What have I been doing on Friday Night?

Ciao everybody!!

Long time no write... sorry (^^)``


I am swamped with things to do as usual... but at least I am getting less and less swamped... in manga!!

(but only because I am cleaning up my room, the purchase pace is not slowing down one bit... erm)


I just bought a new desk for my home office and some new bookcase-towers to pursue the fantastic "SIMONA - GET A DECENT LIFE PLAN!!" (^o^)

 (erm... to be really accurate, I have to admit that I bought it A MONTH AGO but found the time to assemble it only in the last few days...) (^^)``





Since Feng Shui-wise (and also common sense-wise, though I hate the term) a tidy room is a tidy head AND a clearer way of life, I decided to clean up my act and aside from a lot of DYI (thankfully my flatmate/roommate Tom helped to build the desk, since it was a 2 people job) Friday I spent  the WHOLE night going through some 200 magazines, ripping pages I wanted to keep, keeping issues that needed to be kept (new series starts, last episodes, collaboration between rival publishers, anniversary issues, etc) and threw away some 120 Jump, Square Jump, Lala, Chara, Be Boy, Flowers, etc. that I have been collecting over the last 2 1/2 years. Whew.



I guess I am getting ready for the new year!

Hope to get back to you with some interesting news soon enough ;)



Yui wrote 1 day 12 hours ago

[ _Yuii_ ]anything , LOLS !!!Eh, euu live in sin ?or Jap ?

simona's picture
simona wrote 1 day 7 hours ago

I live in Tokyo, sorry ;)and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Yui wrote 1 week 4 days ago

If eu dun wan de manga can gib miie xDD

simona's picture
simona wrote 1 week 4 days ago

do you want this week's shonen jump? XD 

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