Writing World Newsletter Archive

                     W R I T I N G  W O R L D

   A World of Writing Information - For Writers Around the World


Issue 5:15         15,500 subscribers               July 21, 2005

SPECIAL NOTICE: Please DO NOT REPLY to this e-mail; any messages
sent to the listbox address are deleted. See the bottom of this
newsletter for information on how to subscribe, unsubscribe, or
contact the editors.



         From the Editor's Desk
         FALL CLASSES on Writing-World.com
         WRITER TO WRITER: How do you organize the clutter?
            by Peggy Tibbetts
         News from the World of Writing
         FEATURE: Who's Who on the Magazine Masthead,
			by Moira Allen
         The Write Sites -- Online Resources for Writers
         WRITING DESK: How to pitch a "short," by Moira Allen
         JUST FOR FUN: How Many Does It Take...?
            by Carol L. Skolnick
         WHAT'S NEW at Writing World
         MARKET ROUNDUP/Writing Contests

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LOOKING FOR PAYING MARKETS?  Absolute Write Can Help! Subscribe
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                     FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK

Limping Along...
I had hoped to give you a joyful update on the status of the
website in this issue -- everything fixed, all systems go!  Alas,
it was not to be.  Instead, our progress report seems to be more
a matter of "one thing after another..."

First we thought we would be able to restore the "Writers Wanted"
classified section from the files that I had on hand -- which I
had purchased back in 2003.  It turned out, however, that this
was an "upgrade" -- and one needed to have the original program
in place before one could install the upgrade.  Of course, that
was lost with the crash.  But in the interim, the company that
offered the program changed hands and had no record of my
registration.  I finally dug this out of the files, but we are
still trying to get them to give us the "basic" program (which
used to be free but isn't any longer) so that we can then pay a
SMALL fee to buy the latest upgrade and install it.  Otherwise,
we're stuck paying more than three times what I paid for the
program originally -- something I'm not sure I want to do.

We actually DO have the contests database program installed, but
since it has been installed on a new server that it doesn't
recognize, it thinks it is a "new" installation, and won't
accept my original registration code.  So we're still waiting
for the support people to help solve THAT little problem, and
so far they have not been responding to my e-mails.  Needless
to say, I have no intention of actually trying to restore the
data until I know that the program isn't going to disappear
when it reaches the end of its "test" period.

So, once again, all I can say is "we really hope to have these
problems fixed by the next newsletter!"  In the meantime,
thanks for your patience; it's nice to know how popular these
sections are, and we really, REALLY hope to have them working
again soon.

In the meantime, the newest issue of TimeTravel-Britain.com is
now online, featuring a focus on Lancashire and Lancaster, a
bunch of castles, a look at Cheddar Gorge and Wookey Hole,
information on the events being held to celebrate the 200th
anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, and LOTS more.  Stop
by at http://www.timetravel-britain.com (and no, I haven't
gotten THOSE databases to accept my registration numbers

                                          -- Moira Allen, Editor


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editors' current wants and needs - up to 50 each month.  Market
studies and genre analyses loaded with editors' tips and insights
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We have two classes for you this fall on Writing-World.com:

*   Instructor: Catherine Lundoff
*   Four weeks; $80

*   Instructor: Moira Allen
*   Eight weeks; $125

We also recommend the following classes, which are taught
independently by former Writing-World.com instructors.

*   Instructor: Sue Fagalde Lick
*   Eight weeks; $100
*   Ongoing; enroll and start the course at any time!

*   Instructor: Marg Gilks
*   Eight weeks; $150
*   Ongoing; enroll and start the course at any time!


LOOSE ENDS (http://www.loose-ends.net) is seeking authors to
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A day without writing is like a day without sunshine. Pearls of
Writing Classes: Six month membership for $50. Join before Sept
15, 2005 and enter to win a $20 gift certificate (Amazon.com).


                           by Peggy Tibbetts (peggyt"at"siltnet.net)

How do you organize the clutter?

In the June 9 newsletter, Moira lamented the clutter in her
office and vowed to tackle it. She hasn't said whether or not she
won that particular battle, but her predicament inspired Carmen
in Sydney to make her own plan to tackle the clutter: "We have a
public holiday [coming up] here in Australia and I was planning
on tackling my table tops including the desk." Of course she
predicted what most of us find happens within a few weeks of
clearing out the clutter: "No doubt it will be like that again
after a very short time." Carmen is looking for ways to keep that
clutter under control.

A year and a half ago I was frustrated by the amount of time I
wasted moving files and rearranging my desk. At any given time I
have several projects in the works -- this newsletter, my
columns, a novel, a picture book, books to review, etc. One day
while sorting through a pile, I saw a picture of a cherry wood
library cart on the back of a catalog and instantly fell in love.
I bought it and I have to say it has really helped control my
clutter. The cart has four shelves. The top shelf is reserved for
books that I'm reading or use often for research. The other three
shelves contain files of all my current projects. When I sit down
to work all I have to do is pull the files and/or books I need
off the shelves. The trick is, I have to remember to put them
back when I'm done working on that project, or my desk is easily
buried. I can't make the leap and say that the library cart has
solved my clutter problem. A certain amount of discipline is
required on my part. But it has helped me save time and stay
organized -- and it looks really cool in my office!

Do you have any advice for Carmen? Please share your tips for
keeping organized. How do you keep your clutter under control?

Please send your responses to: peggyt"at"siltnet.net
Subject: Writer to Writer

[Editor's Note: Shortly after declaring war on the clutter on
my desk, the server crashed -- so half of my desk looks neat
as a pin and the other half still looks like someone tossed a
grenade into the paper recycling bin.]


Peggy Tibbetts answers your questions about writing for children
in her monthly column, Advice from a Caterpillar:
She is the author of "The Road to Weird" and "Rumors of War".
Visit her web site at: http://www.peggytibbetts.net

Copyright (c) 2005 by Peggy Tibbetts


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Respond to Calls for Submission or post your book proposals and
manuscripts. Personal blogs, video broadcasts, podcasts, jobs
board, email and more. Go now to http://www.BookPitch.com



Le Figaro pulls hoax on French vanity publishers
French newspaper Le Figaro sent manuscript copies of "Madame
Bovary" by Gustave Flaubert, to five of France's biggest vanity
publishing companies. The title and names of the main characters
were changed and the novel was not identified. Believing it to be
a new work, the vanity houses offered to print it at a cost to
the author of up to Euro 4,800 (£3,200). One vanity publisher,
Benevent, in Nice, said that it submitted all manuscripts to an
editorial committee made up of writers, professors and
journalists. Its report on the manuscript said: "We envisage
publishing it in the form of a 360-page work that will go on sale
for Euro 21.50." The cost to the author would have been Euro
3,360. Benevent declined to comment on Le Figaro's story. A
second French vanity publisher said that its committee had
"retained" Flaubert's work after "studying" it. For Euro 4,800,
it was prepared to print 300 copies. A third publisher charged
Euro 4,200 for 200 copies. Mohammed Aissaoui of Le Figaro said:
"These committees should have been surprised at the literary
quality, at the style of this text and at the absence of faults,
which contrast sharply with what they usually receive."

Book groups criticize House Bill reauthorizing Patriot Act
In a July 13 press release, organizations representing
booksellers, librarians, publishers and writers expressed
disappointment over the failure of Rep. Nadler's (D-NY) amendment
to the House Judiciary Committee bill reauthorizing the USA
Patriot Act. Despite a 238-187 vote in the House on June 15 to
cut off funds for bookstore and library searches under the Act,
the committee did not adopt Nadler's amendment, which would have
restored crucial safeguards for the privacy of library and
bookstore records that were eliminated by Section 215. For more
information: http://www.readerprivacy.org/news.jsp

Penguin will publish $2.99 paperbacks
Beginning this fall, Penguin Group USA's Berkley imprint will
launch a Hot Shots promotion that will feature paperbacks for
$2.99. "We were looking for a way to spur the business, and we
came up with this," said Ken Kaye, Penguin VP and director of
distribution sales. The program will feature short stories,
92-128 pages each, by Nora Roberts, JD Robb, Jayne Castle,
Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Maggie Shayne. Kaye hopes
the low price will entice people to sample new authors, and is
counting on customers buying more than one title at a time.
According to CEO David Shanks, mass market paperbacks represented
33% of the company's gross sales in 2004, making mass market
Penguin's largest segment.

Let's Go Library Expo online conference
On July 28, the first of an ongoing series of online conferences
about hot topics in librarianship and information technology will
be held. The first conference in the series, Let's Go Library
Expo will focus on "Books, eBooks, and Audiobooks." Librarians,
library users, information technologists, vendor representatives,
and others are welcome to attend. Registration is required, but
there is no cost to register. For more information:


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and ideas for that next project at Profitable Pen's newest
forums! Register for free at http://www.profitable-pen.com.


                                                   by Moira Allen

One of the first questions writers ask about a magazine is "where
do I send my submission?"  Deciphering the masthead can be a
challenge.  With all those names and titles to choose from, who
is the right person to contact?  What do all those people do?

The first place to look for contact information is the
publication's guidelines, which you may be able to locate in a
market guide or on the publication's Web site.  Web guidelines
are usually the most up-to-date, as they're likely to reflect any
recent changes in editorial staff.  If you're using a market
guide, check the title of the person you're asked to contact,
then check the magazine's contact page online (even a printed
masthead can be three to six months out of date) to make sure
that the same person still holds this title.  If the name has
changed, send it to the person who now holds that title.

If you can't locate a magazine's guidelines, it's time to review
the masthead.  Fortunately, most magazines have a relatively
small editorial staff, usually consisting of an editor, managing
editor, and either an associate or assistant editor (or both).
Some may have an editor-in-chief; some may have an editorial
assistant.  Some may also list "contributing editors," who are
actually freelancers who contribute regularly to the publication
(including columnists).  These have no actual editorial status
and do not make decisions on manuscripts, and should be ignored.

For this type of publication, the first title to look for is
"managing editor."  In most cases, this is the person who reviews
queries and manuscripts.  Often, the managing editor has full
authority to make decisions about acceptances and rejections, and
will also make assignments in response to query letters, often
"on speculation" (which means that acceptance of the finished
article is not guaranteed).  In some cases, however, a magazine's
editor must make the final decision on manuscripts the managing
editor recommends for accceptance (including assigned pieces).
This makes no difference to you -- you should still contact the
managing editor.  It's important to remember, however, that when
the managing editor isn't the final decision-maker, an acceptance
can take awhile.

If no managing editor is listed, check next for either the editor
or the associate editor.  If the only title listed is "editor,"
this is the person to contact.  If, however, an associate editor
is listed, chances are that this person is in training to become
a managing editor, and probably screens the slush pile.  An
associate editor will generally have the power to screen out
obviously unacceptable material, and perhaps to respond to
queries, but will generally not be able to accept material
directly without the final approval of the editor.

Two other titles on the masthead that may look tempting, but that
should be ignored, are "editor-in-chief" and "editorial
assistant."  An editor-in-chief generally presides over a group
of related magazines produced by the same publisher, but does not
get involved in day-to-day decisions for each magazine.
Conversely, there's a popular myth among writers that one should
send submissions to the "editorial assistant," on the premise
that this person will be so pleased that you've contacted them
directly that they'll make an extra effort to support your
manuscript.  Forget it.  The most an editorial assistant can do
is hand your manuscript to the appropriate editor -- the person
to whom the material should have been addressed in the first
place.  While in some cases editorial assistants may help screen
the slushpile by weeding out obviously unacceptable and
inappropriate submissions, they have no decision-making power.

For major publications, your choices are usually more diverse.
You may not even see titles like "managing editor" on the
masthead.  Instead, you'll probably see a list of department
editors, covering such areas as health, travel, food, fashion,
and so forth.

In this case, addressing your submission to the "editor" is
definitely not a good idea.  Instead, see if you can pinpoint the
department that would be the most appropriate for your
submission, and contact that editor directly.  Again, check the
magazine's guidelines if you can find them (though the larger the
publication, the less likely they are to publicize these
guidelines).  Again, ignore contributing editors, editorial
assistants, and the editor-in-chief.

What Happens Next?
When dealing with smaller publications, the process between
submission and print may be relatively uncomplicated: You submit
your article, it is accepted, you get a check, and six to twelve
months later, you get a copy of the magazine in which the piece
was published.  Often, you will deal with only one person on the
staff -- the editor who handles submissions, makes assignments,
and (when appropriate) discusses recommended changes to your
proposed article.  This may also be the person who edits and
proofreads your article before sending it to the designer. This
is also the person you'll talk to regarding rates, rights,
contracts -- and, eventually, raises!

If you're dealing with a mid-size publication, you may find
yourself talking to more than one person. Major publications, for
example, generally employ research departments to "fact-check"
submissions, and even queries.  Some women's magazines, for
example, contact writers to gather additional information about a
proposed article before a decision is made.  Some writers are
alarmed by this practice, fearing that the magazine is just
trying to gather enough information to enable a staff writer to
put together the article.  Generally, however, the publication
simply wishes to be able to verify the facts, and to gather
enough information to present the proposal at the next editorial
content-planning meeting.

Larger publications are also more likely to fact-check an article
after it has been accepted.  You may be asked to provide details
about the sources referenced in your article, such as books,
artricles, Web sites, and contact information for interviewees.
A researcher may contact you to verify the exact spelling of
names and addresses.  You may also be contacted by a researcher
or a subordinate editor if the facts in your article seem unclear
or contradictory, or to provide a specific reference for a number
or quote.  If the copyeditor doesn't fully understand something
in your text, you may be asked to clarify the material.

The final interaction you're likely to have with a publication
before your article is actually printed is the "galley proof"
stage.  Again, the smaller the publication, the less likely it
will be to actually send you galley proofs for review.  Galley
proofs are actual copies or print-outs of the article as it will
appear in print -- fully formatted and typeset.  By this time,
your article has already been edited (perhaps by the editor who
accepted it), copyedited (for grammar and often for "house
style"), and proofread.  It may also have been trimmed for
length.  Sometimes the editor trims the article before it goes to
the designer; often, however, an editor may have to make cuts at
the last minute because the article proves a paragraph or so too
long for the allotted space.

Since all the major editing work has already been done, at this
point the last thing an editor wants is for you, the writer, to
suggest major changes and revisions to the article. The purpose
of galley proofs is to give the author one last chance to make
sure that no errors have been made in the text (either by the
author or during the course of editing), that everything is
spelled correctly, and so on. Often, galleys will be faxed to
you, and you'll be asked to review them in one to three days.  If
everything is fine, a quick e-mail to the editor will often
suffice.  If you need to make small corrections -- such as
correcting a misspelling or a URL -- that can also often be done
by e-mail.  If, however, you need to make more detailed
corrections, you'll generally need to mark these on the proof and
fax it back.

While the galley stage is not the time to rewrite or edit your
article, this may also be the first time you've seen the changes
or cuts that the editor has introduced.  In some cases, these
changes may have altered the meaning of the article, in which
case you may need to discuss ways to "change it back."  Most
editors are understanding if you can show where cuts have
introduced inacccuracies by altering information or leaving it
incomplete.  You will, however, greatly endear yourself to your
editor if you can provide a correction that matches the original
length of the galley.

Deciphering the masthead is the first step to building a
positive, long-term relationship with a publication.  Once you've
done this, and become a regular contributor to that publication,
who knows?  One day people may be looking at your name on the


Moira Allen has been writing and editing professionally for more
than 20 years. A columnist for The Writer, she is also the author
of "Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer", "The Writer's
Guide to Queries, Pitches and Proposals" (now available as an
e-book) and "Writing.com: Creative Internet Strategies to
Advance Your Writing Career". For more details, visit:

Copyright (c) 2005 by Moira Allen


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Matilija Press
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newsletter! Zebra Communications: http://www.zebraeditor.com.


                                                   by Moira Allen

How to pitch a "short"

Q: I have a question about the correct terminology to use in a
query letter to a magazine. I am proposing a short piece of
around 500 words, maybe less, and an accompanying photo or two
about an upcoming event and wondered if there is a specific term
that I should be using. Is it just a "short feature"? I don't
think that it would qualify as a sidebar, as I believe a sidebar
is information related to a feature piece. Right? If you could
let me know, I'd really appreciate it.

A: This type of article would either be referred to as a "short"
(or "short article") or as a "filler."  You are correct -- a
sidebar generally only refers to a short item accompanying a
longer feature. Sidebars are rarely submitted independently;
however, on occasion an editor may choose to use a relevant short
article as a sidebar to another piece.

A more pertinent question is what section of the magazine you are
submitting this piece TO.  If this is about an upcoming event,
most likely you're aiming it toward the "news" portion of the
magazine, if it has one.  In that case, you should make it clear
that you are submitting a piece for a specific DEPARTMENT rather
than just to the magazine in general.  Often, these departments
are the best place to break in, so letting the editor know that
you are targeting a department is a good idea.

Also, be sure that the upcoming event isn't going to come and go
before the magazine actually hits the stands.  Many magazines
work as much as six months in advance, and just about all print
magazines work at least three months in advance.  So if your
event were coming up in, say, June, it would already be too late
(in most cases) to get any information on the event into the
publication -- the June issue would, by this time, already be
heading to the printer.

In many cases, you don't actually need to query on very short
items, unless the magazine specifically states that you must.  So
be sure to check the guidelines -- if you can send the piece
WITHOUT a query, so much the better!


Moira Allen has been writing and editing professionally for more
than 20 years. A columnist for The Writer, she is also the author
of "Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer", "The Writer's
Guide to Queries, Pitches and Proposals" (now available as an
e-book) and "Writing.com: Creative Internet Strategies to
Advance Your Writing Career". For more details, visit:

Copyright (c) 2005 by Moira Allen


JUST FOR FUN: How Many Does It Take ...?
                                             by Carol L. Skolnick

Q. How many self-help authors does it take to change a lightbulb?

A.  All it takes is you ... with the help my latest book, LIGHTEN
UP! How to Illuminate Your Life in 6 Easy Steps (with a forward
by Neale Donald Walsch).

Q. How many memoirists does it take to change a lightbulb?

A. It wasn't until the day my father left, slamming the back door
with such force that the fuses blew in the kitchen, that I
realized if I wanted a way out of the dark, I would have to find
it myself.

Q. How many celebrity tell-all authors does it take to change a

A.  I can't begin to name all the amazing people who made this
happen, from my agent, Swifty Dealcatcher, to my publicist, Lucky
Breakstone, to my editor, Red Pentzel. Thanks also to my dearest
friends, including Paris, Gwenyth, Leo, Tom and Katie, Bill and
Hill, [SNIP]. Thanks most of all to my devoted fans, without whom
this change would not have been possible.


Carol L. Skolnick, a regular columnist for the Women's
Independent Press, is a New York-based humorist, essayist,
sometime poet and playwright whose work has appeared at Salon.com
and in publications ranging from I Love Cats to Glamour. Visit
her web site: http://hometown.aol.com/sput6

Copyright (c) 2005 by Carol L. Skolnick



E-mail Submissions: Why We Love Them (or Hate Them),
by Peggy Tibbetts
(Summarizes the results of the "Writer to Writer" survey)

Expert-Finding Strategies Every Writer Needs to Know,
by Mridu Khullar


FIND 1700 MARKETS FOR YOUR WRITING! Writing-World.com's market
guides offer DETAILED listings of over 1700 markets, with contact
information, pay rates, needs and more.  Fourteen themed guides
are available for $2.50 apiece or $25 for the set.  For details,
see http://www.writing-world.com/bookstore/index.shtml



Lorna K. Loveless, Editor
PO Box 70, Hendersonville, NC 28793
EMAIL: backhome"at"ioa.com
URL: http://www.backhomemagazine.com

BackHome is a down-to-earth, how-to magazine whose primary
purpose is to help people gain more control over their own lives
by doing more for themselves. We are looking for interesting,
lively, preferably first-person articles based upon actual
experience in the fields of gardening, home construction and
repair, workshop projects, cooking, crafts, outdoor recreation,
family activities and vacations, livestock, home business,
home-based and other education, and community/neighborhood
action. In general, we'll consider any article that will help our
readers improve the quality of life -- for themselves, their
families, their community, and their environment. We seldom
publish essays or basically philosophical contemplations.

LENGTH: No word length requirements
PAYMENT: $35/printed page
REPRINTS: Occasionally
SUBMISSIONS: Query first by email


Alejandro GutiŽrrez, Editor
EMAIL: query"at"conversely.com
URL: http://www.conversely.com

We seek writers, new or established, who can produce articles and
essays on all aspects of male-female relationships. Though we
value the individual stamp each writer brings to her or his work,
we do highly recommend that you read through some of the essays
and stories posted on the site, as well as What We're About, to
get a feel for our style. Also, please be sure to review the list
of topics we don't consider. Our readers are both female and
male, primarily in their twenties and thirties. Thus, we focus on
topics that relate to the types of relationships, and
relationship issues, facing this group. We welcome unsolicited
submissions for each of our different categories. Please see
online guidelines for specific details in each category.

LENGTH: 750-3,000 words
PAYMENT: $50-$200
RIGHTS: Exclusive electronic rights for 90 days, and
non-exclusive thereafter; one-time print anthology rights
SUBMISSIONS: Please visit our online submissions page, we do not
accept email or paper submissions:
GUIDELINES: http://www.conversely.com/Masth/submi.shtml


Chad Burud, Editor
565 Rabbit River Road, Box 202, Campbell, MN 56522
EMAIL: webmaster"at"splitmyside.com
URL: http://www.splitmyside.com

We are looking for unpublished original true stories about your
most embarrassing moment or time when you stuck your foot deep
into your mouth. Within the story tell us a little bit about
yourself, the type of person you are. The events surrounding the
moment, the people involved and what they are like. Describe
exactly what happened and tell us what you felt during the event
and right after. Also what transpired following the event to
yourself and the people involved in the story.

LENGTH: No word length requirement
RIGHTS: Written permission for non-exclusive rights, author
retains copyright
SUBMISSIONS: Submit online only:
GUIDELINES: http://www.splitmyside.com/

*Managing Editor's note: Payment is on publication, not
acceptance, and depends upon finding a publisher for the book.


Please send Market News to: peggyt"at"siltnet.net

"FNASR": First North American Serial Rights, "SASE":
self-addressed, stamped envelope, "GL": guidelines. If you have
questions about rights, please see "Rights: What They Mean and
Why They're Important"


This section lists contests that charge no entry fees. For more
contests, check our online contests section.


         Happy Tales Literary Contest

DEADLINE: September 1, 2005
GENRE: Fiction
LENGTH: No word limit

THEME: Have you ever read a great work of literature and been
disappointed by an ending that might have been more uplifting,
affirmative, or happy? Take any literary work with a sad,
disturbing, or negative ending and supply a happy, affirmative,
or uplifting ending. The new ending must more or less parody the
idiom, style, atmosphere, and so on, of the original.

PRIZES: Grand prize: $100 and the Nahum Tate Cup. Entries,
including the winning entry, may be read and praised and/or
ridiculed by contest judges in a public session of the Montana
Festival of the Book, September 22-24, Missoula, MT. Winning
entries will be weblished at the Festival web site or published
in other media.

ELECTRONIC ENTRY: Yes, also by mail

EMAIL: lastbest"at"selway.umt.edu

ADDRESS: Happy Tales, Montana Festival of the Book, Montana
Center for the Book, 311 Brantly Hall, The University of Montana,
Missoula, MT 59812-7848

URL: http://www.bookfest-mt.org/happy.htm


            Enlisted Essay Contest

DEADLINE: September 1, 2005
GENRE: Essay
OPEN TO: Active, reserve, retired, and former enlisted personnel
of all service branches and countries
LENGTH: 2,500 words

THEME: Any subject relevant to military service.

PRIZE: 1st Prize: $1,500; 2nd Prize: $1,000; 3rd Prize: $500


ADDRESS: U.S. Naval Institute, 291 Wood Road, Annapolis, MD

EMAIL: essays"at"navalinstitute.org
URL: http://www.usni.org/contests/contests.html#enlisted


           Marine Corps Essay Contest

DEADLINE: September 1, 2005
GENRE: Essay
LENGTH: 3,000 words or less

THEME: Any subject relating the Corps' warfighting excellence.

PRIZE: 1st Prize: $2,000; 2nd Prize: $1,500; 3rd Prize: $750


ADDRESS: U.S. Naval Institute, 291 Wood Road, Annapolis, MD

EMAIL: essays"at"navalinstitute.org
URL: http://www.usni.org/contests/contests.html#marine



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Editor/Publisher: MOIRA ALLEN (writing-world"at"cox.net)
Managing Editor (Newsletter): PEGGY TIBBETTS (peggyt"at"siltnet.net)

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