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The most successful player (over the last two years) (13080 views, 130 comments)
Posted by mosby on Saturday 9th May 2009, 19:21 GMT
Article: ET, XF
Upon strolling through my old Crossfire work I encountered an article that I made around June 2007. It contained a medal count of EuroCup medals per country. I remembered getting some positive comments on the initiative and the comments confirmed that.

Now almost two years later I decided to make another medal count. This time not per country, but per player. Just to see who is the most successful player of the past two years as an addition on my article of June 2007.

I chose to count all gold, silver and bronze medals won in the Clanbase Eurocup or at a Crossfire LAN event between June 2007 and now. Starting with Eurocup XV and of course ending at the Crossfire Challenge 6.

I'm still working on three complete lists of the medal count per player, per team and per country. But I already finished the Top 10 so you can have a look at the 10 (actually 11) most successful players of the last 2 years.

  Article Content
Page 1: Top 10 players
Page 2: Full list of players
Page 3: List per team
Page 4: List per country
 huumemikko  on 09/05/09, 19:28:30 GMT
 ED  on 09/05/09, 19:29:47 GMT Edited
nice pocals

/only 1 page?
 lettu  on 09/05/09, 19:33:27 GMT Edited
nice matiasprom8!!
 Mierlo9  on 09/05/09, 19:47:42 GMT Edited
there's something wrong at the top10 players page;p

its says mAus won Eurocup 15 with TLR whilst winghaven became third at Eurocup 15 with TLR

great work tho;p
 mosby on 09/05/09, 19:54:29 GMT
then you aligned it with the wrong cup. the bronze one is matching the EC15, not the gold one.
 Mierlo9 on 09/05/09, 20:02:13 GMT
ah, now i see it;p

my bed
 decem  on 09/05/09, 19:59:58 GMT
uh.... no words..
 iLoS'  on 09/05/09, 20:03:46 GMT
Nice, can't wait that u finish it
 Roach  on 09/05/09, 20:28:30 GMT
Im pretty sure Night would be #1 if you add all ET eurocups.
 Sainted on 10/05/09, 07:18:43 GMT
And quakecons ^^
 mAuz  on 09/05/09, 20:38:04 GMT
you forgot me RaZiel

and mystic
 Graecos on 10/05/09, 10:39:25 GMT
RaZiel but he stopped there is a long time now..
 mAuz on 10/05/09, 16:01:43 GMT
i moved to the uk and i am still playing afaik
 Graecos on 10/05/09, 18:03:11 GMT
fo sure..
 snoop  on 09/05/09, 20:47:18 GMT Edited
lololol ^^

 dexter on 09/05/09, 20:51:30 GMT Edited
 loazis on 09/05/09, 23:36:49 GMT
Well done :D
 Felix on 10/05/09, 20:49:11 GMT
winning team joiner:D
 syK on 10/05/09, 21:15:34 GMT
hahahahaha spot on snoop!
 Paintrain on 06/06/09, 19:44:20 GMT
The Master powelcheck taught you well!
 chmpp  on 09/05/09, 20:49:21 GMT
snoop best player for now and forever <3
 Homer  on 09/05/09, 20:57:24 GMT
Nice. Would be nice to know what if NationsCup counts
 onionknight  on 09/05/09, 21:22:29 GMT Edited
In my opinion you should do it like this:
[1st] 4 points
[2nd] 2 points
[3rd] 1 point

Cause otherwise, if a guy has 4 gold pocals and no silvers/bronze, and second has only 3 golds but craploads of silver/bronze, the first guy will rank higher.
 mosby on 09/05/09, 21:25:32 GMT
i did that on the previous medal count but then someone pointed out that it's normally done like this and it actually is. take a look at the olympic medal count for example.
 butchji  on 09/05/09, 21:26:54 GMT

Night won two QuakeCons,CC6, CC4, CC1 and one zillion EuroCups oO
 ag0n on 09/05/09, 21:53:54 GMT
He means only from 2007 till nowadays... Qcon was before 2007 if im correct... Otherwise night would be the winner, ofc
 butchji on 09/05/09, 22:09:19 GMT
Then the title is kinda wrong. ;)
 ag0n on 09/05/09, 22:18:11 GMT
ye, but the text kinda explain the rest... but i agree, plus a global statistic would be more interesting.
 Graecos on 10/05/09, 10:38:50 GMT
Even, SHG Open 2007 isn't in... [1st] Dignitas & [2nd] zeropont
 STICKER on 10/05/09, 13:50:28 GMT
jalous that snoop is 1. ? ;D
 Winghaven  on 09/05/09, 21:38:57 GMT Edited
LAN events and money competitions ( online or offline )should count more than on-line events without prizes like EC for example.

and I played the EuroCup 17 final with impact and won it! xD
 mosby on 09/05/09, 21:49:35 GMT
strange, neither CB nor Gamestv.org show you in the lineup. but on CB Impact only has 5 players at the final so i guess the admin forgot you or something.
 mAuz on 09/05/09, 21:50:09 GMT
he is trolling!
 mosby on 09/05/09, 21:51:21 GMT
then could you tell me who was the 5th at impact that final?
 mAuz on 09/05/09, 21:54:10 GMT
who were the other 4?
 mosby on 09/05/09, 21:55:42 GMT
hmm i meant 6th, other 5 were snoop, drago, night, reload and jakazc
 mAuz on 09/05/09, 21:58:43 GMT
 ToX on 10/05/09, 12:31:47 GMT
jak didnt play, i played the whole season with impact. mztik played the semifinal, and part of the final afaik, wing played 1 map or something, or merced in another game of that cup cos i remember playing with him and against him in the playoffs :D
 crook on 12/05/09, 13:27:32 GMT
 Fendah  on 09/05/09, 23:13:00 GMT
Omg sNoOp omg.
 chosen  on 09/05/09, 23:45:04 GMT
sorry, but this doesnt make much sense :x
 Mini  on 09/05/09, 23:46:21 GMT
what about stuff like quakecons and shizzle?
 mAna on 18/05/09, 09:02:27 GMT
hes talking about 2007 till this day moron
 Em0ReJ!  on 10/05/09, 00:08:16 GMT
do it from the begining if you can, would be rly nice, great work
 fra on 10/05/09, 14:25:47 GMT
 sword  on 10/05/09, 09:12:10 GMT
You could add Nation Cups aswell.
 mama  on 10/05/09, 09:31:34 GMT
omg snoop omg
 eiM  on 10/05/09, 09:36:26 GMT
dont post your article when only one page is finished?

Otherwise good job
 ZERENDER  on 10/05/09, 09:59:51 GMT
i think im the most unsuccessful et player on earth
 fra  on 10/05/09, 10:01:16 GMT
i think im the most unsuccessful et player on earth
 Graecos on 10/05/09, 10:37:16 GMT
and on rtcw also ? :D
 Mo on 12/05/09, 11:39:52 GMT
yea there probbly as well... since RtCW is not on earth.
 DrTank on 10/05/09, 14:31:16 GMT
 kARn4J on 10/05/09, 15:23:19 GMT
pauvre francis !
 triflip  on 10/05/09, 10:01:54 GMT
don't post incomplete articles pls
 Frop  on 10/05/09, 10:03:17 GMT
Poorly researched article is poorly researched.
 mosby on 10/05/09, 10:15:22 GMT
didn't expect this. tell me what is poorly researched then.
 Frop on 10/05/09, 10:33:05 GMT Edited
Firstly, the researched period (2007 and up) is not representative with regards to said subject. Secondly, the example below clearly shows that you are using incomplete and unreliable sources of information.

 Quote: mosby strange, neither CB nor Gamestv.org show you in the lineup. but on CB Impact only has 5 players at the final so i guess the admin forgot you or something.

I'm afraid I can't support this article unless you decide to reveal all your sources, mark all the discrepancies and change the subject accordingly.
 mosby on 10/05/09, 10:40:05 GMT
I'll change the title because I agree the title doesn't fit the researched period. Though I chose deliberately for this range of time because in my opinion there's been a change in ET since around June 2007 with the Crossfire Challenges. So I wanted to show that over the last two years a lot has changed compared to the years before that.

That quote is the only situation where I didn't have the full lineup. If you want to know all my resources; I just looked up every match on GamesTV.org till I was (99%) certain I had all the players that played for the clan in a particular tournament and thus deserved the medal.
 mst on 10/05/09, 11:04:44 GMT
About final of ECXVII.

The lineup in this match was:
drago, snoop, reload, winghaven, toxic, mztik

According to your "research" it's:
drago, snoop, reload, night, jakazc

That changes your 'ranking' a bit. You could just play the replay or read the comments @ gtv...
 rbnt on 10/05/09, 10:46:04 GMT
i lol'd
 mst  on 10/05/09, 10:44:37 GMT Edited
Nations Cups?
 rahul  on 10/05/09, 11:28:59 GMT
Yay! #54!!
 mstk  on 10/05/09, 12:04:14 GMT
belgium fails :DD
 zzaps on 10/05/09, 12:17:47 GMT
as does NL
 perforator  on 10/05/09, 12:06:36 GMT
On the same level as mystic

Who would've guessed.
 zzaps on 10/05/09, 12:18:51 GMT
It's soccer all over again.. the greatest players, the least pocals. Only Belgium sucks harder >_<
 Shuki on 10/05/09, 14:04:45 GMT
Yeh and keran kicked both your asses. Wouldn't have believed it but it's in an article so it must be true.
 ToX  on 10/05/09, 12:33:48 GMT
ESL major series doesnt count? that would put snoop EVEN HIGHER
 olBaa  on 10/05/09, 12:55:21 GMT
omg sNoOp omg
 Mini  on 10/05/09, 13:13:02 GMT
Would say estonia deserves 1st place considering the fact how many people we have living here
 bachOr  on 10/05/09, 14:15:54 GMT
Nation Cups? other LANs where played eu teams?
 iMmi04  on 10/05/09, 14:18:38 GMT
toxic 1-man army MALTA xD
 Vanhaomena  on 10/05/09, 14:19:03 GMT
The most successful Clanbase players -,-
 Aste  on 10/05/09, 14:20:46 GMT
HaHa. Top 10 Nerd list. :) grats snoop.
 snoop on 10/05/09, 17:25:40 GMT
atleast im the best at this then
 Aste on 10/05/09, 18:07:34 GMT
 Sample  on 10/05/09, 14:25:18 GMT
 BenGibbard  on 10/05/09, 14:30:45 GMT
 wEAK  on 10/05/09, 14:38:29 GMT
germany prevails
 duKe_ on 10/05/09, 15:49:09 GMT
omg wEAK omg
 kARn4J  on 10/05/09, 15:23:37 GMT
Where am I ?
 risee  on 10/05/09, 15:35:02 GMT
you should count in every ec/lan, else this is useless
 ki7o  on 10/05/09, 17:14:52 GMT
Sry to write this but the title of your article is a complete mismatch with it's content. You did not include Nations Cup (and SHG open if i'm correct) which holds prestige similar to EC/CC making the article completly pointless by defining the most succesful players only on these 2 events.
 perforator on 10/05/09, 18:16:28 GMT
sHgOpen was in February 2007, he started counting from June 2007. :)
 CHOPPERRRRR on 12/05/09, 15:51:58 GMT
learn2read knobed
 vArit  on 10/05/09, 17:17:23 GMT
very nice work!
 Rickk  on 10/05/09, 19:38:59 GMT
Count in all home-hosted lans to!!!
 Hydr0  on 10/05/09, 21:07:49 GMT
#4 UK cos I is from there!
 w0nd3r  on 10/05/09, 21:50:37 GMT
awesome stuff man!
 klejf  on 11/05/09, 08:42:58 GMT
so drago won eurocup 17 with impact, which was won with TLR with toxic? wut
 Hessuuh  on 11/05/09, 09:29:22 GMT
there must be something wrong in the list if snoop haz teh 1st spot :-DD lawd
 Ironic  on 11/05/09, 10:06:02 GMT
naiz naiz
 urtier  on 11/05/09, 10:13:30 GMT
Quakewars winnings should be added! :-D
 Scuba on 11/05/09, 15:11:46 GMT
why? so then u and reload would be at the top ?:O)
 crook on 12/05/09, 13:29:39 GMT
 Paintrain on 06/06/09, 19:50:23 GMT
Go wash your mouth! Maybe hose down the Q-word with some Kölsch.
 yamyamyam  on 11/05/09, 10:50:12 GMT
The trophies and tournament names are very poorly aligned, you should put them into the same table (as you did with the number of trophies/medals ([medal] #)).
 Leonneke  on 11/05/09, 15:06:05 GMT
Okay, I have no clue where you get your information. But that full list of players? Apparently I won 1 silver medal. I even see Lightning down there with ONLY 1 bronze medal.

What leagues do you get your stuff from?
 butchji on 11/05/09, 15:15:08 GMT Edited

"Clanbase Eurocup or at a Crossfire LAN"
 Leonneke on 11/05/09, 15:31:00 GMT
Never learned how to. Can you teach me :E!?
 jakazc on 11/05/09, 15:58:22 GMT
I guess he played with us in EC final ;)
 Leonneke on 11/05/09, 16:07:31 GMT
Omg I completely forgot.......
 Vanhaomena on 13/05/09, 04:39:46 GMT
Way to play one match, lose, and get a Most Successful Player toplist spot -,-
 jakazc on 11/05/09, 15:59:02 GMT
2low .
 Matias on 12/05/09, 18:54:11 GMT
so funny when ppl merced for one ec match and still think they played the whole cup.
 Leonneke on 12/05/09, 19:27:29 GMT
Wasn't me...
 Matias on 12/05/09, 20:20:56 GMT
 Rizkk  on 11/05/09, 16:00:02 GMT
where is kARn4J?
 Keytaro on 11/05/09, 16:06:14 GMT
what did he win ?
 kARn4J on 11/05/09, 17:01:32 GMT
The Region Cup 3rd edition !
 Rizkk on 11/05/09, 17:12:00 GMT
indeed !
 Keytaro on 11/05/09, 17:44:35 GMT
European or French Regional cup? 8D
 evan  on 11/05/09, 18:32:47 GMT
I do not think the methodology is really appropriate. I have nothing against Snoop but he is clearly the least successful player in the top ten and the system is obviously flawed in a number of obvious ways.

It would been better to create two different tables: one for LAN events and another for online events. Then either attribute a points-system to each event (Eurocup's are not equal to Crossfire Challenges) or pick an arbitrary number and mark players down, e.g. everyone starts at one then only the player who won every single LAN event hosted can get the full points (which is no one - even Night!).
 mosby on 11/05/09, 20:46:25 GMT Edited
Possible, but that would be a mathematical view on who's the most successful. I think a lot of people here are confusing most successful with best. This is in no way a statistic of who is the best. It just shows that it's not always the most idolized player (e.g. Night, butchji, mAus) that wins the most cups. In this case I took a period of time, which is questionable but you have to draw the line somewhere. I know for a fact that it's almost undoable to salvage lineups from EuroCups earlier than the 10th for example. Wouldn't be very representable either if I'm suddenly forced to stop counting because the lineups are only salvagable by interviewing the players.

EuroCup and the CC's are both prestigious and continuing competitions. EuroCup being online and CC being offline gives a overview of the statistic. Having an equal amount of both also gives some regularity that helps the representability of the statistic.

As for snoop... it surely takes something to win 3 EuroCup's in a row.
 evan on 11/05/09, 21:49:26 GMT
It is not a mathematical view on who is most successful. It is an accurate view on who is most successful using mathematics to help form a transparent well formed conclusion.

I think it is generally accepted that most top players have stopped caring about Eurocup to some degree, and while it is definitely an achievement to win three Eurocup's in a row it does not make Snoop the most successful player. He did not - for example - even finish in the top three at CC6. There is nothing wrong with finishing sixth but your chart does not take into account finishes other than first (realistically). And as far as I am aware even the Olympics provide two separate medals lists to show who won the most golds and medals overall.

If I were in your position (I was at one point) then I would simply ask the players or respected members of the community before embarking on something like this in future. Even if it is confirm line-ups etc. Nice work nevertheless.
 twister on 12/05/09, 21:26:23 GMT
Clanbase has a well structured hall of fame, it takes almost no efforts to find the lineups of final games. Good work never the less but I do agree it would have been more interesting if you would have taken more events into account and created a points system etc.
 Dreamweaver on 21/05/09, 23:24:39 GMT
EC IX was the first EC for ET =]

and how can 4-0-0 be more succesful than 3-3-1, btw?
 daisy  on 11/05/09, 22:21:09 GMT
Belgium obsviously doesn't have any kind of winning culture :D
 n00n  on 12/05/09, 02:33:31 GMT
nice one!
 Mo  on 12/05/09, 11:42:00 GMT
ftw! :)
 sazKee  on 12/05/09, 15:39:59 GMT
quakon would be worthy as well, no?
 mosby on 12/05/09, 16:00:11 GMT
'I chose to count all gold, silver and bronze medals won in the Clanbase Eurocup or at a Crossfire LAN event between June 2007 and now.'

Quakecon was in 2005 and in 2006..
 Iron on 12/05/09, 18:40:20 GMT
and how useless is that
 dAv1d on 18/05/09, 13:05:42 GMT
I think i got 2 golds aswell then! won cpc2 and 3
 peX  on 13/05/09, 13:39:37 GMT Edited
 mAna  on 18/05/09, 09:06:58 GMT
lol, that list is full of shit :DDDD
 SamRock  on 29/05/09, 18:12:58 GMT
nice! great work! interesting!
 Superboyy  on 07/06/09, 14:44:49 GMT
nice. but useless. someone should update the et & money article where players are ranked by amount of money they made playing et
 Seizure  on 13/06/09, 13:50:48 GMT
well done m8.
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