Contact Information

Street address:

American Thinker
6331 Fairmount Ave., #365
El Cerrito, CA 94530

Note that American Thinker only accepts submission of material for publication via email. We cannot accept manuscripts mailed to us.

Before submitting material to American Thinker via email, please read the American Thinker guidelines for submissions:

American Thinker guidelines for submissions

Introductory Email

Put SUBMISSION (all caps)  in the subject line of your email. Send it to

A brief note should accompany the email submission. The note should state (in less than two sentences) an outline of the content of the submission. The writer's name and a return email address are required.

Put your name and email address at the top of your manuscript.
Original material only

American Thinker publishes previously unpublished material only. We are not an aggregator of material available elsewhere. AT will only review unpublished manuscripts. Please do not submit material which has appeared on the web, including on a personal website or blog. After publication, authors are free to post their own material to other websites, so long as they note its prior publication on AT, and provide a hyperlink to the original.


American Thinker publishes only original exclusive material. Please do not send manuscripts that are being sent to multiple sites, or which have been published elsewhere, including on a personal blog. Authors are free to specify a deadline by which the manuscript will be sent elsewhere. Once American Thinker has published the piece and it resides in our archives, subsequent literary rights become the property of the author, and the author may permit re-publication. We request that AT be credited as the original publisher and hyperlinked.

Blogs and articles

American Thinker
is divided into two sections: blogs and articles.

Blogs generally cover breaking news. We prefer to add value, in the form of analysis, links to related items, and other original input into recently-published material. Please keep use of quotations within Fair Use copyright guidelines. In practical terms, this means keeping quoted material under 200 words per item quoted, and substantially less if the original item is short. We cannot reproduce copyrighted wire service photos, and do not quote AP stories at all. Respect the intellectual property of those who provide the grist for your own thinking. If you rely on the original reporting of others, credit them by name, with a hyperlink to the source(s) you used.

Articles provide analysis and new information on topics of importance to Americans. We want to advance the national conversation with fresh insight. Polemics for their own sake and recapitulations of what has been published elsewhere are not normally of interest.

Because of the number of submissions received, notification of the status of the submission may not be possible.

Open letters

In general, we do not publish open letters. Exceptions can be made when the author has special standing in a particular issue -- for example, a defendant in a legal case.

Parodies and satire

Humor must be witty, and our standards are high. Satire has the highest rate of rejection of any category of of submission. We are not interested in parodies, rewrites of historic documents, and alternative words for popular songs. We welcome wit in our serious articles, of course.

Please observe the following guidelines for manuscript preparation:

Word Limits

Blogs can vary in length. Articles should be 800 to 1,200 words in length. (Articles may be longer than 1,200 words at the publisher's discretion and with the editor's permission.)

Author's Credit

The writer may include an "author's credit" that will appear at the bottom of the article if the submission is accepted for publication. This credit may include a link to the author's website or blog. The "author's credit" should be no longer than 25 words, including your email address, if you wish to provide it.

Form for Submissions

Submissions in MSWord are preferred. A submission may be sent as an email text if it conforms to the other requirements for publication. Following the title, type in your name, email address, and date of submission.


Main text should appear in Times New Roman. Block quotations should appear in Arial.


If you have charts, graphs, pictures, or other visual materials, attach them as gif or jpg files to your email. Please note that we cannot publish copyrighted material without permission of the owner, so news service photos and the like cannot be used.

General Format

All text should be flush left and aligned left. No indentations. All text should be single spaced with a double space between paragraphs.

Block Quotations

Block quotations should be flush left, aligned left, and in a different font (Arial) than the main text (Times New Roman). Do not place quotation marks around block quotes. Do not use the space bar to indent text.

Font Style

Do not use bold face font. Use italics sparingly. Do not italicize the names of publications, but do italicize the titles of books.

Quotations and punctuation

Place commas and periods inside the closing quotation mark at the conclusion of a quote.


Do not use all-caps for emphasis. Capitalize the first word of the title, and any proper nouns. Do not capitalize every word in the title.


If you have any tables in your work, please use the table function on Microsoft Word. Do not use the spacebar to create tables.


Hyperlinking to a source (rather than using an endnote) is the preferred method for fact verification. Source all your quotes and any important factual contentions. Embed hyperlinks if possible. If you cannot embed, then the URL of the source should be pasted into the text following the word to serve as the hyperlink:

This link to American Thinker pastes the URL into the text.

This is a link to American Thinker already embedded in a hyperlink.


If the source is not available as a link an endnote can be used. The endnote should contain (at a minimum) the title of the work, the author, date of publication, apposite page number.

Factual Verification

Writers should source, verify and then double-check all facts in their submissions. Wikipedia, something you heard on the radio, and nearly all bloggers are not definitive sources. Do not write speculatively about factual information. Do not guess or approximate unless you have expert knowledge.

Style Guide

Write in clear and direct sentences whenever possible. Avoid run-on sentences. Focus on fact and logic more than your own opinions. Grammar and punctuation should conform to The Chicago Manual of Style.


Avoid overstatement, clichés, and emotionalism. In general, less is more when it comes to rhetoric. If there is humor, it should be original and witty.

American Thinker will not consider any material which contains anything which could be construed as a threat, a call to violence or revolution, or any other illegal activity. Our mission is in the realm of civil discussion.


Writers need to avoid the excessive use of pronouns like "this," "it," "that," and "they." Properly affirming all antecedents is an essential element for clear and accessible writing. Whenever possible synonyms should be used in place of pronouns.

Here is an example of an improperly affirmed antecedent:

"Jane and Mary watched the cars. They were racing."
Notice that the reader is left wondering who or what is racing. The writer forces the reader to guess the referent of the pronoun "they."

These sentences would be properly written (assuming the cars -- not Jane and Mary -- are racing): "Jane and Mary watched the cars. The autos were racing."

Avoid use of the personal pronoun "I" as much as possible.

Focus on the Reader

Attention to the perspective and information needs of the readers is necessary for writing to be effective. Presume that readers are impatient and have a world of choices a click or two away, so get to the point as clearly and economically as possible. Tell the reader what the article is about and why the reader should care in the lead sentences.

Thank-you for your interest in being published on American Thinker.