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International atheist conference in Copenhagen

Gods & Politics

June, 18–20 at the Royal Danish Library ("The Black Diamond")

Conference website:

Co-organized by: Ateistisk Selskab (Danish Atheist Society) and Atheist Alliance International

Copenhagen Declaration on Religion in Public Life

The recent Gods and Politics conference in Copenhagen adopted the following Declaration on Religion in Public Life. The conference was the first European event of Atheist Alliance International, and was co-hosted by AAI and the Danish Atheist Society.

German bus campaign


Tour busIBKA supported the secular advertising campaign in Germany.

Since almost all local transport authorities refused to accept the ad on their buses, the campaign conducted a bus tour through Germany from May 30 to June 18, 2009.

AAI Calls for Obama to Turn Down BSA Presidency

AAI Press Release, January 15, 2009

Atheist Alliance International has joined other national atheist, humanist, freethought and secular organization leaders to call on President-Elect Barack Obama to decline the role of honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America because of its discriminatory policies of excluding atheist and gay youths and adults from participating in its organization.

Fee for leaving church is brought before European Court of Human Rights

Press release of December 2, 2008 (Translation from German)

The International League of Non-Religious and Atheists (German: Internationaler Bund der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten, IBKA) is supporting a complaint before the European Court of Human Rights against the fee for leaving a church in North-Rhine Westphalia. "We are sticking to our opinion that a fee for leaving a church infringes the freedom of religion and conscience," IBKA chairman Rudolf Ladwig said. The association of non-religious had already supported the previous proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court but the constitutional complaint was dismissed.

IBKA Award 2008

Photos from the award ceremony

"Most American secularists have few expectations..."

An Interview with AAI president Stuart Bechman about politics and religion and the United States presidential election

Two years IBKA North-Rhine Westphalia

Summer celebration at Cologne

IBKA NRW executive committee with tart

On September 6, 2008 the well-attended summer celebration of IBKA's North-Rhine Westphalia chapter took place. A descriptive report can be found at the Humanist Press Service (German).

Seventh World Atheist Conference

Atheist Centre is holding the Seventh World Atheist Conference at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India, on January 5-7, 2009 (Monday through Wednesday) on the theme “March of Atheism”.

India is not only a land of religion, but also of atheism, humanism, rationalism, secularism and forethought. The whole world is moving slowly, but steadily marching towards a post-religious society.

MySpace atheist group restored after deletion

The MySpace Atheist and Agnostic Group, which had been deleted, was restored.

MySpace Atheist and Agnostic Group Restored (sort of) (Secular Student Alliance)


Brussels Declaration

IBKA supports the Brussels Declaration. (2007-Mar-20)