


Introduction: Death

If there is one thing we can be certain of, it's that we will die. What does it mean to die, and how does society deal with it? Start exploring mortality in our beginner's guide


Air pollution could increase risk of suicide

17:48 15 July 2010

Clear association found between suicide and spikes in pollution in seven cities in Korea

Can a gene test tell you whether you'll live to 100?

THIS WEEK:  12:16 08 July 2010  | 2 comments

Genetic markers found in people who lived to be 100 years old raise the possibility of predicting longevity from a genome scan

Nicotine and pigs' trotters: the latest CSI toolkit Movie Camera

08:00 01 July 2010

Smokers decompose slower than non-smokers – just one of the findings that may help forensic scientists estimate time of death

Why losing a loved one can be lethal

THIS WEEK:  17:36 25 June 2010

The stress of bereavement combined with changes in the immune system can send widows and widowers to an early grave

Green machine: It's your eco-friendly funeral

THIS WEEK:  08:00 09 June 2010  | 6 comments

Cleaner ways to dispose of the deceased are becoming available, from dissolving a corpse in chemicals to freeze-drying it to a powder

How chimps mourn their dead Movie Camera

The female chimp Jire carries the mummified remains of her infant, Jimato, who died 17 days earlier (Image: Dora Biro)

17:00 26 April 2010  | 1 comment

Chimps look after the mummified corpses of their dead fellows, both old and young, two new studies reveal

Sense of smell makes flies' time fly

THIS WEEK:  17:32 20 April 2010

Female flies deprived of the ability to smell food outlive their peers, suggesting that smells may be linked to the ageing process in people too

Air detectives know where the bodies are buried

FEATURE:  13:26 12 April 2010  | 1 comment

An imaging system tested on a safari park's animal graveyard could be used to help investigators locate secret mass graves

Is that paradise beckoning, or just CO2 in your blood?

00:01 08 April 2010  | 6 comments

People who have near-death experiences during heart attacks tend to have higher levels of the molecule coursing through their veins

Giant squid get radical plastic surgery

11:53 08 March 2010  | 19 comments

Controversial anatomist Gunther von Hagens has "stuffed" the monstrous pair of squid with silicone



What happens after you die?

We have all wondered if there is an afterlife, but only a few are brave - or foolish - enough to try and find out, says Mary Roach


Cheating death Movie Camera

In this special feature, we confront the growing uncertainty over what it means to die - and whether we can any longer be sure what it means to be alive.



Quotes: Death

Selected quotes from some of the world's greatest writers and thinkers, on death


How does it feel to die?

It's a mystery only truly solved in your final moments, but Anna Gosline offers some macabre insights



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