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Jordan Golson

House Speaker to Valley: Help!

Jordan Golson06.03.2008
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Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wants your help. Madame Speaker asked Valley glitterati for ideas on how the country can reverse global warming, fix the educational and health care systems and improve infrastructure. Pelosi wants a "massive infusion" of cash into electronic health records (like Google Health perhaps?), green tech and medical care, among other things.

"We have to pass this planet on to the next generation better than we found it," said Pelosi, as she spoke about competing in the global economy. I'm not sure why Pelosi is asking for help with education and building infrastructure when we can't even get Twitter running reliably -- and that's the real crisis, isn't it?

(Photo by dave_7)

More news, commentary, and predictions from The Industry Standard:


how the country can reverse global warming, fix the educational and health care systems and improve infrastructure ??

A simplistic view is to STOP spending our scarce funding on the WRONG things, to enable allocation on the RIGHT things. At least three ways the 'Net can help come to mind:

(1) Provide full transparency and visibility to ALL non-classified spend programs, and enable public input into what stays and what goes. PORK programs will quickly die a natural death, and future PORK will be minimized if not eliminated...

(2) Establish a "reputation" system - similar to eBay / Naymz / etc to allow elected and other public officials to get real-time visibility to their trust-ability and trust-worthiness. Correlate funding request and approval governance process with their reputation... no trust, no funding.

(3) Leverage the power of shared wikis to solicit inputs from constituencies...

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