The Shadowrun Supplemental
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The Shadowrun Supplemental accepts submissions of written material and artwork. Please closely read the sections that apply to what you want to submit, and also check out our Style Sheet.

The Wantlist

Some semi-specific things that we would like to see submitted include:

General Guidelines

The following guidelines apply for both written and artistic submissions.

  1. All submissions should relate to Shadowrun in some way. Submissions that fit more generally in the 'cyberpunk' genre may also be accepted, but submissions that are oriented toward other cyberpunk genre roleplaying games are probably better submitted to a magazine or website devoted to them. We prefer that submissions are 'original' to The Shadowrun Supplemental - that is, that they haven't seen widespread distribution on another website already. We're flexible, though - if an article has been posted to a message board or mailing list so you can gather feedback on it, that's generally fine. When in doubt, ask us!
  2. You must be the legal owner of the work to submit something, and you remain responsible for your work.
  3. You retain all copyright to your material, but grant The Shadowrun Supplemental the right to edit your work before publication, and perpetual online rights to publish your work online and to edit/update it as necessary. You may republish any such material online, but we appreciate it if you give credit and provide a link to The Shadowrun Supplemental as the original place of publication.
  4. All submissions should include the author's email address and real name. Neither of them need to be published, but we need to have them. If you wish to have your email address suppressed or your work credited to a handle, include that information in your email message. Please include your name and email address in the text of every document submitted.
  5. No payment or compensation is available (unfortunately) for authors or artists.
  6. All authors and artists should recieve an email within 7 days about the status of the article. If you do not recieve a reply within 14 days please send a follow-up email to us.

Written Submissions

  1. All submissions should be sent by email - please put '[SUBMISSION] Name of Submission' in the subject line of your email. For example: '[SUBMISSION] Firearm Prices the Sensible Way'.
  2. Submissions should be either included in the body of the email message, or attached as a .RTF, .DOC, or .TXT file. If you are unable to send a file in these formats, please email to ask for further instructions. If you have graphics that belong with the article - such as maps or character illustrations, please see the Art Submission guidelines.
  3. Please keep formatting to your documents minimal - bold, italics, and simple tab-delimited tables are fine and is generally all that's necessary. Do not use spaces or the MS Word tables feature - use tabs.
  4. If possible, please follow our Style Sheet.

Art Submissions

  1. All submissions should be sent by email - please put '[ART SUBMISSION] Name of Submission' in the subject line of your email. For example: '[ART SUBMISSION] Resturant Maps'.
  2. All forms of artwork are acceptable - hand drawn, computer generated, computer modified photographs, etc.
  3. Images should be in at least 300DPI format, 150 minimum. TIF format (or Photoshop or Illustrator original files) is preferred, but GIF, JPG, and BMP are all acceptable. Please email to ask about other formats.
  4. All graphics must include the artist's signature or other defining mark.

Our Procedures
There is often less time than we would like to go back-and-forth with authors over material, and as a result we have established some guidelines as to when we consult you over editing matters, when we make editing changes ourselves without consulting you, and other such matters. We try very hard to make sure that the articles in the magazine both meet our standards and are something that the authors are proud of. We would sooner reject an article than re-write it entirely [And thus possibly ruining the authors version/vision of the article], but we often - almost always - edit articles for the following reasons: grammar and spelling, word count, factual/rules inaccuracies, organization, author voice, and adherence to our Style Sheet.

To contact the staff of The Shadowrun Supplemental via email, click here.

Feature Articles

Feature Articles are the meat of the magazine - this section covers all manner of material, from optional/expanded rules, source material (locations, gangs, organizations, alternate histories, etc), adventures, and other such material.

Regular Features

Damage Control
Written by Steven "Bull" Ratkovich, Damage Control focuses on Game Mastering issues, with an emphasis towards play balance.

A Little Learning. . .
This column focuses completely on adding and expanding on skills in Shadowrun, often wrapped around a loose theme (Security related skills, for example). Written by Eleanor Holmes.

Places to Go, People to See
A clearing-house for NPCs and Locations, Places to Go, People to See is compiled from submissions by multiple authors. NPC writeups are generally brief, about 100-200 words, and usually do not contain statistics. Location writeups tend to be a bit longer, and contain the basic information about the location - name, owner address, LTG number, type of location - and all the necessary information to use the location in a game. One or two brief plot hooks should be included with each NPC or Location. Generic "NPC Archetypes" are also acceptable.

The Cluttered Datastore
The Cluttered Datastore is another article compiled from submissions by multiple authors - in this case it focuses on equipment of all types, from firearms to common household items to electronics to vehicles.

In the case of items that have a defined construction system in Shadowrun - firearms and vehicles - preference is given to items constructed with such a system.

As necessary, items in the Cluttered Datastore should be in a 3 part format: In Character information (including shadowcomments), Stat Block, and then Game Information.

Tai's Magical Goodies
The home of magical items of all sorts, from spells to adept powers to totems to other magical items. Tai's Magical Goodies is open to submissions from anyone.

The Corporate Review
Our regular look into the world of smaller corporations and subsidiaries of the megacorporations, The Corporate Review is presented in the same style as corporations were in FASA's Corporate Download sourcebook, hitting on the main points of the corporation: Owners, Shareholders, History, Primary and Secondary Businesses, Corporate Structure, and of course Security and Plot Hooks. The regular author of Corporate Review is on hiatus, so Corporate Review is open to submissions from anyone!


SwiftOne Speaks
Our regular staff reviewer, Brett 'SwiftOne' Sanger takes a look at what's going on in the gaming industry as it relates to Shadowrun, and reviews the latest offerings from Fantasy Productions LLC.

A column for reviewing non-Shadowrun gaming material, for the purpose of showing how it can relate to Shadowrun and be used in a Shadowrun campaign. An example review could cover the GURPS supplement GURPS Bio-Tech - including a basic summary, how well it meshes with current Shadowrun technology, and how much could be converted to Shadowrun. Like most reviews, it should conclude with a final opinion - is this book a worthwhile purchase to use primarily as a Shadowrun resource?

The Small Print
Comments? Questions? Concerns? Email Us!
WizKids, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. WizKids, Inc. has granted permission to The Shadowrun Supplemental to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with The Shadowrun Supplemental in any official capacity whatsoever.
All other material published in The Shadowrun Supplemental is copyright © the year of publishing by the original author.