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CC6 - Lettu winning a tournament? (4151 views, 17 comments)
Posted by chosen on Sunday 3rd May 2009, 12:17 GMT
Interview: XF

So ButtonBashers just won overload SNB and are going for the Grand Final right now. With their performance and latest additions with some players, i caught up with Lettu first and will get the replacement for mAus next.

What did you think about joining ButtonBashers, a team that actually owned on lan more than once already with you failing so hard when you've been in Vicious and Evil? Was it all about swine not motivating you enough?

I was really happy about getting in a team with players that have had huge lan succes.
With vae our problem was just lack of experience on lan i think, so now its the opposite and i can blame swine for not getting us CRT's.

So ButtonBashers struggled at the last event a little bit, they haven't been able to continue their winning spree, so with the latest additions it seems great now, you are in the winner bracket final. What do you say about your performance and what's the difference to VAE?

Im happy going in to the final from winners bracket because we have to beaten twice.
I was a bit nervous against overload even though we beat them once already, but everything is so different on lan and you cant be sure about anything. We had close games on radar and gr but won maybe our strongest map delivery like i though.
So i am already satisfied on our performance since we are already second for sure but would like to win it because it would be my first time, i already was second once on cpc1.

This time, almost no national team (like polish, german) is attending, only some dutchies did it. With your experience with VAE, can you understand that moving to even more european mixed teams?

Yes ET doesn't has a big userbase anymore so the players from different countries are mixing up. Finland and some others can, but not everyone wants to go to LAN from them so the European team is the only option.

Dodging the LAN, have you ever had problems with that in the past? Is it one reason for such european mixed teams?

Well not really, but I can understand if someone changes his mind about not coming after all, it's really expensive to trip to the Netherlands just to play some games. I dont think it effects euro or national teams though.
 chmpp  on 03/05/09, 12:35:29 GMT
win it leo !
 Squalliiii  on 03/05/09, 14:12:19 GMT
 Sipperi on 04/05/09, 01:00:50 GMT
 ipod  on 03/05/09, 16:36:24 GMT
Good job squall :D
 RazZaH  on 03/05/09, 16:41:18 GMT
 viltsu  on 03/05/09, 16:47:22 GMT
 bizzyxL  on 03/05/09, 21:12:27 GMT
 decem  on 05/05/09, 15:50:58 GMT
 h8m3xL  on 06/05/09, 21:57:53 GMT
 slarti  on 09/05/09, 08:40:57 GMT
 PlemPlem  on 10/05/09, 21:36:38 GMT
 Mini  on 15/05/09, 12:25:18 GMT
he dident win it
 chosen on 19/05/09, 17:52:21 GMT
CC6 - Lettu winning a tournament?
 Zeke  on 15/05/09, 13:43:55 GMT
 bAnga  on 21/05/09, 10:39:14 GMT
 hestia  on 04/06/09, 13:59:31 GMT
 jaran  on 06/06/09, 22:20:51 GMT
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