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COMMENTARY: True Confessions, an Open Letter by Larry Kramer

Larry Kramer, cofounder of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, now GMHC, writes an open letter regarding the organization’s planned move out of the Chelsea neighborhood in Manhattan, taking aim at it’s executives and the “Dracula” owner of the current building.


Regarding the proposed move of the GMHC, playwright and gay rights activists Larry Kramer wrote this open letter, dated June 9, 2010.

* * * * *

Sometimes I feel like an asshole, sending these things out to what seems like half the world, all the people I know or ever knew or don't know at all, whom I think might help, might write stories about what's bugging me, this issue at hand, so awful I think, but no one joins me in thinking this way, or so it always seems. Newspapers don't pick it up, or TV or, well maybe a blog or two, I hear that's the way to go but I am from the days of newsprint and those days are gone, even for assholes who think they're still here, and viable, and useful, and can change things, like I try to do. You see, I get these bugs up my ass, things bug me when they're wrong, things about things I care about, which is mostly always all gay stuff, my people I call us, though no one else of us calls us that, no one thinks we're each other's people, which is too bad, another bummer. I get this notion I can change things if I scream loud enough and email enough people and expose the wrongs, the hateful wrongs. Once in a while I do, not often, and I try and pacify myself by hoping that eventually people say, you're right, Larry was right, we should have listened to Larry. Most of the time I don't get that, I get myself out there on some issue nobody gives a shit about, like once-fine organizations now run by idiots and second-raters, who are causing pain to the people they're supposed to love and take care of, which are, like I said, my people. It's real hard to get idiots and second-raters to change, to leave the once-fine organization so the house can be cleaned up a bit. Yes, it's hard to get them to leave, especially when you call them idiots and second-raters, which is obvious to me and others but not, of course to them. So changing things is even harder.

Such is the case now where we've got this once fine and noble place, once called Gay Men's Health Crisis, now stripped of the nobility of its once proud gay association, GMHC it is nakedly named now, and it has a board of idiots and a once OK CEO who has fallen into exhausted second-ratedness and really has to be told by somebody to please, please, leave the place, go take a rest, let some new air in and hope it will be a good change, a visionary change, like I really know all of those idiot board members once wanted to be visionaries themselves, somewhere along the journeys of our lives, before they missed that boat.

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Reader Comments
  • Name: Billy K
    Date posted: 6/19/2010 3:58:52 PM
    Hometown: Tarrytown, NY


    Please, just do as he says! It will shut him up for a little while, and you know he is right. I really want to read his book, and I really want GMHC to get back to work the way it did before it became a business. Thanks, Larry. I love you.

  • Name: Manny Espinola
    Date posted: 6/17/2010 12:34:09 PM
    Hometown: Manila, Philippines


    Don't you dare quit now you ornery little freak! "Faggots" gave me a moral kick out of the closet and gave me balls to seek my own kind - never looked back since. Get that book done already and get your scrawny ass back on the war front!

  • Name: JR in SF
    Date posted: 6/16/2010 11:46:50 AM
    Hometown: San Francisco


    Typical Kramer. Half the article about himself and how smart and unimpeachable he is and how important his opinions are and how everyone else is an idiot. I used to respect this man, but calling those who don't agree with his opionions "idiots" immediately lessens whatever crediibility or relevance those opions might hold. Gays are "his people"...unless you disagree with him.

  • Name: a. mcewen
    Date posted: 6/15/2010 10:32:34 PM
    Hometown: columbia, sc


    I respect Larry Kramer, but here is the problem - it took him over two pages to get to the gist of his point. That's a serious problem as far as I am concerned.

  • Name: Bill
    Date posted: 6/15/2010 7:41:42 PM
    Hometown: Arlington


    @ken dukoff - Oh god, don't encourage him! When has Kramer every criticized anything AND offered constructive solutions? TRY NEVER.

  • Name: ken dukoff
    Date posted: 6/15/2010 6:51:32 PM
    Hometown: niagara falls


    Well, I do pay attention to Larry Kramer. I wish there were 10 million Larry Kramers all screaming everywhere in everyones faces.. Mr. Kramer , Please post the problem, the solution, And all that which is needed to be in the solution to the problem. A bitch without a solution is just a bitch. Please keep screaming forever.

  • Name: Bill
    Date posted: 6/15/2010 3:42:41 PM
    Hometown: Arlington


    Oh god - spare us from the continued self-righteousness of Kramer. Larry -- don't you get it -- no one is listening to you.

  • Name: Richard Noble
    Date posted: 6/14/2010 7:34:37 PM
    Hometown: Palm Springs


    You are a hero to me even if you did try to break my hand at the March on Washington when you, David Mixner and I walked in front of the White House, remember me..? in the middle of you two? Someday maybe you'll talk to me and respect me as I do you. Someone had to raise hell in LA and so I did.

  • Name: Owen
    Date posted: 6/14/2010 5:10:23 PM
    Hometown: W. Hollywood


    Thank you Larry!!! I only hope someone is listening to you besides Adam and myself. You're irreplacable Larry.

  • Name: Adam
    Date posted: 6/14/2010 4:41:38 PM
    Hometown: Brooklyn, NY


    I love you, Larry. Thank you.

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