Team Hardcore: Stayin' Alive
Posted by Frankie at 10/20/2005 12:00 PM PST
How to Stay Alive for More Than Ten Seconds in Team Hardcore

Team Hardcore, to the uninitiated, or fresh-faced player is a new kind of hell. It is the level of hell where sinners spawn, hear three pops and drop dead. Respawn, a fizz, two pops, drop dead. Respawn, four pops, dead. You get the idea.

But there's more to Team Hardcore than spawning and then dropping dead. Allegedly. Our new pro-oriented Playlist has a lot to offer players both seasoned and virginal. You just have to know the ropes.

Anyone who's played me knows that the only advice I can give is to grab the skull and hide in a corner, thrashing the melee attack button and peeing yourself. So I enlisted the help of a professional, all the way from Major League Gaming , better known as the MLG .

We found help in the form of Dolbex, the director of communications for MLG. Don't worry, he's a gamer, not a paid flack. Dolbex (real name, Gary Williams) takes a lot of heat from Bungie and Halo.Bungie.Org. In fact, there's a tradition of insulting him that goes back thousands of years. You see, Dolbex is a hardcore player. So hardcore in fact, that at one HBO LAN party (playing Halo one) he showed up with a duke controller, fused, in unholy matrimony to a digital watch, so that he could time weapon respawns to the microsecond.

Dismissing cheating accusations with the qualifier that anyone could attach a digital watch to their controller, he was henceforth never to be known as Dolbex again. From that moment on, he would become "Suckbex, Turdbex, Cheatbex, Jerkbex " and so on. It should be noted that Toolbex is not only extraordinarily good at the game, he's also extraordinarily pleasant and in real life, modest.

Pleasant enough to sit down with us and give us noobz some pointers for the horror that lurks inside Team Hardcore.

"I hope they don't attack us from space."

Lots of folks misunderstand the relationship between Bungie and MLG. The MLG picks games that suit their tournament style, they don't design playlists for us, and we don't interfere with their tournaments. As a matter of fact, we have a very pleasant, friendly relationship. The fact that it took nearly a year to have a "Pro" playlist on Halo 2 matchmaking has much more to do with the reality of playlist design and the current makeup of players than anything else.

Not that the MLG didn't want one. Crapbex explains, "I emailed Sketch and asked if it would be possible for MLG to have a playlist that we could have input on and update on a fairly regular basis. More or less like a practice playlist for our events. Sketch contacted me a few days later and gave us the skinny. Apparently it wasn't all that easy to update a playlist's game types for several reasons (, stats, Xbox Live stuff, etc)."

So we put MLG off for a bit, but a hardcore playlist was imagined from the very outset. However, putting one in at the launch of the game would have been a terrible idea. The barrier to entry for normal players would have been too high, and left most players with a bad taste in their mouths. Basically, we had to wait until this was something that could please the majority of players. But it was not designed simply for the MLG. In fact, we did wonder if the MLG would find our interpretation of a "pro" playlist to their liking.

Smegbex assured us it was. "I think Dyslexia summed that question up very well in his recent write-up on MLG . While the playlist isn't a direct copy of the MLG tourney game types, it definitely has roots in what we are playing. I think most everyone is finding the playlist a lot of fun and enjoying kicking some ass with the weapon-set they know best. Just this morning I saw on our forums a post by TWISTED-BULLET that was entitled: 'Christmas Came Early! Matchmade in Heaven.' If that doesn't tell you people are enjoying it, I don't know what will."

But we're not here to be patted on the back by Fartbex or the MLG. We're here to help you, the ruddy-cheeked cherub gamer, enter the black horror of Team Hardcore with maximum lubrication. That lubrication of course, being the slippery unguent of advice.

Scatbex's first rule of Team Hardcore: Don't go there alone. "Definitely knowing who you are playing with helps. I never quite understood why some players just run into a game all by themselves not knowing anyone from the game. Taking in at least one friend will make a huge difference in how well you can perform."

Cheesebex is of course correct. The more complete and cohesive a team, the less chance there is of your new teammates quitting, and leaving you to fend for yourself.

But there's more to it than keeping a team of four in there with you.

"Let's ALL get rockets!"

"Teamwork is at a much higher importance with the settings on the Team Hardcore Playlist and you need to know how to interact with your team. So, before you jump into a game talk about what your strategy is going to be... what your role is. That way, even if it doesn't work you know that next time you need to take a different approach."

Dangleberrybex may be good, but he's got more in common with you or I than you might think.

"My role is usually "guarding the base." That translates into "Staying out of the way"

Unbelievably, a human female agreed to romantic congress with Bumeggbex, and yet he abuses fate's kindness by forcing her into Team Hardcore, and then mocking her skills in a public forum, as we see here.

"Just don't do what my wife does [editor's note: Bungbex's wife is actually called MamaBex, no kidding] which is run around aimlessly screaming about 'not knowing where the bad man is.' Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the fact that you don't have to look in the corner every other second. There are other HUGE indicators that can tell you where the other team is. A big thing we are starting to see at our events is teams showing up with headphones so they can hear footsteps. I know it sounds crazy, but there are a ton of sound effects you miss when blasting Rush [editor's note: Rush is a band that morbidly obese people used to listen to in 1843. They had long hair and tie-dyed T-Shirts, and they played electrical guitars known as "axes."] on your stereo while playing. Throw on some headphones and you will be amazed at how loud MC running down the hall behind you can be."

Not all of Teabagbex's tricks are so clean or noble.

"Remember that players will respawn near their team. So a huge move is to stay back and not rush in to where a team is spawning. A disgusting tactic (and part of the reason Anakin and Puckett removed it from the lineup) on Colossus Snipers is to have one of your team mates at red or blue flag, one around the side ramp area, and two up top. This forces the team to spawn at the opposite base. Knowing where the other team is on a Snipers match is huge, and a pin maneuver is what a lot of the pro teams are going for when they are playing."

Pin maneuvers work on many maps, and in many play styles. Naturally they work better with ranged weapons. But there are defensive strategies you need to employee too, especially if you are pinned.

"You're sure they're out of grenades, right?"

"Covering your team mates is a big part of it. Even if you are not able to kill someone before they kill your team mate, at least you are there to finish the kill while their shields are low and trade the kills. New players constantly struggle with not knowing where their team mates are. Shadow your team mates and always have a plan. You don't need radar if you have those things going for you," spouts Fruitbex ebulliently.

And speaking of, um, speaking, you need to get a mic. And verbal skills are essential.

"Essential indeedy," ejaculates Tardbex. "Speak up! No, not like that guy that screams nonsense over and over just to be a jerk, but if you are going to play, scream out some locations, tell your buddies what you think the other team is doing. So many times I'll hear the other team whine and complain about the 'n00b combo' or something like 'man, what the hell are you DOING BOBBY' while they could be sharing useful info. Don't yell at your team mate. Very calmly say "bobby, get your ass to Blue on sniper side and kill that guy while I work from the right ". Guaranteed 9 times out of 10 you will have better results and a better time. (Plus, you and Bobby will still be friends)."

Chocolatestarfishbex may be a Pro, but he's no freak-savant. He can identify with us, the hoi polloi.

"I am definitely no pro. I hang around the level 30-ish area so I know the maps and know general strategy, but when I am at a MLG event and have a chance to scrim with a team or two I generally lose. So, I am pretty familiar with the whole 'I lose a lot' concept. For me when I know that the impending doom of an Ogre rifle is just going to murder me over and over I try and sit back and figure out how I am getting beat."

All that philosophizing does not keep bullets out of skulls, but it does testify to the fact that planning, forethought and reflection can all pay dividends.

Shawshankfreshfishbex describes a possible benefit. "One on one an Ogre-level player is going to mop the floor with me most of the time, but what is so amazing about the really great teams is their ability to manipulate the situation so it's always two against one. Study where the other team is standing - what weapons are they holding? Is it really just them or do they have a team mate that is backing them up?"

What AshleeSimpsonBex is really saying is that if you can't win one-on-one battles, avoid them entirely. Do not run off on your own, flailing your arms wildly and bumping into walls. But he gets sneakier. If you can't beat them, copy them.

"Before you just "A, A, A, A" your party into another game, sit down with your team and discuss what the other team was doing, then try to duplicate it. Trust me, it works. Just discussing strategy with your team will make games a whole lot more fun and put you on the winning team more often."

Sick to my stomach of Colonbex's chicanery and Machiavellian cheatery, I asked him what he didn't like about Team Hardcore.

"Well, I can't really speak for the team," sprayed Colostomybex, "My opinion of a great game differs a pretty good bit from what John and Chris (the commissioner of MLG and Event Coordinator for MLG Halo matches, respectively) find as great games. Overall there aren't many games that I think "don't fit." If I had to pick a few that I personally can't stand, it would have to be Gemini – Crazy King, Beaver Creek - Neutral Bomb, and Lockout – Crazy King - which we actually support but the spawns on a close game drive me bonkers."

Note that Stinkbex hates our freedom, as well as our fun. So I asked him what the MLG generally thought of the new playlists and the weighting of objective versus Slayer games.

"In regards to weighting towards objective games I think it's really the right thing to do. The Team Slayer playlist is there for a reason. If you want to play 24/7 Team Slayer, head over there. John and Chris do a bang up job at our events of balancing out each step of the bracket so that you have to be good at both Team Slayer and objective game types. The right objective game type has so much teamwork behind it, it really takes the best team to win the game and not one All-Star carrying everyone. I was surprised that Bungie decided to go with so much objective goodness after the stats you released this week. Obviously a lot of the kids out there love the Slayer. Can't say I blame them, but it takes a well rounded team to win a great objective match."

If there's a lesson to be learned Buttbex's advice and opinion, it's that he's one of us. That he knows what he's talking about and that he can back it up online. And that Team Hardcore is not a nice place for kids. It is a bad, bad, dangerous, lead-filled death-hole. But for that, we thank him.

"Why are you crouching? Motion detector's off."

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Viewing: Halo 2 (Xbox)
That is One Charitable Soda Machine 

Posted by lukems at 3/20/2008 11:22 AM PST

One-of-a-kind soda machine from the offices we call home is being auctioned for the Make A Wish foundation.

We're auctioning our Halo 2 Mountain Dew soda machine. The fully-operational soda station has been at Bungie since the Halo 2 Dew promotion and we're ready to send it to a new home. The send-off will include a bunch of Bungie staffers signing and doodling on the box. Check out the auction and bid here.

Win a Halo Zune! 

Posted by SketchFactor at 5/25/2007 4:25 PM PST

Our friends over at Halo.Bungie.Org are kicking off a contest to give away FOUR brand new limited edition Halo Zunes. Visit their contest page for more details! And hurry, there isn't much time!

On June 15th the brand new Halo Zune is being released exclusively through Gamestop retailers around the country. It's a cool device that features custom Halo design stylings and comes pre-loaded with an array of Halo materials including concept art and paintings from Halo 3 (over 120 total pieces of Halo-related artwork). In addition, each device also comes loaded with an exclusive Red vs. Blue episode, many of their classic episodes and a variety of Halo trailers and VIDOCs from past and present.  There's a lot to like on there for Halo fans!

Now you could buy on one 6/15 for the bargain MSRP of $249.99 OR you can head over to Halo.Bungie.Org and win one for free!

You're going to have to work for it though - in order to win, you'll have to create either an awesome Halo song parody, original song, Halo 3 montage video or Halo machinima style video. You can get the full rules and requirements over at the HBO contest page.

We're thrilled to be able to provide the prizes for this cool contest but please be aware that Bungie Studios is not responsible for the program itself. Any questions or issues you have with the Zune Contest should be directed their way.

The Bungie Team will be looking forward to seeing and hearing some awesome community content in the weeks ahead. We'll be sure to share the best of the best with all of you.

Good luck and have fun!

Xbox Live Bantacular 

Posted by SketchFactor at 5/17/2007 3:28 PM PST

Bungie isn't the only team with a Banhammer. The Xbox Live team has infinitely more powerful tools that obviously span beyond just the Halo games. Be warned that using hacked consoles will get you a one-way ticket to Banville - no matter which game you play.

We are continually fighting the good fight to keep modders and jerks out of the Halo 2 online population (and now Halo 3) but we can all sleep easier at night knowing that the Xbox Live team has their own group of agents working towards the betterment of the online community.

Major Nelson and Gamerscoreblog posted reminders today that people who log onto Live using modified consoles are being dealt with. As more and more people pour into the Halo 3 Beta, please take this warning to heart. Using modified content and hacked boxes is against the Terms of Use for Xbox Live and doing so will result in your console being permanently banned from the service. Forever. For all games.

If you get an error message "Status Code: Z: 8015 - 190D" it means you are done playing Xbox Live on that console. Congrats.

To all of the upstanding members of the Live community - we salute you and look forward to fun times throughout the Halo 3 Beta and beyond.

Bungie Weekly Update 5/11/07 

Posted by lukems at 5/11/2007 6:22 PM PST

Despite being away on business, Frankie co-pilots this pre-Momma's Day Weekly Update.

Read Full Top Story

Halo 2 Playlist Update and Stat Reset 

Posted by lukems at 5/9/2007 5:18 PM PST

SketchFactor writes:

Tonight is the night for the long awaited Halo 2 Xbox Live Matchmaking Playlist update and ranking reset. Tombstone and Desolation will be required for some of the playlists and if you purchased them before Monday, 5/7, you will need to download them again before you can play online. Both maps will become free in early July.

It took a little longer than we would have liked but we're happy to announce that later tonight the new maps will finally be integrated into the Halo 2 Xbox Live matchmaking playlists. As you know by now, the original map release didn't go as smooth as we had hoped due to some billing and download issues and then a few wrinkles with the maps themselves. Over the past two weeks those problems were all addressed - everyone should be able to download the maps just fine and the geometry issues that were discovered in Tombstone have been addressed.

As a result of this map "repair", everyone who purchased the maps prior to Monday 5/7 will need to download them again. This is required if you want to play the maps online - only the new versions will work in Matchmaking and they are not compatible with the older versions for custom games or offilne play. You will not, I repeat, you will NOT be billed a second time if you already purchased the maps. However, do keep in mind that each purchase is tied to a single Xbox console. If you downloaded it on your Xbox 1 the first time and try to download it again on your Xbox 360, you will be charged again. Or, if you were one of the few who found the billing loop-hole the first time and weren't charged, you will be charged this time.

Tonight's update means that both new maps will be REQUIRED in order to participate in some of our matchmaking playlists. However, we are keeping several playlists in their oldschool state so if you don't have the new maps you will still have some options. Here's the breakdown of what will be available after this update:

Rumble Pit - Unranked - New Maps Required
Double Team - Ranked
Team Slayer - Ranked - New Maps Required
Team Skirmish - Ranked - New Maps Required
Team Training - Unranked 
Team Snipers - Ranked - New Maps Required
Team Hardcore - Ranked
Team SWAT - Unranked - New Maps Required
Big Team Battle - Unranked

Of course you can continue to play custom games with or without the new maps as much as you'd like.

We've been bracing you for this for a little while now but we're also resetting all Halo 2 online rankings tonight as part of this update. In light of the new maps, changes we've made to some banhammer functionality and a desire to regroup the population to better facilitate game matches, we are wiping the slate clean. Naturally this will cause joy for some and outrage for others. Hey, it's "just a number", right? And the people who were legitimate high level players should have no problem quickly ascending the ranks once again.

Lastly, we are finally happy to confirm that Tombstone and Desolation will be available for free download in early July. We don't have the exact date locked but it will be around the first week. Stay tuned to for the final details.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support of Halo 2 and your patience as we've been working through some of these issues. 

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