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The State of the Union's Gay Guest

As the president gears up for his first State of the Union Address, a gay business owner from Indiana makes the trek to Washington, D.C., to sit with the first lady.


As President Barack Obama makes his final preparations to address Congress and the nation on his accomplishments in office and the year ahead, Indiana business owner Trevor Yager is making preparations of his own to head to Washington, D.C. Yager will be in the crowd for the president's first State of the Union address, where Obama will outline his plans for the economy, health care reform, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is expected to address the military's ban on openly gay troops.

Yager is a principal of Indianapolis's TrendyMinds, a marketing and advertising agency with several national and local clients. In the past year Trendy Minds has grown 200%, doubling its number of employees, gaining 15 new accounts, and renovating its space to accommodate such growth. The company is certified as a gay-owned business by the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, which suggested TrendyMinds be acknowledged by the White House.
Yager talked to Advocate.com about how being an openly gay business owner in a conservative state can make him a little nervous and exactly what he thinks of Obama's progress on gay rights.

Advocate.com: How did you find out that you were invited to attend the State of the Union address?
Trevor Yager: We're a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, and they have a long-standing relationship with Obama. He invited them to the White House one week after he became president. So the White House reached out to them, and said, "We would like to profile some of your members." So they reached out to various groups, and we were one of them. We wrote a three-paragraph statement on our company and what we've been doing over the last year and sent that on to NGLCC, and they took it up the ranks and over to the White House. The White House liked it, and they asked for more information from me. They asked for my name, date of birth, social security number, and then I didn't hear anything. So we were just kind of waiting, and then I got a call from [White House staffer] Brian Bond on Friday night, saying that the president and first lady had extended an invitation for me to come out to Washington. It's been neat to be a part of it and to gear up to go.

Do you know where you'll be sitting?
I'm going to be seated with the first lady in the box, but I don't know where.

We've been informed that the president will likely address "don't ask, don't tell" during his address. What else do you expect to hear from him on Wednesday night concerning gay issues?
I don't know — if we look at what's happening right now, across the playing field, we know that the economy is going to be a major focus. As far as the other things, I'm not sure if he is going to address that or overarching civil rights issues, and more than just "don't ask, don't tell." We're all fighting for equality and equal representation, so it's hard to say — I think it's impressive that we do have a president in office who does care about us, despite what some may think as far as the speed with which some things are happening.

Just looking at the relationships that the White House has built with NGLCC should show that they definitely care about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. It's a big deal. With everything, things do take time. I can't imagine the job that he has, as far as moving everybody forward and getting so many different things done. Sometimes things going forward may not be quick enough for some.

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Reader Comments
  • Name: Sam B.
    Date posted: 1/28/2010 8:41:27 PM
    Hometown: Menlo Park


    The closeted jackass, Trevor Yager (who at least had makeup to cover that horrible complexion) was on CNN this morning. Not ONCE did he ever say he was gay. NOT ONCE did he say he owned a gay business or why he was asked to join the First Lady. The commentator got to the very end of the segment and finally had to spell it out for him - that he was probably the first openly gay man to be invited to sit for the SOTU - and he looked mortified as hell - as though he were hoping that no one from Indianapolis was watching lest someone find out he's a friend of Dorothy - AND he never acknowledged her implied question about being gay. OH - and for the nimrod who thinks his business is doing so well because Trendyminds grew 200% - don't think it was such a huge accomplishment - he went from 3 employees (not including himself) to 7 (including himself). Wow - he hired 3 people. HE DOES NOTHING FOR THE GAY COMMUNITY EXCEPT TAKE. Gee - sorta like Obama.

  • Name: Gerardo
    Date posted: 1/28/2010 6:29:40 PM
    Hometown: Mexico City


    Most gay Americans that post comments in this site critizice Pres. Obama and Democrats in general for not supporting gay rights fast enough. Sadly, Republicans have a much worse record in these matters. It seems to me that religion plays a very important role in your country´s politics. When I was young I admired your country because it seemed to go in the direction of more freedom and openness for everybody, women, gays etc... Now you are stuck, and you blame your allies in politics, which are the Democrats, unaware of the fascist tendencies of your true ennemies, the Republican religious right. I do not envy the future of your country relating to gay rights.

  • Name: Eric
    Date posted: 1/27/2010 5:49:28 PM
    Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana


    Hooray for Trendy Minds and Mr. Yager. Thank you for representing gay Hoosiers, and congrats on your successes.

  • Name: Leone M.
    Date posted: 1/27/2010 5:41:17 PM
    Hometown: Montpelier, OH


    Being an upcoming entrepreneur myself, I really don't see what sexuality has to do with a profitable business. "200% growth" sounds impressive no matter the owner...You go TrendyMinds!

  • Name: Sandy Rhodes
    Date posted: 1/27/2010 4:59:13 PM
    Hometown: Pebble Beach


    Ew - a closet case - with a really bad complexion. He's the best the White House could do to include a gay business owner?

  • Name: Sam B.
    Date posted: 1/27/2010 4:56:13 PM
    Hometown: Menlo Park


    OOPS! I should have looked at their entire website to see all the glowing things they do for the Gay Community, and how many times they mention they are a Gay business, and their involvement with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, which they expound on again and again. OH - WAIT! I made a mistake. They DO NOT mention they are a gay-owned business, nor do they mention one word about being gay, the gay community, their involvement with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, or any other gay-related topics. ALMOST AS IF THEY WERE ASHAMED ABOUT THEIR GAYNESS. So big fucking deal - a closet case - working for a closeted business - gets to sit with the First Lady. Wow, I really AM impressed on how far the Obama administration has gone to be so INCLUSIVE of gays. (SORRY - for so many posts - but this asshole had to be put in his place).

  • Name: Sam B.
    Date posted: 1/27/2010 4:37:55 PM
    Hometown: Menlo Park


    BTW - just went to the TrendyMinds website. On the homepage they brag about all the charities they are involved with. NOT ONE OF THEM IS A GAY ORGANIZATION OR CHARITY OR NONPROFIT. Not one. There's a German-American club. An autistic children's site. A Symphony site. A DOG CHARITY (for Kriste's sake!) An "Independent Business" club. A Parks charity. A charity for orphans. Lastly, a think-tank at the Indiana State University. MY, MY, MY - what WONDERFUL WORK these people do for their community. Too bad they don't do anything for the GAY community. I guess it's kind of fitting - him sitting with Obama - who ALSO hasn't done anything for the GAY community. Maybe he can hit up Mrs. Obama for some money for some dogs...

  • Name: Sam B.
    Date posted: 1/27/2010 4:22:16 PM
    Hometown: Menlo Park


    (5) "With everything, things do take time." Yeah - it'd have taken him all of seven whole seconds to say, "As President and Commander in Chief, I hereby rescind the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy." Gee, what WILL he do with the rest of his day? (6) "Sometimes things going forward may not be quick enough for some." What forward? WHAT THE FUCK HAS HE DONE? Absolutely fucking nothing. Oh wait - he hired a transgendered person. One. So a guy in a dress got a federal job. WHOOEEE - can you STAND moving forward that fast? It's just a makin' me DIZZY!

  • Name: Original Andrew
    Date posted: 1/27/2010 4:19:44 PM
    Hometown: Seattle


    The Obama Adminstration cares deeply... about our campaign contribution dollars.

  • Name: Sam B.
    Date posted: 1/27/2010 4:18:58 PM
    Hometown: Menlo Park


    (1) "despite what some may think as far as the speed with which some things are happening" For you to be able to use the word "speed" requires there to be actual MOVEMENT. There hasn't been any. NONE. (2) "We're all fighting for equality and equal representation" What - you got a frog in your pocket? Where has there been a positive fight - besides hate crimes - WHICH THEY HAD TO SNEAK IN? (3) "I think it's impressive that we do have a president in office who does care about..." OUR VOTE. That's what he cares about. Not our freedom to marry. Not our ability to openly and proudly serve. (4) "Just looking at the relationships that the White House has built with NGLCC..." Oh big fucking whoop. They're a CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. In other words - BUSINESS. They don't give a rat's ass about us little folk - they're only worried about making $$$, like the good little Log Cabins most of them are (in their hearts - if not in fact).

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