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Is the Enemy Territory GAMEPLAY now perfect? (318 comments)
Posted by Nellie on Wednesday 24th June 2009
Poll: ET
Yes, it's the finished product:
(662 votes)
Still some slight tweaking needed:
(559 votes)
Nope, we’re a long way short:
(210 votes)
Show Votes
In the past we’ve flirted with 5v5, morphed the role of field ops, restricted medics & played around with the format. Following a recent AoW inspired journal on how to improve the game, all the responses related to maps – this leaves the question – is the ET gameplay now perfect?

Aside: what is it that makes ET so good?
 mst  on 24/06/09, 12:08:34 GMT Edited
It is.

The only bad thing @ ET are overplayed maps and small amount of clans/players nowadays ofc.
 gari on 24/06/09, 13:25:45 GMT
in every game there are after some years overplayed maps, in cs is eg. de_dust.

we only got the problems that we dont have many mapper who're able to create many competition maps.
or the public maps aren't tested enough to look, if it's possible to perhaps edit it into a competitionmap without much work.
 Kaide on 24/06/09, 13:30:04 GMT
The bad thing is that there are no lans which means that ET can't really have decent competive scene.
 uniqee  on 24/06/09, 12:08:35 GMT
yes yes
 uiDan  on 24/06/09, 12:08:48 GMT
 dEVJE  on 24/06/09, 12:09:37 GMT
 sungi  on 24/06/09, 12:10:03 GMT
What makes ET so good?

The pure teamplay, the tactics that actually require crossfire and brain unlike in other games where 1 guy can backrape 4 enemies without a sweat. also the fast pacedness and the objectives, classes ETC.
 Viperish on 24/06/09, 12:12:29 GMT Edited
+1. so true
 niconxL on 24/06/09, 13:18:26 GMT
couldnt agree more
 snoop  on 24/06/09, 12:13:04 GMT
used to be perfect, now its way too laggy and somtimes too boring because of all the limitations.
 sKy- on 24/06/09, 12:14:24 GMT

et_beach modifieing fucked up the map and why putting mg away etc..
 Mini on 24/06/09, 12:21:41 GMT
 snoop on 24/06/09, 12:26:36 GMT
 Mini on 24/06/09, 12:27:11 GMT
say what?
 snoop on 24/06/09, 12:27:56 GMT
 Mini on 24/06/09, 12:28:56 GMT
say "what?"
 snoop on 24/06/09, 12:29:58 GMT
 slajdan on 24/06/09, 12:50:05 GMT
 snoop on 24/06/09, 12:59:27 GMT
say "what?"
 gari on 24/06/09, 13:27:30 GMT
 LavOd on 25/06/09, 00:30:45 GMT
 crAshh on 25/06/09, 16:02:35 GMT
lol ^^
 Jago on 24/06/09, 12:31:40 GMT
whining for years but still playing :D
 snoop on 24/06/09, 12:32:33 GMT
still the best game but not perfect anymore.
 Scuba on 24/06/09, 12:33:47 GMT
 schlomo on 24/06/09, 23:23:11 GMT
subconscious underwater breathing apparatus
 tactics on 24/06/09, 22:50:09 GMT
The ET netcode is degrading!
 hayaa on 24/06/09, 12:35:46 GMT
laggy idd :O
 Jamiroquai  on 24/06/09, 12:18:14 GMT
the people are whats bothering me :( to many whiners & hackers
 Sipperi on 24/06/09, 12:35:04 GMT
 NoXi0us on 25/06/09, 13:47:51 GMT
+ a lot
 m1Ke  on 24/06/09, 12:24:42 GMT Edited
Everything was ok before all the changes.

The teamplay makes ET good, the fact that u need 6 ppl working as one in a coordinated attack.

ET only needs new maps. Look at StarCraft for example; the game is 11 years old and is still THE GAME in S. Korea. Ofc there were balance changes, but the true thing enabling the game to be so alive and dynamic and interesting are the maps. KeSPA (Korean e-Sports Asociation) has mapmakers that make a bunch of new maps which are tested and atleast 1 new map is put in maplist every round (08/09 Season has 5 Rounds). Even if the map is imbalanced they play on it (the map is then swapped with another new map). AND the mapmakers introduce new map mechanics or other stuff.

ET had maps like Sottevast, crevasse, etc. which could be tweaked to be more competition friendly and forcing teams to adapt to new maps is the only way to go. i mean who still enjoys Supply in every single fucking war - every monkey can learn how to play supply cause it it played on and on and on.

MAPS - WE NEED THEM! (eIM & xeoxis FTW)

FE: The game is almost or is perfect, but i belive that with new inovative maps, ET can evolve even more!
 ng on 24/06/09, 15:07:45 GMT
i totally agree with you, sir!
 uniqee on 24/06/09, 22:53:37 GMT
listen to this man:o
 Chr1s on 25/06/09, 09:16:29 GMT
Yeah exactly, problem is new maps are are brushed aside too early on, people cant seem to grasp the concept of a map beta and if a first beta release is not pretty much perfect it seems to fall out of favor and shunned very quickly.

Instead they should realise it's a work in progress and help the mappers make the map better instead of shit like "it sucks", some real feedback would be nice and then serious changes can be made for next version and the testing process repeated again.

As an ex ET mapper I used to find it highly discouraging trying to make competition maps, after spending many hours making something for free in my spare time for the benefit of the game and then having whining little shits complain about a first release cause its not perfect and leaving me with very little feedback to make the mapper any better was just plain awful.
 Retsev on 27/06/09, 23:27:35 GMT Edited
Okay Obama! Now lets safe zeh world :D!
 suwak  on 24/06/09, 12:26:01 GMT Edited
dynamic and 3hs per kill thats it what is the thing which you can meet only in ET + great II world war climate without any veil and other shits
 Sipperi  on 24/06/09, 12:31:07 GMT Edited
1st - disable mines.
2nd - new maps with truck as it seems to be the style majority likes (I prefer doc-cap/transmit-style, cuz I hate all the fucking far-away-"duels")

random thought: remove CP @ ice and start playing ice with a flag 24/7-rtcw-style :O)

whine: guess you cant do anything to the scene (90% are retarded/whiners/flamers/nerds/cheaters)
 lettu on 24/06/09, 13:02:36 GMT
i think you should fit in the scene just perfect!!
 Sipperi on 24/06/09, 13:19:42 GMT
ok thnx for welcoming me, leader of the 90%-of-the-community
 lettu on 24/06/09, 13:45:02 GMT
su nerd
 Sipperi on 24/06/09, 13:49:22 GMT
xDDDDDDDddddd owned!!!
 nismo on 24/06/09, 16:15:46 GMT
!!! n1
 Viperish on 24/06/09, 23:51:36 GMT
Idd :DD
 Owzo on 24/06/09, 17:17:40 GMT
the teamkillin machine has spoken! :O)
 Sipperi on 24/06/09, 17:53:22 GMT

 Owzo on 24/06/09, 23:25:31 GMT
idd :(
 chmpp on 24/06/09, 18:32:11 GMT
both teams have cp so why it wud need to be removed?

its flaggystyle already if i understand what u mean
 Sipperi on 24/06/09, 18:55:25 GMT
If i remember correctly, the flag disappears when the attacking team makes teh CP -> cant reclaim the flag anymore -> makes ppl play less aggressive cuz theres no point pushing north :>

thats w0t minä tarkoitti oi mestarini
 chmpp on 24/06/09, 19:41:07 GMT
flag stays if cp is built. atleast it did be like that last time i played it competively, should be the same map now too. Actually the map might work better with it beeing uncapturable. It has slight edge for allies making it hard to get objective done and when u have 1 guarding the flag as axis its even more hard
 Sipperi on 24/06/09, 20:56:42 GMT
o_O oh my bad =(
 Nasty04 on 25/06/09, 10:49:02 GMT
ill correct ur comment:

no polish laggers, no 98 netlimiters, no hackers, 1% left pls
 KiLl3rBoY  on 24/06/09, 12:31:21 GMT
It's perfect only a few bugs here and there, but how it is it's good, changing might be risky, maps can help - yes.
 m1Ke on 24/06/09, 12:36:50 GMT
Maps are the only way.
 risee on 24/06/09, 13:46:31 GMT
ye we need more maps like karsiah.
 dexter on 24/06/09, 22:03:28 GMT
1000000% AGREE!!
 codethief on 26/06/09, 21:26:37 GMT
 risee on 27/06/09, 12:14:28 GMT
i hope you got my irony!
 codethief on 27/06/09, 16:16:04 GMT
No, actually I did not. :(

I like karsiah. ;<
 hayaa  on 24/06/09, 12:36:39 GMT
shitty hitboxes
 BenGibbard  on 24/06/09, 12:36:45 GMT
There is so much wrong with ET but arguing about it only makes me depressed.
 Pansy on 24/06/09, 22:05:05 GMT
There is so much wrong with your face but arguing about it only makes me depressed.
 decem on 25/06/09, 04:32:46 GMT
he has a point tho
 Pansy on 25/06/09, 11:04:05 GMT
oh i know, i just couldnt resit insulting him in some way :(
 decem on 25/06/09, 11:19:33 GMT
couldnt stop myself noticing :)
 Thundernat0rii  on 24/06/09, 12:37:00 GMT
 HellHammer  on 24/06/09, 12:37:06 GMT
ET would be perfect without Punkbuster

Case closed.
 meNth  on 24/06/09, 12:37:08 GMT Edited
ET doesnt need new maps neither gameplay changes it needs more fucking support and competitions support such as lans ect... and then it will be the best game ever made !
 EnSAm187  on 24/06/09, 12:42:34 GMT Edited
rifle is maybe slightly overpowered but wouldnt start changing it. 'turn spread' is also pretty questionable feature

lol @ everyone whining about antilag, maps or so called cheater problem i still havent encountered myself.
 m1Ke on 24/06/09, 15:21:32 GMT
u haven't encountered a pussy too
 EnSAm187 on 24/06/09, 15:30:44 GMT
 m1Ke on 24/06/09, 15:33:24 GMT
i know.
 adze  on 24/06/09, 12:53:30 GMT
The perfect ET:
- Disable Antilag
- Put MG42 back
- Remove supply from every competition and put the night version of it.
- Landmine limit to 3
- We need the promotions, rewards and ranks back.
 lettu on 24/06/09, 13:01:12 GMT
- Disable Antilag
 adze on 24/06/09, 13:04:10 GMT
 JZaK on 24/06/09, 13:09:16 GMT
check his flag :D
 adze on 24/06/09, 13:11:22 GMT
oh :)
It is just sick that this shit command gives handicap for the people that have normal ping.
 JZaK on 24/06/09, 13:12:15 GMT
well atleast it's not like it is in CoD4 :DDDDDDDD
 adze on 24/06/09, 13:17:59 GMT
I don't know whats antilag like in cod4, and I never want to 8)
 JZaK on 24/06/09, 13:23:00 GMT
well you walk around a corner, and you are insta dead. you had no reaction to shoot or see him even. then you specate deadcam of your killer... and you see he has like 3 seconds he is seeing you already :DDDD camp all the way !!! :D
 adze on 24/06/09, 13:36:32 GMT
Must be a nice game ^^
 nismo on 24/06/09, 16:17:40 GMT
- We need the promotions, rewards and ranks back.
 FUZZ on 24/06/09, 16:53:23 GMT
Anyone who raped you with antilag, would rape you even harder with 48 ping. Then what would you cry about?
 adze on 24/06/09, 16:57:23 GMT
 JZaK on 24/06/09, 13:07:24 GMT
 h8m3xL on 24/06/09, 13:12:28 GMT Edited
what's wrong with ET antilag???? Imo it's one of the best, just look at the games between countries on different continents impossible in any other game and so on. Haven't seen better antilag in any other game tbh(well except for CPMA or warsow maybe, but they are too fast paced so the antilag cant solve all the problems ping creates)
 adze on 24/06/09, 13:16:49 GMT
Lagging people have alot more vantage cos of this.
 h8m3xL on 24/06/09, 13:17:16 GMT
 JZaK on 24/06/09, 13:18:13 GMT
98 > 48 ALL THE WAY
 crook on 24/06/09, 14:52:25 GMT
agreed :D
with 48 i get killed behind walls all the time by people with higer ping, impossible to use your surroundings like you should). With 98 i might hit less, but i keep killing people behind walls and no1 is abl to hit me if i straf like a monkey :P

150 is unplayable though
 Freeze on 25/06/09, 10:24:40 GMT
With 98 you wont kill people behind walls, atleast not in your own view ..
 crook on 25/06/09, 10:36:28 GMT
Im still hitting with bigass delay, so yeah i can shoot and move behind a wall and hear the bullet hit after i strafed behind the wall :o
 Bitmap on 25/06/09, 14:04:43 GMT Edited
Getting killed behind walls doesn't mean the other person has an advantage, if you only pop out your head for .5 seconds then that's all the other player will be able to see and shoot at...

The low pinger has the advantage that deaths are not unlagged, so he'll win every duel assuming they have equally good reaction time/aim (not accounting random factors like spread).

The high pinger is more likely to miss spawn if he taps out the last second since that's not unlagged either afaik.
 crook on 25/06/09, 14:34:36 GMT
Well my ping ranges between 50 and 150, and when im playing with 100, no1 can hit me and i just have to strafe from left to right for a few seconds while keeping my aim steady and then when i go behind a wall the bullets i shot earlier start hitting :p
 chmpp on 25/06/09, 19:48:32 GMT
just tells your internet is unstable and u cant compare it to the ppl who have stable 100

me playing in uk with 100 is so much worse than playing in fin with 50 or in lan with 0 ping. cant understand how someone can think playing with larger ping would be advantage.

you know any good aimer with 100 ping?
 crook on 25/06/09, 23:35:43 GMT
 adze on 24/06/09, 13:18:15 GMT
face it!
 h8m3xL on 24/06/09, 13:34:12 GMT
you have absolutely no clue how it works man, that's just a usual low excuse of those people who are getting raged by someone with higher ping so they nothing else to whine about.
wonder why you don't for example own everyone at US servers playing vs them, all i ever saw is whine like "ffs high ping is unplayable" and shit. Antilag just equals everyone's abilities, it absolutely doesn't give advantage to anyone. (though lowpingers have it since aiming feels more natural for them)
 adze on 24/06/09, 13:37:40 GMT
Or it's just your excuse cause you are a highpinger and this is how you have a chance to kill anyone ?
 h8m3xL on 24/06/09, 13:50:19 GMT Edited
i played ET with different pings at different ISPs and servers (10-20@local servers / 48@germany at my friend's 1337 ISP / 60-90 atm(real ping, not the 98 crap ET shows) / >100@96kb/s few years ago) and lower ping is MUCH better and it's much easier to hit/track/kill/whatever with 10 than 100. Would definitely switch to another better ISP if there was anything else except crap adsl in this house.
Just tell what exactly makes you think that antilag gives an advantage to people with higher ping, all i've seen from you is "oh loal highpingers are fags plox remove it".
 JZaK on 24/06/09, 14:03:47 GMT
then tell me getting killed while you are 2m around the corner already is "equal" ?
 plekter on 24/06/09, 14:21:19 GMT
As if that doesn't happen to the one who has 98 ping as well?
 JZaK on 24/06/09, 14:28:38 GMT
 h8m3xL on 24/06/09, 14:24:11 GMT
you got the first hit from the opponent later than he actually started shooting exactly the same time that you needed to run these 2m while he continued shooting.
 JZaK on 24/06/09, 14:33:53 GMT
his model comes around corner yes, hitboxes hi :)
 OoMuffin on 25/06/09, 09:07:02 GMT
dude people with higher ping have it easier, you dont want to know how many times i was shooting at a 98 ping guy who is CROUCHING and sitting still at one position and i shoot him RIGHT on the head and NOTHING hits , so tell me , is that just movement?
people with 48ping are hitable like hell.
also, playing with lag is something one can get used too.
 Squalliiii on 25/06/09, 09:12:54 GMT
I can hit them easily, dunno what is your problem
 KiLl3rBoY on 25/06/09, 09:13:33 GMT
I play with 98 ping, and it's difficult to hit others, also i always die even when i'm around a corner, cos my hitboxes lag behind i guess. But it's not easier, the delay sux, and lots of opponents become unhitable.
 OoMuffin on 25/06/09, 09:33:41 GMT Edited
ok i didnt mean its easier for you guys, even though i said it xd, just saying what i experience when playing vs ppl with 98+ ping.
 EnSAm187 on 25/06/09, 22:07:57 GMT
i bet you dont even know what spread means :)
 FUZZ on 26/06/09, 09:15:06 GMT
What the fuck broken crouch hitbox has to do with antilag?

ARRRRHG, idiots.
 reAvr on 24/06/09, 15:15:01 GMT
cause if the pings were equal you wouldnt even make it to the corner, just makes it makes it more playable for people with higher pings
 JZaK on 24/06/09, 16:08:53 GMT
then you never played et :DDDDDDD
 adze on 24/06/09, 14:45:23 GMT
Like you are the only one who had more than one ISPs back then... :)
 EnSAm187 on 24/06/09, 14:53:34 GMT
 Paper on 24/06/09, 16:26:16 GMT
Are you retarded? Do you think shooting with a motherfucking 250 ping on an euro competition gives us an advantage?
 FUZZ on 24/06/09, 16:30:54 GMT
 Kiewan on 24/06/09, 22:15:48 GMT
go watch wiesiek on ettv, he didn't hit jack shit on lan without antilag
 h8m3xL on 25/06/09, 05:04:16 GMT
that's not antilag fault ffs, his packetdrop makes him unhit
 Trigon on 24/06/09, 17:31:44 GMT
+10000000000000 @ night supply
 Heartcore on 28/06/09, 15:42:28 GMT
+ remove PB
 adze on 28/06/09, 15:49:30 GMT
PB does it job not perfectly but does. This game would be awful without it.
 Heartcore on 28/06/09, 15:59:15 GMT
The game would be playable without it...

Just needs a replacement tbh.

Nowadays you need a supercomputer to reach 333fps in ET.

Hell, you could get 125 FPS with a 10 year old computer in the old days.

Now, FPS just sucks because PB is CPU hogging...
 lettu  on 24/06/09, 12:59:34 GMT
perfect is a big word..
 adi on 26/06/09, 11:07:26 GMT
dude please stop acting smart.
You have already proven that you're a joke.
 lettu on 26/06/09, 11:19:34 GMT
u have proven to be a kid gratz
 adi on 26/06/09, 12:32:54 GMT
dude can't you read? Im actully older than you. So if someone is a kid here its clearly you. Acting smart really aint your cup of tea is it?
 lettu on 26/06/09, 13:33:28 GMT Edited
you have to be a retard not to get that i was referring to your mental age, if i hadn't checked i couldn't believe you're over 18
whats your problem btw mom didn't hug you enough or something?

to my original post what is so wannabe smart in pointing out that theres always something to improve nothing is perfect
how have i proven to be a joke, thats rich from some angsty kid who comes raging to people he doesn't know on the internet
smart up and have a good day
 adi on 26/06/09, 17:51:33 GMT
If you check you check your recent comments you'll clearly see how smart acting you sound :)
 lettu on 26/06/09, 18:56:37 GMT
yeah for example those jokes to sipperi upper so much acting smart here on cf :D
i probably act way antismart here since I only write while being bored or whatever

try to make some sense.. oh wait that would mean you would be just acting smart here, cant have that
the more you write the more you fail
 adi on 26/06/09, 19:38:29 GMT
lol dude, you clearly don't get what im trying to say.
Well perhaps its because of that arrogance shield you're wearing. But yeah you know what, I don't give a shit since i already got my point proven :)
 lettu on 26/06/09, 20:24:52 GMT Edited
why don't you improve on expressing your self then?
you got nothing proven you just shouted stupid stuff that didn't go to detail even when i asked
also wondering why am i arrogant all of a sudden
you're fun to talk to you never get anything across just some vague things that are as random as it gets and then move on to other things "YOU ARE ARROGANT"
if this is the way you normally act in real world then gl to you
 teente  on 24/06/09, 13:12:11 GMT
its kinda ok now :) i dont suppose anyone will ever fix hitbox problems so there isnt rly anything that would bother me much...
maybe limiting mines to 3, classes with 1 nade would spawn without nades and 1st/2nd levels of promotions would be unlocked! that would in my opinion make et more fun :D mega ammopacks n stuff!!1
 Eddo on 24/06/09, 13:20:05 GMT
go to 2.55 :D
 h8m3xL  on 24/06/09, 13:13:11 GMT Edited
there's nothing better but i wouldnt call it rly perfect :/
 gottie  on 24/06/09, 13:32:19 GMT
ET's gameplay is really great but:
1. Lean should be either removed or a player leaning should be visible. This isn't a big deal or a major bug but still I don't see how it helps the gameplay in any way.
2. Punkbuster makes this game a joke. I just refuse to play in competition with such piece of shit lagging constantly. Kind of sad that nothing has been done with this for more than 2 years now.
 h8m3xL on 24/06/09, 13:35:31 GMT
true about leaning, would make most maps like delivery or b4 much more playable
 Viperish on 24/06/09, 23:59:26 GMT
You just have to pre-shoot more. 8)
 DejaVu on 24/06/09, 13:43:41 GMT
Yo dawg, I heard you're visible when leaning on noquarter servers :D

Yeah, that would make game more playable, I fkin hate people who lean all the time and just facerape 3hs me all the time
 kazzam on 24/06/09, 13:47:37 GMT
experience, caution and movement
nuff said
 DejaVu on 24/06/09, 13:50:01 GMT
I leak that :<
 raspberry on 24/06/09, 14:58:41 GMT
Did nuff say that?
 toxic  on 24/06/09, 13:33:25 GMT
The game itself is perfectly balanced on either pubs and competition , the problem is that
the process of dying and interest in it has nearly finished ,Im giving it two months ,after that
ET will be same as RTCW a few years ago .Dead but still some people will be coming back to it.
 bdy  on 24/06/09, 13:33:59 GMT
I kinda miss 5v5, meant everyone had to learn new strats or there were too many holes, but 6v6 is pretty awesome so cant complain
 iLoS'  on 24/06/09, 13:45:22 GMT
If ET isn't finished, well CSS is a retarded kid.
 perforator  on 24/06/09, 14:06:57 GMT Edited
noobs in top teams, lowest EC ever, etc

nothing is actually wrong with this game (except overpowered rifle knockback but i can deal with that) it's just other things that ruin it (PB, the need for ETTV in e-ve-ry match you play, etc.)
 rahul on 24/06/09, 14:19:12 GMT
lol you're just low skilled
 plekter on 24/06/09, 14:22:15 GMT
but.. how can we fanboy you without ettv? :(
 slajdan on 24/06/09, 15:03:14 GMT
demos? :-)
 Ati_  on 24/06/09, 14:12:09 GMT
I like it.
 rahul  on 24/06/09, 14:21:38 GMT
The game will need new things to give people a 'refreshing' feeling I think, although these things (i.e. new maps) may not be as good as the old ones, at least it will keep interest alive.
 gari  on 24/06/09, 14:35:20 GMT
well, i play ET for 4years now, and i started playing it j4f besides diablo2, and now i'm one of the freaks of da community in crossfire.

i wouldnt say et is PERFECT, because there are several problems like PB, cheaters, the rare mapchoice and especially the low support inside and outside the community.

the positive things for example are the work of eiM&xeoxis, that brasil and japan players are coming more and more into our scene. the crossfire lan is always again a huge festival, also the enlarged in germany without that hype around ET.
 Williams  on 24/06/09, 14:38:28 GMT
no it needs the mg back! it was usless to take this off!
 darthmob on 24/06/09, 14:53:26 GMT
 crook  on 24/06/09, 14:46:10 GMT Edited
I like the gampelay, but its getting less smooth and more laggy every week.

These days even with 48 ping it takes 0.5 seconds before i start hitting. And id i put priority higher, i get better fps, but it gets even worse, its like the hitboxes got scrambled up.

So like perfo said, the gameplay is fine, shit like pb just killed it. (the punkbuster a and b update started fcking things up imo). More and more people i know are playing less and less due to the gme being so unsmooth.
 slarti on 25/06/09, 11:07:41 GMT
CPU: Pentium 4 : 3.4gig
 crook on 25/06/09, 11:50:09 GMT
inst that supposed to be good enough? :o
 slarti on 25/06/09, 13:32:05 GMT
 CS4f1  on 24/06/09, 14:52:53 GMT
Get proning back! :)
 JyrkZ on 24/06/09, 19:10:12 GMT
 Hydr0  on 24/06/09, 14:56:21 GMT
ET is good but would be perfect if:
- Better Anticheat system
- No server & PB lags
- No cheaters
 Williams on 24/06/09, 14:57:02 GMT
and a mg!
 Hydr0 on 24/06/09, 15:00:52 GMT Edited
Leave mg for pub servers, dont need it in competition play
 opticaL  on 24/06/09, 15:13:11 GMT
game is nice
maps are a small problem
 FimS  on 24/06/09, 15:23:57 GMT
 Quote Following a recent AoW inspired journal on how to improve the game

link maybe?
 m1Ke on 24/06/09, 15:32:39 GMT
don't need.
 Chav3z  on 24/06/09, 15:27:22 GMT
better anticheat pls
 doepdoepdoep  on 24/06/09, 15:30:29 GMT
 xViruSx  on 24/06/09, 15:32:33 GMT
no, imba rifler nades n00bz and mines noobs completely ruin the game
 Estaloth on 24/06/09, 15:50:13 GMT
usually it's turned off @ publics so what's ur point, pubmachine? XD
 xViruSx on 24/06/09, 19:01:49 GMT
not on 6v6 , on scrims and offis 6v6 = shit
 shmoe  on 24/06/09, 15:44:34 GMT
 Terifire  on 24/06/09, 15:45:54 GMT Edited
While the game is undoubtly one of the(if not the) best in it's genre (objective based teamgame), I don't think it's THAT good for competition.

Let me tell you what I mean;
ETPro brings great things, and there's programs/mods that also enhance the competitive experience.
Think of ETTV, shoutcasts, programs to create configs using an interface(for the beginners, read: noobs).

However, if you take a look at the game itself, it doesn't seem entirely fit for competitive play.

There's an imbalance in classes/weapons, leaning is flawed, there's to many opportunities to abuse physics bugs.

Example on weapon imbalance: Riflenades.
The radius and damage on the nades is less than that of a panzer, however it has way better manoeuverability.
You can bounce it off walls, shoot it at an angle over a larger distance (In an infinitely high map, the rnade would come back to the ground but the panzer would disapear after a while).
And on top of that, it only requires half of the chargebar to fire a rnade, so you can shoot it twice after spawning as engi.
Compare that to the panzerfaust(Wich is fine as it is), and you see that the riflenades are overpowered by far.
I'd love to see riflenades removed, or made a heavy weapon, because it's ridiculous how overpowered the engi class is right now, with both mines and the rifle grenades.
A weapon that is now just completely useless: the flame thrower.
It could be a decent weapon fit for competition if the range would be longer.

Moving on.
Look at other succesful games and as an example I will use, suprise surprise, Quake3.
In ET you still have viewkicks, screenshake when shooting, turnspread and I think it's quite incredible that so many people are against removing it, it's quite backwards.

Another thing I think is bad for competition: movement.
Yes, I said movement. Why?
1 simple thing, falling.
If you walk down stairs you keep falling short distances instead of 'gracefully' walking off.
While airborne, even for that short amount of time, your bulletspread increases drastically.
Now, shooting from stairs should be harder already, but the spread thing is to much.

I will continue my rant, next subject: maps.
Let's discuss another game, RtCW.
RtCW was a lot more active and had quite the amount of LAN events because it was (in my opinion, and that of a lot of other people) really fun to spectate.
It had multiview(wich is disabled on most ET servers!) and there was a big variety in maps, as in, there were really open maps ( assault ) and there were maps with a lot of narrow hallways that brought the fights closer ( mp_base ).
Now, if you compare with ET, you'll see a certain pattern in the ET maps.
Adlernest, first stage going down the hill, and the warehouse.
All open except for boxes (this cs?).
Or maybe goldrush? How about delivery? You want some supply with that wine?

However, I think the biggest flaw in ET is the community, with their weird fads ( cool story bro, #care.et, sure, 'ok' ) and troubling attitude.

I'm sorry for this big wall of text, but I saw this thread as a nice opportunity to have a little rant.

I'll go back to writing my book: whine for dummies.


Oh, I forgot, the scoreboard shows fake ping, and it could be drastically improved to show more info.

And the hiding behind a revived teammate thing has been there for a long, LONG time, and I don't think ET would be the same if it was removed but c'mon.
 KiLl3rBoY on 24/06/09, 16:33:24 GMT
agree about the mine & riflenade being overpowered.
 Lamento on 24/06/09, 17:31:25 GMT
come on.... wanna remove them too to make the game suck big time??? what the hell...
 xViruSx on 24/06/09, 19:02:26 GMT
to make it more skillfull actually without rifle and mine abuse..........
 Lamento on 25/06/09, 10:32:05 GMT
i dont agree... rifle is one of the difficult weapons due to the ballistic shit n stuff and mines part of the game come on.... (in 6o6 ofc)

why dont we remove the panzer and the satchel charge? since we can blow up things with dyna... come on :)
 xViruSx on 25/06/09, 18:42:39 GMT
panzer is overnerfed to hell on et and not even close to be imba as rifle/+nades
 Fab on 25/06/09, 11:16:01 GMT
only wall of text i took the time to read on crossfire^^
 Terifire on 25/06/09, 15:55:33 GMT

ik ga pizza eten (a)
 taceface  on 24/06/09, 15:54:35 GMT
Still needs tweaking imo, removing the few bugs:P
 cPPr  on 24/06/09, 16:01:00 GMT
no problems just bored of the same maps all teh time
 Vanhaomena  on 24/06/09, 16:01:52 GMT
Turnspread is a useless and harmful feature. Smgs aren't by any means deadly accurate even without it (and most players can't aim for shit even with Sten, for that matter).
 bachOr  on 24/06/09, 16:10:50 GMT
its perfect enough but sometimes we need to change sth because of bordom.
 lAHQ  on 24/06/09, 16:14:42 GMT
I'm okay with the current settings but some things bother me sometimes:

- Useless cvar capping like maxpackets. It should have been in 60 to 100
- MG 42 could be a nice re-add in 6on6 competition
- PB has never made ET THAT laggy, these 1 sec freezes are really annoying
- 's are ridiculous unhitable
 Punkb on 24/06/09, 16:23:51 GMT
i agree, Punkbuster had never made so many lag, also a new patch to fix the last bugs.
 Heartcore on 28/06/09, 15:49:22 GMT
I have an average FPS drop of ~40FPS just because PB is enabled.
 FUZZ  on 24/06/09, 16:32:06 GMT
- mines x3
- engy/soldat nades x2

 Agn  on 24/06/09, 16:38:34 GMT
I stopped playing in clans so i didn't vote but let me share my thoughts with you :D

best things in ET:

+ Classes - imo the best system ever maybe not perfect but still very good
+ Fast gameplay - the game is fast enough
+ 3hs kill
+ q3 engine movement
+ Fun factor :D - even after a long pause when i turn on the game it's great
+ I like this script thing - 'your killer had 2 hp left' [;

worst things \:

- It's free - no cdkey needed, can't ban cheaters, too much fakenicks
- PB - omg pls... those damn lags !!12!11111
- rifle nades annoys me on maps like base :F
- why almost all new maps failed? i remember cathedral, reactor, svarvadel and few more. On the release new map is played but after some time it dies!
- powerball mod wasn't a success >:
 Krein on 25/06/09, 08:51:05 GMT
base? where the fuck do you play that map? :D
 Negativ  on 24/06/09, 16:45:31 GMT
"is the ET gameplay now perfect?"

- Antilag
- Limited classes
- RIFLE (sigh)
 Paintrain  on 24/06/09, 16:51:55 GMT
ET is like cycling: it's the best but the inevitable cheaters throw a big shadow on it
 toxic on 24/06/09, 17:06:23 GMT Edited
throw a stone
casting a shadow :)
 decem on 25/06/09, 04:34:46 GMT
so how is biking best, yet in huge shadow?
 Paintrain on 25/06/09, 17:51:04 GMT
Because it's an exciting hard sport. Even with doping, these guys deserve the highest respect. So imagine how much respect the clean guys should get.
 decem on 26/06/09, 05:12:11 GMT
right, you were talkin about competition, passed my mind
 Terifire  on 24/06/09, 17:07:39 GMT
A lot of people seem to agree that rifle is evil:)
 toxic on 24/06/09, 17:08:40 GMT
it is ,though amazing things can be done with it
 Terifire on 24/06/09, 17:09:35 GMT
Read my post above, I am against rifles:D
 twidi  on 24/06/09, 17:15:37 GMT
need mg back and it's all good!
 ijustih on 24/06/09, 17:30:45 GMT
with mg you would be highskilled again :P
 Owzo  on 24/06/09, 17:20:29 GMT
what else would you have in mind? :D
i cant see there being any point in trying to change it either seeing as wolf is coming out soon (we all hope) and i guess most of us here are going to give it a shot
 Terifire on 24/06/09, 17:35:17 GMT Edited
On the other side, wolf isn't there yet and there's no guarantee it'll be any good.

If you ask me, the ET community has been stuck since the latest ETpro release, wich was in 2006 I think.

It's time for a change, simple as that, but when it comes to changing anything gameplay wise a large part of the ET community suddenly turns autistic.
 lettu on 24/06/09, 19:38:31 GMT
if anything ET has suffered too much change removing prone mortar mg etc alot of stuff removed just because 60% prefer something over 40%
with mortar maybe different though :D
new maps would be enough tbh or bringing back some relatively good maps that were played in the past
 Terifire on 24/06/09, 19:43:24 GMT
1 bad change doesn't mean that all changes are bad.
That's just flawed logic.
 lettu on 24/06/09, 20:23:27 GMT
umm? to me about 2/10 changes has been justified.. others have been kind of u like apples or oranges better type of change, that imo should never happen
et is played in sw so its bound to be fair u dont need to tweak the gameplay to perfection like in cs or something
yes rifle is more powerfull than smg.. who cares? i dont see any wonderful advantage of weakening it
one weapon being massively more powerfull (which rifle is not) actually adds more depth to gameplay like pf in rtcw
play some other games if ur bored with et
 Terifire on 24/06/09, 20:31:09 GMT
 Quote umm? to me about 2/10 changes has been justified.. others have been kind of u like apples or oranges better type of change, that imo should never happen
et is played in sw so its bound to be fair u dont need to tweak the gameplay to perfection like in cs or something
yes rifle is more powerfull than smg.. who cares? i dont see any wonderful advantage of weakening it
one weapon being massively more powerfull (which rifle is not) actually adds more depth to gameplay like pf in rtcw
play some other games if ur bored with et

To you 2/10 have been justified.. you sound biased.
Everyone knows oranges > apples.
I didn't say it wasn't fair, but that has nothing to do with changing gameplay.
Let's make smg bulltes deal 100 damage per hit, 500 per headshot.
It'd still be fair right? both teams get equal chances?
Well yeah, but the gameplay would SUCK.
Rifle is stronger than SMG and a lot of people do care, if you'd actually take the time to read this thread.
This 'CARE!' attitude is one of the worst things ever.
If you don't want too improve anything you might as well shoot yourself in the head because you'll never amount to anything.
The wonderful advantage of weakening it is to get gameplay more balanced.
Balanced gameplay means it is more fit for competition.
Rifle IS massively more powerfull, the entire engineer class is.
And PF having a large blast radius in RtCW didn't make it deeper...

I play plenty of other games, but unlike people like you, I try to improve things for myself, and others.

End of the day, it's a simplefact that ET can be improved and it would be better if it was.
 lettu on 24/06/09, 23:32:45 GMT Edited
i don't agree that rifle is _alot_ more powerful, in some places its alot better than smg in some its weaker

ET is one of the least random games if u play maps like gold radar and supply, so why not focus on bringing more maps that successful

mortar was removed because it made too huge impact with little to no skills needed, that was a real improvement in my books, but no way i see rifle like that

i have nothing against improving ET, it just has to be the right things
removing turnspread could indeed be a good idea since its more or less random and would actually make possible to kill a backraper
 Terifire on 25/06/09, 08:19:22 GMT
Well rifle is flawed in that it is not as powerful as panzer, but has higher manoeuverability, and it can be fired more often.
A panzer can be fired every 30 seconds, a rifle every 12.5 seconds iirc (or 15 seconds).
On top of that the rifle itself is quite powerful, tho has a LOT of spread.
The engineer also has mines, dynamite, and the ability to construct command posts, machine guns, ramps, tanks, barriers, and the ability to blow them up.
And, 4 nades at spawn.

Read my other post (the long one) as it is to long to type over here:P
 OoMuffin on 25/06/09, 09:27:32 GMT
yes but you can only have one rifle per team so who cares?
being a rilfe usualy means u wont be planting that many dynamites. and if you do you wont have charge for rnades after. playing rifle is not something every noob can do, unless you play pub or low wars sure, also rnade is a rather long ranged weapon, when used close ranged it causes high possibility to either kill yourself with it or kill your teammates, at least get dmg yourself / give teammates. so that's a restriction on it's own. and for your argument on the rifle coming back when u shoot it up high, all maps have a invisible ceiling so that wont work. sure on goldrush you can do the sk rifle from allies spawn, that's it
 Terifire on 25/06/09, 09:33:23 GMT
 Quote yes but you can only have one rifle per team so who cares?
being a rilfe usualy means u wont be planting that many dynamites. and if you do you wont have charge for rnades after. playing rifle is not something every noob can do, unless you play pub or low wars sure, also rnade is a rather long ranged weapon, when used close ranged it causes high possibility to either kill yourself with it or kill your teammates, at least get dmg yourself / give teammates. so that's a restriction on it's own. and for your argument on the rifle coming back when u shoot it up high, all maps have a invisible ceiling so that wont work. sure on goldrush you can do the sk rifle from allies spawn, that's it

Again, a lot of people care... learn to read.
Doesn't matter if you likely won't be planting many dynamites as a rifler, you'd still have the ability to plant dyna's and mines.
It's funny how you say 'playing rifle is not something every noob can do, unless you play pub or low wars sure'.
Last time I checked, noobs play pub or low skilled wars.
The killing yourself/teammates also applies to other weapons as well.
My point with the rnade comming back is that it doesn't fly straight from point a to bye, it travels in an arch, wich gives more posibilities than the panzerfaust.
The engi class IS overpowered, riflenades ARE overpowered.
 OoMuffin on 25/06/09, 09:39:30 GMT
with noob I meant people who are not so good with rifle, even someone who is med+ and plays engi smg/medic/fops all the time wont be THAT good with rifle.
ye sure team dmg goes for all weapons but the thing is, not all weapons have blast radius dmg.
when someone kills , say 3 teammates by accident with rifle its as much a disadvantage.
 Terifire on 25/06/09, 09:41:25 GMT
Satchel dyna nades panzer riflenades mines.

It's not about being good with rifle.
Even a noob will get more kills with rnades than with panzer, because you can fire it more often.
 OoMuffin on 25/06/09, 09:50:38 GMT
yes, but the other team can have one rifle too so its balanced, and about your argument against that then when smg can do 100dmg per hit, that would be unplayable because everyone can have it.
which is not the case with rnade.
it is a good thing its disabled in 3v3 etc cfgs but in 6o6, i dont see a problem.
6o6 would just suck without the rifle being a factor to calculate into your tactics and gameplay.
someone with smg would make more kills with smg than with a panzer too, unless the panzer can get ALOT of multi sk.
so that's not that good an argument imo.
panzer should not be compared with rifle just because it blows up or does more dmg than the smg..
 Terifire on 25/06/09, 15:54:26 GMT
 Quote yes, but the other team can have one rifle too so its balanced, and about your argument against that then when smg can do 100dmg per hit, that would be unplayable because everyone can have it.
which is not the case with rnade.
it is a good thing its disabled in 3v3 etc cfgs but in 6o6, i dont see a problem.
6o6 would just suck without the rifle being a factor to calculate into your tactics and gameplay.
someone with smg would make more kills with smg than with a panzer too, unless the panzer can get ALOT of multi sk.
so that's not that good an argument imo.
panzer should not be compared with rifle just because it blows up or does more dmg than the smg..

Sorry for the late responde... had other obligations to wich I had to attend.
Yes, the other team can have a rifle to, so it's fair.
But it's not balanced compared to the OTHER weapons.
My argument was not that the explosion or anything is to strong, but that it can be fired to frequently.
And yes, I glad you agree 100dmg smg would be unplayable:P

Currently both teams can have rifle, so it's 'fair', but it's not optimal for competitive play.
Rifle is stronger than panzer(again, it can be fired a lot more frequently), and has way better manoeuverability (shoot around corners, shoot over objects in an arch, or at long range make it explode upon impact.
I think there is a place for rifle in ET and it could be a weapon balanced to the other weapons, but I don't think that place is at the engineer.
I'd love to see riflenades taking up 100% charge, as seen on the panzerfaust.
Or, make it a heavy weapon for soldiers only(still with 100% charge cost).
OR, let engi have rifles/rnades, but give mines to soldiers.

I won't lie, my personal preference is to just remove riflegrenades completely, but I won't base my arguments on that.

I think my arguments and suggestions are reasonable at least, and I don't see how anybody could not see that riflenades are overpowered.

If I made any grammatical/spelling errors in this text, blame the heat:P
 Lightning on 25/06/09, 19:00:08 GMT
It's not.
 Terifire on 25/06/09, 19:07:29 GMT
Arguments please.
 Owzo on 24/06/09, 21:38:35 GMT
removing prone was a good thing, but removing weapons etc wasnt such a good thing idd
 ijustih  on 24/06/09, 17:25:16 GMT Edited
well if we only disabled riflenades and landmines the game would be quite playable...

ow, and fieldop is shit class with no value right now, pretty sad :<

ow i would also like to add that removal of riflenades and landmines would solve the current map problem - with no rifle we could play RTCW maps again with out whining about lotto factor[which is ofc ridiculous. theres no such thing like lotto]
 Krein on 25/06/09, 08:49:49 GMT
odczep ty sie od tej rifli biednej. Chcesz rtcw to graj w rtcw -.- Zreszta teraz jakis projekt jest wiec moze i bedziesz mial okazje
 ijustih on 25/06/09, 17:14:33 GMT
ta bron w obecnej postaci jest za silna... mozliwos wybicia calego teamu, a potem jeszcze poprawienia nastepnym nadem... i zeby bylo latwiej to jeszcze dochodzi garand/k43 ... i luger... one man army :] gdyby strzal zabieral np caly pasek to wtedy by sie troche sytuacja wyrownala...

i sam przyznaj ze w niektorych miejscach rifla jest bogiem, np cp na radarze
 Krein on 26/06/09, 06:35:23 GMT
tak jak pf na tc base albo na assaulcie snajpa w rtcw. Jakos nie widzialem, zeby ludzie co chwile fullholdowali na radarze na cp. Zawsze przejmuja je tak czy inaczej. Gram rifla 5 lat i moze z pare razy sam wybilem caly team przeciwnika. Fakt, mozliwosc jest, ale rownie dobrze moze ci sie przyfarcic i 18hs pierdolnac zza rogu albo puszka 6 trafic (to odnosnie tej 'bezuzytecznosci' lojta).

Wez nie marudz. 5v5 jak bylo to dopiero rifla sie smigalo :)
 pwet  on 24/06/09, 17:36:43 GMT
rtcw gameplay > et gameplay
 Owzo on 24/06/09, 21:41:40 GMT
well said that man! :D
 GERJonny  on 24/06/09, 18:25:51 GMT
Good team = Good teamplay.
 S3ti  on 24/06/09, 18:28:56 GMT
except some error now and then with hit detection it´s the nearly perfect game imo
 chmpp  on 24/06/09, 18:42:21 GMT
get rid off pb's lag

and if ET had bigger competitive scene it wud be perfect
 ginja  on 24/06/09, 18:43:05 GMT
aahh the goat sound as i slip the steel into my enemies neck,perfection personified ;)
 JyrkZ  on 24/06/09, 19:10:28 GMT
need prone indeed
 exceed  on 24/06/09, 19:41:05 GMT
New maps would be nice, removing supply wud be a great decision and put the mg back.

The teamplay is fine if you have a good team.
 Uteoz  on 24/06/09, 21:00:45 GMT
The gameplay itself is fine, but a cup/tournament with no pronedelay would be nice, for a change.
 Fex  on 24/06/09, 21:06:35 GMT
bring prone back + hitsounds with nade/support fire
 ki7o  on 24/06/09, 21:32:13 GMT
- rifle nade should should be nerfed a bit ( full charge bar to shoot or damage radius decreased ) but certainly not removed since it's a very tactical weapon
- ninja lean well it sucks big time
- soldier/engi nades reduced to 2/3 to prevent excessive spam
 panix  on 24/06/09, 22:04:20 GMT
cheats spoil this game, end of.
 spng  on 24/06/09, 22:06:03 GMT
ET isnt that nicer because there are only cheaters, net abusers and no new players (fresh meat is always needed)
 Jimriniho  on 24/06/09, 22:08:49 GMT Edited
no prone delay , mg back, hitsounds in everything nades strikes mines etc..
ban supply make a new map that reminds of supply, make more awesome maps
use cod4 leaning.

ban the hackers

perfect game.

what makes et a good game is how fast placed the game is,
its just fun to play a game with multiple classes and its fun to play with ur friends and make tactics everyday to be able to compete vs other professional teams,
the game is all about the coloporation with ur team8s if you dont have any tax ull loose easy even if you have 6 mAus´s in ur team.

that´s why i like ET + its addictive :DDDDD
 Paraneoplastic  on 24/06/09, 22:33:29 GMT Edited
the only tweaking that is needed -> get rid of PB =(
 zivs  on 24/06/09, 22:45:28 GMT
There's nothing left to change IMO. Even if someone would really want that.
 Iron  on 24/06/09, 23:15:34 GMT
it'd be nearly perfect without cheaters and polak.....lag abusers! (j/k)
 Krein on 25/06/09, 08:47:02 GMT
you must be proud of all those fintards in ec final
 Iron on 25/06/09, 08:57:12 GMT
why o_o
 Krein on 25/06/09, 09:45:00 GMT
guess smartass
 Iron on 25/06/09, 16:36:00 GMT
why the bitterness
 Krein on 26/06/09, 06:29:39 GMT
you brought up polaks to the discussion you deserved it
 Iron on 26/06/09, 10:50:51 GMT
I was indeed deadly serious there n stuff
 Krein on 27/06/09, 02:05:18 GMT
 schlomo  on 24/06/09, 23:35:02 GMT
i want rnades for attacking team only
thank u
 Kiewan  on 24/06/09, 23:58:01 GMT
ET teams are killing ET, not the map,antilag nor pb

90% of the teams can't even play 2 matches per week
 snoop on 26/06/09, 08:26:43 GMT
so you want teams to play 24/7 if theres nothing to play for? :p
 Kiewan on 26/06/09, 10:42:43 GMT
even with 5k in the pool, i bet you wouldnt play 2 matches per week without an admin forcing you two. i noticed the ET teams attitude in etmasters
 Heartcore on 28/06/09, 15:53:44 GMT
Tbh, PB is probably a factor due to why these teams aren't playing.

So are maps.
 poonis  on 25/06/09, 07:00:46 GMT
ET is almost perfect, but cheaters are making it little fukd up, pb is too weak .
 RIP  on 25/06/09, 07:50:09 GMT
Bring mg & mortar back.
 Syraconn  on 25/06/09, 08:25:02 GMT
The retard level of its community, imo Crossfire has turned into a 4chan game-ripoff
 Krein on 25/06/09, 08:47:38 GMT
exacly :D
 OoMuffin on 25/06/09, 09:28:14 GMT
bringing only the newfags here that is. imo all the newfags can come here and i would like 4chan alot better , <3
 Fizmo  on 25/06/09, 10:30:28 GMT
rtcw = perfect
 BrCh  on 25/06/09, 11:03:46 GMT
add the No Comment option in it ;)
 slarti  on 25/06/09, 11:12:16 GMT Edited
better hitscan, thats it.

I wonder how everyone are still saying there is a cheater-problem, in my opinion its rather rare to face a cheater in match nowadays. :O

And people whining about antilag and saying that finns are good players just because of it can fuck off. I prefer 48 ping over netlimited connection anytime.. No-one ever wonders why there is so many good aimers in Germany, Belgium and Netherlands? :p

And lastly, crouch <3 Yes the hitbox is fucked up.. but I myself usually hit in a closerange duel (when crouching) with a high acc which means that the enemy has a screenshake and big spread going on. First shot and first hit is the key????????????????
 lAHQ on 25/06/09, 13:42:47 GMT
Anyone who's whining about antilag can free to test b_antilag 0 and see what happens. A lowping doesn't make you a better aimer, I used to ping 98 now I'm on 48 and there are only slightly noticeable diffrences. Oh and I still think most finns abuse antilag, I mean how can you be that unhitable? Whining about pings is so 2004 anyway. Everything below 100 is fine to play with, even 150 is playable. Some people whine about their ping although they don't even realize that the scoreboard won't shot your real ping, as its bugged.
 slarti on 25/06/09, 13:46:47 GMT Edited
If mAus, butchji, Azatej or some good aimer comes now and tells me that finns are unhittable, I'll believe. I bet that you are average aimer who isnt always "on target" so your words about finn's unhittablity means nada.
 perforator on 25/06/09, 13:50:04 GMT Edited
Finns aren't unhittable (at least for me)

Here, opinion from a good aimer
 slarti on 25/06/09, 17:10:40 GMT
My point proven!!!
 ijustih on 25/06/09, 17:17:57 GMT
youre not good aimer, u just always hit first with your preshoots! :D
 lAHQ on 25/06/09, 14:01:27 GMT
Maybe its just me thinking this way, but I'm surely not the only one whining about finns. Oh and to be honest I consider myself as a good aimer, I might not be always 'on target' or as skilled as mAus & co, but I'm surely one of the better aimers. Apparently perfo proved me wrong, so lets leave it as that :O). Do me a favour and don't come up with 'online fame', as this is completly off the track.
 slarti on 25/06/09, 17:10:15 GMT
Im a random myself so being random or average player wasnt my main point :)
 Heartcore on 28/06/09, 15:55:49 GMT
PB. Gives. Massive. Lag.

Kill. It.
 TosspoT  on 25/06/09, 12:02:57 GMT
Gameplay must always evolve as it has done with sports, it can never become stagnant or people get bored.
 FUZZ on 25/06/09, 15:38:56 GMT
True, however we have come to a point where gameplay is experiencing devolution.
 TosspoT on 25/06/09, 15:46:47 GMT
 Crab  on 25/06/09, 15:35:25 GMT
rtcw's gameplay is perfect.
 samraj  on 25/06/09, 16:05:14 GMT
for me its the best game i ever played

only thing must be changed is a real good anticheat - to cought up the rest of the loosers
 SpeaKeR  on 25/06/09, 16:29:02 GMT
5v5, remove rifle = win.
 Carlos09  on 25/06/09, 17:28:12 GMT
This seems quite pathetic, this game has been around since 2003 and they've just managed to make it "perfect"? dont think so..the only thing this game needs to be perfect, is to fix glitches in maps, the original game play was perfect til some people got bored with doing the same shit all the time.
now this so called "perfection" of ET will get bored too eventually, etc.
 LavOd  on 25/06/09, 17:53:09 GMT
It's pretty much done, we just need a fresh start (ET2, ETlive) with better graphics and a less laggy anticheat to attract new players.

The rifle is fine, only noobs or less intelligent players wil benefit from it when you remove it and we should keep the standards as high as possible. (I dont see a single decent player complaining about it)

What hitbox problem? Everyone knows it's not exactly where the model is displayed but after a few months you should be knowing where to shoot. (Adapt to it instead of complaining about it for about 3 years without any view on change, and if you're just a shitty ass aimer learn how to spam)

Mines? Equally skilled teams dont suffer by the use of mines, you both have 5 and If you cant break through their defence you're doing something wrong!

Perhaps the turnspread should be removed and the knockback is a tad FUCKING HUGE but come on, you could position yourself a bit better, alter your playing style a bit and voila, epic skill increase. Eventually the team with the most experience, talent and teamplay will beat the lesser team.

Most of these things mentioned above are just your own flaws. Buy a better computer if you have 25 fps, ask your 12 year old sister not to download porn while you're playing, buy proper gaming gear, tell your parents that you're going to play a war and you do not want your dad to come up to ask you if you'd like to go fishing. And most important Adapt to the game!

We know the things that can be improved and wich cant, it doesnt look like we can do something about pb unless we remove it. So be it, no whine.

We can do something about turnspread and knockback wich looks like a fine idea to me. Host some tournament with these settings altered and find out if we should lower it.

For christ sake, please stop looking for excuses to justify your own failures.
 Krein on 26/06/09, 06:46:17 GMT
Fucking hell :O Inteligent person on crossfire! I'd never expect to see that in my life :O
 klejf on 26/06/09, 10:42:16 GMT
look on the comment under mine, there you can find zeh 200iq person :{
 Krein on 27/06/09, 02:04:38 GMT
zeh 200iq and all wasted :<
 ijustih on 26/06/09, 09:32:52 GMT
you, mister, are a moron
 Sample on 27/06/09, 10:09:05 GMT
listen this man!<3
 bilgrim  on 25/06/09, 18:07:19 GMT
The ET gameplay is perfect, but it needs more maps to be brought into the competitive scene to keep the game alive.
 Adacore  on 25/06/09, 22:12:36 GMT
Not perfect, because nothing is ever perfect. But a dedicated (professional?) team working on at least one really high quality new competition map every season would be a godsend. The thing that made ET such a great, interesting and unique game for me was the tactical elements. But there is also an argument that the constant gameplay mechanic has also contributed to tactics being 'perfected' in the last few years. Thus it might be wise to shake things up from that perspective again.

Do you remember the time when barely anybody ran with a rifle? When every team used a panzer on all maps? How about 5 medics and 1 fops as standard defence tactics? Quite rightly, none of these would even be considered by modern teams, but the evolution away from them was a long, slow process that made the game so much more exciting to be part of.

Seeing the development of the tactics on a map such as oasis was incredible. Without new large, complex and well designed maps we'll never see that again. The change from the first external defences using a roaming panzer, to the dignitas/DSky style internal defence (dignitas with a single fops and five medics on oasis defence). The innovation of planned mortar shops and the subsequent changes in position for the defensive tactics. The widespread introduction of the defensive riflenade. Selfkill-pushouts and the u96d defensive tactics, the incorporation of coordinated spam to lock down chokepoints. That was the evolution that took place over about 3 years.

I don't think we'll ever see that level of evolution and game development again, because these days people recognise selfkill-pushout as a highly valuable tactic. If you put together a new map today the defenses you'd see from teams wouldn't be the old style objective-based aim-centric play, it would be the new style chokepoint-based spam tactics. Thus I think the time has come for change. This is a large part of the reason I no longer follow ET so much - I believe it has largely become stale.
 Spirea  on 25/06/09, 22:48:46 GMT
less spam and more excitement for viewers and it's perfect
 atraxzzz  on 26/06/09, 00:27:10 GMT
Community needs to do more map-research cups ,
coz most of ET maps are intresting and enjoyable to play.
People doesnt want to play day by day same maps.
But gameplay and else is 5+
 Krein  on 26/06/09, 06:42:56 GMT
lets put 2 plant spots and play 20 rounds with engis only and no respawns. There you go, we have an awesome game, very watchable for viewers not playing it and more thrilling (chill of excitment like from a doc run every round as Tosspot once said :/).

I liked 5v5 more but I'm not bitching about it not beeing played now. ET will never be more attractive than it is right now without making changes that'll make most current ET players leave. Want to see something else? Play something else!
 jatazA  on 26/06/09, 08:31:03 GMT
Bring back the original prone.
Erase braundorf, frostbite, every oasis release, every battery release, delivery, missile shit, bremen_b2 (b1 is much better), railgun, etc from my memory and never bring them back.
Less mines.
Less nades.
Remove the rifle.
Remove the Soldier class.
Get rid of PB.
Fix some minor map bugs.

And last but not least, get some better GamesTV servers or don't use ETTV at all, because seriously, they are fucking TERRIBLE. Prioritizing the viewers over the people that are actually playing is so fucking retarded.
 butchji on 26/06/09, 09:35:02 GMT
 Spirea on 28/06/09, 21:55:28 GMT
word bro :)
 jatazA  on 26/06/09, 09:00:26 GMT
Also, as a fan of 3on3, I would like to see some proper 3on3 cups again. I really appreciate all the people who admin their own 1day 3on3 cups in their free time, but the last serious 3on3 cup I've played in was the ETpro cup with prize money, which unfortunately has been canceled.

It would be great if teams such as TWK, mori, sTREETFIGHTERS, Queens and DMD would come back so finding a real highskilled 3on3 would be possible again, since nowadays I can only find med skilled games that claim they're high but never live up to it. This is also what causes the whine about the map Supply. A real high skilled team will completely dominate a pseudo-high skilled team on supply, I have personally never seen a double fullhold or a one sided game on supply where both teams are of an equal skill level.

I would've edited my last comment, but my proxy doesn't let me. ;_;
 NuggaN on 26/06/09, 21:58:54 GMT
Agreed [x
 BenGibbard  on 26/06/09, 10:22:10 GMT
Everything the guy above me said

+ turn spread is fucking retarded and needs to be removed from competitive et
 klejf  on 26/06/09, 10:40:04 GMT Edited
et is perfect, just some fops powerup could come in useful, like bigger ammopacks for example (45 ammo?)

there are 2 things we seriously need to do to make this game more enjoyable
- remove chosen
- remove sol

then everything will be perfect

ps. +ofc mg back
 Em0ReJ!  on 26/06/09, 11:39:37 GMT
can't be perfect
 anzz  on 26/06/09, 11:46:08 GMT
best game ive ever played. Everytime i return to it!

i just like the teamplay, 3 hs/kill. strafing etc etc

only sad thing are the cheaters :s

+ i would always like to see some new maps, but if they aint made i aint complaining!
 sheriko  on 26/06/09, 11:50:52 GMT
Bring 3on3 CB Cups back -.-
 mikeL1TY  on 26/06/09, 13:02:31 GMT
remove pb streaming in summercup!
 Bl1nD  on 26/06/09, 16:21:25 GMT
Pretty finished product.
 absorb  on 26/06/09, 17:11:14 GMT
need explosion hitsounds
 Pepezki on 26/06/09, 18:12:40 GMT
u can see if u hit when the xp bar flashes yellow
 absorb on 26/06/09, 23:05:10 GMT
 Pepezki on 27/06/09, 07:19:53 GMT
well maybe but u need hitsounds to know do you hit, so the xbar flashing does the same thing
 dayca  on 27/06/09, 01:08:16 GMT
*prone back
*oasis back :)
*rankings, promotion back
* more spam
*mortar back xD
 bet4  on 27/06/09, 07:30:58 GMT
 Arachon  on 27/06/09, 08:40:48 GMT
Playing 5on5 in ET was one of the best experiences I have ever had; I seriously don't understand why people didn't want that. It was a lot more balanced and less general spam.

Other than that, ET is a finished product, IMO.
 BlackJack  on 27/06/09, 10:49:22 GMT
It's perfect.
 XENJI  on 27/06/09, 12:11:12 GMT Edited
To make ET better:

1)disable Rifle hate this weapon
2)disable Mines
3) new maps
4)enable MG
5)diesable CP only flagg RTCW style
6)delete some admins and take some new one at crossfire and CB
7)disable KILLERBOY cause he sucks
8)enable flags at TAB behind the names or in front of the name looks nice
9) and last but not least disable PF
 absorb on 27/06/09, 14:38:43 GMT
10) disable mp40
11) disable pistol
12) disable movement
13) disable cfg usage
14) enable adrenaline

yeah i think we got it
 BlackJack on 27/06/09, 18:55:44 GMT
 danL on 27/06/09, 15:45:34 GMT
here's a tip for you: buy rtcw
 biqq  on 27/06/09, 15:08:29 GMT
I've played ET for one reason only, the fact that you need 6 people working together as a unit to win a match. Teamplay is what made ET what it is now, the best teambased shooter on the market.

 XENJI on 27/06/09, 15:52:25 GMT
so if ET is the best teamshooter why isnt et that popular like COD or CS ????
 adze on 28/06/09, 15:51:51 GMT
because it's free and hasn't got as much advertisement as COD4, CS
 FUZZ on 28/06/09, 23:10:18 GMT

(just replying to OLDSCHOOL player, nothing to see here, read on)
 Mztik  on 28/06/09, 03:11:16 GMT
Hit the nail on the head on one of the major issues for me.
 def-  on 28/06/09, 16:41:58 GMT
get rid of weekly changing mappools

bring back 5o5 (with shorter spawns)

give killerboy moar powers

make crossfire a more serious place (read: more bans, more cf-hosted competitions)

get rid of retard admins
 ghandi on 28/06/09, 16:57:36 GMT
wait, there would be no admins at all if u get rid of the retarded admins :/
 ghandi  on 28/06/09, 16:56:32 GMT
what we need is baserace as a competition map, thats all !
 shivahot  on 28/06/09, 17:59:04 GMT
ET need brain and teamwork.
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