The RumorBuster!
Posted by Frankie at 9/15/2004 12:47 AM PST

Well, since the game is a mere couple of months out, we thought we should put to rest some of the stranger or more persistent Halo 2 rumors while we had a chance. Some of them are sort of dumb, while others are perfectly understandable. Naturally, there's lots more we're not saying and to be honest, we've debunked all of these at one time or another. But here's the choicest picks, and if you think of any more rumors you'd like put to bed (no plot questions please) then why not email The Webmaster?

NOTE: Bungie reserves the right to tell packs of lies whenever it chooses.


The Rumor: Halo 2 is coming out on PS2, Gamecube, Virtual Boy, et al…

The Facts: Bungie, awesomely independent, leather-jacket wearing, gum-chewing, authority-scorning, paintchip-eating rebel though it may be, is also owned by huge corporate behemoth, Microsoft. Microsoft, as you may be aware, is in competition with the good people at Nintendo and Sony for market dominance in the video game console market. Halo, it can be comfortably stated, is the most successful game on the system.

Now you have to ask yourself, why would Microsoft make Halo 2 for PlayStation and Gamecube, and thus give its competitors a great game, and simultaneously lose a big advantage? They wouldn't of course. No more than Nintendo would make Super Mario for Xbox, or Sony would make Ico for Gamecube. Or Donald Trump would get a haircut and wear a nice hat. Doesn't make a lick of sense.

The console is often referred to as the Razor Model – that is, a razor blade company for example will sell the Mach 12 laser-bladed nanorazor (can shave atoms right off of molecules) for a song, but then charge you twenty squillion dollars for two refill cartridges. That's us! The Xbox system itself doesn't make Microsoft much money at all, but software sales and licensing do. Only, it's ironically cheaper to buy a video game than a month's supply of razor blades.

Rumor Rant: This is just dumb. Seriously. Of all the rumors, this is the easiest one to disprove scientifically, while sitting on the toilet, armed only with a magnifying glass and a handbag.


The Rumor: The clan and stat features will require a paid subscription.

The Facts: The online aspect of Halo 2 – apart from your Xbox Live subscription that is – will be free. Gratis. That means clans, stats, delicious kernels of information and anything else except the contents of the Bungie store, will be yours. To keep. For nothing. Because we love you.

There will possibly even be free downloadable content. That's how awesome we are. Think of it as the game that keeps on giving.

Rumor Rant: Ahem. Not exactly guilt-free here, since we may or may not have run an April Fool's a few years back, claiming that was going to become subscription based, and offered subscribers access to our secret story bible, extra webcams and possibly mildly erotic massages from staff members. So basically, this one's our fault. For lying.


The Rumor: Halo 2 will feature massively multiplayer combat.

The Facts: Halo 2 will support 16 players on Live. It will support up to four players per split-screen, on System Link or Live, but there will be a maximum of 16 players in any game. So if there were four players on every box in the game, that would be four Xbox systems total. One player per box? 16 boxes. Two players? Eight boxes. You get the picture. Now, there are plenty of good technical reasons why 16 players is the limit, but only in reference to Halo 2. If the game was simpler, smaller and dumber, you could fit loads more players in a server.

If, instead of battling Spartans and Elites throughout massive interactive levels, blowing up fusion cores, boarding tanks and flying Banshees, you simply moved cubes around a grassy maze, we could probably do 64. But no, we had to go with the whole Covenant/human/vehicle interaction model. Hence, 16 players. That makes for a nice balance of performance, graphics and gameplay balance.

Rumor Rant: While 24 players could have been stretched out (at the cost of other features) anything more would be stretching credulity. That said, it was never a wholly unreasonable rumor. And who's to say Bungie didn't consider it? But 16 it is.


The Rumor: Halo 2 will feature four player split-screen co-op play.

The Facts: There's two player co-op, but that's it. Four player co-op is quite possible, but it would be a mess in split-screen. Spartans would overwhelm the Covenant with sheer weight of numbers. There'd be so many Spartans on your tiny split screen, that you'd have to blast through them just to get at the bad guys. It would also be absurdly easy. And with that many Spartans, we should probably be invading the Covenant Homeworlds, not the other way around.

Anyway four player co-op WOULD be a totally cool idea if each player had their own screen and rank. In fact the basis for that type of game is already in there, since AI players play valuable roles in the game. A player could simply assume the role of say, Sgt. Johnson, or an ODST. Or if they were totally weak and just liked flapping their lips instead of fighting, they could be Cortana. But none of that is in Halo 2. And of course, the usefulness of sharing a screen would be gone too.

Rumor Rant: Again, a sorta kinda believable rumor, that you wouldn't have to drink enormous amounts of Kool-Aid to believe. But it isn't true.


The Rumor: Halo 2 will feature AI opponents in multiplayer games.

The Facts: We never mentioned bots. Not once. Except when we were saying, "No, there's really no bots." Or, "We don't think we can get bots in the game." Now, before I even start explaining why there's no bots, let me first preface my excuse by admitting that adding bots would be hard work. But that's not why they're not in there. Sure it would be extra slog, and extra time and lots of resources, but bots simply weren't in the plan.

After all, Halo 2 does feature nice, sturdy enemy AI, which has pathfinding, line of sight, auditory and other methods of finding good guys. Why not just apply that to bots? Well, it would be a lot harder than that for one thing, but more importantly. Halo 2 is a single and multiplayer game. We have a rock solid single player mode and rock solid multiplayer modes. Bots is a combination of the two.

But the really simple answer is that we're also not putting in a dance mode, or mini-games, or any other number of features that might or might not be cool. We're just sticking to the plan, and putting as much of it into practice as time allows.

Me personally? I don't like bots, except as filler. I don't take any satisfaction from shooting them, and I have never encountered a perfectly tuned bot. They seem to go from rock-like stupidity, to being able to kill you with the merest pass of gas, and don't visit the cozy area of feeling like a real opponent in between. Mind you, I haven't played everything.

Oh, if you're reading this, and you're seventy, a "bot" is a computer-controlled opponent that plays against you in otherwise empty multiplayer matches. And a computer is an electric box that thinks, just like a common monkey!

Rumor Rant: We never said there would be bots, but other games have them, so it's hardly a ridiculous theory.


The Rumor: Players can dual-wield any weapon in the game.

The Facts: Although dual rocket launchers could conceivably cause sanity issues, the real reason for that NOT being a possibility is the high stupidity factor involved. So all of the dual wieldable guns in Halo 2, are ones you could feasibly hold in a single hand. That means rifles, shotguns, launchers and anything else that would require the user to have a couple of hands available, cannot be dual-wielded.

This choice has the added bonus of not filling the Xbox Live servers with crazy, twin-rocket launching space-freaks who can also drive ATVs in zero G. And punch your soul off with a Fisticator.

Rumor Rant: Not totally crazy, since it is possible to look cool and fire a pump action shotgun with one hand, just massively impractical. And whatever you do, don't try to light a cigar while doing that.


The Rumor: Halo 1.5 is coming out for Xbox

The Facts: In some ways, the ultimate rumor. We're two months from the launch of Halo 2, and people still think we might have time to squeeze in the mythical Halo 1.5 – an online enabled version of the original game with a few new maps and some graphical improvements. Well, the PC and Mac versions certainly have those features, but they're NOT Halo 1.5, they're simply Halo.

Halo 1.5 is a decent idea, but the fact remains, we were never working on it. We had to finish Halo and then devote every available resource to Halo 2. There was no time for monkey business.

Rumor Rant: We actually denied it as bunch of times. Vociferously in fact. If you go back and look at Bungie denials of the past, they invariably stick.

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Viewing: Halo 2 (Xbox)
That is One Charitable Soda Machine 

Posted by lukems at 3/20/2008 11:22 AM PST

One-of-a-kind soda machine from the offices we call home is being auctioned for the Make A Wish foundation.

We're auctioning our Halo 2 Mountain Dew soda machine. The fully-operational soda station has been at Bungie since the Halo 2 Dew promotion and we're ready to send it to a new home. The send-off will include a bunch of Bungie staffers signing and doodling on the box. Check out the auction and bid here.

Win a Halo Zune! 

Posted by SketchFactor at 5/25/2007 4:25 PM PST

Our friends over at Halo.Bungie.Org are kicking off a contest to give away FOUR brand new limited edition Halo Zunes. Visit their contest page for more details! And hurry, there isn't much time!

On June 15th the brand new Halo Zune is being released exclusively through Gamestop retailers around the country. It's a cool device that features custom Halo design stylings and comes pre-loaded with an array of Halo materials including concept art and paintings from Halo 3 (over 120 total pieces of Halo-related artwork). In addition, each device also comes loaded with an exclusive Red vs. Blue episode, many of their classic episodes and a variety of Halo trailers and VIDOCs from past and present.  There's a lot to like on there for Halo fans!

Now you could buy on one 6/15 for the bargain MSRP of $249.99 OR you can head over to Halo.Bungie.Org and win one for free!

You're going to have to work for it though - in order to win, you'll have to create either an awesome Halo song parody, original song, Halo 3 montage video or Halo machinima style video. You can get the full rules and requirements over at the HBO contest page.

We're thrilled to be able to provide the prizes for this cool contest but please be aware that Bungie Studios is not responsible for the program itself. Any questions or issues you have with the Zune Contest should be directed their way.

The Bungie Team will be looking forward to seeing and hearing some awesome community content in the weeks ahead. We'll be sure to share the best of the best with all of you.

Good luck and have fun!

Xbox Live Bantacular 

Posted by SketchFactor at 5/17/2007 3:28 PM PST

Bungie isn't the only team with a Banhammer. The Xbox Live team has infinitely more powerful tools that obviously span beyond just the Halo games. Be warned that using hacked consoles will get you a one-way ticket to Banville - no matter which game you play.

We are continually fighting the good fight to keep modders and jerks out of the Halo 2 online population (and now Halo 3) but we can all sleep easier at night knowing that the Xbox Live team has their own group of agents working towards the betterment of the online community.

Major Nelson and Gamerscoreblog posted reminders today that people who log onto Live using modified consoles are being dealt with. As more and more people pour into the Halo 3 Beta, please take this warning to heart. Using modified content and hacked boxes is against the Terms of Use for Xbox Live and doing so will result in your console being permanently banned from the service. Forever. For all games.

If you get an error message "Status Code: Z: 8015 - 190D" it means you are done playing Xbox Live on that console. Congrats.

To all of the upstanding members of the Live community - we salute you and look forward to fun times throughout the Halo 3 Beta and beyond.

Bungie Weekly Update 5/11/07 

Posted by lukems at 5/11/2007 6:22 PM PST

Despite being away on business, Frankie co-pilots this pre-Momma's Day Weekly Update.

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Halo 2 Playlist Update and Stat Reset 

Posted by lukems at 5/9/2007 5:18 PM PST

SketchFactor writes:

Tonight is the night for the long awaited Halo 2 Xbox Live Matchmaking Playlist update and ranking reset. Tombstone and Desolation will be required for some of the playlists and if you purchased them before Monday, 5/7, you will need to download them again before you can play online. Both maps will become free in early July.

It took a little longer than we would have liked but we're happy to announce that later tonight the new maps will finally be integrated into the Halo 2 Xbox Live matchmaking playlists. As you know by now, the original map release didn't go as smooth as we had hoped due to some billing and download issues and then a few wrinkles with the maps themselves. Over the past two weeks those problems were all addressed - everyone should be able to download the maps just fine and the geometry issues that were discovered in Tombstone have been addressed.

As a result of this map "repair", everyone who purchased the maps prior to Monday 5/7 will need to download them again. This is required if you want to play the maps online - only the new versions will work in Matchmaking and they are not compatible with the older versions for custom games or offilne play. You will not, I repeat, you will NOT be billed a second time if you already purchased the maps. However, do keep in mind that each purchase is tied to a single Xbox console. If you downloaded it on your Xbox 1 the first time and try to download it again on your Xbox 360, you will be charged again. Or, if you were one of the few who found the billing loop-hole the first time and weren't charged, you will be charged this time.

Tonight's update means that both new maps will be REQUIRED in order to participate in some of our matchmaking playlists. However, we are keeping several playlists in their oldschool state so if you don't have the new maps you will still have some options. Here's the breakdown of what will be available after this update:

Rumble Pit - Unranked - New Maps Required
Double Team - Ranked
Team Slayer - Ranked - New Maps Required
Team Skirmish - Ranked - New Maps Required
Team Training - Unranked 
Team Snipers - Ranked - New Maps Required
Team Hardcore - Ranked
Team SWAT - Unranked - New Maps Required
Big Team Battle - Unranked

Of course you can continue to play custom games with or without the new maps as much as you'd like.

We've been bracing you for this for a little while now but we're also resetting all Halo 2 online rankings tonight as part of this update. In light of the new maps, changes we've made to some banhammer functionality and a desire to regroup the population to better facilitate game matches, we are wiping the slate clean. Naturally this will cause joy for some and outrage for others. Hey, it's "just a number", right? And the people who were legitimate high level players should have no problem quickly ascending the ranks once again.

Lastly, we are finally happy to confirm that Tombstone and Desolation will be available for free download in early July. We don't have the exact date locked but it will be around the first week. Stay tuned to for the final details.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support of Halo 2 and your patience as we've been working through some of these issues. 

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