Writing World Newsletter Archive

                     W R I T I N G  W O R L D

   A World of Writing Information - For Writers Around the World


Issue 4:15          13,500 subscribers              July 22, 2004

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please DO NOT REPLY to this e-mail; any messages
sent to the listbox address are deleted.  If you wish to contact
the editor, please e-mail moirakallen@writing-world.com.


         From the Editor's Desk
         CLASSES on Writing-World.com
         News from the World of Writing
         FEATURE: Crafting the Perfect Profile, Part I:
            Researching Your Subject, by John Rains
         The Write Sites -- Online Resources for Writers
         WRITING DESK: How do royalties affect disability
            benefits? by Moira Allen
         WHAT'S NEW at Writing World
         MARKET ROUNDUP/Writing Contests

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WRITERSCOLLEGE.COM has 57 online courses. Prices are low.
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StoryCraft, WritePro, MovieMagic, StyleWriter, plus many more.
THE WELL-FED WRITER by Peter Bowerman - Learn how you can make
$50-100 an hour as a freelance writer and easily earn $1000 a
week or more working 2-3 good days. Details:

2000 ONLINE RESOURCES FOR WRITERS -- Just updated, with hundreds
of new links for every kind of writer!  Still only $5.

as an e-book!  Find out how to write the perfect query, book
proposal, novel synopsis, column proposal, or grant application.
Only $8.95 (save $5 from the print edition.)

To order, visit http://www.writing-world.com/bookstore/index.shtml


                     FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK

All That's Fit to Print
About this time last week, the lights on my faithful printer
started blinking.  I checked the manual, which said, helpfully,
"when the lights blink, take your printer to a repair shop."

My printer is a ten-year-old Apple LaserWriter that has
accompanied me through four moves and six book manuscripts,
without a hiccup (until now).  So I faced a dilemma: Should I get
it repaired, or look for something new?  I flirted briefly with
the idea of investing in a shiny new HP color laser printer.  But
I have two (yes, two) photo printers upstairs, hooked to my
laptop (which is where I do all my photo work), so I didn't feel
that great a need for more color printing options.  Nor did I
really want to part with $600 for a new laser printer if "old
faithful" could be repaired.

It was interesting, however, to be "disconnected" from a printer
for more than a week.  If I absolutely HAD to print something, I
could run it upstairs or over to my husband's PC -- but the extra
effort made me think twice about everything I wanted to print.
Did I really need to print that e-mail from Half.com about my
latest bank transfer -- or could I just jot the amount on a
notepad?  Do I really have to print out this newsletter (all 18
pages) to proof it, or could I edit it onscreen?  Must I print
out every interesting web page I stumble across, or could I find
a better way to file some of that information in my "bookmarks"?

It's hardly a surprise that the myth of the "paperless office" is
just that.  Instead, I would say that the amount of paper we
generate is in direct correlation to the ease with which we can
generate it.  A printer can churn out documents far more quickly
than we could ever produce them with a typewriter, or by hand --
so I'm sure that I'm not the first person to discover that
computers often mean more paper rather than less!  But at least
for a week, I stopped killing trees -- and now that "old
faithful" is back on the desk, I'm trying to think a little more
carefully about what I print, and what I don't!

A Minor Peeve
I hate spam as much as anyone, and I can hardly blame people for
taking steps to reduce the amount of spam in their inbox.  Those
nifty programs that require people to visit a website and type in
the secret word in order for their e-mail to get through strike
me as a fine way to combat the problem.  And yet...

And yet, as an editor, I confess to feeling a bit peeved whenever
someone sends me a manuscript submission (or a request for advice
and information) -- and when I respond, I get back one of those
form e-mails requiring me to visit a website and type in the
magic word so that my response can be "received." It's not a huge
effort, but it's a minor annoyance, an interruption in the work
flow -- and believe me, when you're an editor, minor annoyances
and interruptions have a way of adding up.

These days, it's tough to get a response from an editor under ANY
circumstances.  More and more editors just aren't bothering with
rejections, apparently not realizing (or caring) that rejections
are a vital way of informing a writer that they are free to
submit their material elsewhere. Thus, it seems to me that the
last thing a writer wants to do is make the job of responding
HARDER for an editor.

One possible solution is to maintain more than one e-mail account
-- one for your "regular" mail and one for your "business" mail.
Use the second account only for direct correspondence with people
you know or are doing business with.  Don't post that address on
your website, or broadcast it in a newsletter, or use it in a
chat room.  Don't use an "obvious" type of address, like
Mary32@yahoo.com -- spammers automatically generate e-mails to
this type of address just by adding numbers to common names.

If you do wish to use a spam filter, then I'd recommend letting
your correspondents know this up front.  I'd be much happier to
receive a submission (or information request) that includes a
statement like, "By the way, I use a spam filter, so when you
respond to this e-mail, you will be asked to verify your response
online; I apologize for the inconvenience!"  That's far better
than having an editor discover your filter only after the
response bounces back!

                 -- Moira Allen (moirakallen@writing-world.com)

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work from home, or both, then click here to find out how one man
started his own business and now makes $2,400 a day.
PROMOTE YOUR BOOK! Get your book media exposure & in bookstores &
distribution houses. New publication reveals how. Putting It On
Paper: The Ground Rules for Creating Promotional Pieces that Sell
Books http://snipurl.com/61m5 or http://www.cameopublications.com


Enroll for any course and receive a set of Writing-World.com
Market Guides FREE (a $25 value). Guides will be delivered after
the class has begun. All classes begin on August 2, 2004.


Instructor: Moira Allen (8 weeks, $100)

If you've been trying to market your work to magazines or other
periodicals with no success, or if you're just getting started as
a freelance writer, this is the class for you. Allen will walk
you through the process of developing topics and ideas, preparing
a query, and outlining and developing the article itself. By the
end of the class, you'll have an article "ready to go" and a
selection of markets to approach.


Instructor: Catherine Lundoff (6 weeks, $90)

For centuries, writers have portrayed sensuality and sexuality in
words to captivate, titillate and amuse their readers. Learn to
write convincingly about erotic activity and to incorporate the
erotic into the everyday to capture what is perhaps the greatest
intimacy their characters will experience. For new and
experienced writers.


Bruce Boston (8 weeks, $100)

A creative writing lecture series and workshop with an emphasis
on speculative fiction. Our definition of speculative fiction
will be inclusive rather than exclusive, ranging from the
experimental/slipstream to science fiction and fantasy. Students
will have the choice of completing assignments or having their
own writing critiqued. Students will also have the option of
participating in an email workshop. (NOTE: Only three openings
are left in this class, so enroll now if you wish to secure a


Paula Fleming (4 weeks, $50)

Can you imagine Lord of the Rings set anywhere other than Middle
Earth?  Settings are an integral part of science fiction and
fantasy stories.  This class will help you create rich,
believable worlds -- and make those worlds real to your readers.
Get individual feedback on your concerns and questions.


John Floyd (7 weeks, $100)

Whether you're a beginner or a well-established writer, this
class will help you develop and hone your mystery-writing skills.
Find out how to write mystery and suspense stories and get them
published, from an author who has written and published more than
400 stories and fillers in over 100 magazines, including the top
mystery and suspense publications.


Isabel Viana (4 weeks, $60)

To write a personal essay is to embark on a journey toward
self-knowledge.  To sell that essay, one must be able to express
that knowledge in ways that enable the reader to identify with
the writer's experience.  Find out how to develop ideas, write
the first draft and revise it until it expresses your thoughts
in a way that is meaningful to others.  You'll also learn the
business side of essay-writing, including how to write a cover
letter, format a manuscript, and find markets for your essays.


Stephen Rogers (6 weeks, $75)

During this course, you'll learn how to write and sell to the
growing anthology market. Whether you prefer memoir, fiction, or
poetry, by the end of the class you should have a completed
manuscript to send to an appropriate editor.


Linda Shertzer (8 weeks, $100)

There's more to historical romance than heroines in long skirts,
heroes on horseback, and fiery embraces. Find out how to give
your plot, characters, dialogue and narration the special touches
that make historical romance its own, unique genre.  The course
includes a review of up to 50 pages of your romance novel.

Romantic Interludes is looking for people to work in the
promotion department! Do not need tons of experience, if any. Pay
is small at first! RI is looking for romance reviewers, article
writers, and columnists. No pay for the first 3-4 months; then it
will be a paying job. http://www.rominterludes.com/
Romantic Interludes, "Your Place For Romance", is open as of
July 6th, 2004! We have romance reviews, columns, articles, free
eBooks, interviews, contests, and much more! Feel free to come
and check us out! http://www.rominterludes.com/


Literary reading in dramatic decline
According to National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Survey
released July 8, literary reading is in dramatic decline with
fewer than half of American adults now reading literature.
Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America reports
drops in all groups studied, with the steepest rate of decline --
28% -- occurring in the youngest age groups. The rate of decline
is increasing and has nearly tripled in the last decade. NEA
Chairman Dana Gioia said: "This report documents a national
crisis. Reading develops a capacity for focused attention and
imaginative growth that enriches both private and public life.
The decline in reading among every segment of the adult
population reflects a general collapse in advanced literacy. To
lose this human capacity -- and all the diverse benefits it
fosters -- impoverishes both cultural and civic life." For more
information: http://www.nea.gov/news/news04/ReadingAtRisk.html

Fire department bans book burning
In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Rev. Scott Breedlove, pastor of The
Jesus Church, was planning an old-fashioned book burning for July
28, where books, CDs, videos and clothing would be thrown into
the flames. However the plan has been thwarted by city and county
fire codes. "We don't want a situation where people are burning
rubbish as a recreational fire," said Brad Brenneman, the city
fire department's district chief. Officials for Linn County also
said the county's air quality division prohibits the transporting
of materials from the city to the county for burning. The city's
fire inspector suggested shredding the offending materials, but
Rev. Breedlove said that wouldn't seem biblical, adding: "I joked
with the guy that St. Paul never had to worry about fire codes."
Breedlove's new plan calls for members of the church to throw
materials into garbage cans and then light candles to
symbolically "burn" the material.

Poetry's new watchdog
The new web site, Foetry is a self-described "American poetry
watchdog." On the home page, the anonymous hosts promise to
uncover scandals among the publishers of contemporary poetry,
including "exposing the fraudulent contests; tracking the
sycophants; naming names". Since its launch on April 1, Foetry
has received steady traffic and growing popularity. However some
poets are not pleased. Poet and publisher Janet Holmes of Ahsahta
Press calls it "repellent". California poet and blogger Eileen
Tabios describes it as "the dark side of the poetry world". Poet,
critic, and publisher Kevin Walzer of WordTech Communications
says, "These guys see conspiracies everywhere, and it's causing
needless harm." Ironically, this site seems to focus on literary
competitions, and virtually ignores such sites as Poetry.com.
For more information: http://www.foetry.com

Penguin will launch book sales in homes
Penguin Publishing Group will sell directly to consumers in their
homes with the launch of Family Books. Sales consultants will be
recruited to sell the Penguin titles through a traditional
party-plan arrangement. Family Books will initially focus on
selling children's books from a list drawn mainly from the
Dorling Kindersley line, supplemented by selected titles from
other Penguin children units. The launch list has about 200
titles. David Shanks, CEO of Penguin USA, said the new direct
selling program "helps us reach segments of the population who
may not have sought out our books through other channels."

Writer's Digest hits the road
The Road Trip Touring Van is traveling the US this summer on the
Great American Writing Road Trip Adventure (RTA), sponsored
by Writer's Digest Books (F+W Publications). With bookstore
events in over 30 cities, the RTA Van is also making stops at
libraries and college campuses along the tour route, offering
resources for writers. The trip began in June and ends in late
July. At tour stops, aspiring writers are connecting with
published fiction writers, such as John Biguenet and Marcia
Thornton Jones, and also Michael Larsen, who wrote "How to Write
a Book Proposal". The companion web site provides photos, tour
schedule, and diary: http://www.livetowrite.com

Amazon limits free searches
Historian David Homsher reports that he recently began using
Amazon's "Search Inside the Book" to locate material about the
WWI American Expeditionary Forces. "I found it to be a marvelous
research tool," he says. Now, because he abused the
"publisher-approved page-viewing limits," he finds himself
terminated from using the search feature. According to Amazon:
"If you have reached a page-viewing limit, either in a particular
book or from pages viewed in multiple books, we encourage you
to use the other features associated with Search Inside the Book
that are available regardless of your limit status. For security
reasons we are not able to provide further information regarding
these page-viewing limits."

Making a better bookmark
Mark-My-Time, a digital bookmark designed for students, parents,
and teachers to encourage better reading habits, was named the
"best new product" at this year's BookExpo America. At the top of
each brightly colored bookmark is a digital, programmable
countdown timer with alarm, which also works as a cumulative
timer for multi-session readings and reading logs. For more
information: http://www.mark-my-time.com

and ideas for that next project at Profitable Pen's newest
forums! Register for free at http://www.profitable-pen.com.

                            by John Rains (johnrains@hotmail.com)

Profiles demand a lot of a writer. And when they are done well,
they showcase a writer's skill. All too often, however, profiles
fall short. This is usually because:

1. The character remains undeveloped as a person. The profile may
give a lot of facts about the person, but he doesn't emerge as a
human being.

2. The piece lacks depth. Again, we may get a lot of facts, but
we don't get below the surface with insights about who the person
is, what moves him. We may have a lot facts, but what do they

3. The piece lacks breadth. Often the profile gives only a narrow
part of the person's life. If, for example, the subject is a
politician, the profile may tell a lot about the person's
political career without delving into other aspects of his life.
People are more than their jobs, their  political lives or
whatever it is that causes us to choose to profile them.

4. The piece is larded with gush quotes. Some writers seem to
think that the purpose of a profile is to praise the subject, or
have others do it. That is totally wrong -- it is not our job to
do PR flackery in a profile, nor, for that matter to do a hatchet
job. Even if it were our purpose to elevate the subject, gush
quotes are a terrible way to do it. They turn readers off; and
they make the writer sound like a toady.

A rule: If you set out to do a profile on a living saint, don't
waste space quoting five people telling us that the subject is a
saint. Instead, show us the subject doing saintly things.

That is one of the key techniques for making profiles or any
story come to vivid life -- showing, with a minimum of telling.

Make Time for Solid Reporting
A profile starts, as most good writing does, with reporting.
Pretty writing, dazzling writing, cannot substitute for solid

The first consideration, then, is to try to get time for the
reporting. Spend time interviewing the subject and people who
know him; spend time observing the subject. It is unrealistic
to expect to write a first-class profile based on one interview
with a person. Try to get at least one interview outside of the
person's own turf. Get him away from the office. (Granted,
sometimes circumstances allow only a single interview under
less than optimal conditions!)

Use that time well. Your reporting ought to go beyond the routine
questions. You should have more in your notebook than facts and
quotes. You should have details about the setting, the person's
appearance, mannerisms, your impressions, anecdotes. You should
end up with a wealth of material to work with. Some of it, maybe
a lot of it, you will discard in the writing. However, if you
have a lot of material, you have a greater possibility of finding
the details that will be useful. It is hard sometimes to sort out
the good stuff from the dross, but not nearly as hard as trying
to flesh out a story when you have too little material.

Expand Your Focus
When you set out to write a profile, don't focus too narrowly on
whatever made the person worth a profile. If you are profiling a
business executive, remember that he has a life outside the
office. Find out about it.

You need to do some prospecting. You could make up a list of
categories to explore in your reporting. Such a list might look
something like this:

Roots -- Everybody comes from somewhere. Find out where. Family
background is part of who we are. Geography is part of who we
are. A man who comes off a North Carolina tobacco farm, growing
up in the '50s, comes from a different world than a kid from
Brooklyn growing up in the '80s.

Formative experiences -- What was it like for the person growing
up? Who influenced his life? How?

Education -- Again, schooling is part of what shapes character.

Relationships -- We are all part of a web of relationships --
parents, brothers and sisters, wives, husbands, sons, daughters.
But it is surprising how often profiles  barely touch on these
relationships and how they affect the person.

Work -- This is a big part of most people's lives. How did the
person get into his career? What ups and downs has he had? Where
is he headed?

Civic life -- What kind of groups and causes is this person
involved in?

Spiritual life -- This is important in many lives. Is the person
involved in church? What are his spiritual beliefs?

Other beliefs -- When we read a profile, we ought to be able to
come away with some idea of the person's philosophy about at
least some things. If he is a politician, what is his core belief
about the role of politics and government? If he is a
businessman, what does he believe about how a business should

Military experience -- People who have served in the military all
seem to have a fund of war stories. A great source of anecdotes.

Achievements, awards, honors.

Crossroads -- crises and turning points. People who lead
interesting lives have tribulations as well as successes. The
choices they made, and why, are part of their stories.

Psychology -- No, you shouldn't try to psychoanalyze the profile
subject. But do a little probing. What does he love, hate, fear?
What are his goals? What moves him?

You probably will not end up writing exhaustively about all of
these areas of a person's life -- unless you are writing a book.
But you shouldn't neglect them when you do the reporting. The
more you know about the subject, the more confidently you can
write, and the better your chance of drawing a well-rounded
portrait. And there is a purely practical consideration, too --
the more you learn, the less chance of being embarrassed after
the profile appears and somebody calls up to ask why you didn't
tell people about the time old Joe got arrested.

Use Evergreen Questions
Evergreen questions are simple questions that can be used over
and over to get people to open up. You could make a list of
almost any length of such questions. Some examples:

What was the worst thing that ever happened to you?

What was the best day of your life?

Who was the person who most influenced you -- and how?

If you were writing your epitaph, what would you say?

You could easily list 25 or 30 evergreen questions, and you
should. They come in handy not only for profiles, but also for
other stories.

This doesn't mean, of course, that you will go methodically
through the whole list when you interview someone. The idea is
that, in the course of interviewing, you can pick a question that
seems appropriate or that might help restart a flagging
conversation. Evergreen questions can turn up information you
might not otherwise get. They can get a person to talking and
telling you something real instead of telling you what the person
thinks would be nice to say.

After you have done the reporting it's time to write the profile.
We'll address that in the next issue!


John Rains is a newspaper writing coach in North Carolina and has
self-published three books: "Shooting Straight in the Media/A
Firearms Guide for Writers," "Writing Beyond the Routine/For More
Readable Newspapers," and "Write Your Way into the Papers." Visit
his weblog: http://www.smalltownpress.net/blogger.html

Copyright (c) 2004 by John Rains

http://www.writingusa.com/power.html Discover the secrets of
using your creativity to promote yourself, manage your writing
career and increase your income.


Good Books to Read
Looking for a great story to read? This web page has reviews of
books and authors that received an "Excellent" or "Very Good"
rating from readers. Submit reviews of books that you recommend.

The MuseItUp Club
This club is for anyone who enjoys writing anything from flash
fiction to novels. The main goal is to match up critique partners
for authors who are willing to revise a fellow writer's work.

A web site by and for children's writers and illustrators
featuring the latest news, articles, and advice.

Publishing Industry Soundbytes
Current news and information about the publishing industry.

Places for Writers
Literary news from several countries, plus calls for themed
submissions, contests, and other info (the calls are mainly from
Canadian sources).     http://www.placesforwriters.com

Coverscript Resources
A variety of screenwriting articles, tips and links.

SUNPIPER LITERARY & CONSULTING, P.C. is looking for authors
possessing creativity and vision in fiction and nonfiction
genres. Agency fees are on a strict contingency basis. You don't
profit, we don't profit. Visit http://www.sunpiper.com/ for more
info. "In the business of representing ideas!"

                   by Moira Allen (moirakallen@writing-world.com)

How Do Royalties Affect Disability Benefits?

Q: I would like to ask you a question about a subject that
apparently is rarely discussed -- money. Several years ago, I was
a hard-working professional with a promising career. Then I
developed a chronic illness. It eventually forced me to stop
working full time. I fought a long, hard battle for disability
benefits. With the help of your book, I recently sold an article
and have considered trying to sell longer version as a book.

What terrifies me is the thought of losing my disability benefits.
I'm only allowed to make a certain amount of money in addition to
the disability benefit. Of course, if my book is a best-seller
and makes me a ton of money, it won't matter. What I am afraid
of, however, is only earning a modest sum of money, not enough to
live on, but enough to take away the safety net that I have.
Would it be possible for you to explain to me the range of
payments that can author can expect for various types of work?

A: Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question. The
real answer is "it depends".

Very few books actually make it to the bestseller list and bring
in "tons of money." It could happen, but the odds against it are
high. But you never know what is going to work and what isn't!

The more likely scenario is that such a book will bring in, as
you say, a "modest" amount. Advances for new authors for
nonfiction books (I'm assuming you're writing this as
nonfiction/autobiography) tend to range from $3000 to, at the
very most, $10,000. An advance of $5000 is fairly typical. Often,
this advance is paid in two parts, half when the contract is
signed and half when the book is completed. Thus, if you signed
the contract in, say, 2004, and completed the book in 2005, your
income would be divided between two years. Thus, on a $5000
advance, you might only earn $2500 each year, and I imagine
that's below the limit.

Often, that advance may be the ONLY money you'll ever see. This
is an "advance against royalties," and before you earn any
additional income, your book has to "sell out" that advance.
Thus, if your book sells for, say, $10.95, and you are receiving
5% of the cover price (54.7¢ per book), and your advance was
$5000, the book would have to sell about 9100 copies before you'd
start receiving any additional royalties.

When you DO start receiving royalties, you'll generally receive
them twice a year. Using the figures above, let's say that you do
earn out your advance, and sell another 1000 copies of your book
in a single year (500 in each royalty period).  This would mean
that on your $10.95 book, you'd be receiving two checks for
roughly $274 in a single year.  Perhaps a better way to run your
own calculation is to start with the figure for your income
limit, and divide that number by a projected royalty amount to
determine how many books you'd actually have to sell before you
begin to lose benefits!

If a publisher offers you an advance that exceeds your income
limits, you would probably be able to work out a different deal
on when that advance is paid.  For example, you might be able to
divide up the money by having one third paid when the contract is
signed, one third paid when you are halfway through the writing
process, and the remaining third paid when the book is delivered.
 This way, you could stretch the payments out over three years
and thus avoid triggering the penalty point.

I wish you the best of luck in your project, and hope that you
get such a wonderful sum that you no longer have to worry about


Moira Allen has been writing and editing professionally for more
than 20 years. A columnist for The Writer, she is also the author
of "Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer", "The Writer's
Guide to Queries, Pitches and Proposals" (now available as an
e-book) and "Writing.com: Creative Internet Strategies to
Advance Your Writing Career". For more details, visit:

Copyright (c) 2004 by Moira Allen



Grab That Memory Before It Slips Away! by Uma Girish

Creating Character and Characterization in Screenplays,
by Elizabeth English

The Field of Dreams: Conflict as Metaphor in Screenplays,
by Elizabeth English

The Making of a Hollywood Film: A Guide for Screenwriters,
by Elizabeth English

Two Brads Or Three? 21 Ways to Better Your Chances Winning
Screenplay Contests, by Elizabeth English

FIND 1700 MARKETS FOR YOUR WRITING! Writing-World.com's market
guides offer DETAILED listings of over 1700 markets, with contact
information, pay rates, needs and more.  Fourteen themed guides
are available for $2.50 apiece or $25 for the set.  For details,
see http://www.writing-world.com/bookstore/index.shtml


Ashisha, Articles Editor
PO Box 1690, Santa Fe, NM 87504
EMAIL: ashisha@mothering.com
URL: http://www.mothering.com

Our main objective is to be truly helpful, to provide information
that empowers our readers to make changes and supports them in
being their own experts. We like articles that have a strong
point of view and come from the heart, that are challenging or
evocative. Our choice of articles depends on the other material
we have published on the subject, how new the topic is to us, and
how unique the presentation is. It helps if you include photos.
Familiarize yourself with Mothering. We are more likely to
publish your article if you are a reader and are familiar with
the issues we discuss. Please see our online guidelines for a
list of our regular subject areas.

LENGTH: approximately 2,000 words, say what you have to say
PAYMENT: $200-$500
RIGHTS: One time rights
SUBMISSIONS: By mail or email. Send as Word Document attachment.
You can also send a disk with a text-only file saved on it.


Dhawal Shah, Publisher
Franchising Association of India
54-A, Sir M. Vasanji Road Chakala, Andheri E Mumbai, India
EMAIL: dhawal@mail.com
URL: http://www.franchisingassociationofindia.com

We're looking for country specific articles about the franchising
industry. See online Archive for examples of articles published.

LENGTH: 500-1000 words
RIGHTS: The writer retains all the rights. When published again,
the Franchising Association of India will pay a royalty of $100.
SUBMISSIONS: Copy and paste your article and send as an email, no


Please send Market News to: peggyt@siltnet.net

"FNASR": First North American Serial Rights, "SASE":
self-addressed, stamped envelope, "GL": guidelines. If you have
questions about rights, please see "Rights: What They Mean and
Why They're Important"


This section lists contests that charge no entry fees. For more
contests, check our online contests section.


          Pockets Fiction Writing Contest

DEADLINE: August 15, 2004
GENRE: Fiction
LENGTH: 1,000-1,600 words

THEME: There are no pre-selected themes for the fiction contest.
Contest guidelines are essentially the same as for regularly
submitted material. Historical and biblical fiction are not
eligible. See online writer's guidelines for more information:

PRIZES: $1000, and publication in Pockets magazine


ADDRESS: Pockets, Attn: Lynn W. Gilliam, 1908 Grand Avenue, PO
Box 340004, Nashville, TN 37203-0004

URL: http://www.upperroom.org/pockets/contest_winner.asp


        Feile Filiochta International Poetry Competition

DEADLINE: August 28, 2004
GENRE: Poetry
OPEN TO: 3 categories: Adult; 13-17 year olds; 12-years old and
LENGTH: No word length requirements

THEME: The 16th Annual Feile Filiochta -- Europe's biggest and
brightest international poetry competition -- is underway! Last
year it attracted in excess of 4,900 entries in nine languages
from all over the world and we are now looking for your entries.
With a prize fund of 15,400 euros from Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown
County Council, three age categories and a range of additional
prizes from cultural organizations and embassies, the Feile
Filiochta is internationally recognized as a showcase and
stimulus for the craft of poetry writing. This will be the third
year that the beautiful Feile Filiochta Poem of Europe trophy
will be awarded by the Assemblee des Regions d'Europe for the
most outstanding poem in the adult categories. The competition is
open to all adults and young people, who may submit up to four
poems in each language in their age group. This year, entries are
invited in Irish, English, German, French, Italian, Welsh,
Spanish, Scottish Gaelic, and Swedish. All entries must be
accompanied by the official entry form which is available online
in several languages or by email or mail request.

PRIZES: Adult - 1st Prize: 800 euros and The Irish Times
Perpetual Trophy; 2nd Prize: 400 euros; 3rd Prize: 200 euros
13-17 - 1st Prize: 300 euros and Feile Filiochta Award; 2nd
Prize: 200 euros; 3rd Prize: 150 euros
12 and under - 1st Prize: 250 euros and Feile Filiochta Award;
2nd Prize: 150 euros; 3rd Prize: 100 euros

ELECTRONIC ENTRY: No, online entry form must accompany all
entries by mail.

ADDRESS: Feile Filiochta/International Poetry Competition, PO Box
6983, Blackrock Co. Dublin, Ireland

EMAIL: libraries@dlrcoco.ie
URL: http://www.dlrcoco.ie/library/Feile04/Home.htm



The Soul Cages, by Nicole Kurtz

Summerhawk, by Donna Diamond Kordela

The Whitlow Sanction, by Betty Bradford Byers

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fully-searchable Markets Database. Discover writing markets from
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Writing World is a publication of Writing-World.com

Editor/Publisher: MOIRA ALLEN (moirakallen@writing-world.com)
Managing Editor (Newsletter): PEGGY TIBBETTS (peggyt@siltnet.net)
Managing Editor (Site): DARCY LEWIS (darcylewis@sbcglobal.net)

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Copyright © 2009 by Moira Allen. All rights reserved.
Copyright to individual articles held by authors.