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heaventorn @toyscoutace You are awesome! Reply
notpatrick There's some chicanery happening between @diablo and @warcraft; they're stealing each other's standees! I hope @Starcraft intervenes... Reply
00KC7 Just sing up for a preveiw of new twiter update http://bit.ly/1xtHZ0 sing up now to try it out Reply
DrFausty RT @Baneki: Still wrapping up some final testing on our new, vastly-upgraded U.S.-based VMlet - best ETA for availability is this Friday. Reply
TURTLEGIRL73 TWIT PIC OF THE DAY - Goomba http://tinyurl.com/yl85eov Reply
TURTLEGIRL73 Good Morning. Hope everyone is well this morning :) Reply
lightingbird Did a new Heroes play this week? Reply
lightingbird Anyone know what paranmormal activity is supposed to be about? Reply
lightingbird Half asleep but trying to finish the GF's paper for her masters class... fun fun Reply
lightingbird @FahHazmi I can help you with your slow internet http://www.crossloop.com/Spartanhelp or visit my webpage www.spartansupport.com Reply
lightingbird @keepmenear I can help you with your slow internet http://www.crossloop.com/Spartanhelp or visit my webpage www.spartansupport.com Reply
lightingbird @MichelleAshlee I can help you with your slow internet http://www.crossloop.com/Spartanhelp or visit my webpage www.spartansupport.com Reply
lightingbird @sophia_tioe I can help you with your slow internet http://www.crossloop.com/Spartanhelp or visit my webpage www.spartansupport.com Reply
lightingbird @3ric_dinhh I can help you with your slow internet http://www.crossloop.com/Spartanhelp or visit my webpage www.spartansupport.com Reply
lightingbird @Jen99nm I can help you with your slow internet http://www.crossloop.com/Spartanhelp or visit my webpage www.spartansupport.com Reply