ICE First Friday

DateFriday, May 7, 2010
Time11:00am - 1:00pm
LocationOutdoor - UC Paseo
DescriptionMonthly event to promote awareness about our center and provide free stuff to students.
ContactTrujillo, Ann Margaret
Contact Number458.4771
HostInclusion & Community Engagment Center

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Thanks for your feedback!

Your feedback will help us make this site better, thanks for you input!

Please give us your feedback on the calendar site.

Were you able to find the events you were looking for on the new calendar site?
No? What were you unable to find?
Was this new calendar site easy to navigate?
No? What made the site hard to navigate?
Did you encounter any bugs or problems?
Yes? What were the problems/bugs?
Would you like to see any improvements or additional features on the new calendar site?
Yes? Please write what features/improvements you would like to see.

How does this site make you feel overall?

  1. amazing!

  2. good

  3. eh

  4. confused

  5. bored

  6. no-likey

  7. fail

Anything else?