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What is the Best Way to Reduce Flood Damage?
by Jordan G.
* Hypothesis * Purpose * Materials * Procedure * Results * Conclusion * Bibliography & Links * 

I think that the best way to control floods is to use canals. This would be best if& the area has frequent flooding. Canals take excess water, and channels it to another place. Canals can even be used to irrigate fields, and to help farmers with crops. 
For emergency flooding sandbags work well because they stop water from leaking through and the bags can be moved quickly and easily.

My purpose was to see what the best way to reduce flood damage is. Even though levees worked well, they had a bad side effect. Sandbags did not work well. Dams help move the water to a rural area, but the flood is worse there. Canals helped, and reduced the size of the flood, but the flood still did damage.

  • Five medium sized rectangular boxes of Tupperware
  • Soil 
  • Sand 
  • Saran wrap
  • A piece of plastic 
  • A measuring cup
  • Water
  • Small bags
I am going to build  five miniature rivers  and make miniature levees, canals, sandbags, and dams. I will also have a control. 
Then I will create a  six foot flood flood on a smaller scale by pouring the two cups of water in the river,inside medium sized boxes of Tupperware. I will then pour four cups of water  in the Tupperware boxes.
 The scale is 1 ft. / 6 in. I will measure how many inches of water above ground level.
Which ever  has the least amount of rain will be the best way to control floods.

After conducting the experiment, my results show that dikes or levees are the best way to  reduce flood damage. The land around them was unharmed. These work well, but the river water was high. Canals let 7/12 in. of water to ground level. These did not make the river water high though. The dam was completely useless. It flooded a large amount at one place and went through to the other side. The water level measured at
1 in. Sand bags were easy to place down but let flood water through. The water level measured measured at 5/6 in. These did not work well.

In conclusion I have realized that levees are the best way to reduce flood damage.  Levees may solve the problem temporarily, but during the next flood rivers would flood even more unless workmen dredge mud from the bottom of the river. Sandbags help, but have the same problems that levees do. Dams make the flood worse, but in an area that would not harm as much as in an urban area. Canals help, but do not eliminate damage completely. Levees are the best way, but they take time to build, and require man power to dredge the mud. 
Bibliography & Links   
  • Internet
  • Encarta Encyclopedia
  • Angry Waters
  • Fires and Floods
  • Dikes and Windmills
  • Controlling the Mississippi
  • Floods
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Jordan G.
Timber Ridge Magnet School