
Uniea Haptique
Posted 05/22/2009 at 1:15:54pm | by Florence Ion


Haptique’s hard-shell design steels your MacBook against a cruel and unforgiving world.

The latest aluminum MacBooks are sleek and stylish, so naturally you’ll want to dress your new toy in an outfit that matches its physique. Uniea’s designer Haptique cases do just that, while also offering a dose of protection for the MacBook’s unibody frame.

This stiff case, made of ABS plastic, has a surface that feels almost like soft silicone. It comes in two parts and snaps onto both the top of the LCD panel and the base of the MacBook, leaving the hinges in the rear exposed. This practical design allows your MacBook to breathe, keeping it cool while you’re watching a video or charging the battery. The case also protects your lap from the aluminum body’s tendency to heat up after a marathon session of Melrose Place.

Haptique’s rigid outer shell protected our MacBook from any potential cosmetic damage, such as scratches or grease spots. We did have some issues initially snapping the case onto the body of the MacBook, although the plastic did nothing to harm the finish. The Haptique does add quite a bit of weight to the MacBook--the hard shell weighs nearly 14 ounces. While that might be a heavy (pun intended, thanks) toll for some users--if your MacBook regularly gets tossed around or used outside, the added protection might outweigh (oops, we did it again!) the added bulk.
The ports, headphone jack, and optical drive slot are still accessible when the shell is on, and there’s even a button to take advantage of the MacBook’s new side-mounted battery indicator. The Haptique clads your unibody MacBook in one of six stylish, semitranslucent colors, while keeping Apple’s signature glowing logo faintly visible.

If you don’t mind the extra bit of weight, the Haptique is a durable case that will keep your MacBook from showing any damage from your daily grind.

CONTACT: www.uniea.com
PRICE: $49.95
REQUIREMENTS: 13-inch Aluminum MacBook
Protects your MacBook from cosmetic damage.
Makes your Mac a bit heavy.
TAGS:  Uniea
avatarDo these protect any better

Do these protect any better than the Speck cases? For the price and additional weight, I would hope so.

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