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Russian Choirs

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The most famous of Russian choirs is probably A. V. Alexandrov Russian army twice red-bannered academic song and dance ensemble or Red Army Choir as it is often called. Here is a relevant quote from wikipedia:

The A. V. Alexandrov Russian army twice red-bannered academic song and dance ensemble (Russian: Дважды краснознаменный академический ансамбль песни и пляски Российской армии имени А. В. Александрова, Dvazhdy krasnoznamenny akademichesky ensemble pesni i plyaski Rossiyskoy armii imeni A. V. Alexandrova), shortly the Alexandrov ensemble (Russian: Ансамбль Александрова, Ensemble Alexandrova) is a performing ensemble that serves as the official army choir of the Russian armed forces.

The ensemble consists of a male choir, an orchestra, and a dance ensemble. The songs they perform range from Russian folk tunes to church hymns, operatic arias and popular music; examples include The Volga Boatmen's Song, Katyusha, Kalinka sample , Kernina and Ave Maria. After the Soviet period, the ensemble has continued performing, entertaining audiences both inside and outside Russia.

The second popular chois is Bolshoy Children Choir of the Central TV and Radio of the USSR

Recently I have found an very interesting documentary about tragic destiny one of the great star of this choir Sergey Paramonov:

The talented child star never adapted after his voice changed. The system was pretty cruel and after exploiting a young start for five years or so (like in John Kenneth Galbraith's quote "Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite"). After that he has left on the street with no money to sustain himself after he cannot perform anymore. But psychologically he already cannot be anything but a star and probably need help pf a psychologist to adapt. But nobody prepared him to the evitable changes and that trauma lead to chronic alcohol dependency and early death.  Still his best performances will long bring people joy and happiness:


Old News

[Jan 17, 2009]  Peresvet

Bella ciao

КАППРА - Попурри на темы армейских песен


Моя любимая (Moya Lyubimaya) - Анс. им. Александрова

Recommeded Links

Russian Red Army Choir Bolshoy Children Choir of the Central TV and Radio of the USSR

Other Choirs

Russian Basso Profondo on Youtube

Russian Red Army Choir

Alexandrov ensemble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Songs of war time

Classic Russian songs and romances


Ukrainian songs

Bolshoy Children Choir of the Central TV and Radio of the USSR

Recently I have found an very interesting documentary about tragic destiny one of the great star of this choir Sergey Paramonov:

The talented child star never adapted after his voice changed. The system was pretty cruel and after exploiting a young start for five years or so (like in John Kenneth Galbraith's quote "Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite"). After that he has left on the street with no money to sustain himself after he cannot perform anymore. But psychologically he already cannot be anything but a star and probably need help pf a psychologist to adapt. But nobody prepared him to the evitable changes and that trauma lead to chronic alcohol dependency and early death.  Still his best performances will long bring people joy and happiness:

Other Choirs

Beautiful Russian Folk Song Kremlin Capella Odnozuchno gremit kolokolchik


Copyright © 1996-2009 by Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov. was created as a service to the UN Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) in the author free time. Submit comments This document is an industrial compilation designed and created exclusively for educational use and is placed under the copyright of the Open Content License(OPL). Site uses AdSense so you need to be aware of Google privacy policy. Original materials copyright belong to respective owners. Quotes are made for educational purposes only in compliance with the fair use doctrine.


Last modified: August 09, 2009