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  Title (title, or partial title or phrase eg: fishing, fish*, fishing boat, fishing or boat, or fishing and boat)
  Artist (last name, full name or partial name eg: Beechey, William Beechey, or Beech*)
  Date (date or century eg: 1801 or 20th century)
  Repro ID (repro ID or partial ID of a painting eg: BHC0679 or BHC06*)

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Search tips

Wildcard searching allows you to broaden your search or capture different spellings or endings of a word. This is useful if you're searching for names with alternative spellings or you're unsure of the correct spelling of an artist's name. Eg 'Phil*' will find both 'Philips' and 'Phillips'.

If you're unable to find an artist or a specific painting by searching, try looking at the full listings. These are available through the 'Show me all paintings' and 'Show me all artists' links on the Explore the collection page.

Make keywords as specific as possible. Eg 'portrait painter' or 'history painter' will give you more relevant search results.

The fastest way to find a specific painting is to search using the Repro ID.

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