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Russian Musical Humor on Youtube

News Russian Oldies
(main page)
Recommended Links Selected Songs Selected female singers Selected male singers Waltz Choirs Russian interpretation of foreigh hits
Romances Songs of the wartime Duets Old Russian Rock Groups Bards Russian Basso Profondo Classic Ukranian songs Songs from Famous Russian Cartoons Balalaika Hits

Old News ;-)

[Dec 2, 2009] Жили три холостяка - Пить ученым просто стыдно

[Dec 1, 1009] Артур Эйзен - Хотят ли русские войны (1983)

[Jun 10, 2009] Random findings

[Apr 20, 2009] Глюк'oZa -Gluk'oZa- - Танцуй, Россия!!! - Dance, Russia!!!

[Mar 28, 2009] Мираж и Комбинация - I will survive (Суперстар 2008)

[Mar 16, 2009] Эмиль Крупник Поручик Голицын по черновицки

[Mar 15, 2009] Эмиль Крупник Оле хадашка - русская мордашка

[Mar 12, 2009]  Михаил Боярский Нас в набитых трамваях болтает

[Mar 12, 2009] Валентин Гафт Песня бюрократа

[Mar 3, 2009] Timur Shaov

[Mar 2, 2009] К Критику

[Dec 31, 2008]

[Dec 30, 2008] KVN

[Dec 29, 2008] Андрей Миронов - куплеты про любовь

[Dec 26, 2008] Andrey Tsevelev

[Dec 25, 2008] Шансон Vs. Блатняк

[Dec 1, 2008] Verka Serduchka (Andrey Danilko)

[Nov 28, 2008] Nischastniy sluchay

[Jun 28, 2007] Анастасия Заворотнюк и Николай Басков

[Apr 18, 2007]  Минута Славы - 2.

[Apr 7, 2007] Елена Воробей - Пародии в Рождество

[Apr 5, 2008] КВН РУДН Желтогвардейский романс

[Apr 5, 2008] КВН Ария

[Apr 4, 2008] КВН Очарована, околдована (РУДН)

[Apr 3, 2008] Плачет девушка с автоматом (КВН НГУ)

Songs understandable without knowing Russian

Recommended Links

Copyright © 1996-2009 by Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov. was created as a service to the UN Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) in the author free time. Submit comments This document is an industrial compilation designed and created exclusively for educational use and is placed under the copyright of the Open Content License(OPL). Site uses AdSense so you need to be aware of Google privacy policy. Original materials copyright belong to respective owners. Quotes are made for educational purposes only in compliance with the fair use doctrine.


Last modified: December 03, 2009