Wohnen und Gesundheit
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arrowWHO publishes the first indoor air quality guidelines on dampness and mould 
 Living in damp or mouldy buildings increases the risk of respiratory symptoms and asthma up to 75%. This is the conclusion of the first guidelines on dampness and mould released today, which offer guidance on how to ensure safe and healthy buildings. They are the first in a series of WHO guidelines for indoor air quality which will also cover pollution from selected chemicals and from combustion products. 
arrowMake your home healthy - Prevent damp and mould 
 This information brochure summarizes key messages to prevent and reduce exposure to home dampness and mould, and to remove mould once it occurs. 
arrowThe WHO approach to housing and health 
 What is healthy housing? 
arrowCurrent knowledge 
 List of publications and reports providing an overview of housing and health evidence 

An example of bad housing conditions.

Housing conditions influence people's health in positive and in negative ways.

  • In some European countries, accidents in the home kill more people than road accidents. Poor design or construction of homes is the cause of many of these accidents.
  • Indoor pollutants or mould cause asthma, allergies or respiratory diseases, which use of the proper building materials and construction might prevent.
  • About every tenth lung cancer case results from radon in the patient's home. Appropriate design can prevent both exposure and the risk to health.

In response, the WHO/Europe housing programme addresses the following priority issues:

  • home safety and accidents
  • indoor air quality
  • thermal comfort and energy
  • residential environments and physical activity
  • effects on mental health
  • the challenge of ageing populations.

The programme seeks to assess and quantify the health impact of housing conditions. With international experts, it evaluates the evidence on health gains from implementation of local action plans for housing rehabilitation, and sets health priorities related to various technical aspects of housing.