Gesunde Städte und städtische Gesundheitspolitik
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 Thirteen cities have recently been designated to the WHO European Healthy Cities Network 
 15. Juni 2009 
 Congratulations cities! This brings the total number of cities designated in Phase V to 17. They will be joined by other cities working toward the common goal of striving for health and healthy equity in all local policies. 
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 Healthy Cities' book comes top in Google Book Search 
 07. Mai 2009 
 For the last two weeks, Social determinants of health. The solid facts. 2nd edition was the most visited of all the WHO books in the search scheme. The ten topics covered include the lifelong importance of health determinants in early childhood, and the effects of poverty, drugs, working conditions, unemployment, social support, good food and transport policy. 
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WHO Aktuell
 7 April 2010 
 World Health Day 2010 will focus on urbanization and health. With the campaign "1000 cities - 1000 lives", events will be organized worldwide calling on cities to open up streets for health activities. Stories of urban health champions will be gathered to illustrate what people are doing to improve health in their cities. 
 Weiter [Website des WHO-Hauptbüros] 
 First World Fair of Municipalities and Health: Rights, Citizenship and Integrated Local Management for Development 
 18 to 21 August 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina 
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Healthy Cities and urban governance

The WHO Healthy Cities programme engages local governments in health development through a process of political commitment, institutional change, capacity building, partnership-based planning and innovative projects. It promotes comprehensive and systematic policy and planning with a special emphasis on health inequalities and urban poverty, the needs of vulnerable groups, participatory governance and the social, economic and environmental determinants of health. It also strives to include health considerations in economic, regeneration and urban development efforts.

Over 1200 cities and towns from over 30 countries in the WHO European Region are healthy cities. These are linked through national, regional, metropolitan and thematic Healthy Cities networks, as well as the WHO European Healthy Cities Network for more advanced cities.

The WHO European Healthy Cities Network consists of a network of cities from around Europe that are committed to health and sustainable development. They are designated to the WHO European Healthy Cities Network on the basis of criteria that are renewed every five years. Each five-year phase focuses on a number of core priority themes and is launched with a political declaration and a set of strategic goals. The overarching goal of Phase V (2009–2013) is Health and health equity in all local policies. Cities are focusing on three core themes: caring and supportive environments, healthy living and healthy urban design. Phase V is supported by the Zagreb Political Declaration for Healthy Cities in the European Region.

Healthy Cities is a global movement. Healthy Cities networks are established in all six WHO regions. Man on bicycle Courtesy of Fietsersbond vzw (Belgian Cyclists Union), Mother with children WHO/C. Piza Lopez