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Police Respond to Videotaped SF Pride Violence 

A spokeswoman for the San Francisco Police Department has responded to video footage that turned up online showing officers beating and then arresting several people during the city’s gay pride festival.

Click here to watch the footage.

“It's an ongoing investigation, but use of force...it's why we try to talk to people, but when we have no other option, use of force is required, unfortunately,' SF Police spokeswoman Lt. Lyn Tomioka said. "But to the public, it never looks pretty. The officers gave commands, which were ignored. When an officer gives an order to move or to stop, those are orders, and they need to be complied with.'"

The video footage is the latest report of violence from this year’s pride. Three people were wounded in a shooting last weekend at the "Pink Saturday" festivities in The Castro.
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Reader Comments
  • Name: Mike
    Date posted: 7/5/2010 1:40:37 PM
    Hometown: Albany


    I was once hit over the head by a police officer in Boston for trying to be a witness to a car accident in Boston in which the Police were clearly at fault That said I am accutely aware of police over reaction and violence. This was not police violence!! This was police doing their job and breaking up a fight only to be attacked by a crowd some of which were not willing to let the police do their jobs. The police used appropriate force to defend themselves and restrain those causing the violence. Some in the crowd just saw the police reaction and reacted negatively to the force. Others such as the guy who's voice you heard periodically throughout the video realized the police were trying to keep the peace by breaking up a fight and were rewarded for their service by being attacked. In this case the police deserve our thanks.

  • Name: D9W
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 11:59:38 PM
    Hometown: Seattle WA


    MG! If you watch to the end of the video you can see the Cops trying to cover up what they were doing. If they were not doing something wrong why are the cops trying to cover it up? Here in Seattle the cops video record their arrest, so why cant the public record the police actions?

  • Name: Lance
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 4:38:31 PM
    Hometown: Delaware


    Just like Stonewall.

  • Name: melvin
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 2:11:05 PM
    Hometown: South Dakota


    Were those women part of the gay community, or just hanging out with them? That video shows that no matter what the sexual orientation, mob behavior rises its ugly head. I wonder how many of those folks in that video were actually gay. Police have a terrific job dealing with those who have little respect, alcohol inducements, anger etc and yet still maintain a decorum of professionalism. That may be their job, but they are human also. I do remember life 41 years ago when police harassed us in the bars and on the streets, so the community must remain vigilant on their own behaviors.

  • Name: Sini
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 12:12:48 PM
    Hometown: Aliso Viejo


    If you don't want to get beaten by a cop, try 1) keeping your mouth shut and 2) do what they instruct you to do. Do a Google search for "Chris Rock Police Training Video". It's not rocket science!

  • Name: doug
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 11:38:58 AM
    Hometown: Gay Mecca


    I have a FANTASTIC idea! How about we limit Gay Pride celebrations to GAYS ONLY!!! Screen out the breeders and I can say with 90% assuredness that the violence problem will VANISH!!! These Pride celebrations of ours(and it is just that: OURS)were soooo much nicer when it was just US attending! San francisco is still a FANTASTIC city and will be even better when the F*@king breeders are removed PERMANENTLY!!!

  • Name: bob
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 4:29:38 AM
    Hometown: palm springs


    Having been to many Gay Pride festivals, I find it hard to believe these were 'Gay Folks'...I have never experienced any violence...and the police...well, pretty obvious that they said 'move on people'...and they did not listen, and some chose to get in on the zoo...This is one time I don't think the police over reacted...'sumpin taint right' in this...no investigation needed...the video will prove that...in my opinion, but I was not there...

  • Name: Rick Zam
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 3:46:21 AM
    Hometown: Memphis


    mhhh... Are we due for another Stonewall Riot?

  • Name: "Don't Taz -Shoot us Bro!"
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 2:48:14 AM
    Hometown: So-Cal


    Did S.F. Pride last year and its nothing like L.A. Pride . Tens of thousands of non-LGBT come from the east bay and other environs to "party" and they aint all about "LGBT Pride". Thousands upon thousands of less than civilized, socially challenged, lower income bored youth . With the Murder trial of the transit police officer so hot it had to be moved down here still fresh in every ones memory in the entire bay area this is a Powder Keg! These Cops are lucky they were not beaten down by the crowd. It is obvious that they did not use excessive force but the atmosphere is so charged right now. I hope we don't have another "Rodney King Riot' if the cop that shot the youth on the ground with his hands behind his back in front of dozens of witnesses and posted on you tube is not charged with murder or at least manslaughter. Yes -Cop is White and Dead youth was black.

  • Name: Shanika
    Date posted: 7/3/2010 10:50:46 PM
    Hometown: NYC


    It's time for the LGBT community to find a new "gay capitol" in the States. San Francisco is so over and every day it becomes a cess pool of more scum.

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