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Out in Cuba

Join photographer Byron Motley on a photo tour of Havana -- a journey few Americans get to take  -- and get up close and personal with Cuba’s gay and transgender community.


Join photographer Byron Motley on a photo tour of Havana -- a journey few Americans get to take  -- and get up close and personal with Cuba’s gay and transgender community.

Also, read our interview with gay and transgender rights activist Mariela Castro Espín, the niece of Fidel Castro.

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Reader Comments
  • Name: P. Rodriguez
    Date posted: 12/8/2009 7:06:42 AM
    Hometown: Washington DC


    Qué dramático! Pero ya se te pasará... o no.

  • Name: José Pimienta
    Date posted: 9/19/2009 6:42:40 PM
    Hometown: Miami


    Para el maricón con el tatuaje del Ché en la foto #17: Tu foto es lo más asqueroso y repulsivo que he visto en todo lo que llevo de vida. Espero este mensaje de alguna forma llegue a tí para que te enteres de que no vales nada como ser humano y mucho menos como maricón, porque no eres digno tampoco de llevar ese nombre. Si tuvieras dignidad, auto estima y un poquitín de conocimiento sobre la historia de tu país, que es también el mío, sabrías con creces que ese asesino que llevas tan orgullosamente dibujado en la pierna fusiló y descuartizó a cientos de maricones como tú y como yo. Y encima de no valer nada como ser humano ni como maricón, eres una loca analfabeta y sin cultura ninguna pués obviamente no te molestaste en verificar y corroborar todas las mentiras que te contaron en la escuela al campo y desconoces las verdaderas hazañas del Carnicero de La Cabaña. También existe la posibilidad de que el tatuaje no sea real. Quizás sea todo planeado y ejecutado por tu maquiavélico desgobierno para joder y provocar al exilio vertical. Si es así, y te prestaste para que te dibujaran un tatuaje que después se te caerá con agua y jabón, eres aún más bajo, porque perteneces a esa gran mayoría de cubanos sin moral que está "en venta al mejor postor" y que hace cualquier cosa por un par de jeans y unos dólares. Lo que has hecho es lo mismo que si un judío llevase un tatuaje de Hitler. Pero eso jamás lo verás. Los judíos sí tienen orgullo, auto estima y dignidad, y nunca olvidan, algo de lo cual carecen los maricones cubanos de la isla maldita y los maricones cubanos del exilio que viajan constantemente a Cuba a pagar pingueros y a regalarle divisas a la misma dictadura que un día los persiguió, los encerró en campos de concentración, los asesinó, y después botó a los que quedaban del país como la escoria más repugnante durante el éxodo del Mariel. Tenía razón La Fidelísima. Maricones como tú y como ésos que regresan se merecen todo lo que les tenía preparado el Ché. Lástima que no llegó a terminar su obra.

  • Name: Ann Montague
    Date posted: 9/19/2009 4:51:52 PM
    Hometown: Salem, OR


    Thank you Advocate for your article on Mariela Castro Espin. I have admired her advocacy and she is certainly "a rebel in a family of rebels". She has always spoken out. At times I am sure to the consternation of her uncle and father. She has been critical of many things in Cuba. The Cuba and the revolution she loves. I think we will see her continue and she will play an important part in the ongoing changes. Hopefully she can also educate the many people in the United States about Cuba. But the best way to to destroy myths is to end the unconstitutional ban on U.S travel to Cuba. Hopefully the upcoming vote in Congress will help change our relationship with our neighbor.

  • Name: Francis Costello
    Date posted: 9/17/2009 1:51:16 PM
    Hometown: Little Rock, AK


    The Advocate has done its revolutionary duty by printing this useless report of Gay life in Cuba today. In a country where there are no basic freedoms for anybody; where a drunk straight black man is sent to prison for yelling on camera: I'm hungry.... there's no food in this country....! (see You Tube under Panfilo or Jama) Mariela Castro wants American Gays to believe that the island she and her family own is turning into Gay Shangri La. Come on, Advocate! How many paid Cuban vacations are your writers getting from Mariela in exchange for the misinformation? The only true statement in the whole piece is that in Cuba foreign Gays can hook up with young straight studs for the price of a t-shirt or a meal. That, by itself reveals the state of affairs in that unfortunate country under the Castro dynasty.

  • Name: Lou
    Date posted: 9/16/2009 12:23:40 AM
    Hometown: Minneapolis, MN


    Mariela Castro Espín became a "champion" for gay and lesbian issues because that is that the communist party told her to do. There's a lot of talk about newly found gay rights in Cuba, but when you start from a point where any man walking down the street and wearing tight pants could be arrested and jailed on suspicion of homosexuality; and where gays were routinely rounded up at the parks and jailed... of course there's going to be some progress. The final irony is that gay youth would walk around with a tatoo of Che Guevara, who personally ordered homosexuals rounded up, placed in concentration camps and eventually killed by firing squads. Thousands of gay men were massacred by this thug and this "revolution".

  • Name: Carlos
    Date posted: 9/15/2009 7:11:05 PM
    Hometown: Montreal/Canada


    Well... I am not so sure about gay rights in Cuba. Cuba is a country without freedom, you can not go out of the country, you work very hard and you will receive nothing in return. Cominist Cuba is dead... the only person who refuses to accept is Fidel and his popeteers. Visiting Cuba as a tourist is not good either you will be putting more moneis in Fedel's baking account.

  • Name: Marcel Hatch
    Date posted: 9/15/2009 2:13:02 PM
    Hometown: Vancouver


    Congratulations to Michael Rowe for a great story and Byron Motley for fabulous photos about life in Cuba for LGBTs. Kudos to the Advocate for printing it! The pace of change for island LGBTs is really inspirational. My organization, Cuba Education Tours, has been helping Americans visit Cuba for the last ten years. We often include meetings with CENESEX and other organizations working for gender and sexual equality such as the Federation of Cuban Women, and Linea Ayuda (an AIDS awareness and prevention group). While U.S. travel regulations prevent most Americans from visiting the island, there are exceptions for people involved full time in education, social justice advocacy, social work and other professions. We have a website that explains the process at www.LegalCubaTravel.com. Cuba is unforgettable eye-opening experience. Its people are kind, warm and effusive. It's a very safe place for LGBTs as queer bashing is unheard of. For those who can go, now is the best time to do so.

  • Name: Skipper
    Date posted: 9/15/2009 11:36:43 AM
    Hometown: U.S.A.


    Seems like Cuba is a lot more liberated than the United States. Little surprise there.

  • Name: Christer
    Date posted: 9/15/2009 10:10:14 AM
    Hometown: Vancouver, WA


    Very nice and interesting article, I like to go Cuba some day.

  • Name: Guillermo
    Date posted: 9/14/2009 11:22:38 PM
    Hometown: Chicago, IL


    I really enjoyed looking at these photographs of gay life in Cuba. You can see a sense of community forming, which is very nice to see. I have alot of admiration for the Cuban people who make the best of what little they have. In the end, all the matters are the lasting and meaningful relationships you build and not the materials things we have or need more of.

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