Community Spotlight - The Ghosts of Onyx
Posted by urk at 5/13/2009 10:39 AM PDT
Community Spotlight - The Ghosts of Onyx
Novel?  No? 

Okay we admit it, that was a terrible pun.  We'll make it up to you by introducing you to another fine group with this week's Community Spotlight.  As you're probably already aware from the title of this article, today we're talking with The Ghosts of Onyx, a group forged in the fires of that's since spread out and settled into their own burgeoning website.  But just because they took it offsite doesn't mean they're not contributors in the community-at-large.  Far from it.  Want to get the details?  Here's the lowdown on this fine group of guys (and gal), in their own words.

"The Ghosts of Onyx is a small, but growing, group of Halo players brought together by founding members Tender Bisquit, Furious D 18, and NeverlessWonder. Originally a select few guys (and gal) who enjoyed playing customs together and messing around in the Forge, The Ghosts of Onyx has grown to include many of the most talented Forgers out there.

The GoO (as we abbreviate it) are constantly producing new and unique maps and gametypes to further extend the Halo 3 player experience. From End of the Line to Pallet Parade, from Cyclopean to Verbatim, and from Teamwerks Arena to Class 6, GoO content offers some of the most painstakingly crafted and varied gameplay available.

Today, thanks to one of our leading members, Tesai, we have our very own homepage: Through the site, we host monthly contests, bounce ideas off each other, discuss the latest Halo 3 goings-on, and even have our own system of achievements, the G-Mints. Vidmaster Annual in under 30 minutes: 40 points. Teabag Recon: 35 points. Best Tender Bisquit in a game of slayer: 10 points (he's not that good).

At its heart, though, The GoO are still just a group of guys (and gal) who enjoy getting some custom games going with other mature, respectful individuals in the world of Halo 3."

Q. What are your favorite maps from the world of Halo 3?

A. Aside from the ones we have already displayed here on Bungie Favs, to name our favorite maps is quite the daunting task. You have Furious D's innovative map, Solaris - a map that offers both competitive gameplay and strategic movement to players. There's Moon Waffle, created by Devinish, that makes Foundry's scenery work in mind-boggling ways. When it comes down to it, though, sometimes you just need to feel the cool, crisp air of Avalanche running through your hair as you whisk a flag away on a Mongoose.

Q. And what about Game Variants?

A. Some of the members of The GoO have created a few of the most imaginative and complex Game Variants available on BNet. Games like Teamwerks Slayer, Infantry and Clue were all created within our group and are played on a massive scale. To this day, our members regularly release new and exciting ideas that (we hope) keep the Halo 3 experience fresh for everyone. Other, more recent games that come to mind would be Trajectory Ball, Golf, Dr. Spy and Tremor Blast.

Q. What would you like to see in Matchmaking that isn’t?

A. A customs hopper, of course. We realize that it's a long way off, but it's nice to see ATLAS slowly putting more user-created content into the mix right now. A more specific customs casual/minigame playlist would be amazing, but we're not holding our breaths or crossing our fingers for anything. *Collective finger cross*

Held breath and collected crossed fingers aside, looks like the first week of The Ghosts of Onyx's Community Spotlight is over.  No worries.  Where their words come to an end, their pile of Bungie Favorites steps up to extend the GoO experience.  If you think actions speak louder than words and want to check out what these fine folks have on offer, they've got you covered.  Sample their wares by checking out the current crop of Bungie Favorites.

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Average Joe - jmh9072 

Posted by urk at 5/26/2009 10:29 AM PDT

He's been picked up in a Pelican. Jealous?

Average Joe sent a few questions over to jmh9072 for this week's write-up and it turns out he was more than willing to provide the answers.  If you spend a good deal of time here at our online forums, or use some free scripts to stalk your fellow fans (or our ninjas), you're probably already familiar with this poster's work.  If not, take a few minutes to get the scoop on jmh9072, otherwise known as, Jacob.

Q. Who are you and what do you do?

A. My name is Jacob and I’m currently a junior in high school who works part time at an ice cream shop. When I’m not working, I enjoy playing tennis, gaming, and developing software. I'm a big Linux guy and a supporter of free/open source software as a whole. (For those interested, I use Fedora and KDE).

Q. Ice cream, tennis, and open source operating systems, eh?  Is your username some kind of secret code that wraps all those things together in some kind of encrypted message?

A. The meaning behind my name is nothing significant, really. It's just my initials with a trailing “9072.” To be honest, I can't remember what compelled me those many years ago to attach those particular numbers to my name, but they've stuck ever since.

Q. What forums do you stay stuck to? Are there specific areas of the community that you find yourself more attached to than others?

A. I can usually be found in my favorite private groups – Inside the Machine and Greasemonkeys are two examples. Both are programming-related so if you’re interested in that sort of thing, feel free to join. Outside those places I like to hang around The Halo 3 Forum, The Septagon, and The Flood.

Q. So, why gaming?

A. Put simply, gaming is just plain fun. I enjoy spending time with my friends in campaign or starting up a 16-man BTB game. There's nothing better than getting fifteen of your friends together for an all-night brawl (especially if it's a LAN party and there is lots of good food).

Q. What was the first Bungie title you spent some time with?

A. The first Bungie game I played was Halo: CE back in 2001. What captured me was the sheer depth of the storyline. I was instantly hooked. My friends and I bought Halo 2 when it came out three years later, and had a great time with it. I'll never forget my buddy's (you might know him as Lord Snakie) reaction to Cortana's capture by Gravemind: “Cortana! NOOOOOOOOO!!”

However, since I didn't actually own an Xbox myself until early 2006, I spent much of my time playing Halo PC and Custom Edition. I had a lot of fun with that - specifically with the custom maps people made. The community surrounding that game was extremely creative and never ceased to amaze me (and yes, getting picked up in a pelican with the enemy's flag is everything you thought it would be and more).

Q. Are you ever amazed by your own level of community involvement?

A. To be honest, no, I'm not. I like to contribute, give something back. How much less fun would this community be if no one ever wanted to take the time to set up the Community Carnages, create awesome montages, write innovative scripts to extend the site's functionality, or do any of the other great things this community does. If I can make someone's experience here better by adding new features to the Moderator Finder or the User Stalker (yes, I'm watching your every move), then I feel I've done my job. (But there's always more I can do!)

Q. Speaking of more, are you involved with any other online communities?

A. Yeah, I lurk at a number of other communities. I'm not anywhere near as involved with them as I am with Bnet, though. I visit Rooster Teeth and HBO semi-regularly, and every once in a while I'll head on over to to see what new stuff people are creating.

Q. Anything you would like to add? Wanna make a shout-out?

Yeah, I'd like to make a shout-out to Lord Snakie, whom I've known since gradeschool, Firebird347 for all he has done to further my knowledge of programming and for his work on the uStalk, Bapabooie, Tartan 118, ViralSchwarzy, SpecOpsAssault, GodsGunman, CAVX, SonicJohn, paulmarv, burritosenior, Sprool, BahamutZER0, robby118, Index, brand220, S1NISTER, lolpokey, Screecherz and anyone else I may have forgotten (Sorry! You know I love you guys!). If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be nearly as involved here in the community as I am. You guys are awesome!

Well, that wraps it up for jmh9072's time in our spotlight.  We'd like to thank him for being open and supplying the answers to our questions.  If you ever get the feeling that someone's watching you during your time on, don't worry, Jacob's probably just testing out some new software.  If you want to talk shop or just say what's up to this week's Average Joe, click on the discussion link and fire away.

The Ghosts of Onyx's Favorite Files Updated 

Posted by urk at 5/20/2009 10:16 AM PDT

GoO steps back into the spotlight.

The Ghosts of Onyx are back for round two of their community spotlight.  This time they're sending Furious D 18 out into the mix to give us the scoop on what went into his map, Exacted.  If you want to learn more, all you gotta do is get reading.

Q. What inspired your creation?

A. I liked the flag placement on the Halo 2 map, Relic. Getting the flag off the precipice was the difficult part, but the flag was relatively easy to capture after getting over that first hurdle. I tried to imitate that in a smaller version in Exacted. From there, I tried to add elements of Lockout by making a few varied structures and many travel routes through the map.

Q. What aspect took the longest to get right?

A. I created an original aesthetic touch by placing teleporter nodes clipped into boxes so that only the lights show. Since teleporter nodes can't be set not to spawn at the start, and since boxes won't move through teleporter nodes, it took a lot of trial and error to get it right.

Q. How long did it take to create?

A. As a whole, I don't know how long the map took. But the teleporter lights I mentioned above easily took several hours. I must have used the "save and quit" technique over one hundred times. That's a lot of effort to put into an aesthetic touch.

Q. How could The Forge be improved?

A. It's been argued that Forge is a level editor, not a level creator, and that it is very successful in that capacity. I happen to agree. But while we're on the subject, I think the community's desires fall into two categories.

First, it would be nice to have greater control over object placement. Features like a specific degree of rotation tool or a group copy/paste tool would really speed up map creation.

And the second community desire is to be able to give your map a unique appearance so it stands out from the crowd. Selectable object skins, or even custom painted skins, would really let a level designer perfect his or her map. Other "environmental" effects like lights or fog with sizable boundaries would could also help orient players within the map and immerse them in the game. The red and blue lights offered in Sandbox are definitely a big step in the right direction, so thanks!

Big thanks to GoO for stepping up to the plate and providing the answers to our questions.  Of course, Exacted isn't the only map they are putting on display for you us week.  Bungie Favorites have been refreshed to reflect all of their week two offerings.  You should check them out.

Average Joe - VENOM MDK 

Posted by urk at 5/19/2009 10:27 AM PDT

Relieving the stress of the workday.

Leading the pack this week on our way to an Average Joe merit badge is VENOM MDK.  You may know the name.  If not, now is the time to get yourself acquainted.  Scroll down to learn a little bit about the man who first opened up the offices over at Halo 3 in The Work Place.

Q. Who are you and what do you do?

A. My name is Adam you killed my father prepare to die. Well not really about the father part. I’m currently a business analyst although I do more than what a typical business analyst does. As for my hobbies, besides playing Halo 3 I’m a Cub Master for my son’s Cub Scout Pack. I also like to spend time with my family.

Q. Ooh, family is pretty awesome.  And earning badges.  Double awesome.  What about the username - where did that come from?

A. VENOM MDK came from two of my favorite things in my childhood. I have always liked Venom from Spider-Man. MDK was a PC game from 1997 that I, for some odd reason, could not get enough of.

Q. What online forums can you not get enough of?

I spend a lot of my time in the private group forums of Halo 3 In The Work Place. I check out the main Halo 3 forums from time to time and offer my opinion when I find a thread of Interest. I also will jump into the OTK (Owners of the Katana) group forums from time to time and see what is happening over there. I check my wonderful stats everyday over at HaloCharts.

Q. So, why gaming?  Do you ever drag your family and friends into your online world?

A. I game because after a stressful day at the office it helps release that built up stress. I do game from time to time with my son Lil Venom mdk. Although he wants to play Snipers all the time just so he can beat his Dad. I really suck with that weapon.

Q. Hmm, did you ever try out the Sniper Rifle from Halo or Halo 2?  Maybe you just need some more practice.

A. Believe it or not Halo 3 was my first Bungie game I played. I was hearing all the hype from G4TV and at the local game store and thought I should look into it. I am so glad I did. Since picking up the game I downloaded Marathon Durandal and Halo CE from Xbox LIVE and was even able to find a used copy of Halo 2 at the local game store. I think I might pick up Bungie's next title, ODST or something like that, this fall.

Q. ODST?  Seems we've heard that someplace before.  Something about Fall and 2009.  Where were we?  Oh yes, what about your community participation?  Being in the spotlight generally means you're kind of a big deal.  Are you shocked by your level of involvement?

A. By all means I am shocked at my involvement with the Bungie Community. I was able to create an awesome group with the Work Place. In the group people are always willing to help out when needed. Heck my Xbox crashed hardcore and I’m not talking about RRoD. I mean it crashed completely. Well the group came together with a fundraiser and I had a new Xbox that day and did not miss any gaming. Work Place, you guys and gals rock! Yes people, we have girls in the group.  Pick your chins up off the floor.

Q. Sounds like a cool place to get involved with.  Are you involved with any other entertainment-related communities?

A. Wait; there are other entertainment-related communities out there? Where can I find them?

Q. Well, this interview seems to have taken a turn down the Punctuation Super Highway.  We're going to take the next exit.  Anything you wanna add? Wanna make a quick shout-out?

A. I got nothing to add. I have said my peace and its time to move on to the next “Joe.”

As for shout outs, here you go:

My Wife – For putting up with my gaming addiction. Thank you and I love you.
Lil Venom mdk – I will one of these days beat you at snipers.
My Mom – For all your support you have given me over the years.
Bungie – Thanks for making a sweet game and for the advanced Mythic Map Pack.
The Deragoth – Thanks for starting that thread years ago. The work placers will get this one.
DaWhistlesGoWoo aka Eaglesofdc – Thanks for the encouragement to create the group based off a Halo 3 forum thread. Who would have thought it would last this long!
Joeski73 – Man thanks for stepping up when needed
BigCountry1369 – Keep up the good work brutha!
To the HR pirates – Warm up your fingers index finger!
FOMAN123 – Thanks for sharing CI’s limelight with the Work Place. And the input you have provided us on running a better group.
Der Todesengel – for being my Halo 3 BFF and logging over 1000 games with me.
And course the rest of the Work Place – Get to “Work Placing!!!!!”

VENOM MDK is correct.  It's time to move on.  We want to thank him for his time and words (and the extensive list of shout outs).  We really wish we could have worked in some more Princess Bride references.  In any case, if you run into VENOM MDK online, challenge him to a swordfight and see if his saber skills measure up.  If you do get the best of him, please don't run him through.  A good, solid knock on the head will do just fine.

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