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Wolfenstein - Sokal on MP (4155 views, 118 comments)
Posted by beggin on Saturday 20th June 2009, 12:46 GMT
News: Wolf

Finally after several months of waiting, it looks like we will be getting some information on Wolfenstein's multiplayer. But not just any information, information we want. Sokal, community manager of id Software has agreed to have an in depth q&a with KrollSpell from Wolfenstein-Zone.org purely on multiplayer. Sokal is willing to answer any questions you have for him, ranging from Iron Sights, Strafe Jumping to WolfensteinTV (ETTV).

If you have any questions regrading the multiplayer component of Wolfenstein, post a reply with your question in this thread.

Also, check out the new Wolfenstein Hospital trailer. Note, hospital will be a map in multiplayer, according the leaked map screenshots a few months ago.
 ETNiES  on 20/06/09, 12:48:48 GMT
oh my
 vArit  on 20/06/09, 12:50:58 GMT
my question: how are you?
 destiny  on 20/06/09, 12:51:07 GMT
oh my
 ginja  on 20/06/09, 12:53:56 GMT
is it true that there will be no panzer in mp?
is a knife gib like et gib or more like cod gib?
 xeoxis  on 20/06/09, 12:57:20 GMT
Where do babies come from?
 jeje on 20/06/09, 13:38:49 GMT
If I'm right a bird give you one by mail, but I'm not sure at all.
 xeoxis on 20/06/09, 13:43:58 GMT
E-mail or normal mail?
 jeje on 20/06/09, 13:47:57 GMT
I can't give you an exact reply I'm not in the RtCW2 dev team.
 Bitmap on 21/06/09, 12:50:21 GMT
 kad  on 20/06/09, 13:03:02 GMT Edited

i may have a few questions i believe will be beneficial for the community as a whole!

- will it have tanks?

- can i kill everyone within a half map radius with one push of a button with out aiming?

- team sizes? 10vs10?

formula for success. for an economic point of view this is actually correct (based on the first 2 questions) there are more noobs than "purists" thus the audience would increase and so will sales.


was etqw REALLY that unsuccessful? :D
 riCo on 21/06/09, 14:59:43 GMT
 Tites  on 20/06/09, 13:08:15 GMT Edited
Fast strafing movement as in rtcw/et or slower like in cod?
 Owzo on 20/06/09, 15:30:28 GMT
Don't you mean
"Strafing like in RTCW / ET or no strafing like in COD" ? :D
 Tites on 20/06/09, 15:42:35 GMT
ye whatever :P
 jamari on 22/06/09, 15:07:58 GMT
i had to laugh at this :D
 tetsu0  on 20/06/09, 13:16:45 GMT
1. Is the "lean"-funtcion like in ET or like in COD?
2. will there be good crosshairs like in ET? not the random cod crosshairs
3. will you be able to shoot through walls & boxes etc?
4. how many damage/hs & damage/bs, how many HP will every player have (medics more than others?)
5. what will the objectives be like? (compared 2 maps from ET)
 destiny on 20/06/09, 14:01:55 GMT Edited
4. 2hs to kill / 5bodyshot to kill and 100HP to all, medics don't get HP without medpacks (generation)
 tetsu0 on 20/06/09, 14:30:19 GMT
ok thx :)
 KiLl3rBoY  on 20/06/09, 13:18:02 GMT
will EB drop support if pbguids get spoofed again? :}
 vjt on 20/06/09, 13:54:19 GMT
will pb dont be so invasive to make fps drop and lag ?
 hkrep  on 20/06/09, 13:56:37 GMT
I have a question! Why the hell does a site like that with 1/8th of the community base crossfire has get to do a q&a?
 Krollspell on 20/06/09, 13:58:18 GMT
Stuff like this doesn't come to you automatically. You have to actively pursue it (as in ask) ^^
 Karrrde  on 20/06/09, 13:59:08 GMT
Do we have to give 3hs to kill him or we play pacman and he dies after the 1st?
 destiny on 20/06/09, 14:04:39 GMT
2hs 5bodyshot afaik
 Karrrde on 20/06/09, 14:13:07 GMT
I am happy then.
 butchji  on 20/06/09, 14:34:02 GMT
"What netcode is the MP using? Do they have antilag implemented (epic fail) like in ET or without antilag like RtCW (pure skill ;) )?"

 h8m3xL on 20/06/09, 18:11:20 GMT
 slarti  on 20/06/09, 14:43:17 GMT
The game will own so no need to ask questions :)))
 Clogst*r  on 20/06/09, 14:43:39 GMT
Misleading title ftl.
 cuttyP  on 20/06/09, 14:53:33 GMT
How long and big will the maps be?
 wsk on 20/06/09, 16:47:13 GMT
come online, need you for the night my friend
 snip0z on 21/06/09, 16:50:50 GMT
 wsk on 21/06/09, 16:53:51 GMT
 rAUUL  on 20/06/09, 14:57:47 GMT
will there be coloured nicks?

probably the most important question :S
 danL  on 20/06/09, 15:04:54 GMT
I have a question that basically summarizes everything: is it ET with different graphics and maps?
 Lightning  on 20/06/09, 15:06:37 GMT Edited

On behave of #ta9 , #tag.et :

- what is the fire rate?
- Is there lean like in Wolfenstein or ET
- Will crouching in air fuck up your hitboxes?
- Game speed is more like COD4 ,ETQW or ET?
- Panzer is really removed?
- What's the reason of droping the fieldops class?
- Will there be iron sight like in ETQW or COD4 like?
- Airstrikes required more skill then Artillery, why remove them?
- Is the rifle still there, and does it still have riflenades which you can bounch of walls etc?
- Will there be any antilag ?
- Can you strafe like you could in the Quake Engine
- How fast is the reviving of teammates
- where you high during the development of this game?
- are you a cod fanboy?
- Is there a reason you have no clue how to promote a game?
- do you have any 6vs6 experience?
- what skill would you rate yourself low- or pokemon?
- will you pack your lowbie config in the game. exec pollo styleh?
- Why removing a knife in a WW2 game?
- Can you still gib people?
- Are the maps the same as in ET if you look at size?
- Can you tweak(personal cfg) the game like in Wolfenstein and ET
- You can still select fov between 90 and 120?
- is the game limited to 60 fps or can you select 125 also?
- Will there be hitsounds?
- When will the SDK be released for modding?
- How many hs or body shots you need to kill someone?

More might be added, depends on people in #tag.et , Cu
 Owzo on 20/06/09, 15:22:33 GMT
Now I don't have to post any questions nice one :)
 overdrive on 20/06/09, 15:31:44 GMT Edited
- how do firerate / damage per bullet and hp interact? How many hits do you need, how fast do you shoot them and how long does it take to gun somebody down? Compared to ET or RTCW :p
- how are the duels? is there any jumping?
- why dont you use the quake3 engine for multiplayer games? its proven to be superiour over many newer generation engines and cod already proofed you can make nice grafics, even with an engine dating back to 2000.
- did you alter lean?
- how is the movementspeed compared to ET - CoD
- did you consider investing enough time and effort into fully develloping decent netcode and hitboxes for this game?
- how long will it take for the SDK to be released?
- will there be an official mod? (osp/etpro)
- what format will competition be? 7vs7 6vs6 or 5vs5?
- what size are the maps? you can use beach and fueldump as references :D
- can you still tweak cvars in the console? will action cmds be protected from excessive scripting like in ETQW?
- are there any fps caps?
- will there be an internet site to browse games, launch the game and connect to a server or just find buddies, look at your stats etc, kinda like quakelive.com?
- Airstrikes required more skill then Artillery, why remove them?
- Is the rifle still there, and does it still have riflenades which you can bounch of walls etc?
- How are nades like? Damage on a scale from RTCW => ET How far can you throw them? Do you throw them from the right so you can throw them around corners?
- can mines be planted inside building like etqw? Or only outside like ET. (tnx zenix <3 )
 zzaps on 20/06/09, 15:35:18 GMT
<zzaps> missing question for the Wolfenstein guy regarding nades tbh
<zzaps> espicially from overdrijf
<zzaps> > will nades fly like in ET or RTCW or COD2 or.. ?
<zzaps> > will every class have nades? and how much
<zzaps> > will nades damage like in ET?
<zzaps> > will nades be cook-able like RTCW/ET or only throwable like CoD-series
<zzaps> > can you bash with nades like in CoD (plz not)
<zzaps> > will nades splat/gib bodies ET-style?
 overdrive on 20/06/09, 15:36:36 GMT Edited
are there any landmines?
can you fake throw nades like in et?
can you jump trough walls with the tank?
what happened to mg?
how many nades does eng get?
how far can you throw nades
 zzaps on 20/06/09, 15:38:34 GMT
will landmines smoke when tripped
will they instantly explode, or be like ET
will they be spot-able by binocular-classes

and the most important question:

can landmines destroy paintings by throwing them, ETstyle
 peX on 20/06/09, 15:40:21 GMT
 Quote - What's the reason of droping the fieldops class

et is unbalanced. we need medics with med+ammo packs and engineers with rifle and panzer.
i wonder why this has never come up before.
 overdrive on 20/06/09, 15:41:26 GMT
and you should be able to give yourself health during 1vs1 by changing ammo into health
 boShortY on 20/06/09, 16:01:34 GMT Edited
-1. if this will happen the game will suck hard.
same as qw
 ETNiES on 21/06/09, 18:23:47 GMT
u got trolled
 h8m3xL on 20/06/09, 16:46:49 GMT
ownage on pub!
 boShortY on 20/06/09, 16:55:57 GMT Edited
but it's nonsense for a competition
 Snaake on 20/06/09, 17:18:14 GMT
 Quote - When will the SDK be released for modding?

Doesn't make sense since the game ain't released. Probably a few months after.
 h8m3xL on 20/06/09, 17:37:50 GMT
Light prolly gonna make a TAGmod if noone else does make smth decent!
 KiLl3rBoY on 20/06/09, 17:39:44 GMT
- where you high during the development of this game?
- are you a cod fanboy?
- Is there a reason you have no clue how to promote a game?
 psychic on 20/06/09, 18:34:50 GMT
- Is there a reason you have no clue how to promote a game?
- what skill would you rate yourself low- or pokemon?
- are you a cod fanboy?

hahahahah ;DDD
 Severus  on 20/06/09, 15:13:43 GMT
Why won't the game be c/p of ET, why Sokal why?
 sonic  on 20/06/09, 15:19:34 GMT
trailer was massive
 zenix  on 20/06/09, 15:41:30 GMT Edited
- can mines be planted inside building like etqw? Or only outside like ET.
- mines are those invisible for opposing team, or visible like in ETQW.
- Will nades work like in ET. Or like ETQW ( bouncing from walls etc )
 Thomasz on 20/06/09, 21:25:07 GMT
etqw nades r awesome <3
 rizzin on 21/06/09, 12:35:24 GMT
So true.
 heaven  on 20/06/09, 16:09:17 GMT
Someone please remind me what graphics engine this will be. Is it Doom 3?
 Sainted on 20/06/09, 16:10:42 GMT
Yes its Doom 3 (idTech4). The SP was build on top of the enhancements Raven made to the engine in Quake 4, and the MP is built upon Splash Damage's enhancements to the engine in ET:QW.
 Syraconn on 20/06/09, 16:58:04 GMT
So cpu or gfx based?
 Seanzaaa on 21/06/09, 06:03:42 GMT
 spho  on 20/06/09, 16:13:51 GMT
 Brs  on 20/06/09, 16:27:03 GMT
just release some MPgameplay video ....
 ZERENDER  on 20/06/09, 16:55:02 GMT Edited
2002 called and they want their graphics back

 Lightning on 20/06/09, 17:34:16 GMT
It's called High Definition, you will be amazed on release!!
 ZERENDER on 20/06/09, 17:43:12 GMT
Items Ordered Price
1 of: Wolfenstein (PC DVD) [DVD-ROM]
Condition: New
Sold by: Amazon EU S.a.r.L.
- 1 item(s) Gift options: None Change gift options

1 of: Wolfenstein (PS3) [Video Game]
Condition: New
Sold by: Amazon EU S.a.r.L.
- 1 item(s) Gift options: None Change gift options

true fan talking here, im soooooo looking forward to play it
 urtier on 21/06/09, 11:26:42 GMT
Does Amazon.co.uk actually still send 16+ articles to Yermany? Thought they don't! :o
 ZERENDER on 21/06/09, 11:30:10 GMT
seems they still do
 Orkrist on 21/06/09, 22:16:58 GMT
I've ordered a PEGI 18 rated title few weeks ago, so at least then they did.
 ETNiES on 21/06/09, 18:27:47 GMT
pc and ps3?? why.. would you not just try one and see if its good and if its not you wouldn't have wasted the money
 ZERENDER on 21/06/09, 19:26:41 GMT
pc version for me an the other for a friend
 FUZZ on 20/06/09, 18:04:27 GMT
let me fix that for you
 ZERENDER on 20/06/09, 18:15:32 GMT
rofl :D
 Snaake on 20/06/09, 18:27:09 GMT
haha n1!
 HansoO on 20/06/09, 18:50:32 GMT
 bo on 21/06/09, 02:28:18 GMT
 BenGibbard on 21/06/09, 15:52:28 GMT
 iMo_OmfG on 21/06/09, 23:53:42 GMT
v56 :!D
 FUZZ  on 20/06/09, 17:08:55 GMT
Will it be as good as Quakewars upon it's release?
 JBRAA on 20/06/09, 17:54:29 GMT
 Chr1s on 20/06/09, 19:07:27 GMT
I hope so
 peoples  on 20/06/09, 17:51:08 GMT
Must hurt Crossfire.nu to miss this chance.
 Sainted on 21/06/09, 05:12:58 GMT
We'll discuss that at our next LAN :)
 peoples on 21/06/09, 16:10:53 GMT
Sounds cool, if the LAN is before the release.
 sKy-  on 20/06/09, 18:01:11 GMT
- Let us see a multiplayer trailer
- What about hitboxes
- How many body-headshots to kill someone
- Can we shoot while we run
- What are the classes
- How do we respawn
- Are there vehicles to drive, or only vehicles like in W:ET
- Is there a difrence between a rifle and a sniper, or is it going to be a rifle with a scope
- What are the elements of the classes (medic had a needle and medic packs)
- --------HAS IT A GOOD OWN ANTI-CHEAT PROTECTION!!!!???!!!--------
 v3rtigo  on 20/06/09, 18:24:49 GMT
Will there be a LINUX client?
and if/when it will be avialble.....................
 tactics  on 20/06/09, 18:38:08 GMT
What are the system requirements for MP? If not directly then, are they significantly higher than for SP? Are they comparable to ET:QW system requirements?
 psychic on 20/06/09, 18:45:01 GMT
The mp system requirements won't be hight then sp.. exactly the opposite.
 tactics on 20/06/09, 18:46:04 GMT
I highly doubt it, based on almost every other game that has ever been released.
 Chr1s on 20/06/09, 19:08:18 GMT
Considering that the SP engine has experienced a shit load of modifications in how lighting and physics is handled for example and a vast seamless city environment I would guess that the SP portion of game would require more than the MP which uses smaller maps and so on.
 tactics on 20/06/09, 19:12:08 GMT
I suppose you're right, but we still have no idea what that is relative to.
 beggin on 20/06/09, 19:13:04 GMT
I'm guessing they will be a lot lower than ETQW (maybe not the SP part). Remember ETQW had huge open maps with vehicles and flying crap.
 tactics on 20/06/09, 22:49:22 GMT
So more like Quake 4 I guess? I really hope so, but did you see all those particle effects and lighting tricks in the trailers?
 bo on 21/06/09, 02:30:51 GMT Edited
Actually I do not even know what particle effects they are referring to ^^
 zenix on 20/06/09, 21:35:29 GMT
I hope it will be the same like ETQW, than i have stable 250fps!
 tactics on 20/06/09, 22:47:41 GMT
Bastard :(
 Immortal  on 20/06/09, 18:52:43 GMT Edited
My question to them is this,"Can i use sprint and shoot in the same time?" thx
 crAshh on 20/06/09, 22:33:55 GMT
good one... most sucky in the cod series
 Immortal on 20/06/09, 22:53:36 GMT Edited
true man
 xViruSx on 21/06/09, 09:42:37 GMT Edited

one or either other only = so noooooobish
 Thomasz  on 20/06/09, 21:28:35 GMT
Can i make my in-game name pink?
 Seanzaaa on 21/06/09, 06:00:44 GMT
 Jehuty  on 21/06/09, 08:08:11 GMT
I hope they don't put mines and rifle nades in it...
 Ollz  on 21/06/09, 10:56:03 GMT
i'd like to know how customizable the game is, e.g.with the console.

i'd post myself but i cba making an account
 rivo  on 21/06/09, 11:54:42 GMT Edited
 Quote ID has always been 3 steps before everyone. They made the best mp games ever: quake and then rtcw
Lately it seems that something changed their policy. I could say this happened since carmack made his tech4 (that i consider a failure engine.)

Lately it seems that ID and their partners "steal" ideas from other games and make big mixes that result losing choices.
For example quakewars was a mix between ET and Battlefield. I don't need to specify if qw was a winning game. We all know how its over.
Now, in front of EVERYONE, this wolfenstein has some (too much) stuff from cod series. My question is: Where are the innovative, winning and acknowledgeable ID's ideas? And where is supposed to be the RTCW part in this sequel? Watching those screenshots, reading some stolen stuff about mp, watching videos of gameplay on youtube,i am more inclined to compare this game to cod series than the wolfenstein serie.
why don't u just give us back our wolfy?

We want to know the truth!
 v3rtigo on 21/06/09, 16:54:48 GMT
Best question.
 toxic  on 21/06/09, 12:07:31 GMT
We need Wolfenstein section on Xfire ,ET is going to die in August .
Just the fact that you have to pay for a game will dramatically reduce amount of hackers
one cd-key one life mwhaahahah

If gama won't be perfect,we will make it perfect by modding it up to our preferences.
 Krajziz on 21/06/09, 18:39:56 GMT
That's the spirit :D
 toxic on 21/06/09, 22:24:19 GMT
 Skydeh  on 21/06/09, 12:19:22 GMT
Will it work on a MAC from the off?
 S3ti  on 21/06/09, 12:57:22 GMT
will it be ok?
 mloR  on 21/06/09, 15:30:55 GMT
There is only one ET :|
 ZERENDER  on 21/06/09, 16:56:24 GMT
soon? :[]
 beggin on 21/06/09, 17:46:44 GMT
 sHiZo on 21/06/09, 20:39:50 GMT
When it's done™
 sKy-  on 21/06/09, 20:44:38 GMT
That hospital map reminds me of mp_vacant of cod4
 beggin on 21/06/09, 21:03:44 GMT
Yep was thinking the same
 Limbonic  on 22/06/09, 11:16:35 GMT
questions are going to be answered sometime in july anyway. so no difference to the standard "no information about mp policy". just seems like ID would like to appear a little bit more communityfriendly :/
 jamari  on 22/06/09, 15:35:01 GMT
You forgot the most important question:

How will the voicechat be like? will the voicebinds the same as in et?

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