Special Reports

Health Care Waste

Supplies head overseas rather than trash can.

Sounding The Alarm

Noise from traffic poses health risks for S.F. residents.

An Ailing System

What happens when the health care system breaks down.


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Obama taps Genome Project's Collins to head NIH

Obama taps Genome Project's Collins to head NIH

President Obama is choosing an influential scientist who helped unravel the human genetic code - and is...

Ruling requires providing Plan B contraceptive

Ruling requires providing Plan B contraceptive

A federal appeals court ordered reinstatement Wednesday of rules requiring pharmacists in Washington...

Change cuts infections linked to abortion pill

A simple change in the technique used to deliver the abortion pill reduced the number of serious infections attributed to the drug by...

Chronicle 7.8.09 7:40 PM

Fissures in health-reform effort

The Obama administration, hoping to boost its health-reform effort with financial concessions from the hospital and pharmaceutical...

Chronicle 7.9.09 4:00 AM

Doctor says he has no recall in molest case

Dr. William Ayres testified Wednesday that he has no memory of the patients who now accuse him of having molested them when they were...

Chronicle 7.9.09 4:00 AM

Dems' second thoughts on taxing health benefits

Attempts to draft bipartisan health care legislation in the Senate suffered a significant setback Tuesday, with Democratic leaders...

Chronicle 7.8.09 4:00 AM

Concern, confusion over proposed Tylenol limits

Proposed limits on Tylenol, a painkiller as common as pain itself, have left many consumers fearful, confused and wondering where to...

Chronicle 7.8.09 4:00 AM

More military kids seek mental health care

Children of U.S. military troops sought outpatient mental health care 2 million times last year, double the number at the start of the...

Chronicle 7.8.09 4:00 AM

Resistant case of swine flu found in S.F. teen

A San Francisco teenager has been diagnosed with a strain of swine flu that is resistant to the common antiviral drug Tamiflu - an...

Chronicle 7.8.09 4:00 AM