Elements of Style

Wondering how to accessorize the Firefox logo for that perfect presentation? Read on for details…

Color Palette

Shown here for your reference are the Mozilla and Firefox wordmark color designations. Be sure to note that the colors displayed here are for guidance only and should not be used for matching purposes. To match each color accurately, please follow the specific color number combinations shown below.

RGB: 214, 66, 3
Hex: D64203
CMYK: 11, 87, 100, 2

RGB: 102, 102, 102
Hex: 666666
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 70

Minimum Clear Space

Both the logo and the wordmark need room to breathe, so to speak, so please follow the minimum clear space guidelines shown below. This helps prevent dilution of the brand or confusion against background “noise”.

It’s also important to note that, to avoid the appearance of unsanctioned partnerships or co-branding, the logo should not be paired with or placed near logos or other corporate entities without Mozilla’s prior approval.

Miminum Clear Space

The minimum clear space, or “safe zone” is equal to “x” (1/8 the height of the Firefox logo, excluding the drop shadow, or 1/3 the height of the “F” in the Firefox wordmark).

Text & Typography

The official Mozilla Firefox typeface is from the FF Meta type family and was selected for its clear, concise, modern, strong forms. FF Meta is available at Font Shop International.

Very important note: do not try to recreate the Mozilla or Firefox wordmarks by simply typing the words using the Meta font. Instead, please download the actual logos from our downloads page.

FF Meta font sample

We’ve included this information about the Meta font for your reference, but its use is not mandatory for community art projects (besides using the proper wordmarks, of course).

Also, if you type “Mozilla” or “Firefox” in a sentence it can take on the size, font and coloring of the text around it. But if it’s used as an official wordmark then it must abide by all the requirements detailed in this style guide.