

Vaginal gel could slow spread of HIV

15:03 21 July 2010  | 1 comment

In a South African trial, women using an anti-retroviral gel halved their risk of HIV infection – suggesting use of the gel could slow the epidemic

Laughter's secrets: The best medicine?

10:52 21 July 2010

Laughing may be good for you, but good cheer only goes so far

How a changing diet rules a growing baby's guts

17:53 20 July 2010  | 1 comment

A baby's first peas are a life-changing event, at least as far as the microbes in its gut are concerned

Male fetuses ignore their stressed-out mothers

15:00 20 July 2010

The reaction of a fetus to an expectant mother's stress hormones depends on its sex

Enlist malaria-resistant mosquitoes to stop its spread

10:36 20 July 2010

A novel gene that cranks up a mosquito's immune system helps it stay malaria-free, despite drinking infected blood

Briefing: New ways to diagnose Alzheimer's earlier

17:28 19 July 2010

With few treatments available, will new criteria for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease help people who are still healthy but at risk?

Depression makes the world look dull

10:00 18 July 2010  | 4 comments

Nerve signals from the eye show people with depression are less able to perceive contrast. The finding could be used to help diagnose the condition

Cholesterol screening for US children could save lives

12:00 17 July 2010  | 1 comment

A third of children in the US who are at risk of heart disease later in life due to high cholesterol will be missed under current screening guidelines

Brain implants evolved to use less energy

10:00 17 July 2010

A genetic algorithm has reduced the power demands of brain implants, and thus the need for operations to replace their batteries

'Cuddle chemical' eases symptoms of schizophrenia

11:05 16 July 2010  | 2 comments

Nasal sprays containing the hormone oxytocin have helped people with schizophrenia


Inside the stem cell wars

For the full diagrams, click on the image links below (Image: <i>New Scientist</i>)

When a Nobel prize is up for grabs, do scientists across the globe compete on a level playing field? New Scientist investigates


Eat less, live longer?

Less is more (Image: Eisebhut & Mayer - Wein/Foodpix Artpartner-Images/Getty)

People trying to delay ageing by cutting calories may have a surprise in store


Brain origins of 'blindsight' revealed

The spooky phenomenon that allows some blind people to navigate around objects has been pinned down to connections in the thalamus



Bumpology: Men go through pregnancy too

16:21 13 July 2010

The changes in me are obvious, but are the hormones kicking in for the dad-to-be?

Bumpology: What you can teach a fetus

15:26 06 July 2010  | 1 comment

How long does memory last in fetuses – and will playing Mozart make them smarter?


International AIDS meeting: reports of success

13:50 21 July 2010 - updated 16:13 21 July 2010

It's not just the HIV-killing gel that is having success in battling the AIDS pandemic, says Ewen Callaway

Ecstasy may help trauma victims

18:34 19 July 2010 - updated 18:34 19 July 2010

A small trial suggests that ecstasy could help sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder, says Arran Frood, but might it be a placebo response?



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