Hilfe für Schnellzugriffstasten

Berlin Police: Information in English

Advice and information

In urgent cases please dial our emergency call number 110.

For other non-urgent purposes the Berlin Police provides a hotline-service around the clock, which is available to the people of Berlin and their guests of the city who seek police advice. It is called "Bürgertelefon", telephone number

+ 49 30 4664 - 4664

If you need advice or i.e. information about office hours, address and/or telephone numbers of police divisions, branches and stations or any other public agency, the cost for illegal parking and removal of your car, call the "Bürgertelefon" and the officers will help you at any time.

Should your call turn out to be an emergency call, the officers at the "Bürgertelefon" will take immediate action.

Please note: The Berlin Police is not always appropriate. Please contact other authorities in certain cases like parking, registration, passport issues, certificate of good conduct, noise protection, lost property…

If you want to give a hint or ask a question in written form online, please use the form you can find on our "Internetwache" ("Berlin Police-Station Online"(Gesicherte Verbindung)).

More information on this site:
How to cope with violent situations in the public

What You Should Do
Many of you will never get into a violent situation. However, just in case, it makes sense to be prepared mentally. We do not have a patent remedy to keep any kind of aggression under control. Based on our police experience, though, we can give you some tips and advice which may help you to avoid certain situations or to cope with them.

Better pass a danger once…..
Think of road traffic, where you use your foresight to see danger ahead and avoid it; use your foresight again and keep away from situations which might turn aggressive and violent.

Trust your feeling
Feelings are an “early-warning-system”. Most people know by instinct when a situation threatens to become dangerous. Let your feelings guide you in such moments. Fear, for instance, is an important feeling. Do not try to suppress it. However, you need not be in fear all the time because violence against individuals is very rare. Exaggerated fear of crime prevents you from recognising real danger.

Evade danger early
The earlier you identify possible danger, the bigger are your chances to avoid it. Give a wide berth to people who you think mean trouble. Keep your distance. Look casual when you even change road sides. Stay close to other people in dangerous situations. Use well lit and lively roads at night.

Do something unexpected
Most offenders expect their victim to react in a specific way. Try to stay confident and not to show fear. Do not follow the plans of the offender. If people use abusive language against you in order to provoke you, do not shout back. You just carry on without stopping. Perplex offenders with surprise actions. For instance, pretend to be calling from your mobile, talk directly to other people, cry out and attract the attention of others, simulate illness etc…

Set limits
Say clearly and distinctly that you do not wish certain things, like being touched or being too close. However, do not provoke the offender. Talk to the person concerned in a polite tone so that outsiders know that a stranger is molesting or threatening you.

Arouse attention
Most offences are committed in places where the offender thinks he is unobserved, that he will not be discovered and prosecuted. Get the offender out of his anonymity, make his offence public. Get other people involved (e.g. other passengers on the train, pedestrians). Shout and demonstrate the situation you are in. Other people have to be mobilised into action. Talk to those people directly from whom you want help. Be precise and say what kind of help you expect from a specific person, for instance: “You, in that red sweater, call the police”. Many will be ready to help you.

Escape from the situation and the offender
Use any chance for escape as soon as possible. Try to get out of the offender’s view to avoid further attacks. Escape to areas with other people.

Lend help, without endangering yourself or others.
Everybody can do it. When you lend help in a dangerous situation it is important that you do not endanger yourself. The following actions have shown to be effective and safe:

  • Call the police immediately. Emergency calls (110) are free of charge.
  • Talk to other people directly: “We now go together and help.”
  • If possible, leave the scene together with the victim.
  • Offer the victim a “safe place” (the seat next to you, your car, your office rooms etc.)
  • Shout loud, this will confuse offenders and create attention.
  • From a safe distance, shout loud in the direction of the offender: “I called the police.”
  • On public transport: Pull the emergency brake or inform the driver.
  • Take note of the looks of the offender.
  • Make yourself known as a witness.
  • Do not try to stop offenders running away.
  • Do not attack the offender, neither physically nor verbally.
  • Keep your distance.

Safety on public transport
The safest place for you is the vicinity of other people.

This is why it is advisable – particularly at night – to choose U-Bahn or S-Bahn compartments with several other passengers inside. When the whole train seems to be empty, go for the first compartment where the driver can come to your help fast. In busses, the safest place is near the driver. Do not hesitate to pull the emergency brake in dangerous situations. The train (U-Bahn/S-Bahn) will then stop at the next station and move on only after the train driver secured the brake again. More often that not, this will deter offenders.

Armed robbery
Should you get into the unlikely situation to be involved in an armed robbery, the only right thing to do is to give in to the demands of the offender(s). Your life is more important than any goods. Weapons always mean absolute danger to your life!

Weapons in general
Quite generally, the police advise not to carry weapons (knives, pepper sprays etc.) Use of any weapon might provoke the offender further and make him even more aggressive. Moreover, an offender might snatch the weapon from you and turn it against you.



The pickpocket investigators offer a leaflet which describes the perpetrator techniques (i.e. bumping trick, pushing trick) and how to protect yourself against the theft:

"Find the Lady"

Cheaters are out to find victims for their "Find the Lady"-game in the streets, especially in the eastern center of Berlin. The easy winnings are tempting. But there is no chance of winning. You can only lose! Our leaflet describes how people are deceived:

Find the Lady.wmv

Video "Find the Lady" (wmv-file) laden »

(Find the Lady.wmv, 2699651 Bytes)
Find the Lady.mov

Video "Find the Lady" (Quick-Time-file) laden »

(Find the Lady.mov, 2424371 Bytes)

Contact us

Der Polizeipräsident
in Berlin
Platz der Luftbrücke 6
D-12101 Berlin
street map

phone: +49 30 4664 - 0

emergency call: 110

fire brigade: 112

Press Office

Information for journalists

+49 30 4664 - 90 40 90

+ 49 30 4664 - 82290419


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