennis
My heart would like to remember him sweetly, but my nose won't forget. (11/10/2005)

The Big Idea: No more breakthroughs By John Horgan
We live in a period of explosive scientific progress. But admitting that science has limits may be our greatest achievement. (11/10/2005)

The Big Idea By John Horgan
Presenting the leading edge in science: Decoding the brain, stringing together the universe and arresting human aging. (11/10/2005)

Hair on your chest Sarah Karnasiewicz
The new weapon in the fight against global warming: A woolly bra. (11/10/2005)

It's a bra bonanza! Sarah Karnasiewicz
Today's news is stuffed with stories about women's undergarments. (11/10/2005)

Poor showing, old chap Sarah Karnasiewicz
A new report shows British women are still woefully underpaid. (11/10/2005)

Public nursing: Legalize it! Rebecca Traister
After the ousting of a nursing mom from a Victoria's Secret this summer, advocates rally for breast-feeding rights. (11/10/2005)


After the riots By Jon Henley and Luke Harding
In the wake of its worst urban violence in 40 years, France vows to improve conditions in disadvantaged areas. (11/10/2005)


Wrong about rights By Michael Ratner, with Sara Miles
Is the U.S. above the Geneva Conventions? The debate over McCain's anti-torture bill is a sad moment for a country that once stood for human rights. (11/10/2005)

Cheney on trial By Sidney Blumenthal
Even if the vice president himself is not indicted, imagine the questions he might be asked, under oath, in Libby's case. (11/10/2005)

Chalabi's curtain call By Juan Cole
The White House resets the stage yet again for the notorious Iraqi expatriate who helped cook the case for war. (11/10/2005)

Arnold's big flameout By Chris Thompson
Conservatives' dreams of a hip GOP hero died hard Tuesday. But the irony is, California needs some of the Terminator's reforms. (11/10/2005)


The Abramoff case gets close to the White House Tim Grieve
The indicted lobbyist sought $9 million to arrange a meeting between Bush and the president of a West African nation. (11/10/2005)

What's the opposite of coattails? Tim Grieve
A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll suggests the problems of the president have spread to his party. (11/10/2005)

From Judy Miller, a farewell, a defense and a shifting story Tim Grieve
The retiring Times reporter unloads in a letter to the editor and correspondence on her Web site. (11/10/2005)

What Scott McClellan said Tim Grieve
The White House press secretary finally uttered two words of substance about the Valerie Plame case last week. The White House wants to revise them. (11/10/2005)

House Republicans feel the chill on ANWR Tim Grieve
The House Rules Committee abandons a plan to ram oil drilling through Congress on the back of a budget bill. (11/10/2005)

The White House plan on prewar intelligence: Discredit the Democrats Tim Grieve
When all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. (11/10/2005)

If dreams came true, oh, wouldn't that be nice? Tim Grieve
New Jersey is going to need a new senator. Here's one idea. (11/10/2005)


Best of Salon: 2001
Our fearless coverage of 9/11 ranged from Ground Zero to Afghanistan. We explained "Mulholland Drive," exposed Silicon Valley and asked if Bush was a chimp. (11/10/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Rafael Palmeiro "comes clean" about steroids: Hey, it wasn't my fault. Plus: NBA attendance fun, boxing. (11/10/2005)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Chris Mills Is Living the Dream," Chris Mills

Reviewed: Kate Bush returns after 12 years, Kenny Chesney hits the road and Neil Diamond puts away the sequins

The Fix
Keller, suckered by Wolfowitz? Kathy Hilton, the only one who doesn't know everything about Paris' love life? Plus: People's next Sexiest Man Alive, a naked bongo player? (11/09/2005)

"Get Rich or Die Tryin'" By Stephanie Zacharek
50 Cent takes to the big screen in Jim Sheridan's ghetto melodrama. And? He cries. Don't laugh! (11/09/2005)


Love in the time of viagra By Allen Barra
Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcma Marquez's new book follows an aging man who seeks out illicit sex -- but finds something else. (11/09/2005)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
Nothing beats seeing the miracle of nature in the flesh! (11/09/2005)


How can I save my sick brother from his abusive wife? By Cary Tennis
I think she may have assaulted him, but that's just the beginning. (11/09/2005)

Caffeine high Hillary Frey
Not only is coffee not bad for you, it might actually help your heart. (11/09/2005)

FDA amendment DOA Lynn Harris
Sen. Murray withdraws move to investigate Plan B delays. (11/09/2005)

Deliver us from lap dances Lynn Harris
Christian ministry beckons lasciviously to sex-industry workers and their customers. (11/09/2005)

Sushi, maki or me? Lynn Harris
At a Chicago restaurant, the hamachi is raw ... and the serving platter is alive! (11/09/2005)

California rejects teen-abortion proposition Lynn Harris
State says "yes" to the real truth about parental involvement laws. (11/09/2005)

A second chance for Andrea Yates Katharine Mieszkowski
But is it mercy toward women with mental illness that has given her the possibility of avoiding prison? (11/09/2005)

Should cafes be kid-free? Sarah Karnasiewicz
Next time you bring your baby to Sunday brunch, make sure he or she uses an "inside voice." (11/09/2005)

Let Roe go? Lynn Harris
Wonky theory overlooks one thing: Real people. (11/09/2005)


Niger forgeries: The Italian connection By Samuel Loewenberg
Did Italian spooks collude with American neocons to trump up evidence for war? (11/09/2005)


A shed of one's own By Garrison Keillor
Every man needs a place out behind the Main House with an old couch, a pile of old Playboys, a bottle of Old Overcoat, a deck of cards. They can't touch you there. (11/09/2005)


2005 elections: A bad day for the GOP Tim Grieve
Democrats win races in Virginia and New Jersey, and Arnold Schwarzenegger flames out in California. (11/09/2005)

The other CIA leak case Tim Grieve
Bill Frist and Dennis Hastert had a big idea. Could it have been any worse? (11/09/2005)

Oil executives testify about profits and prices -- but not under oath Tim Grieve
Did Senate Republicans learn something from the Scooter Libby indictment after all? (11/09/2005)

Ken Mehlman spins the election results Tim Grieve
And he dodges a question about Satan. (11/09/2005)

Judy Miller retires, but she's still got more to say Tim Grieve
The Times will publish a farewell column on Thursday. (11/09/2005)

Just in time for your holiday giving ... Tim Grieve
The Scooter Libby legal defense fund is open for business and soliciting contributions. (11/09/2005)


Best of Salon: 2000
Salon greeted the millennium by exposing the White House's prime-time propaganda campaign -- and licking doorknobs in Gary Bauer's presidential campaign headquarters. (11/09/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Dear readers: This misunderstood columnist owes you a Terrell Owens-style apology. Sor-ree. Jeez. (11/09/2005)

Table Talk:

What will you do while Table Talk is down? Table Talk staff
Hardware diagnostics have been slated for November 10 and 11 overnight. The big question is what else will TTers be doing? (11/09/2005)


Throwing Google at the book By Farhad Manjoo
Google's new search engine of books puts a world of knowledge at our fingertips. Publishers say the Internet giant is robbing them of their rightful fees. Maybe it's time to call copyright laws history. (11/09/2005)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Do What You Wanna Do," Acid House Kings

The Fix
Tom Cruise cans his sister, Joaquin Phoenix goes bonkers, and Scooter Libby's steamy novel is hot, hot, hot! (11/08/2005)

Welcome to no-choice America By Heather Havrilesky
PBS's "Frontline" special "The Last Abortion Clinic" shows us why the dark ages of illegal abortions and unwanted children are already here. (11/08/2005)


Meet the Beatles (again) By David Amsden
At the 25th anniversary of John Lennon's death, a handful of writers attempt to tell us something we don't already know about the Fab Four. (11/08/2005)


WayLay By Carol Lay
Doubledee and Doubledum drink like there's no tomorrow... (11/08/2005)


My best friend has let me down for the last time By Cary Tennis
She always said she'd be there for me, but when my son got sick, she wasn't. (11/08/2005)

Yes, Maureen Dowd is necessary By Rebecca Traister
You can love her or hate her, but you can't dismiss her -- or her inflammatory new book on gender politics. (11/08/2005)

Mammary madness Lori Leibovich
"Breasts Not Bombs" activists were arrested yesterday in Sacramento and may be charged as sex offenders. (11/08/2005)

Nicole Richie: Novelist and sage Lori Leibovich
The "Simple Life" star has a new book -- and some deep thoughts on marriage, kids and weight. (11/08/2005)

Where the girls are -- bamboozled Lori Leibovich
The New York Post reports that "girls only" travel packages are really just rip-offs. (11/08/2005)

Afghan poet beaten to death Rebecca Traister
25-year-old died at the hands of her husband. (11/08/2005)

Fox sued! Rebecca Traister
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission files a sexual discrimination suit against the cable news giant. (11/08/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Colts hammer Pats to go 8-0, which is not halfway to 16-0. Plus: Clock snafus a go-go. (11/08/2005)


Chemical weapons in Iraq? An old story, but new questions Tim Grieve
Italy's state-run television network says that the U.S. used white phosphorus on human targets in Fallujah. The Pentagon has denied it. (11/08/2005)

In the off-off-year election, Bush is on the ballot, and not Tim Grieve
The president makes a last-minute stop in Virginia: If you're going to get pinned with the result, you may as well try to win. (11/08/2005)

Three more years of Bush, a plan for Cheney and the I-word, again Tim Grieve
Americans have grown increasingly unhappy with their president, but the New York Times has an idea for turning things around. (11/08/2005)

GOP leadership: Leaks must be investigated -- at least some of them Tim Grieve
Bill Frist and Dennnis Hastert want to know who told the Washington Post about the government's network of secret prisons. (11/08/2005)

Democrats to Bush: Rule out Libby pardon now Tim Grieve
A publicity play with consequences. (11/08/2005)


Best of Salon: 1999
From Ruth Shalit's takedown of advertising follies to David Gates' "Breaking Up With the Beats" to James Poniewozik's Media Circus columns, Salon partied like it was 1999. (11/08/2005)

Monday, November 07, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Catch a Collapsing Star," Mendoza Line

Longer listens: At your service, Maureen Dowd

The Fix
A fictionalized Dowd, an anti-Bush Aniston and one very bitter K-Fed ex. Plus: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Sharon Stone trade barbs. (11/07/2005)


Sex freaks By Douglas Wolk
In "Black Hole," Charles Burns' remarkable graphic novel, sex spreads among scared, horny teenagers like a terrifying disease. (11/07/2005)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
Evolution of a talking point. (11/07/2005)


My girlfriend is a racist By Cary Tennis
Her views don't make much sense -- she likes Bush ... and Chomsky! (11/07/2005)

Dr. Pill to the rescue By Lynn Harris
As the FDA stalls making Plan B emergency contraception available to women, a New Mexico doctor has stepped in to help -- now. (11/07/2005)

Oh no, he did not say that Rebecca Traister
Publisher thinks bestselling author has great gams! (11/07/2005)

Counting chicks Rebecca Traister
A journalist tallies female bylines in major magazines and comes up short. (11/07/2005)

How to snag a man this holiday season Rebecca Traister
Gossip columnist Cindy Adams gets some helpful hints from a matchmaker. (11/07/2005)

Abercrombie acquiesces Rebecca Traister
The teen clothing manufacturer agrees to pull some offensive T-shirts in response to angry young females. (11/07/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Run, Dick Vermeil, run! Shocking news: An NFL coach actually takes a risk. (11/07/2005)

Generation jihad? By Der Spiegel staff
The chaos in France is the latest flash point for a profound crisis of integration facing Europe. (11/07/2005)


The future of Karl Rove Tim Grieve
Some White House insiders expect him to resign sooner or later, but Bill Kristol says the president needs him to stick around. (11/07/2005)

Another false step in the march to war? Tim Grieve
A Defense Intelligence Agency report warned the Bush administration about the claims of a captured al-Qaida official. The White House repeated them anyway. (11/07/2005)

Mixing messages on Alito Tim Grieve
A Republican says he's guilty of legislating from the bench. A Democrat says his nomination shouldn't be filibustered. (11/07/2005)

Another day, another question, but still no answers Tim Grieve
The president is asked if his administration has lived up to the ethical standards he set for it. He won't say. (11/07/2005)

From the president, a tortured answer on torture Tim Grieve
Asked about his vice president's views on the treatment of detainees, the president says little and a lot all at once. (11/07/2005)


Best of Salon: 1998
From Ken Starr and Henry Hyde to fetish nation and J.Lo's butt, a look back at a tumultuous year. (11/07/2005)


Robot jungle gyms and the New Work By Cory Doctorow
Rat-Toothed Freddy is up to no good, while Lester is a man transformed. Chapter 9 of "Themepunks." (11/07/2005)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

I Like to Watch By Heather Havrilesky
Celebrating weirdos and outsiders for their courage, energy and inventive hairstyles, from Sundance's "Iconoclasts" to Aaron McGruder's "The Boondocks." (11/06/2005)


Best of Salon: 1997
Vampires! Women's ways of bullying! Sleazy tricks of pornmeisters! Cintra at the Kentucky Derby! A wild ride through Salon's 1997 archives. (11/06/2005)

Saturday, November 05, 2005


What's the matter with cloning Rex? By Kirsten Weir
Humane groups oppose cloning dogs for pets. But we've been designing dogs to suit our whims for generations. Why stop now? (11/05/2005)


The silence on Iraq is deafening By Sen. Russ Feingold
As the Bush administration dithers, Congress needs to debate a realistic timetable for bringing our troops home. (11/05/2005)


Best of Salon: 1995-1996
From hackers and the giant squid to George Sanders and O.J. Simpson, a potpourri of memorable pieces from our first year. (11/05/2005)

Friday, November 04, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Exclusive Daily Download: "Delirium," Hurdy-Gurdy

"Jarhead" By Stephanie Zacharek
Sam Mendes' specious adaptation of Anthony Swofford's Gulf War memoir is both antiwar and anti-soldier. (11/04/2005)

The Fix
Madonna's purple tights, public TV's ousted bad guy and Nick Lachey, MIA. Plus: Kennedy clan upset with Maria Shriver over Arnold? (11/04/2005)

Around the Web: Antony loves whistling, John Peel's secret collection is revealed, and 50 Cent calls W. a gangsta.


Once the kids are gone, I don't want them coming back By Cary Tennis
My wife says returning home after college is the new normal -- but if they return, I may have to leave. (11/04/2005)

Attention Broadsheet shoppers! Run, don't walk, to American Girl Place! Lynn Harris
The terrifying doll emporium is the enemy of our enemy. (11/04/2005)

The case of the bad bag ladies Katharine Mieszkowski
How a knockoff handbag ring busted itself. (11/04/2005)

Sticky buns Hillary Frey
Armed with Super Glue, a woman works over her ex-boyfriend. (11/04/2005)

Lawmakers draft a plan B for Plan B Page Rockwell
While the FDA drags its feet, a bipartisan group devises another way to make emergency contraception available over the counter. (11/04/2005)

The offensive T-shirt contest! Katharine Mieszkowski
Pick the slogan that shouts "tool-of-The-Man" the loudest. (11/04/2005)

Treating women like girls? Page Rockwell
Slate's Saletan takes Alito to task on abortion. (11/04/2005)

Bill Clinton says Hillary would make a better president Katharine Mieszkowski
The former commander in chief says that his wife "wouldn't make as many mistakes." (11/04/2005)

She's a geography hero Katharine Mieszkowski
Meet a 10-year-old whose knowledge of tsunamis saved 100 lives. (11/04/2005)

When ex-wives attack Page Rockwell
The New Jersey governor's race hits new lows with an attack ad featuring a candidate's angry ex-wife. (11/04/2005)


Climate warriors and heroes A special Salon/Rolling Stone report
Meet the 28 leaders -- scientists, politicians, activists, celebrities and inventors -- who are fighting to stave off planetwide catastrophe. (11/04/2005)

King Kaufman's Sports Daily
NFL Week 9: With the Eagles in disarray, who's good enough to win the NFC? (11/04/2005)

Uproar over secret prisons By Nicholas Watt
European and U.S. human rights groups seek answers on alleged CIA camps for terror suspects in Poland and Romania. (11/04/2005)


The time to act is now By Al Gore
The climate crisis and the need for leadership. (11/04/2005)

Pandemic of good government hits U.S.! By Joe Conason
Before avian flu strikes, we're going to need more than conservatives' beloved free market to save us. (11/04/2005)


Fire Rove? The White House says it would be "disrespectful" Tim Grieve
But as Fitzgerald narrows his investigation, Americans say by a two-to-one margin that it's time for Rove to go. (11/04/2005)

As Bush visits Argentina, Americans express unhappiness at home Tim Grieve
A new Washington Post/ABC News poll reveals widespread disapproval of the president. (11/04/2005)

Kenneth Tomlinson resigns, just ahead of another storm Tim Grieve
The chairman of the board for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting leaves ahead of a report on an inspector general's investigation. (11/04/2005)

In Argentina, the president takes questions but doesn't answer Tim Grieve
Asked about Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and his own political woes, Bush keeps changing the subject. (11/04/2005)


Ask the pilot By Patrick Smith
Music for airplanes: From "Der Lindberghflug" to the latest in 21st century classical-influenced techno odes. (11/04/2005)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Trains and Parades," Schooner

Beyond the Multiplex By Andrew O'Hehir
Robert Greenwald's powerful new Wal-Mart film. Plus: Gay sex in the 1970s, the New York Dolls, a history of ballet, and a Kiyoshi Kurosawa ghost story. (11/03/2005)

The Fix
Anderson's coup, K-Fed's lyrics and TomKat's version of "Mustang Sally" before thousands of Scientologists. Plus: A catfight between ... two ex-Bonds. (11/03/2005)

Brown out By Richard Speer
CNN dumps drippy Aaron Brown for whippersnapper Anderson Cooper. It might boost ratings -- but will it help the quality of TV news? (11/03/2005)

Web videos: Madonna struts, Johnny Depp strums and James Caan meets Green Day


Interview with ... Jesus? By Laura Miller
In her new novel, Anne Rice leaves behind the vampires and turns her attention to young Jesus Christ -- and it's good! (11/03/2005)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
News of the Times: Scandals erupt over Bush team's devotion to education! (11/03/2005)


My husband formed a blues band and I haven't seen him since By Cary Tennis
He's wonderful and talented, but I feel I've lost him. (11/03/2005)

Teens launch "girlcott" against Abercrombie Sarah Karnasiewicz
T-shirts sporting sexist slogans spark protest among Pennsylvania girls. (11/03/2005)

Cinderella story: Girls forget where she came from Lori Leibovich
Girls as young as 2 are gaga about Cinderella, but only after her extreme makeover. (11/03/2005)

Real-life school of rock needs you Hillary Frey
Donate instruments, CDs or money to a summer camp so girls can rock out. (11/03/2005)

A judge with three wives Katharine Mieszkowski
How can he uphold the law if he doesn't follow it himself? (11/03/2005)

Glacial pajamas for the menopausal Rebecca Traister
A new line of nightwear to cool night sweats and hot flashes. (11/03/2005)

When Mary Poppins is a mom Katharine Mieszkowski
Meet a mother of three who spends all day caring for another family's children to support her own. (11/03/2005)

Tyra Banks plays obese Katharine Mieszkowski
The supermodel dons a fat suit. (11/03/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
The cost of being a fan: Not necessarily as high as an annual report says, but awfully high. (11/03/2005)

Abramoff-Scanlon School of Sleaze By Michael Scherer
Wednesday's Senate hearings yielded more scandalous revelations about how the dynamic lobbying duo bilked American Indian tribes out of millions and used the money to win elections for their Republican clients. (11/03/2005)

Scooter pleads not guilty By Mark Benjamin
A smiling Libby appeared in court Thursday and vowed he will fight the perjury charges. Meanwhile, Washington buzzed: Is Karl Rove next? (11/03/2005)


Bush's bunker strategy By Sidney Blumenthal
A prisoner of the neocons, the president hunkers down, awaiting the outcome of the Libby indictment. (11/03/2005)


Rove's future: An indictment, a resignation or just stay the course? Tim Grieve
The Washington Post says that Patrick Fitzgerald is still considering criminal charges -- and that White House aides are debating whether Rove should go. (11/03/2005)

The "Gang of 14" meets on Alito Tim Grieve
Maybe Republicans would go nuclear if Democrats filibustered. But maybe that's a reason to do it. (11/03/2005)

In the Bush administration, everybody is a comedian Tim Grieve
As Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, Michael Brown made jokes about his wardrobe. (11/03/2005)

The death of cronyism? Not exactly Tim Grieve
The president stuffs his Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board with fundraisers and friends. (11/03/2005)

Libby pleads not guilty, but the public's verdict is already in By Tim Grieve
A new CBS News poll hands the president his lowest approval rating ever. (11/03/2005)

Table Talk:

"This can't be happening!"
As part of our 10th anniversary, TT is highlighting the posts that defined our decade. This week -- a life-changing morning we watched together. (11/03/2005)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Publish My Love," Rogue Wave

Laguna biatch By Suzy Hansen
How a real-life mean girl has become TV's most improbable teen role model. (11/02/2005)

Reviewed: Santana hits repeat, a former Phish goes solo and Burt Bacharach gets political

The Fix
Jessica Simpson on psychotherapy, Ice-T on Omarosa and 50 Cent on Kanye's Bush jab. Plus: The filthy rich Greek shipping heir who makes fun of the homeless. (11/02/2005)


Authors, authors! By Laura Miller
Robert Oxnam has suffered with multiple personality disorder for much of his adult life. Now his three personalities -- he once had 11 -- have written a strange and fascinating book. (11/02/2005)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
There's something about Dick Cheney ... (11/02/2005)


Am I a female misogynist? By Cary Tennis
Being a woman, and a feminist, I really ought to like women better than I do. (11/02/2005)

One weary bitch Rebecca Traister
An angry blogger has already had enough of the Alito fight. (11/02/2005)

Embryos: Property, or people? Lynn Harris
Court panel says couple whose embryos went missing can sue clinic for loss, not death. (11/02/2005)

Girls haven't gone that bad Lynn Harris
And if they have, it's not the fault of feminism. (11/02/2005)

Calif. Prop. 73 could 86 teen girls' health and safety Lynn Harris
Parental notification measure gets even worse in the fine print. (11/02/2005)

Powerful women who "chuck it" Katharine Mieszkowski
Fortune magazine weighs in on top corporate women who drop out. (11/02/2005)

Day scare By Priya Jain
Will child care stunt your kid's social skills? Three studies find downsides, but the results aren't as terrifying as they seem. (11/02/2005)

Elegy for Aaron Brown Lori Leibovich
He was somber, he was corny, but he cared about news before Anderson Cooper made it cool. (11/02/2005)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Sheryl Swoopes' coming out was no big deal. That's a big deal. Plus: Barkley's first dunk. (11/02/2005)


Alito's not-so-clean record By Amanda Griscom Little
Does the Supreme Court nominee's paper trail forecast a sparkling future for big industry polluters? (11/02/2005)

Winter of our discontent By Garrison Keillor
When life becomes too placid, it's time to go in search of faraway trouble. (11/02/2005)

Deliverance for Democrats? By Todd Gitlin
Not so fast. It's going to take a lot more than indictments to defeat the GOP. (11/02/2005)


Harry Reid gets his "W" Tim Grieve
On the second day of the president's Change the Subject Tour, the Democrats change it right back. (11/02/2005)

Now some conservatives ask: Is it time for Rove to go? Tim Grieve
Trent Lott wonders if Bush is well served by having his chief political advisor around. (11/02/2005)

A gulag for the CIA? Tim Grieve
The Washington Post says that the agency is running a secret prison network. The New York Times says Cheney's new man is fighting anti-torture standards. (11/02/2005)

The president is still laughing Tim Grieve
As the death toll rises, the president jokes about the way his administration tried to discredit criticism of his path to war. (11/02/2005)

A Democrat praises Alito, but the public is wary Tim Grieve
Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson says the Supreme Court nominee assured him he has no "agenda." (11/02/2005)

Five questions for the president Tim Grieve
Variations on a theme: What did he know, when did he know it and what is he going to do about it now? (11/02/2005)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Mince Meat," Dangerdoom

The Fix
Martha nearly fired the Donald? Was Kate Moss set up? Plus: Nobody -- not even "Boondocks" creator -- messes with Oprah! (11/01/2005)


Women's studies By Rebecca Traister
Chick lit is often dissed for being trashy and dumb. Back off! These novels of fashion and family are recording women's history. (11/01/2005)


WayLay By Carol Lay
Why do people call you Mr. Head-Butter? (11/01/2005)


Hey, Bee, buzz off Page Rockwell
A new women's magazine says we need whitening creams, calorie counting and a revisionist view of the war in Iraq. (11/01/2005)

I'm still angry at my father -- what happened in my childhood? By Cary Tennis
I have certain hazy memories that give me the creeps, but I really don't know the truth. (11/01/2005)

God vs. gays Sarah Karnasiewicz
The Methodist Church deals the latest blow in the religious war against homosexuals. (11/01/2005)

How unfunny are Scooter's sex scenes? Rebecca Traister
A blogger rips apart Scooter Libby's erotic novel. (11/01/2005)

Listen to mom Sarah Karnasiewicz
Samuel Alito's mother offers some insight into the nominee's views on abortion. (11/01/2005)

A large penis is the best defense Rebecca Traister
A Canadian man fends off rape charges with help from his massive member. (11/01/2005)

Home ec is for the boys Katharine Mieszkowski
Now that home economics is called "human sciences," more young men are signing up. (11/01/2005)

Cheers for Camilla Sarah Karnasiewicz
Will Prince Charles' tweedy, toothy companion ever escape Princess Diana's shadow? (11/01/2005)

One happy pundit Rebecca Traister
Ann Coulter tells us what she thinks about Alito's nomination. (11/02/2005)

Afghan women's rights meet bad-hair day Katharine Mieszkowski
On Yahoo U.K.'s list of Web sites for "ladies," even women in Afghanistan aren't safe. (11/02/2005)


A Scalia by any other name By Michael Scherer
Conservatives have their man in Samuel Alito. Liberals have their worst fears realized. The battle over the Supreme Court nominee is about to get ugly. (11/01/2005)

King Kaufman's Sports Daily
NBA preview: Who can beat the Spurs? The Pacers, if they can avoid season-destroying brawls. (11/01/2005)


Buried news: A deadly month in Iraq Tim Grieve
Ninety-four U.S. troops were killed in October. (11/01/2005)

Alito, the nuclear option and the Democrats' thin hopes Tim Grieve
The Republicans like to say that elections have consequences. It's a lesson the left will likely learn again. (11/01/2005)

Is Karl Rove still on the hook? Tim Grieve
The Washington Post says so. (11/01/2005)

Democrats close Senate to shed light on Iraq intelligence Tim Grieve
Bill Frist, fuming, calls it a "stunt" and a "slap in the face." (11/01/2005)

GOP senator: Wilson is to blame for Plame's outing Tim Grieve
Pushing back against Democrats' charges on prewar intelligence, Kit Bond says it's all Joseph Wilson's fault. (11/01/2005)

Reid declares victory in Senate closure Tim Grieve
Republican Sen. Pat Roberts says he was working on the intelligence investigation all along. (11/01/2005)

The coverup worked Tim Grieve
The American people didn't know the truth about the CIA leak on the first Tuesday in November last year. Will they know any more in November 2008? (11/01/2005)

Table Talk:

Public figures to love and loathe
Remembering Rosa Parks, hating Elton John -- this week in TT. (11/01/2005)

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