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Information brochure
Information about the German Customs Administration
What role does the German Customs Administration play nowadays?
What is its place in the modern administration of our government, within the context of Europe and in the progressive globalization of economic, political and social processes?
This brochure is intended to answer these and other questions.

Prohibitions and restrictions
Protection of intellectual property
The Customs administration offers a procedure for border seizure if goods entering the european union infringe rights of rights-holders. The infringed rights can e.g. be trademarks, copyrights, designs, patents and others.

Travel and Mail
Information on Passenger Traffics
Day after day many people cross the border of the Federal Republic of Germany. While doing so they are accompanying a multitude of different goods.

Posting of workers
Posting of workers
Numerous provisions must be observed when posting workers from abroad to work in the Federal Republic of Germany. These provisions are set out in the Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz (Posted Workers Act). The German law obliges employers with a registered office in Germany, employers with a registered office abroad (including contractors performing their business activities on the basis of bilateral agreements) as well as leasing firms and user enterprises to comply with statutory working conditions.

Customs rules
Customs registration numbers in customs declarations
In Germany the customs registration number shall be used as identification number.

Prohibitions and restrictions
Prohibitions and restrictions
The importation and exportation of certain goods is restricted and possible only under certain conditions (e.g. previous permission).

Customs Institutions
Section for Single Authorisations
If the applicant wants to use customs procedures with economic impact in more than one european country (e.g. if the operation is supposed to be completed in another member state), the so-called "Einzige Bewilligung" may apply.

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