Protect the Fox (and More!)

Help us safeguard the Mozilla trademarks by reporting misuse.

Please use this form to report any websites that are:

  1. Charging for Firefox, Thunderbird, or any of the Mozilla products.
  2. Collecting personal information as a condition to download any of the Mozilla software.
  3. Using the Mozilla trademarks to mislead the public into thinking the site is an official Mozilla site or sponsored by Mozilla.
  4. Using the Mozilla trademarks (including logos) in violation of our Trademark Policy (e.g., trademark is modified or used for commercial purposes).
  5. Distributing modified versions of Firefox, or any of our Mozilla software, and still using the trademark. Note: anyone may modify Mozilla software, but once modified, it may no longer use Mozilla trademark(s) (e.g., be called Firefox) without a license. If someone is distributing a modified version of Firefox and still calling it Firefox without a license from us, that is a violation of our Trademark Policy.

Once you have reported the site, we will analyze it and, if necessary, take the appropriate action.

As always, it’s our community members that help us create such great products and ensure that they remain great.

Thank you for your help.

The URL of the violating website e.g.

To select multiple trademarks, use Ctrl + Click (Command + Click on Mac)

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Please describe what you are attaching.

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