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View From Washington: Straight WH Allies

COMMENTARY: Can advisers be fierce advocates on LGBT issues without being LGBT? White House policy chief Melody Barnes argued they could when asked about the lack of a senior LGBT official in Obama's inner circle.

Senior White House adviser Melody Barnes was in the unenviable position Thursday of fielding questions from eight LGBT reporters and bloggers — a first-of-its-kind briefing 18 months into an administration whose commander in chief hasn’t given a single interview to an LGBT outlet nor taken a single question from one.

Yesterday I attempted to squeeze the news from the meeting (other than the fact that it happened), which involved no new policy announcements and was essentially a reiteration of things most people who have been following LGBT concerns closely probably already know.

But one issue that surfaced several different ways in questions asked by Chris Geidner of Metro Weekly, Pam Spaulding of Pam’s House Blend, and Joe Sudbay of AmericaBlog was why there isn’t a high-level LGBT adviser somewhere in Obama’s inner circle — either someone who is LGBT and has direct access to the president or someone who has direct access and is specifically responsible for advocating on behalf of LGBT people.

Barnes, who is as knowledgeable about LGBT policy as any one of us could hope and who has worked on gay issues for over a decade (including eight years in Sen. Ted Kennedy’s office) and who — I would hazard to guess — is probably the strongest advocate for LGBT causes in Obama’s cohort of senior advisers, gave a very thoughtful answer. It’s an answer that I don’t entirely agree with but that's worthy of debate, and so, at the risk of boring readers, I am going to run a good chunk of her answer before playing devil’s advocate.

Melody Barnes: “I think that there are a number of very senior members of this administration, whether it be Rahm [Emanuel] or Valerie [Jarrett] or me or Jim [Messina] that are not gay or lesbian for whom these issues are important and [who] have conversations and provide advice to the president on these issues. And I think that it is helpful and important to have people — and before you react to this I want to follow this up — who are not gay or lesbian or transgender who care about these issues and are advocating for them in the White House.

“It was Rahm who was pushing the hospital visitation piece. The chief of staff to the president went to the Oval Office and said, ‘I think that this is something important that we need to do.’
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Reader Comments
  • Name: doug
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 10:52:26 PM
    Hometown: vb


    that's WOULDN'T have wasted 2 years (like Obama)......

  • Name: doug
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 7:20:04 PM
    Hometown: vb


    because Hillary had 16 years experience dealing with Republicans and would have wasted 2 years watering things down to get them on her side- she would have known that was impossible and gone ahead and did what needed to be done. Plus- she extended benfits/rights and protections at State long beofre the Pres attempt anything on our behalf.

  • Name: maybair
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 4:05:47 PM
    Hometown: new york


    Why do you idiots believe Hilary would've done any better? She held the same positions as he did, and she would've also employed clintonians responsible for DADT, DOMA etc. I am disappointed with Obama, but I don't see how Hillary would've been better on LGBT rights.

  • Name: jon
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 2:43:48 PM
    Hometown: norfolk


    I hope Hillary leaves and runs against him in 12....always got a gay vibe off Rahm- maybe it's the Julliard/ballet background

  • Name: Greg
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 9:40:02 AM
    Hometown: Providence RI


    She defends Rahm Emanuel as the main champion of gay stuff. Although I guess I'm relieved to hear he's cussing up a fucking storm for us occasionally in the "fucking retarded" White House, it's already known that Rahm is fucking leaving later this year. (Apparently you need to cuss at No Drama Obama to really get his attention on anything.) Others she mentions may be leaving too, so their replacements could be significant. Obama just doesn't seem to care much about gay stuff, so it does seem it would help if there were a gay adviser - ideally one who cusses a lot - to get his attention once in awhile!

  • Name: Robert
    Date posted: 7/4/2010 3:36:18 AM
    Hometown: Boston, MA


    Well damn! Ainit it nice that the folks up in the big house is representin fo me! Glory! The promised land is come! Can this Administration be any more insulting!? What are we? A group of flower arrangers hired for the entertaiment of the White House! If they do not see that their belittleing behavior is not any different than that of the Republicans then they do not deserve my vote. If you want someone to represent Queer people in the White Houes, elect a Queer President! DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME! I CAN DO IT ON MY OWN!

  • Name: mike
    Date posted: 7/3/2010 5:57:46 PM
    Hometown: cincinnati


    No straight person could take the place of a gay person. There should be one cabinet position for a gay person. A straight person will only offer to include a gay such as for picnics, easter egg hunts, etc. Sweet! These are photo opportunities and nothing more. Gays need to be included in Mr. Inclusive's administration. Obama is just reminding us of our second class status.

  • Name: Craig
    Date posted: 7/3/2010 4:38:29 PM
    Hometown: W.C.


    Obama believes he is a gifted orator. He believes that he can quell dissatisfaction, push through any agenda. unite all opposition by giving a speech. After all that is how he was elected, isn't it? He had no track record, but man he could sure give a good speech. And, we all bought it. The guy is learning politics as he goes. And, I truly believe that the only reason that the above meeting was given is because re-election is just around the corner I personally have started to cringe every time he makes what should be a ten to fifteen minute speech and he goes on and on and on for an hour. Just, shut up and do something.

  • Name: doug
    Date posted: 7/3/2010 1:58:12 PM
    Hometown: vb


    I don't want to see any 'where would we be with McCain/Palin' posts- that's a childish argument- Barrack won off promises he made and has failed to deliver on- playing 'what if' isn't constructive.

  • Name: Mark
    Date posted: 7/3/2010 12:24:39 PM
    Hometown: Tesuque


    Hillary 2012

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