Newgrounds: $100 Just For Being An Active Member!

Every month, we pick a random user to win cash!

Membership is free, so you pay nothing for a chance to win! There are three easy steps to enter our monthly drawing:

1. Create a Newgrounds user account if you don't already have one.

2. Log in.

3. Vote on five Flash submissions and deposit your experience points to officially enter!

The Fine Print

You can deposit your experience points once per day, so the more days you deposit, the greater your chance of winning! Still have questions about the experience points system? Consult the FAQ!

No purchase is necessary to enter this contest. You only need a valid email address to validate your account. We do not spam or sell email addresses. If you are found to have deposited to numerous accounts within the thirty day period you will be declared ineligible for the prize. It is OK to deposit for friends while they are on vacation or to have another family member sharing the same computer. We can tell when someone is setting up numerous accounts, so be careful.

A winner is chosen on the last day of each month. The winner is notified via email at which point they have one week to provide their mailing address to complete the process. We will attempt to accomodate international winners but reserve the right to decline a winner based on their location.