Dependency Inversion for Dummies: Unity and StructureMap

by Ben Hart 20. November 2008 14:55

This is it. The moment you've been waiting for. The series that has you periodically checking back to see if there is another instalment continues (since the frequency of my posts has you questioning whether the feed is working). Dependency Inversion for Dummies is back...


When we started on this journey, early on, we were empowered with the knowledge of how insidious dependencies can cripple an application's ability to change. Despite this alarming revelation, in the spirit of developers knowing that the time of failed software projects must change, we read on. Yes we can.

Rather than despair at this new knowledge we considered that a simple means to reduce this restrictive coupling is constructor injection. We struggled through references to teen chick-rock, arrogant comparisons to blockbuster TV-Series, bad examples, always seeking this better way. Yes we can.

When we then discovered that inverting our dependencies can make for more work in object creation, rather than walking away and dismissing this as a fad, we took the high road to find out how centralising object creation can help. Yes we can.

When all seemed lost, when the temptation to ignore the breakthroughs of those that came before us began to overwhelm our new sensibilities, we learned that factories or service locators are not only simple concepts, but remarkably easy to implement and use. Yes we can.

And, when promises of a follow-up were not kept, and when a week became a fortnight, a month, more, did we lose faith in the value of this blog, or did we stand up, with resolve and patience, and understand that Ben Hart is an African, and that in Africa, we work on African Time?

Unity and StructureMapYes we did

Today we use some tools, and compare them with the simplest of all requirements. This will not be a comparison of features, nor an evaluation of any sort. Don't leave this settled on an IoC container without investigating them yourself. Take a look at least at Autofac, Ninject, Windsor and Spring.NET before you make up your mind. Choose the one that works for you, while all similar in the basics, they all bring something different to the party (some bring the whole bar!).

Today we're just going to look at the tool I use against the one released by Microsoft. The Apache 2 OSS against the MPL. The industry veteran against the newcomer. Hulk Hogan against Toa.

 [While I generally don't care much for what people think of me, the thought that anyone might assume that I knew who Toa was before this blog post is too much to bear. This was merely the first image result that had an oldie of WWF (in my time, the kids call it WWE these days) with a newcomer. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.]

Where's the code?

Remember last time we had centralised object creation into a simple service locator. It wasn't all that pretty. It was called by a simple console application that requested an instance of the ITagService in order to retrieve tags. The whole application fits into this tiny box:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ITagService tagService = ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ITagService>();
        foreach (string tag in tagService.GetUniqueTags())
public static class ServiceLocator
    public static T GetInstance<T>()
        return (T)GetInstance(typeof(T));
    public static object GetInstance(Type type)
        return GetInstance(type.Name);
    public static object GetInstance(string name)
        switch (name)
            case "ITagService":
                return new UniqueTagService(new TagDatabase());
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("name", string.Format("{0} is not a registered type.", name));
public interface ITagService
    IList<string> GetUniqueTags();
    int TagCount();
public class UniqueTagService : ITagService
    private ITagData _db;
    public UniqueTagService(ITagData database)
        _db = database;
    public IList<string> GetUniqueTags()
        return new List<string>(_db.GetTags().Distinct());
    public int TagCount()
        return _db.GetTags().Length;
public interface ITagData
    string[] GetTags();
public class TagDatabase : ITagData
    private string[] _tags = new[] { "Word1", "Word2", "Word3", "Word1" };
    public string[] GetTags()
        return _tags;

Rather than change much else, we're simply going to extend the service locator to use the new tools in our belt. Notice that our client code is only calling the generic GetInstance<T> method, the overloads were simply to confuse you. So, without any further ado, let's meet our contestants.

First into the ring: the drum beater, the system cheater, the broadcaster, the drummer... can a get a shout out fooooooorrrrrrrr.......


First up you'll need to download the latest binaries from the sourceforge site and add a reference to StructureMap.dll. While there are other means to configure, the easiest has to be the internal dsl. The simplest means to use this is the creation of a registry file, and the override of the configure() method.

public class MyRegistry : Registry
    protected override void configure()

All we've really done here is mapped the implementation we desire to the type that will be requested. Next thing is to let StructureMap know about the registry, and wire it into our service locator.

public static class ServiceLocator
    static ServiceLocator()
        ObjectFactory.Initialize(c => c.AddRegistry(new MyRegistry()));
    public static T GetInstance<T>()
        return ObjectFactory.GetInstance<T>();

For simplicities sake I've called ObjectFactory.Initialize() from the static constructor of our already static service locator. You'd generally only want to call this once in an application, and this achieves this. Note the lambda adds the registry to the object factory, and that our GetInstance<T> defers to the factory.  That's all that's required. (Note also that having the service locator wrapping the IoC container is not something I'd recommend, rather just a means to continue without changing any more code.)

More astute readers may wonder HTF this works? All we've requested is the ITagService. ITagService has a dependency to ITagData, previously we had to instantiate the TagDataBase and pass it in. WTF is going on here?

That, my friends, is the beauty of auto-wiring. StructureMap takes it upon itself to examine the requested type for dependencies, and creates and passes those in when requested. Just don't forget to say thank you.

Well that was pretty simple. Now the one I've been l've been waiting for. The one I've been meaning to look at for ages. The one that at first appalled me as a senseless waste of resources when the existing alternatives were so plentiful. The one that will likely be the most adopted despite its relative youth. Can I get a whoop-whoop foooooorrrrrrr.....

Unity Application Block

First up you need to track down the download of the binaries. If StructureMap is a little modest with its download link, Unity can only be described as coy. Following the links you'll likely end up here. Install the msi, and add a reference to Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll.

The container in Unity is called UnityContainer (ObjectFactory in StructureMap provides static methods that wrap the Container, but it's still there). Unity is a breeze to get started with. All we need to do is create the container in our service locator, and register the types.

public static class ServiceLocator
    private static IUnityContainer _container;
    static ServiceLocator()
        _container = new UnityContainer();
        _container.RegisterType<ITagService, UniqueTagService>();
        _container.RegisterType<ITagData, TagDatabase>();
    public static T GetInstance<T>()
        return _container.Resolve<T>();

F*ck me, that was easy. Finding the download took longer! So easy that I had to find a similar implementation in StructureMap...

public static class ServiceLocator
    private static Container _container;
    static ServiceLocator()
        _container = new Container(x => 
    public static T GetInstance<T>()
        return _container.GetInstance<T>();

Here we're accessing the container directly, configured through the constructor. A few more lines of code, but as simple. I'll likely stick to using registries, but options are useful. (Note this would have taken me longer to discover if not for Jeremy D. Miller's epic weekend series of posts documenting StructureMap 2.5, this one in particular.)

Wrapping up

Remember that the above is the simplest of uses for a IoC container, but already I hope the value is clear. Next time we'll look at some of the more advanced uses, and, since I've enjoyed my introduction to Unity, maybe even get to know Autofac a little better...

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C# | Design Patterns

NHibernate Starter Kit Enhanced

by Ben Hart 15. November 2008 11:32

I've spent some time today enhancing the NHibernate Starter Kit. My previous post describes what the kit is about in greater detail, so please give it a read. To recap, though, the kit is intended to be a means to get started with NHibernate within minutes. Once installed you'll have a new project template within Visual Studio that contains all NHibernate binaries, a simple domain project demonstrating some common mappings, a console application that generates a database and some test data, and some example unit tests that tie it all together.

It is not intended to be a demonstration of advanced features of NHibernate, nor a demonstration of any best practices. Once this kit has got you started there are many better resources out there to teach you those. I've intentionally kept things as simple as possible.

A common objection to NHibernate is that it's too complicated. I want this kit to prove that objection wrong.

So what's changed?

I wasn't too delighted about the PersistentEntity class to begin with. I didn't want anyone to assume that this was a requirement, nor did I want to have to create an enterprise ready class like that found in the S#arp Architecture. Having a base class for entities in NHibernate does help though, so I tried to keep it as simple as possible.

Unfortunately my class had some issues that would result in confusing bugs. The previous override of object.Equals() looked more or less like this:

PersistentEntity other = obj as PersistentEntity;
if (this == other)
    return true;
if (other == null)
    return false;
return this.Id == other.Id;

This was problematic since two transient entities (newly created, and not yet saved to the database) would evaluate as equal. The id of the entity is only assigned once the object has been saved, and thus that last statement would be true for any two unsaved entities! "Thanks for that great starter kit, Ben..."

The next problem was with the naive override of object.GetHashCode():

public override int GetHashCode()
    return Id;

This works for many situations, but falls flat in others. Firstly (and most seriously), this means that two transient entities will have the same hash code, and once saved they will suddenly have a different hash! Secondly persistent entities of different types have the same id, they too will both have the same hash code.

The default mapping used a hilo generator for id's. In a nutshell, hilo uses a sequence of unique ids to assign to entities as they are saved. The sequence is tracked using a separate table in the database, and this results in every entity being given a unique id. I like hilo since it gives the flexibility of guids (don't have to worry about the autoincrement quirks of various databases, for one, nor the constraint of hitting the database to get an id), with the usability of integers (if you ever need to manage the database by hand integers are a lot easier to work with than guids). If anyone changed the mapping away from hilo to one that gave different types the same id, GetHashCode() would start causing problems.

So I've reluctantly changed the id of the base class from an integer to an guid. PersistentEntity now has the following implementations (courtesy of Gabriel Schenker's good article up on nhforge):

public override bool Equals(object obj)
    PersistentEntity other = obj as PersistentEntity;
    if (this == other)
        return true;
    if (other == null)
        return false;
    //Transient entities will both have the same id, and as such we must check for reference equality.
    if (this.Id == Guid.Empty || other.Id == Guid.Empty)
        return ReferenceEquals(this, other);
    return this.Id == other.Id;
public override int GetHashCode()
    // Once we have a hash code we'll never change it
    if (_oldHashCode.HasValue)
        return _oldHashCode.Value;
    // When this instance is transient, we use the base GetHashCode()
    // and remember it, so an instance can NEVER change its hash code.
    if (Id == Guid.Empty)
        _oldHashCode = base.GetHashCode();
        return _oldHashCode.Value;
    return Id.GetHashCode();

This was the right choice. It's kept PersistentEntity as simple as possible, at the small cost of making some manual DBA work a little harder.

Some more mappings

In the interests of getting started more quickly, I've added some more entities and mappings to the starter kit.


I've thrown together the classes as seen on the left. Again nothing fancy, just a means to illustrate common mappings.

A venue has a one-to-many to courses, which is mapped to cascade="all".

A course has a many-to-one back to the venue, and well as a many-to-many to the students in the course.

A student has a many-to-many to courses.

There are some simple tests that verify some of this behaviour. By no means conclusive, but enough to get started with.

Picking up the theme yet?


I've also realised that the template will not work without some effort in Visual Studio 2005. I might address this in future, but for now have limited the vsi to only install to Visual Studio 2008.

To remove the previous version, simply delete the old file from "[My Documents]\Visual Studio 2008\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#", and the corresponding 2005 if applicable.

As before, if you have any suggestions or problems, please contact me any which way you please.

NHibernateStarterKit.vsi (738.18 kb)


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C# | NHibernate

Generic Variance Baby!

by Ben Hart 13. November 2008 15:40

I've been pretty busy lately. The day job is getting interesting, as are a few side projects. A lot has happened the last few weeks, both in my world, and the larger .NET'o'sphere. I haven't had much time to write to this blog, but I've made an effort to keep up with others.

What I'm still most excited by (yes, it's been a few weeks of heightened heart-rate) is the introduction of generic variance in C#. I don't care to admit how many times I've written something along the lines of the following:

public void DoSomething()
    IList<Child> children = new List<Child>();
    IList<Parent> parents = children;
class Parent{}
class Child : Parent{}

The above invalidity is obvious (after the first time, at least), but more subtle variations continue to catch me (lambdas spring to mind). It seems so intuitive to be able to assign a generic type of a subclass to that of a superclass. I've occasionally refactored to a point relying on something along these lines, before pulling up the handbrake (or is that the shift to reverse?) when the compiler reminds me it's not valid.

GVAvatarBut no longer. Well, at least, soon no longer... C# 4.0 introduces generic variance.

I'm not going to add anything to what's already been written. My only contribution is my little friend on the left here - lovingly created to celebrate the occasion. He represents the wonderful diversity in code that will soon be possible. (Except the t-shirt. That's chosen because a friend of mine played with My Little Ponies as a boy, so that's for him.)

If you want to learn more about generic variance, and be casually able to drop the terms covariant and contravariant into the standup tomorrow morning, Nate Kohari has a great summary in this post. Alternatively, download the CTP of VS2010, and shake up that invariance...

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.NET | C#

Dependency Inversion for Dummies: Factories and Service Locators

by Ben Hart 12. October 2008 14:09

In my previous post on dependency inversion I elaborated on constructor injection, the injecting of objects a classes depends on into said class's constructor. We saw that this injection both made the dependency more explicit, as well as going some way towards revealing the class with the dependency's purpose. I had stated that explicitly declaring these dependencies makes construction of the object more complex, and had the risk that you end up repeating much code every time you construct a class. I took some hints from the Hollywood TV Series Scriptwriter's Bible by leaving off with a cliffhanger (my way of encouraging Kiefer to roll out the next season of 24 on schedule)... "join me next time when we look at some creational patterns that solve this". And I know you've been hanging.

Creational Patterns

A cursory glance over sites that list design patterns shows that they're generally grouped into categories. These likely hark to the original groupings in the GOF book: creational, structural and behavioural. The book defines creational patterns as being those that:

"...abstract the instantiation process. They help us make a system independent of how its objects are created, composed, and represented."

The book illustrates 4 such patterns: Abstract Factory, Builder, Factory Method, Prototype and Singleton, some competing, many quite tailored to specific scenarios. Common to all, though, is centralisation of object creation. None of these patterns really fit our quite simple case, though, but quoting the GOF gives me some geek cred, so deal with it.

First a few modifications to our code

Remember that in the last post our unremarkable TagService did little more than than filter tags from a data store to be unique. It had a dependency on a concrete data store, which we effectively eliminated. We were stuck in a situation where we knew we needed an instance of a class, we just didn't want to build it in our code. While waxing lyrical about programming to an interface and not an implementation, more astute readers would have picked up the most obvious violation of this, within the console class itself. The first step of today's exercise is thus extracting an ITagService interface.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ITagService tagService = new UniqueTagService(new TagDatabase());
        foreach (string tag in tagService.GetUniqueTags())
public interface ITagService
    IList<string> GetUniqueTags();
    int TagCount();
public class UniqueTagService : ITagService
    private ITagData _db;
    public UniqueTagService(ITagData database)
        _db = database;
    public IList<string> GetUniqueTags()
        return new List<string>(_db.GetTags().Distinct());
    public int TagCount()
        return _db.GetTags().Length;
public interface ITagData
    string[] GetTags();
public class TagDatabase : ITagData
    private string[] _tags = new[] { "Word1", "Word2", "Word3", "Word1" };
    public string[] GetTags()
        return _tags;

Another Interface?

Better believe it. We don't want our client code (the console app) to depend directly on a concrete tag service. The interface defines the functionality we require, gluing the concrete service with the console app just creates a further dependency, one we'll regret when the inevitable changes come through.

Notice, also, that the tag service has been renamed. Its function is to draw tags from a database, and filter them to be unique. Having classes and members that are aptly named is the single best convention we can adopt, and saves having to insist on developers commenting their code (which is about as effective as herding cats).

The dependency is still there

Exactly. The console class requires the tag service, and still constructs it when required. If we continued on this path, we'd soon have a number of locations that cement that same dependency. A number of stinky dependencies. Yuck.

Simple Factory

Probably the simplest means we could improve this is through a factory. Not the abstract factory the GOF defined (which would allow us to construct and return different tag services according to need), but a plain old simple factory (to coin an acronym, POSF), a class whose purpose is to build an object.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ITagService tagService = TagServiceFactory.BuildTagService();
        foreach (string tag in tagService.GetUniqueTags())
public static class TagServiceFactory
    public static ITagService BuildTagService()
        return new UniqueTagService(new TagDatabase());

In the above code we've simply created a static class with a method that constructs and returns a tag service when requested. The main advantage here is that we've encapsulated the creation of the tag service, and have centralised it. Other code that might require the service can request one, without knowing all the gritty details of the concrete class, and required dependencies. Should we need to change the implementation of ITagService (for example, change the data store), we need only change it in one location.

Service Locator

The above implementation is pretty simple, but has already greatly improved our code. A potential downside would be the explosion of a number of factories, one for each requested type. A simpler scenario will be a centralised service locator, a one-stop-shop from which we can request a type, and receive an object. DI containers do just this, but let's take a look at a pretty naive implementation of our own.

public static class ServiceLocator
    public static T GetInstance<T>()
        return (T) GetInstance(typeof(T));
    public static object GetInstance(Type type)
        return GetInstance(type.Name);
    public static object GetInstance(string name)
        switch (name)
            case "ITagService":
                return new UniqueTagService(new TagDatabase());
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("name", string.Format("{0} is not a registered type.", name));

While not so pretty, this simple class allows us a centralised and flexible means to register and construct services. A real service locator would likely construct the classes dynamically using reflection, and hopefully do some autowiring of dependencies, with some caching for good measure. This one serves to illustrate the concept, though.

Client code could choose which method they'd like to call, but having the generic saves some casting. Our console app uses the service locator with this line of code:

ITagService tagService = ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ITagService>();

Of course you'd be crazy to reinvent the wheel, and there are ample DI/IOC containers out there that do just this for us. I personally use StructureMap, but have always meant to investigate the competition.

Next week on Dependency Inversion for Dummies: We establish a shortlist of DI containers, compare how types are registered, define auto-wiring, learn about instance caching, and generally have the time of our life.

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C# | Design Patterns

NHibernate objects dirty on load with nothing set in between

by Ben Hart 9. October 2008 14:35

Or "a tale of a day spent debugging".

We've advanced quite far along in quite a big application using NHibernate. I keep an eye on the statements NHibernate generates, making sure that nothing too untoward is happening. I was inspecting one test (not so great to begin with, one that got everything from a database, just to retrieve the first one), and I noticed that every single item being loaded was being updated on flush.

Hmmmm. Doesn't seem right, my honed QA skills told me. Let's take a look. Doesn't look like anything's set. Let's put some breakpoints in the constructors, and take it from there. Hmmm, this is a mighty big object, loads of children, must be one of them setting something on construction. Strange, nothing there. And so my day continued.

To illustrate, let me introduce you to my friend, Enummy. He's quite simple, only really has an id and an emotion.

public class Enummy
    public virtual int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual Emotions Emotion { get; set; }
public enum Emotions

Naturally we should test that he has the range of emotions, so we had whapped out the following tests.

public void Enummy_should_be_happy_before_and_after_save()
    int id;
    ISession session = _factory.OpenSession();
    var enummy = new Enummy {Emotion = Emotions.Happy};
    id = enummy.Id;
    session = _factory.OpenSession();
    var loaded = session.Get<Enummy>(id);
    Assert.That(loaded.Emotion, Is.EqualTo(Emotions.Happy));
public void Enummy_should_sometimes_be_sad()
    int id;
    ISession session = _factory.OpenSession();
    var enummy = new Enummy {Emotion = Emotions.Sad};
    id = enummy.Id;
    session = _factory.OpenSession();
    var loaded = session.Get<Enummy>(id);
    Assert.That(loaded.Emotion, Is.EqualTo(Emotions.Sad));

So far so good. That's the complete round trip, right there, all the way to the database. A proper integration test against SQL Server. We mapped Enummy with the following mapping:

<hibernate-mapping default-cascade="none" xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">
  <class name="Domain.Enummy, Domain" table="Enummy">
    <id name="Id" type="System.Int32" column="Id" unsaved-value="0">
      <generator class="hilo" />
    <property name="Emotion" type="System.Int32" />

Test pass, so all seems good. Except, of course, for the dirty session (one test you're not likely to write).

public void Enummy_should_not_dirty_the_session_when_he_loads()
    int id;
    ISession session = _factory.OpenSession();
    var enummy = new Enummy { Emotion = Emotions.Frustated };
    id = enummy.Id;
    session = _factory.OpenSession();
    var loaded = session.Get<Enummy>(id);

Enummy, little guy, I realise you're frustrated, but must you dirty yourself and the session so? You even do it when you're happy! Assert.That(debugger.Emotion, Is.EqualTo(Emotions.Annoyed)) :(

The problem is with that mapping. An easy mistake to make, especially if you don't realise that NHibernate has no issues with .NET enums, and presumed that an integer (or even smaller) would be appropriate. Enums should be mapped like so, with the full type of the enum specified.

<hibernate-mapping default-cascade="none" xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">
  <class name="Domain.Enummy, Domain" table="Enummy">
    <id name="Id" type="System.Int32" column="Id" unsaved-value="0">
      <generator class="hilo" />
    <property name="Emotion" type="Domain.Emotions, Domain" />

The cast from Int32 to an enum (albeit implicit at times) is enough to dirty the object. To reiterate (in the interests of good SEO), an NHibernate entity and session will be marked dirty even if nothing is explicitly set if there is a cast from one type to another in the mapping. The values might be equal when one is cast to the type of the other. Until one is cast, though, they are unequal, and as such the object is considered to be dirty. While really hard to debug, I suppose this is the correct behaviour. And once you know about it, debugger.Emotion = Emotions.Happy.

Another item on the code review checklist, watch for enums and other casts in NHibernate mappings, and add an integration test that the object is not dirty straight after a load (for that next newbie to NH who doesn't realise this).

Update: After having struggled through this all on my own, I was relieved to find that I wasn't the only one. I wish I had stumbled across metro-dev extraordinaire Justice Gray's post explaining the issue before. By his reckoning I'm in the 0.0000000000000001%. I like to think I'm even more special.

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C# | NHibernate | TDD

Dependency Inversion for Dummies: Constructor Injection

by Ben Hart 24. September 2008 12:06

Dependency inversion is not really a design pattern. It is more of a principle, one that if followed allows the creation of much more maintainable, testable and elegant code. It reduces coupling, and can increase cohesion.

It falls under a broader principle, Inversion of Control (IoC), and is widely used. I'm not going to go into great detail, mainly since that's going to reduce my average page-read time from 00:00:05 to 00:00:01, and I'm starting to find the tracking stats from Google a little depressing.

I read about Unity. That's Dependency Inversion.

Largely. Unity is Microsoft's first official entrant in the IoC container space. These are tools that simplify Dependency Inversion, and there are many others, most a lot more mature than Unity. These tools typically do much more than simple dependency injection, too, and they're worth looking into.

This post is not about tools, though, but rather the underlying principle that they support. I do reserve the right to jump on the tool comparison bandwagon at some point, though, and I will illustrate their utility in follow up posts.

What's a dependency?

Dependencies are everywhere in our code. Whenever one class relies on another class for functionality, a dependency forms between them - they become coupled. This becomes problematic when we wish to change the class that another depends on, anything beyond the most simple of changes tends to break everything else. Our code becomes brittle.

The following sample shows a simple console app that outputs tags. It uses a service that retrieves tags from a database, and returns only unique ones in a list. A fabricated scenario, but illustrative.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var tagService = new TagService();
        foreach (string tag in tagService.GetUniqueTags())
public class TagService
    public IList<string> GetUniqueTags()
        ITagData db = new TagDatabase();
        return new List<string>(db.GetTags().Distinct());
    public int TagCount()
        ITagData db = new TagDatabase();
        return db.GetTags().Length;
public interface ITagData
    string[] GetTags();
public class TagDatabase : ITagData
    private string[] _tags = new[] { "Word1", "Word2", "Word3", "Word1"};
    public string[] GetTags()
        return _tags;

In this code, TagService depends on a TagDatabase, evident when it creates one when we call GetUniqueTags. (Note that we're aware that it is better to program against an interface than an implementation, hence ITagData.) We also quickly realise that GetTagCount also creates the tag database, our first concern, so let's sort that out.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var tagService = new TagService();
        foreach (string tag in tagService.GetUniqueTags())
public class TagService
    private ITagData _db;
    public TagService()
        _db = new TagDatabase();
    public IList<string> GetUniqueTags()
        return new List<string>(_db.GetTags().Distinct());
    public int TagCount()
        return _db.GetTags().Length;
public interface ITagData
    string[] GetTags();
public class TagDatabase : ITagData
    private string[] _tags = new[] { "Word1", "Word2", "Word3", "Word1" };
    public string[] GetTags()
        return _tags;

All that we've done at this stage is constructed the database within the constructor of the service, allowing us to reuse it across methods.

Looks like a good layered application to me

We often see these patterns in a layered architecture, one that has UI depending on a Business Logic Layer (BLL), which in turn depends on a Data Access Layer (DAL). Often code in a form will create a BLL class, which in turn creates a DAL class for data. We'll often claim that by doing so we've separated our concerns, and can quite easily swap out a different database layer if we so desire. Given the above pattern, it's as simple as going through every BLL class, and changing the constructor to create the new DAL class. Each, and every class? That's not that simple...

It also creates ignorance amongst the users of our BLL classes that what they're actually doing is hitting the database. They just new up an object, blissfully unaware that they're actually newing up a whole chain of them. They might not even have the database set up on their machine, and get a fright when they first run the application.

Tell me what you want, what you really, really want

Apart from an anthem of an era most of us would like to forget, this turns out to be a good strategy in life. If we are open about our requirements, people can think about whether they are able to provide them. If they don't have what we want, they know they need to get it. If they can't get it, well, they better find someone else.

Ok, you've lost me with the spice girls wisdom. What does this have to do with dependency inversion?

Well, as I mentioned, we need to be open about our requirements.

I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want

The easiest means to invert dependencies are to declare them in your constructor. Rather than allow the user of your class to whimsically new it up, force them to provide it the dependencies. This is known as Constructor Injection, when we inject the objects a class depends on into its constructor. I've modified the sample to illustrate.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var tagService = new TagService(new TagDatabase());
        foreach (string tag in tagService.GetUniqueTags())
public class TagService
    private ITagData _db;
    public TagService(ITagData database)
        _db = database;
    public IList<string> GetUniqueTags()
        return new List<string>(_db.GetTags().Distinct());
    public int TagCount()
        return _db.GetTags().Length;

Notice that the console now creates the service providing the newed up database, and that I can't create the service unless I've got a database to give it. I've decoupled the two classes, with the only dependency being that which matters, the interface.

I can now use the service against any class that implements the ITagData interface, allowing me great flexibility to unit test it, implement ITagData's that retrieve from any source, and so on.

The service is immediately a lot more reusable, and its purpose has become a lot clearer. Rather than being a class that creates a database, retrieves all tags and finds those that are unique, it's now a class that takes a given database, and returns those tags that are unique. That subtle difference goes a long way towards providing better cohesion, and a code base that's built to last.

Where to from here?

The above sample relies on the console app to create both classes, with one being passed into the other. In this simple example this is easy, but in real applications the number of classes that are created quickly spirals. Further, when we need to use the service in a number of places we'll end up repeating creating these classes again and again, resulting in some equally brittle code.

Join me next time when we look at some creational patterns that solve this, and bring in some of the tools I mentioned above.

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C# | Design Patterns

Design Patterns 101: State Pattern

by Ben Hart 20. September 2008 14:07

Let's get back to basics.

I've learnt over the years that there are common problems encountered when developing software. Often one finds the same recurring challenge in code. Something seems familiar, and you're sure it's not the music blaring from your neighbour's earphones. You've a growing feeling that you've seen this before, a recognition that you're repeating yourself, a developer's déjà vu. You've just found a pattern.

Design Pattern? Is that like the paisley wallpaper in my bathroom?

No, but sort of. Design patterns are formalised solutions to common software problems. While we like to think that we're special, the truth is that most software problems have already been solved. You're actually one of millions hacking away at your IDE. One of millions who's had to step back, and say, "hey, what's the best way to do this?" The best ways have a habit of recurring, and eventually become distilled as a named pattern.

There is no better way for a developer to spend their time than familiarising themselves with design patterns. If you were sitting with a car designer who was pondering how best he could get his funky new Italian sports car rolling on the tarmac, you'd be quite quick to quip, "Dude, it's called a wheel, connected to an axle. Where did you go to car design school?" Software design patterns are to your software as wheels, axles and doors are to a car designer. You customise them to your need, weave them together while building your masterpiece. You shouldn't dream of reinventing them.


The problem that the state pattern solves is everywhere. Look into your code and find those switch's and nested ifs. Look at them, and see if you repeat the same switch or nested ifs elsewhere. Yes? Really? Man, you better get yourself some state.

State is useful when we find ourselves manipulating an object differently based on the object's state. Imagine we had to deal with orders in our system. An order is for a customer, and it can be dispatched to that customer. We cannot change the customer of an order after it has been dispatched. Our class might look something like this.

public class Order
    public string Customer { get; set; }
    public bool IsDispatched { get; set; }
    public void ChangeCustomer(string customer)
        if (IsDispatched)
            throw new Exception("Order has already been dispatched");
        Customer = customer;
    public void Dispatch()
        if (IsDispatched)
            throw new Exception("Order has already been dispatched");
        IsDispatched = true;

We've only implemented the simplest of features, and already we're seeing ourselves repeating ourselves. I hate repeating myself. Look at those checks for IsDispatched. They're ugly, and fragile.

If we puzzle over the above class, we're quick to notice that order actually consists of two states, let's call them "New" and "Dispatched". A "New" order behaves differently to a "Dispatched" order.

A battle of two approaches

Some might say at this point that what we actually have is a hierarchy, and instinctively jack out the base class Order, with 2 sub-classes New and Dispatched. For better or worse, an object can't be two types at once, and transitioning it from New to Dispatched is going to be more painful than gender reassignment surgery, and probably less effective.

Besides, there's a saying that we should favour composition over inheritance, and I think it to be true. Inheritance paints us in a corner, it constrains our code. As soon as sub-classes depend on their base's behaviour, we can never easily modify the base. We might save a few lines of code here and there, but we pay for those later.

What we need to do here is introduce a class that represents the Order's state.

public class Order
    public Order()
        State = new New(this);
    public IOrderState State { get; set; }
    public string Customer { get; set; }
    public bool IsDispatched
        get { return State.IsDispatched; }
    public void ChangeCustomer(string customer)
    public void Dispatch()
public interface IOrderState
    bool IsDispatched { get; }
    void ChangeCustomer(string customer);
    void Dispatch();
public class New : IOrderState
    private readonly Order _order;
    public New(Order order)
        _order = order;
    public bool IsDispatched
        get { return false; }
    public void ChangeCustomer(string customer)
        _order.Customer = customer;
    public void Dispatch()
        _order.State = new Dispatched();
public class Dispatched : IOrderState
    public bool IsDispatched
        get { return true; }
    public void ChangeCustomer(string customer)
        throw new Exception("Order has already been dispatched");
    public void Dispatch()
        throw new Exception("Order has already been dispatched");

Note, firstly, that the order does a lot less now. It defers much of its decision making to its state. Rather than trying to change its own customer, it asks its state to. It doesn't dispatch itself, the state takes care of that.

Secondly, note that we have a lot more classes. This is often a good thing. A class should have a single responsibility - it should define, exhibit and encapsulate one concept. When something goes wrong, we know exactly where to look. If we're curious, we can take in a whole concept just by reading one class.

In this code we have a simple interface that defines what each state must be able to do. We can open New and understand what a New order should do. I can change this behaviour easily, without worry about what might happen to my other states, or Order. Similarly for Dispatched.

And, most usefully, should I need to introduce a new state, I just need to create one class, and define the transitions between it and the other states. My order remains unchanged.

Wrapping up

Note that this is not necessarily the best example, and you might right to point out that such simple requirements have been over-engineered. State really shows its mettle when you have fairly complex states, and many of them (but is extremely useful even if not!). Consider that Order would most likely have "New", "Approved", "AwaitingDispatch", "Dispatched" and "Delivered" states. Complex workflows like these are crazy to do without State.

Other good examples are adjusting calculations based on state (if the account balance is less than 0, charge interest, greater than 500 give more interest), changing rewards based on importance (gold customers get double points), and so on. Good examples are everywhere. Unfortunately, I didn't think of them when I started writing this post.

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Design Patterns | C#

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About me...

I'm a passionate .NET developer, with C# my language of choice. I've been at it for a number of years now, and enjoy that I'll never shake the feeling I'm just starting out.

I love software, and I love building it even more. I love knowing that my work facilitates others', and that one line of code at a time, we're increasing our capability.


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