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An interview with the 'Kebabmonster' (2529 views, 89 comments)
Posted by wra1th on Friday 5th June 2009, 18:41 GMT
Interview: ET
Some of you might know him, some of you might not. I got a chance to interview Team Turkeys' Nationscup Leader, TanQ.

Hello TanQ, could you tell the Crossfire community something about yourself?

My name is Serkan Gözkaya, I am 17 years old and I'm living in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. At the moment I'm studying in college.

As you have recently returned from your break, have you got the feeling that the community of both Enemy Territory and Crossfire has changed?

Well,it has changed a bit as I see. I see lots of ET teams getting created and I see more activity and I realise that the sentence "ET is dead" has decreased in usage. I am happy to see more challenge in ET :)

Being back for only a week you have already created your own clan, Team Salvation. What are your expectations of this team, and what are you aiming for?

I was planning to create a team while I was away from ET. I got in touch with my mates and made the team. My expectations are to play lots of officials during the summer and to play Summercup in the Premier. And last but not least to have fun with my teammates.

After the whole drama concerning Motif and CC5, how do you feel about taking this player in your team?

I knew Motif from before (Nknn). I still think he should have played in cc5, the admins made their decision too quick in my opinion. As he is a friend of both me and Shaky, and we trust him, we decided to take him into the team. We can't blame him for the fact that this happened during cc5 so I never really hesitated about him joining Salvation. None of the players from our team really care about the fact what happened. I am just glad to have a good player, and a good friend, as Motif in my team.

You've been around for quite a while in this community. If you look back on those years, what have been your best moments?

Well my best moments were in unpatched, I played and leaded 2 best teams in that patch(rS & FS). When I came to patched I played a lot to improve myself. I got chosen to be the Captain of Team Turkey in the Nationscup. Those probably were the best times I had in this game. Yet, after my comeback, I still feel that old days' atmosphere.

A lot of players in the community know you as managar and co-founder of the old multi-gaming clan Zero Empathy. What was your reason for quitting this and not picking this up again, after your break?

Well I did this manager job for a long time and i liked doing it. I think me and Reshep did quite a good job with Zero Empathy. Just at one point my life in ET became too busy, so I decided to give up managing teams and rather focus on playing.I am glad that I picked this choice, I've never regretted this decision. I don't think I will return to Zero Empathy as a manager again, since you need to spend a lot of time and hard work on it.

What's your biggest personal goal, when it comes to gaming, that you want to achieve in the nearby future?

Well I love gaming, it's something that makes me relax and I can find my joy in. My biggest goal is to attend a LAN, to play there and meet my online friends. Next to that, I want to achieve a lot more with Team Turkey. There is only a small ET community in Turkey, so I want to set the bar higher for my country and prove that we can play on a high level as well.

With Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2 expected to be released this year, will you step over to this game, or will you remain faithull to Enemy Territory?

I think I will give it a try with the new game, I don't know what to do at the moment because it's too early to judge. I watched the trailers and read the information about the game but as I said, I am not going to judge the game yet. So I don't want to say something certain yet. But with the comments I've read and heard I don't beleive the new game can get more fans than the old lovely ET.

As the admins have already announced, there might be a cc7 taking place in September. There have been some questions if there will still be an Enemy Territory competition after the release of RTCW 2. What is your opinion about this fact?

I think ET should take a place in cc7. As we can all see, there was a big ammount of applies to cc6 from ET, so in my opinion there will be ET.Some people think that the new Wolfenstein is just a fail, and they already decided not to play the game even before it's release. There is a big number of people who are expecting an Enemy Territory competition, so I think there will be ET instead of RTCW 2, or perhaps they will both take place in the LAN.

I would like to thank you for this interview TanQ. Is there anything you would like to say to the community, as a last comment?

You are welcome wra1th, I thank you for interviewing me. I want to thank all people who helped me in this game and I want to give a shoutout to all the people who made this game fun for me. Also, a special shoutout to all Kebab-lovers. :)
 MoriN  on 05/06/09, 18:45:29 GMT Edited
lol 1st
 Query  on 05/06/09, 18:46:16 GMT
kebab <3
 ecoh  on 05/06/09, 18:48:55 GMT
go salvation
karibu <3
 PUSSYNO  on 05/06/09, 18:57:12 GMT
TanQ is POLISH! for siure
 Jiind3  on 05/06/09, 19:21:01 GMT
 Viax  on 05/06/09, 19:55:29 GMT
17 and already a teacher, well done.
 punkk on 06/06/09, 05:02:38 GMT
i loled @ educating
 Witje  on 05/06/09, 20:26:38 GMT
nice interview tanq :)
 xeoxis  on 05/06/09, 21:05:32 GMT
Almost as skilled as me.
 cPPr  on 05/06/09, 21:24:29 GMT
 MerlinatoR  on 05/06/09, 21:51:20 GMT
motif saga was cc6 wasnt it?

the one I was right about all the time - that saga - oh yes.. that one! =)
 STICKER  on 05/06/09, 21:56:54 GMT
rS* dominated ETW unpatched..
 rnzl on 07/06/09, 11:29:26 GMT
 Hydr0  on 05/06/09, 22:14:05 GMT
wtf TanQ was in rS* ?
 TanQ on 06/06/09, 09:33:59 GMT
yes i was leader of rS
 Hydr0 on 06/06/09, 11:19:50 GMT
with all Demz0r Jewe Lithium and rest of finabs?
 TanQ on 06/06/09, 11:26:47 GMT
 Tozuo on 06/06/09, 14:25:14 GMT
it whos a nice time on 2.55 getting bashed by rS all the time :<
 Devix on 06/06/09, 22:20:07 GMT Edited
pS* was best 2on2/3on3, u cant argument that! :XD

had fun in rS* too tho.

how long it has been now from that time?
 Jimriniho on 06/06/09, 19:40:53 GMT
i was in rS for 2 or 3 years ago i think, then joined MeD the last team in unpatched after movin to 2.6b
 Pepezki  on 05/06/09, 22:24:46 GMT
 Fisk0r  on 06/06/09, 05:58:43 GMT
Nice read :)
 overhault on 06/06/09, 08:38:24 GMT
tanq wanqie stanqie <3 my prove turkisch pro:D was fun with playing you m8
!gratz witch your exams

 Fisk0r on 06/06/09, 08:50:15 GMT
What are u talking about? I hope you can see I'm not TanQ?
 Lazio on 06/06/09, 09:03:20 GMT
shutup TanQ !
 Fisk0r on 06/06/09, 09:41:15 GMT
No! :(
 motif  on 06/06/09, 10:12:18 GMT
tanQ has spoken!
 Nemesis-  on 06/06/09, 12:18:08 GMT
<3 TanQ
 plekter  on 06/06/09, 12:37:10 GMT
 Quote Kebabmonster

Expected an interview with RazZah tbh!
 Fisk0r on 06/06/09, 14:27:18 GMT
Same, lol
 RazZaH on 06/06/09, 19:23:26 GMT

-.- im the kebabmonster tbh
but k if its tanq im fine since he is a nice turk
 Loekino on 06/06/09, 21:13:20 GMT
your the real one!
 Evilynn on 08/06/09, 05:25:14 GMT
 niconxL on 08/06/09, 20:56:28 GMT
 WalkinTarget on 11/06/09, 17:08:04 GMT
same x)
 spho  on 06/06/09, 14:46:09 GMT
why do you always start your answer with either ''well'' or ''I''
 Hydr0 on 06/06/09, 15:33:26 GMT
His 1st question?
 slarti  on 06/06/09, 15:32:30 GMT
Interviews with random, gotta love em :)
 cuttyP  on 06/06/09, 15:50:31 GMT Edited
 Quote ... considering one of the golden rules is that we need 3 months notice to get maximum team numbers you are realistically looking at there not being another Challenge in 2009.
 FimS  on 06/06/09, 16:45:32 GMT Edited
 Quote Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2 expected to be released this year

Could maybe the last of you get it, that it is not RtcW2.. its Wolfenstein, its like you said et:qw was ET2 .. it wasnt, and wolfenstein will not be. thx
 rafek  on 06/06/09, 17:59:17 GMT Edited
haha well done :)

TanQ <3
 Williams  on 06/06/09, 18:22:50 GMT
go tanQ nice right dave
 Nasty04  on 06/06/09, 19:24:37 GMT
who gives a fuck
 M6mmi  on 06/06/09, 20:29:34 GMT
 Quote But with the comments I've read and heard I don't beleive the new game can get more fans than the old lovely ET.

If Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2 won't kill this small community of ET, what will ? Are you people seriously going to stick to this.. Already rather boring game called W:ET ? You've got to be nuts to choose ET over RTCW2, unless ofcourse you're not willing to waste a little bit money on games. And this is a question to everybody, not only you, Tanq. Other than that, good luck with the cup !
 TanQ on 06/06/09, 20:45:10 GMT
well i find ET very exciting and some ppl think Wolfenstein will be better and some dont think in that way.I dont think the new game will be better than ET thats my own opinion :(
 mAna on 12/06/09, 19:53:08 GMT Edited
first of all, its not RTCW2, its Wolfenstein, try to get that into ur fat&ugly nerdhead. Second of all, plz keep ur retarded opinions to urself. How the fuck can you know that it will be better game than ET? We are not playing games because of the uber graphics wich u prolly masturbate because ur such a nerd. Third, ur a fucking mongoloid and we all hate u.

i have spoken, now gtfo from our ET loving community
 M6mmi on 13/06/09, 08:54:02 GMT
So you don't think that a 2009 year game will kill the old/boring ET? And why do you insult me, seriously? It's just a fact that any player with common sense will prefere it to ET :|
 mAna on 13/06/09, 12:02:38 GMT
i dont know yet. But i have a strong feeling that its gameplay will be not as fast as in ET and it will suck. And i insult you because u write that bullshit here without knowing shit about anything.
 M6mmi on 13/06/09, 18:27:06 GMT
By anything you mean?
 Viperish on 15/06/09, 01:55:38 GMT Edited
 Quote:  M6mmi So you don't think that a 2009 year game will kill the old/boring ET? And why do you insult me, seriously? It's just a fact that any player with common sense will prefere it to ET :|
.. Why would "a 2009 year game" kill the "old/boring" ET? Please tell me why the ET isn't dead yet, still there have been many new games from the year 2009. You may find ET a boring game, but there are still many players that does not (me for example).
 M6mmi on 15/06/09, 20:12:52 GMT
Obviously the fact that it's Wolfenstein 2?
 meNth on 18/06/09, 10:31:01 GMT
we already said that for ETQW, "OMG OMG ETQW INCOMING ET WILL DIE BLABLABLABA" and what now? you know what happenned, but hey just stfu and dont talk until we have more info's bout wolfenstein MP , even if i think with my OWN AND PERSONAL OPINION that's its not going to take ET down!
 Paper  on 06/06/09, 23:20:49 GMT
And I thought the kebabmonster was Razzah!
 sChooLer  on 07/06/09, 16:31:09 GMT Edited
tanqie,,, nice to see you back m8 :DDDDDDD pouissino is back online 2 :P take him as a "masscotte":D
 SuchY  on 07/06/09, 18:24:41 GMT Edited
One important think.
KEBAB is from Germany. I dont know why are you thinking that turkish = kebab things ...
sry 4 engrish
 TanQ on 07/06/09, 21:35:30 GMT
KEBAB is from Germany wtf? Kebab is a turkish food, its origin is turkey...
 nakato on 08/06/09, 07:42:55 GMT Edited
yes, everything that is made in germany originates from germany, even the chinese food.

WAKE UP, welcome to a multicultural society!

*edit: sorry about that, didn't realise you were from Poland.
 SuchY on 08/06/09, 12:20:06 GMT
First one was "kebab" on plate (only meat)
Then in turkey was first "Döner kebab"

Next time check informations morons
 RazZaH on 08/06/09, 12:37:29 GMT
döner is from germany

kebab is from turkey

im professional kebab expert
 cRz_ on 11/06/09, 19:41:58 GMT
you are the döner boy !
 PlemPlem on 18/06/09, 09:49:50 GMT
so razzah is döner boy and tanq is kebab boy? :o
 brtn  on 08/06/09, 08:18:11 GMT
 Quote I played and leaded 2 best teams in that patch(rS & FS).

 Zeku  on 08/06/09, 08:56:33 GMT
kebabmonster? err, can't see razzah here..

fucking fakers. -_-
 Azzor  on 08/06/09, 15:09:08 GMT
mhh nice food
 HellHammer  on 08/06/09, 17:49:47 GMT
I kinda expected Razzah or Banaan.
 Domi  on 09/06/09, 08:20:13 GMT
 Quote Well my best moments were in unpatched, I played and leaded 2 best teams in that patch(rS & FS).
Doubting that! no offense though, NwN would've raped you, sclumpf aswell!
 Wesbo on 09/06/09, 08:26:59 GMT
Who cares. I think they're from after our time :P
 Domi on 09/06/09, 09:56:33 GMT
Must be way after your time then! :P
 Wesbo on 09/06/09, 10:06:53 GMT
nwn~ranger was pretty awesome though
 Domi on 09/06/09, 10:56:22 GMT
I've got absolutely no idea who is who :D
 Wesbo on 09/06/09, 11:01:08 GMT
wizard = joop
shad = shad
fighter = saken
druid = druid

dunno the rest xD and rang was me
 Domi on 09/06/09, 11:50:16 GMT
LoL mkay!
 Darfen on 10/06/09, 14:09:05 GMT
is shad swedish?
 Wesbo on 10/06/09, 19:59:50 GMT
No brittish
 sKy- on 11/06/09, 22:32:07 GMT
.lrf and team Fortuna too
 AziMiZ on 12/06/09, 22:06:03 GMT
kapoks raped all and u know it !!
 nebu  on 09/06/09, 12:10:44 GMT
Tanq ! \o/
 ED  on 09/06/09, 20:03:44 GMT
short , low , boring
 Mini  on 14/06/09, 13:16:09 GMT
 alpine  on 15/06/09, 14:12:40 GMT
you got named afted the tiger from junglebook?
 DrTank  on 15/06/09, 16:57:13 GMT
i'm hungry now.
 TanQ on 15/06/09, 21:09:37 GMT Edited
name bro's :)
 DrTank on 16/06/09, 16:25:51 GMT
 coLdicE  on 16/06/09, 12:49:45 GMT
ebeyin ami yeah
 PlemPlem on 18/06/09, 09:50:08 GMT
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