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The production version of Atari's Tempest was based on a re-occuring dream the designer was having where monsters were crawling out of a hole in the ground and he had to kill them before they reached the rim. (source D&M;)
Friday May 1st, 2009
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This website exists to provide you with information on arcade video games and pinball machines. This is a community website and we ask that you join our community and assist others by sharing your knowledge about the games you own, collect or have info on. To make a community work, we need participation from the members of the community, YOU. Please add your comments, suggestions, data or whatever else you can to help this community grow. If you have information that you would like to add feel free to contact us as we always credit our sources! We look forward to having you back soon!

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New Amplifone Replacement HV Units (FEBRUARY 08,2007 12:34 PM)
It has been a long time coming but there is now an affordable alternative to the vanishing Wintron HV unit. Mark Shostak at Cinelabs has designed an easy to install and stable replacement HV unit. They are being distributed by Arcadeshop and cost just over $100. Mark let me be a part of the Beta testing program and the unit ran cool and consitent on my Alpha 1 prototype game for a week straight. Thanks Mark!!
Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (JUNE 14,2006 06:46 PM)
I have finished a side project called The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND) which is an attempt to resurrect the old Internet Pinball Project. Im not sure what will become of it but if you have any pinball machines in your possession, please register them so we can have a registry of all games parts or complete. Check it out.
Thunderball Preliminary Docs Added (FEBRUARY 23,2006 03:17 PM)
I received a copy of the Thunderball (Willliams Level 7) preliminary owners manual from Steve Winslow and have put it up in the Williams Documentation section. All you Thunderball owners are in luck now... all 10 of you! :-)
Williams Software Fixes (FEBRUARY 01,2006 12:34 PM)
It had always been a dream of mine to program at Williams Electronics since I was a kid, but now since they are out of business, Im not thinking that will happen anytime soon. So in trying to stay true to my dream, I am officially announcing that I will be taking requests to modify Williams Level 7 game code in order to fix bugs etc. I will make a web page later this month with the details but for now my first project is to finish my new Jungle Lord ROM set which will include more speech, better sounds and more lamp animation etc. Gameplay rules will not be changed. The next project will be to add background sound to Williams Defender pinball machine, a feature that is drastically missing. Details can be found at
Speed Issues (JANUARY 20,2004 10:17 PM)
We have been experiencing problems with our router that is causing a download bandwidth issue. The site currently loads quite slowly and downloads may terminate before completing. I will be troublshooting the issue all next week so please be patient. If you need a file, drop me an email and I can send it to you via email. Thanks for your patience.
2,000,000 Vistors!!!! (JUNE 12,2003 05:17 PM)
GameArchive has been online for almost 6 years now and we have crossed another milestone. Thanks for all the support and we hope to keep enlarging the database of information we have!!
Wells-Gardner Troubleshooting Flowchart Added (JUNE 11,2003 11:57 PM)
Im not sure who made this (maybe Gregg?) but Steve from sent me a copy of this nice basic but comprehensive flowchart. It can be found on the XY Monitor Page.
New Parts & Repairs Section (JUNE 10,2003 10:05 PM)
I have added a "Parts & Repairs" section to the General area of the site. If you would like added to this page, just let us know.

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