Archived Story

Indians still await formal apology
By GWEN FLORIO of the Missoulian

Twenty-one years ago, Congress apologized to Japanese Americans for interning them during World War II.

Sixteen years ago, Congress apologized for the “grave injustice” of overthrowing the Kingdom of Hawaii a century earlier.

Last year, the House - though not the Senate - apologized for “the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow” segregation.

Ten days ago, Congress began - again - considering a resolution apologizing to Indian people for the injustices perpetrated upon them in the two centuries since a fledgling United States adopted a policy that stated, “The utmost good faith shall always be observed toward the Indian.”

Similar resolutions apologizing to Indians were put forward in 2005 and 2007. But while this year's Senate version is nearly identical to its 2007 wording, a difference in the House resolution caught the eye of some of those involved in one of the most significant court cases involving Indian Country.

The resolution, introduced April 30 in both chambers, aims “to acknowledge a long history of official depredations and ill-conceived policies by the United States Government regarding Indian tribes and offer an apology to all Native Peoples on behalf of the United States.”

But the body of the House version has a seven-word difference from its earlier language. Those words - “and the mismanagement of tribal trust lands” - were there in 2007, gone in 2009.

During the two years between the resolutions, a federal court judge awarded $455.6 million in restitution to the Indian plaintiffs in the case now known as Cobell vs. Salazar.

The case, filed 13 years ago by Blackfeet activist Elouise Cobell of Browning, claimed that the Interior Department mismanaged, to the tune of billions of dollars, earnings from Indian-owned lands whose resources were handled by the U.S. government. (Both the plaintiffs, who said the award fell far short of reality, and the government immediately appealed the decision.)

The trust fund debacle is generally viewed as one of the most grave injustices perpetrated against Indian people, on par with the others detailed in the congressional resolution's lengthy list of “whereases” - broken treaties, massacres, forced removal of people from their land, the theft of tribal resources and assets and so on. It's a long list.

The trust issue's omission from the House resolution (none of the Senate resolutions ever contained it) is indicative of a general watering down of an already-anemic apology, said Tim Coulter, director of the Indian Law Resource Center in Helena and Washington, D.C.

“The problem with the apology is that it does nothing wrong to actually acknowledge or do something about the present-day wrongs,” he said. Most of the resolution, he said, is worded so it appears that wrongs against Indian people were a thing of the past.

The apology, he said, “probably seems to the sponsors to be a harmless and possibly benign gesture, but the failures in it are too great for that. The fact is that much more needs to be done, and Congress needs to face up to that.”

Both Montana Sens. Max Baucus and Jon Tester signed on as co-sponsors to this year's Senate resolution. Even though it doesn't contain wording about trust lands, Tester's spokesman, Aaron Murphy, said Montana's junior senator feels that: “The resolution is one thing, but it is just words. Obviously, it makes sense because an apology is in order. But more important is trying to fix the issues at hand” - specifically, the trust fund issue.

“An apology in writing is appropriate,” Murphy said, “but it is time to also do the work.”

Montana Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg, a member of the House Native American Caucus, was traveling Friday. His spokesman, Jed Link, said he does not know where Rehberg stands on the resolution. Rehberg did not sign on as a co-sponsor to any of the three apology resolutions.

Dennis Gingold, lead attorney in Cobell vs. Salazar, said the deletion of the trust fund issue from the resolution really doesn't make much difference.

“Apologies aren't meaningful anything,” he said. “It's not whether or not you apologize for doing something terrible, it's whether you do something about it. If you don't do anything, it probably is insulting.”

Both resolutions were referred to committee.

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Erik wrote on May 10, 2009 8:24 AM:

" Get over it. Indians were invading each other as well. You act like you innocent bystanders here. Im sure my founding forefathers were invaded at some time as well. Be thankful the russians did not take over. The tribe is so dilluted now that you think we owe an appology to someone that is 1/8 indian? I think its a insult to you that we still give you handouts treating indians like a zoo. The federal government has paying you for years to do what sit around driking on the res and feeling sorry for yourselves. Time to do like the rest us of us and get a job so you dont have time to think about all lifes unjustices. "

Bruce Hammer wrote on May 10, 2009 9:07 AM:

" If you apologize, yet do not mean it in your heart, and then continue with the same policies and insulting stereotypical behavior...what good is it? It is simply symbolism and does not serve Native Americans in any good way. "

Roger R wrote on May 10, 2009 10:30 AM:

" The politically correct and doogooders have done the Indians as much harm as anyone. I had one of my friends who hapends to be Indian tell me " I've been an indian all my life, Now I'm supposed to be called Native American. I didn't realise Indian is now a dirty word. It makes me mad. I'm still Indian. There are good hard working Indians and feel sorry for me lazy bum Indians. Government handouts and special privilages deepen the wedge between cultures. "

tim wrote on May 10, 2009 11:19 AM:

" If we apologize to them, do we get to stop paying them money for everything? "

NoFreeSpeec wrote on May 10, 2009 12:20 PM:

" And who's going to give me an appology for being white and labeled a racist everyday of the week, my ancestors where in europe being persecuted back when all of this was supposedly happening to the indaians and now I'm getting lumped in and held responsilbe. I thought this was the very thing American didn't do to people, accuse them for things they didn't do. It's like taking my money away to pay for something my friend's great grand father MIGHT have done, and MIGHT have even done in good cause because someone had killed his family. This whole thing is absurd, and the people pushing these adgenda should be ashamed of themsevles for perpitrating the very thing they accused others of. It should be no surprise that most people see thru this behavior, it's just sad that you get labeled as a racist if you dare decided to exercise your right of free speech to say any thing - so much for free speech. Maybe we should just send all these minority groups off to fight wars to 'presever of freedom" seeing how they are the only ones who get to keep it, because I sure don't, I open my mouth and I'm called a racist. NO wonder no one trusts our government anymore. "

Pat wrote on May 10, 2009 2:37 PM:

" I'm Irish. Can I get some money from England and any other country that did wrong to my ancestors hundreds of years ago?? How about some money, too! I'm so sick of Native Americans thinking the rest of society owes them something. We didn't do anything to you. Times are tough for a lot of white people, too. Here's an idea: Go get a job and try to be a productive member of society rather than complaining about what happened to your people hundreds of years ago. "

Wow wrote on May 10, 2009 4:58 PM:

" If the government agrees to buy your land would you consider the payment a handout? Wouldn't they actually owe you something? Like it or not these are the agreements our government made. "

IgetNothing wrote on May 10, 2009 5:36 PM:

" I wonder if the north american indians would be any happier or better off if the mexican aztecs had moved north and conquered them. At least the whiteman set up missionaries not pyramids to sacrifice and cook them on for dinner. I don't see the aztecs appologizing to anyone.
Besides, according to recent findings the indians that reside in north america are not the first wave of immigrants from asia, but the second, they displaced the first. Maybe they owe them an appology.
I'd probably respect them more if they were just up front and honest and bluntly said..."We want free stuff"
If you are born indian, you automatically own land, the reservation. When I was born I got NOTHING, a big fat NOTHING, but now I'm suppose to give them free stuff. I thought the whiteman was so suppose to be the smart one, I'll give the indians credit for that, they got us so confused that we feeling guilty for what someone else did and now we're willing to give up our wampum, redman speak with forked tonque, whiteman stupid and fall for it. "

Ed wrote on May 10, 2009 5:56 PM:

" OMG, when will it all end. A nation with in a nation...that should of been the first sign that there were going to be problems. The Indian nations needs to start trying to figure out how to run a budget on the money they have like the rest of us. This insanity of continuing to pay for past mistakes is never going to stop as long as we have liberal judges back east, keep giving and giving. The tribes will continue holding their hands out for more....does this sound like another failed government program, I think they call it welfare. How many years are we going to keep going back to pay? What will it be in another 100 years? When does it all stop and common sense finally kicks in? I believe it will eventually be the downfall of this country. Of course thank goodness we have the Missoulian Newspaper here to always give the readers a neutral story on any tribal related news. "

slamajama wrote on May 10, 2009 9:04 PM:

" "Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America's extermination - by starvation and uneven combat - of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity." P. 202, "Adolph Hitler" by John Toland "

farmerziffel wrote on May 10, 2009 9:50 PM:

" I am not responsible for what my ancestors did over the timeline involved. I only accept responsibilty for my actions and that is to repsect each and every person for who they are regardless and I have no regrets over these years. You think it is tough being of Inidan descent? Try being a white-boy this day and age... "

MaryJane wrote on May 10, 2009 10:21 PM:

" I'm a tribal member from Montana. We do not get everything for free. Where did you ever get that idea? I didn't see anyone complaining about the Jews and their holocaust. Israel gets money and they aren't even American citizens. Their holocaust only lasted a few years. What's with you guys anyways.They got their asses kicked too and they're still crying about it. This is a double standard. It's people like you that keep me working in education.
Thanks. "

Barry M. wrote on May 10, 2009 11:13 PM:

" To Pat: More Irish are on welfare in this country than any other group, so maybe you should get a job. And as for Erik, Roger,and nofreespeech, lern to spel beddr so u kan rite beddrer leddrs. Geez. "

jored wrote on May 11, 2009 12:54 AM:

" Well here goes a fantasy, all whites are aliens beamed down by scotty, when they used up their world, then the indigenous learned how to build a one-way transport machine that beamed them back to scotty, never to be bothered by them again. Seems to me the one's that belly ache the most about the government responsibilities towards the indigenous people of this continent are the one's who have had hundreds of years of practice in Christianity designed to kill in the name of God, and have had this mentality so ingrained that they can't see beyond the tip of their nose, thinking their way is the right way for every body, not so. Instead of thinking of us as a drain on your federal tax dollars, think of it as a stockholder payment of sorts. "

Elwood wrote on May 11, 2009 8:22 AM:

" It's time to release ALL limitations on tribal lands. It is time for the sovereign indian lands to become truly sovereign. Tribal counsel should dictate indian laws. Tribal members should dictate tribal counsels. It is time to release all federal oversight. No more will the native beg for leftover scraps from uncle Sam's table. I see toll roads, I see direct fees to the tribe on all non-native owned industries, I see the people's own militia! Of course the people will no longer recieve protection or funding from the federal government, but is that such a bad thing? "

C. Copeland wrote on May 11, 2009 10:18 AM:

" I generally agree with Mr. Coulter- an apology, while in order, is a token little "let's all pat ourselves on the back and consider the matter closed" gesture- something well to do white liberals are rather fond of doing. More is needed, and even though I'm an outsider to Indian country I suspect that "more" would rightfully be greater respect for and concessions to tribal autonomy.
As for the comments below mine: whenever any of you "progressive" folks here in the Garden City want to start feeling all hunky-dory about what a wonderful, accepting town you live in, come and check the comments on the Missoulian. You can't compete with this kind of good old fashioned family racism. "

Wanita Smith wrote on May 11, 2009 10:23 AM:

" This case has so many levels of injustice done toward Native Americans and now is getting hard to swallow all of it. I'm hoping along with many, many Indians that the case of Covell vs Salazar will come to an equitable decision for all..... "

HeyMaryJ wrote on May 11, 2009 10:33 AM:

" Hey MaryJane - great point. We shouldn't be giving the jews a penny either. The more I read about zionist history, even the history they wrote, the more I realize what a group of liers and manipulators they are. They weren't any better than the Germans, they just happen to be on the losing end, and now portray themselves as victims...same thing the indians do, claim victimhood and then put your hand out, my kid tries that all the time, great tactic if you can get it to work, make sure to use the 'guilt trip' and it's a slam dunk on the liberals bleeding hearts.
Also, I don't think anyone said that you were getting 'everything' for free, just 99 percent of it. "

Zane wrote on May 11, 2009 12:45 PM:

" I really love the educated responses people give. "Government Handouts" is really the most amusing. Being Indian, I wonder where my handout went. What a joke. Most Indians do not recieve "handouts", but if some do, I'm sure it's the same kind of handout that a poor white person gets, and that's called govt. assistance. Accept education and the fact that our country tries to PRETEND that it is the leader of the free world. Our country is the most hypocritical democracy on the face of the earth. "

slamajama wrote on May 11, 2009 2:07 PM:

" I bet there are more white people on welfare and government help in America then there are total Natives in the U.S. I think all the negative people commenting on this page should first go down to your local trailer park and lecture your own family. When you can pull your own kind out of the gutter then maybe you can look down your noses at an Indian. "

Native Summer wrote on May 11, 2009 2:16 PM:

" "As for the comments below mine: whenever any of you "progressive" folks here in the Garden City want to start feeling all hunky-dory about what a wonderful, accepting town you live in, come and check the comments on the Missoulian. You can't compete with this kind of good old fashioned family racism. " Very well said. I cannot believe some of the comments on here. Wow, just wow! If I were white I would be angry that my ansestors sold out their future generations (YOU AND YOUR KIDS AND THIER KIDS)by making these treaties. What a proud lineage! At least I know where I come from. Yeah it would suck to be a white boy in america comepletly DEVOID of any purpose. Shoot, I'd feel like a damn lost soul too! "

HokiAigu wrote on May 11, 2009 2:35 PM:

" "The federal government has paying you for years"
Why is the whiteman always crying around about money? If a family member passed away youd be crying around about funeral expenses! Oh wait, I get it, because you have nothing to worry about, your all white so your alright, well we Native Americans have real problems where we stay and guess what, most of it can be attributed to the US Government! "

sinew wrote on May 11, 2009 3:09 PM:

" I am a Native American and would like all those who are "ignorant" to the FACTS of the past to know that I am willing to let GOD ALMIGHTY! take care of those who have done us wrong!!

But you must remember one thing about the problems we face as Native Americans--WE now ACT like the Western Civilization. You can sit back and make judgements about how we are all alcoholics, on welfare, and beat our wives and children but we represent the teachings of the Western Civilization! "

sadsadsad wrote on May 11, 2009 4:16 PM:

" Zane, i agree with you. Most of the comments on this post are offensive, ignorant, and racist at best. For some reason this seems to be ok when it comes to your culture. Im not sure if it is misplaced guilt to the atrocities done to your people or just blind intolerance and ignorance of the true facts. Either way, I find it sad and inexcusable. This country truly is the most hypocritical democracy on earth and many of these comments clearly reflect that. "Heymaryj" there are many little clubs that embrace your viewpoints like the aryan nations and hitler-youth. Its sad when ignorance, intolerance, hate, and utter hypocrisy seem to be the defining characteristics of our culture. A small amount of respect and tolerance go a long way...when (if ever) will people realize this? I believe a small amount of recognition and acknowledgment of the atrocities these people have historically faced is not too much to ask. "

Lacey J. wrote on May 11, 2009 7:32 PM:

" okay for all you dumb people who think that indians just sit around and get free money we dont at least our tribe doesn't... besides how would ya'll like it if the indians were the ones who took your land forced you onto little reservations where you were forced into poverty and raped and killed a majority of your women and children. i think being a native american myself (thats right an enrolled northern cheyenne member) that we do deserve an apology!!! lets remember that it was the white people who introduced the alcohol and it's not fair that natives get labeled drunks because there is a majority of us who do not drink so please people no stereotypes at least we still have our languages and traditions!!!!! "

Rudeboy wrote on May 11, 2009 9:34 PM:

" First of all, you shouldn't speak of things you know nothing about. An apology would do nothing of the whole of Indian people and our current situation as a nation. As for the money that is "given" to us, it was an agreement made by Indian nations and the federal government, that if we move and adhere to the policies of the Reservation that we'd be awarded free health care, free education, and inheritence soverienty on that reservation; the money is NOT "given" to the individual, but to the tribal goverment. Keep in mind that we moved for YOUR benefit NOT ours. So if we do get free money, consider it RENT! As for the dumb Aztec comment, they are Indians of the same continent as us, and tribes of Southern United States had friendly relations with them. Don't believe everything you read in books, they were written by the same people who told you the Earth was flat. You must remember not only was land wronglyfully taken, but Indian people were killed, raped, abused, mentally and physically for 400 years before ANY peaceful agreement was ever made. Then shortly thereafter the same agreement was not kept. People always bring up that it was my ancestor's and not me, and if so, what are you doing to FIX the problem, that your home is built on bloody ground. What are you doing to help? "

Lou wrote on May 11, 2009 10:46 PM:

" You people are funny! Saying “handout” this and “free money” that...especially from a group of freeloaders! It’s not free money, it’s “payment due” for the lands we gave up and not always by our choice! "If we apologize to them, do we get to stop paying them money for everything?" NO! Only when you all give everything back! It’s called “treaty obligations”. In exchange for land, you provide us with food, housing, medical, education, etc, etc, etc... Treaties are the law of the land, read the U.S. Constitution. When YOUR government fails to honor those obligations, it makes YOU the freeloaders...and thieves! "

Meeks wrote on May 12, 2009 12:38 AM:

" Excuse me Erik for your ignorance. Just for the record,I am full blooded from the Blackfeet reservation, born and raised.It is sad to see that people are still ignorant as you are. I do not live on the reservation anymore,due to high unemployment rates because there are no jobs, due to the goverment always holding us back. We finally, finally got a casino which employes a few more of my people. I do not feel sorry for myself, I do feel sorry for ignorant people like you and I will pray for you. I work hard for my money and pay for my education. I do not receive free money and never did on the reservation. I always did work. What do you mean by, we still give you handouts? No you do not personally, we....who is we??? No the federal government has not been paying me for years, never a penny. So get the facts right ERIK.Our people have always been hard workers, then they came in and tried to wipe us out, tricked us,got us sick,introduced us to alcohol, killed many of our people, including babies and children and for what?That is the truth Erik. They put us on this lil crappy land and forced us to stay there with all the diseases they gave us, little game to hunt for food, put us in boardingschoolsandbeat us forspeackingourlanguage.To this day,many of my people cannot make it off the rez. Tothisdaywestilldeal with racism inmontana. "

Cherokee Dawn wrote on May 12, 2009 1:26 AM:

" Erik, you do not understand anything about my people. We do not ask for handouts. Your harsh words you are using, you will surely meet again. We do not feel sorry for ourselves, we do not go around asking for hand outs either. I think you need to get that straight right now! "

Medicine Ground wrote on May 12, 2009 1:34 AM:

" i find it hard to beleive that you could so ignorant to judge native americans ERIK, obviously you have no clue who we are, my family is very traditional and we live by the creator everyday. how can you say we are diluted into nothing, our culture is here and alive. Only we as Native americans can keep it alive! until you have lived on the reservation and felt the hurt and suffering you have no clue and there for you who judge are ignorant and diluted! you are in our prayers so that you may see your narrow mindedness! "

Gena wrote on May 12, 2009 7:39 AM:

" Wow, people are so ignorant on here. I guess if you ever learned the facts about over 525 federal and state tribes in the U.S. and learned some history you would have a little bit more understanding. But wait i forgot white people don't have that, that's why they don't give a f***!!! Free stuff??? I think if we put all the white people on the reservation and left to survive on government cheese they would like the free stuff too, the free land, free food, etc. lol. Oh yea did i forget the no electricity and no running water. "

Robert Peltier wrote on May 12, 2009 7:44 AM:

" Hey Erik, what do you know about native americans? obviously not much, for your information, the government stole most of the land you live on, so why cant we be compensated?? my mother gets less then ten cents a year for leasing 180 acre allotment and there nothing anyone can do about it! How the hell is that fair? I grew up working on ranches and listening to under-educated white guys like you talk like they know something about tribes. so give me a break,you dont know anything about our problems, and we have jobs and we pay taxes! your an insult to intellegent white people, so zip your lips and if you dont like what I say then we should have a public debate about this so I can EDUCATE you, which obviously nobody else did, and by the way I am paying for college as well as the rest of us "Indians",so GET OVER IT. "

Annette wrote on May 12, 2009 8:36 AM:

" I grew up on a reservation; maybe 20% of the adult population on this reservation was getting general assistance (G.A.). About 40-50% of the population were on some sort of welfare, be it food stamps or cash assistance. So that leaves about 30% of the population that have actually jobs. (Percentages are not facts just general estimates.) Most of employment on the reservation stems from the hospital, schools, or the newly constructed casino. (As if drinking isn’t enough… add gambling to it.) To land a job anywhere else (convenient stores, the video store, the tribal office, the nursing home, or one of the many newly made up jobs the government is funding) you have got to know someone. So the options are limited… Is this the governments fault? Hell no! The tribal leaders (as they like to be called) prevent such these things from happening. So what do people do? They have hopelessness and despair. They not only turn to the vices available, they have added a new demon in the last 10 years (prescription medication). I hate the reservation, fighting your way through school, getting jumped, drinking at the age of 13, sex, drugs, the list is endless. My Mother loved it… She is dead now. (Of course it was alcohol.) I have lost good friends as a result of over doses on prescription medication. Why the government should be forced to apologize? "

sadpeople wrote on May 12, 2009 8:49 AM:

" I am white and I was raised on a reservation. I wish I could have had the same opportunities are tribal members. Most of the people I graduated with are still on the rezervation. They were offered free school, health care, food and housing. Just think how far everyone could go if we ALL had those options and didn't throw them away (especially the free school). "

Robert Peltier wrote on May 12, 2009 10:52 AM:

" Once again, there is no such thing as free school! I am Native and I have as much student loan debts as the rest of you. I am so tired of this place, you people are more concerned with the state of affairs in china then you are with your own neighbors, Native American or not. Get your facts straight, just because you and your buddies agree on things over a six pack of bud doesnt make it so. "

TrueBlackfeet wrote on May 12, 2009 10:58 AM:

" This is in response to sadpeople. I have a Master's degree, I would like to know where you think we get "free education?" I am still paying for my college degree. This was promised to my people...BUT WAS BROKEN!!! We don't get FREE food either. We have stores, where we all have to buy food, just like you. Yeah, some people choose to stay on the reservation, because this is home to them, just like some people remain, in Missoula, Ronan, etc. where ever they were raised. And with the health care, yes, some reservations have Indian Health Services, but most don't have surgeons or anything like that. It's basic health care. If we need something major, were referred out and we have to PAY for it ourselves, unless it's life threating! You ignorant people make me laugh, because you know no better. Learn yourself up! "

Summer wrote on May 12, 2009 11:05 AM:

" Sadpeople: Where is this Rez you speak of. I want to move there! Free school you say? Holy crap was I dumb to apply for pell and student loans that I finshed my education on AND AM STILL PAYING BACK!!! Free food? Wow! Free housing?! Shoot, I've never gotten free housing! Free healthcare? You mean with quality docotrs who dont send you home having diagnosed your child as a flu bug but actually had ingested poison and had to be airlifted to denver childrens hospital?!! Sounds like this Utopia has it all figured out. Please tell me where this PARADISE is!! "

BlameWho wrote on May 12, 2009 12:00 PM:

" Well there you have it - It sounds like the indians on the reservation have life just about like the rest of us, they have to pay for school, etc. So what's the problem then, stop complaining already, you're living the american dream like the rest of us, educated, broke and in debt and your kids are on drugs.
At least being native american you can blame the white people, but who am I going to blame. I guess we're not all equal afterall, some of us are born with the privilege of blaming others, now I feel cheated by my government. "

Summer wrote on May 12, 2009 2:02 PM:

" “The resolution is one thing, but it is just words. Obviously, it makes sense because an apology is in order. But more important is trying to fix the issues at hand” - specifically, the trust fund issue"
I don't recall any of us talking about blame. How about RESPONSIBILITY to live up to your obligations?
As for who to blame for you I would look no further than the people who raised you. "

Carol wrote on May 12, 2009 2:59 PM:

" The free school people refer to likely comes from programs that exist at schools like UM. UM offers a tuition waiver to MT residents who are at least 1/4 Indian. Tuition is waived for students who meet the requisite criteria. So, undoubtedly not all Indians get free school, some get their tuition waived at schools like UM. "

TrueBlackfeet wrote on May 12, 2009 3:15 PM:

" Yes, there is a Native American Fee Waiver at UM, but that does NOT cover all fees at UM. And we have to prove that we are 1/4 Indian! Which raises another problem with Indians today, that we have to be 1/4 Indian anywhere to show that we are a Indian! That is another way for the government to slowly disappear. What other race has to prove they are Full blooded to a quarter? Hmm...I would like to know. "

Jean wrote on May 12, 2009 4:09 PM:

" The point is that tuition is waived on the basis of race (even if it's not every penny, tuition is the bulk of the cost at UM). TrueBlackfeet - if anyone could claim they were 1/4 Indian and have their tuition waived, then a lot of people would do it who weren't Indian at all. There has to be some standards set when giving tuition waivers! "

Robertagain wrote on May 12, 2009 8:28 PM:

" Well what about the tuition waiver? we still have to take out loans to make ends meet just like anyone else. And do you think that the land you live on was your ancestors? It was ours and the US government signed treaties to aquire this land, then they cheated the people out of the rest of it.Why? So your families could move here and live. Is not education the most essential component to a successful life? Why do you people complain about Natives getting a fee waiver if you are all about education and the American dream? I have an idea, lets have a public debate on this issue if you are all bothered so much. stop looking the other way when Native families walk by and treat people with the same respect that you want for yourselves. Missoula has deep racist problems and all the "hip" people here can ignore it all they want and act as if they are the cutting edge of todays society, but the truth is that it is people who learn to accept others that change the world and the rest are left in the history we pleaqse limit this to intellegent people or do we have to endure the idiots who cannot comunicate effectively? "

Summer wrote on May 13, 2009 10:46 AM:

" Robert-I agree and like the idea of a public debate. The sad thing about these racist comments is they are most probably by LOCAL people from in and around Missoula. How sad is it that we must live among these types of people? Very dis-heartening! This should be of concern to the whole community, not just the Native community around here! "

OhWell wrote on May 13, 2009 11:38 AM:

" I fail to beleive that intelligent or at least intellectually honest people buy into the notion that my great-great grandfather's appoloy would be worth any thing to your great-great grandfather over whatever the issue was. If you get the point, It's like me appologizing for what Caesar did. Oh what a silly world we live in. I think this is just 'brow beating' to get more "stuff"

I've recently been informed that the reason there are disputes over old treaties is because group one group of indians, say Tribe-A would lay claim to some land and then sell it to the whiteman and receive payment. However, Tribe-B would say that Tribe-A had no right to do that and the land still belonged to them, the whiteman says...but they told me it was their's and I paid for it. And basically the same thing happend with treaties. We continue to paint the whiteman as an out-right theives, which in many cases they weren't, and to do say in this day and age is racisim commented by the indians.
I don't think it was ever written in the book of life by the great spirit that indians couldn't be theives too, in fact stealing horses was good medicine. "

MaryJane wrote on May 13, 2009 1:00 PM:

" Hey MaryJ,
I'm working getting paid pretty good, approximately half of my gross goes to, health insurance, taxes, retirement,mortgage, rest goes to supporting myself and my family. Show some empathy towards your kid, he's learning from you. He's not necessarily trying to trick you. His perception is varies from yours, does'nt make him wrong. "


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