
The Age of George III

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A chronology of events in America 1733-70

1733 Molasses Act is passed
1748 July Parliament sets aside £235,749 to reimburse the colonies for war debts
November The codification of laws in Virginia is completed
1750 May The Board of Trade in England recommends that ten Virginia laws should be disallowed
1751 April The Virginia House of Burgesses questions the right of Parliament to interfere in colonial affairs
1754 Start of the French and Indian War
1755 October The Virginia "Twopenny Act" is passed
1756 The French and Indian War becomes part of the Seven Years' War
1757 June Pitt the Elder is reappointed Secretary of State in Newcastle's ministry
1760 26 October Accession of George III to the throne of Great Britain and Ireland
1763 February The Peace of Paris terminated the Seven Years' War
30 March The Cider Tax is passed
8 April Bute resigns as PM and is succeeded by George Grenville
8 October A royal proclamation fixes the boundaries in North America and the West Indies
11 October A circular letter from the Board of Trade to colonial governors says that there must be strict adherence to the Navigation laws
1764 Currency Act is passed
5 April The Sugar Act extends and amends the 1733 Molasses Act
August Parliament sends the first official notices to the colonies of the proposed stamp duty

New York, Massachusetts and Virginia remonstrate with parliament about the Sugar Act
1765 Quartering Act is passed
February Several colonial agents, including Jared Ingersoll and Benjamin Franklin, meet Grenville to oppose the Stamp Act
22 March Royal assent is given to the Stamp Act
May Start of the colonial opposition to the Stamp Act
10 July Grenville resigns as PM and is succeeded by the second Marquis of Rockingham
14 August the Stamp Act riots begin in Boston.
August-October colonial opposition to the Stamp Act mounts. There are incidents of effigy hanging and most of the Stamp collectors resign
7 October the Stamp Act Congress meets in New York
1 November the Stamp Act comes into effect. All colonial ports are closed because no stamps are available
2 November Ports in Virginia open illegally; other colonial ports follow suit
1766 January British merchants petition parliament for repeal of the Stamp Act
February the Stamp Act debates begin in the House of Lords
18 March Royal assent is given for the Declaratory Act and for the repeal of the Stamp Act
July Rockingham resigns and is succeeded by Pitt the Elder, now Earl of Chatham
1767 The American Import Duties Act is passed, causing more troubles in the colonies
1768 October Chatham resigns and is succeeded by Grafton
Troops arrive in Boston
1770 January Grafton resigns and is succeeded by Lord North
March Partial repeal of the Townshend Duties
Boston Massacre

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Last modified 29 May, 2009

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