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Tradition, fun and charity

Not only for Americans but for an increasing number of Europeans too, putting up Christmas decorations is far more than a seasonal preoccupation. Elaborate creations, prepared many months in advance, are transforming the exterior of homes and front gardens into striking (and more or less elegant) attractions for neighbours and visitors to admire over the Christmas season.

But the time-honoured tradition of adorning houses with festive trappings is moving now into an even wider dimension. Some European radio and television networks give wide coverage to the do-it-yourself Christmas innovators. And Sky One awards prizes; pictured is the creation of last year's winner, Greengrocer Les Fleming.

Thousands of people visited his house in Essex and made generous donations in the charity boxes provided. So the winter wonderland decorator raised a total of 9,000 pounds sterling for charities dedicated to improving the lot of needy children.

Several different projects have been supported, including the building of a hospice in east London for terminally ill children and the organisation of free holidays for disabled youngsters. The winner commented: "I am disabled myself with a spinal problem and, being semi-retired, can spend a good amount of time on the preparations. And all the family help out. It costs us a lot of money to get all the materials we need for the job. But when you see what pleasure it gives to the children and the amount it helps charity, we are convinced it is all worthwhile". Photo: Mike Pattison

Freitag, 22. Dezember 2000


Als die Kirche springen woll te
Vor 40 Jahren, am 8. Dezember 1965, endete in Rom das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil
Religion in neuen Gewändern
In der westlichen Welt wächst die Sehnsucht nach Selbsterfahrung und Spiritualität
Alte Ausdrücke für neue Geschwindigkeiten

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